Star Army

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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.2] The Unknown Jui'varen!


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Four hours after entering system

A sudden, electrical flash appeared as the NSV-Gam'trosha came out of fold-space, electrical bolts arced off the ship and out into space, this was followed by two of its escorts and a supply transport appearing behind it. The bolts of electrical energy continued to arc as the ship fully exited fold-space, and then began to dissipate before finally vanishing.

The ship hung several AU's from the systems first planet, Jui'varen 1, which was accompanied by its dense planetary ring of asteroids. Part of the planet looked to be in cloud cover, while other parts were completely clear - showcasing vast expanses of forests and oceans, large continents of land masses.

(ooc: First Time Skip: )
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Looking at the status screens as they came out of fold, Ye'gor's ears seemed to lazily switch forward for once. The coolant adjustments for earlier seemed to be doing their desired effect - a little high, but far from previously. The young Laibe was almost positively ready to skip about the Engineering Bay, that is, if he did such things when happy.

That was when he wondered what was going on outside...

Def'leor watched the planet approach as the ship dropped into normal space. She initiated sensor scan of the immediate area and started calculating an orbital insertion trajectory. "In system fold maneuver completed successfully ma'am. Board shows all systems currently nominal. Initiating scan of local area for any anomalies, and preparing an orbital insertion course. Do you have a preference for what type of orbit ma'am?"

Sa'kira leaned back in her chair as she stared at the approaching planet. "Take us into a low-orbit, scan the surface for a suitable landing spot."


"Good.. good..." Quin could be heard saying as she pulled the informational window that related to the FTL systems off to her said. "Seems you fixed the problem," she smiled at Ye'gor.


Out of the hanger bay of the squadrons supply transport appeared a CC-32 Dropship. The pilot banked the craft as it cleared the transport, moving toward the distant Gam'trosha which had taken the lead in the squadron. Inside the pilot made a few correction to her course, ensuring that she would not get in the way in the event something happened, in the back were supplies - including food, medical, and ammunition.. there was also a passenger there. "Hold tight," the pilot shouted to her passenger as she spun the dropship 'upside' down to line it up with the Gam'trosha flight path.

Strapped awkwardly into a seat in the passenger cabin was a white-furred My'leke, a quadriped species with a prehensile tail and an IQ of no less than 180. He bared his teeth and pressed his long ears back as the shuttle slid into a gut-dropping roll, trying to ignore the unhappy gurgle of nausea.

"Thank you kindly," he muttered, caring little if the pilot heard or not. Claws digging into the nylon belt straps, the medic sighed to himself. Despite all his astronaut training, sudden shifts in orientation still bothered him. And even with the sensation of his stomach floating somewhere around his ears however, the My'leke still felt calm and relaxed, though inwardly he was excited to see what his first commission would be like aboard the NSV-Gam'Trosha. Hopefully it wouldn't be too unfamiliar...

His long tail wrapped around himself. And hopefully it would be different from life groundside, he hoped.
CC-32 Dropship - Vector 41

The pilot jerked the controls once, spinning the ship right back up and lining up their course. "This is Vector 41 to NSV-Gam'trosha, requesting permission to land. Carrying mission supplies and two transfer soldiers for the ship," said the pilot as she shifted her attention to the other ships in the area around them, one of them was fairly close to where she was so she had to alter her flight path a bit to avoid hitting it.

Def'leor programmed the course for the Gam'trosha for a low level orbit insertion. That low the ship would need to keep the engines on low to make minor adjustments, but it would give them optimum visual sensor scan. She initiated the course just as a communications signal came in. She aborted the maneuver. "Drisa" she swore softly. 'personnel transfers? why wasn't I notified? as Lexicon I should be aware of such changes.' she thought.

She looked over at Sa'kira keeping her face neutral, "Ship Mistress were you aware of any personnel transfers? I know I did not have records of them in my inbox. If you are then there must be system glitch that failed to notify me. Otherwise we have a craft trying to dock with us under false pretenses." she said, flipping the defensive screens to active. "Vector 41, hold for verification." she transmitted.

Opening up the list of new personal in the squadron, Sa'kira tagged two of them that were being sent to their ship. Their names, rank, and everything related to them was listed but then Sa'kira noticed that whomever had sent the data had it set to a 'shipmaster only' level of security. That explains it.. she ticked off the security restriction and sent the new information to Def'leor. "You should have the information now, we are supposed to be getting a new healer, along with an aviator."

Outside the ship, Vector 41 slowed its pace and turned away from the Gam'trosha, instead electing an orbital trajectory until verification was done.

Def'leor ground her teeth, 'How am I to do my job when essential information is still kept out of my reach. I need to speak with the Ship Mistress about that.' she thought.

"Thank you ma'am, I have the data, will coordinate a docking transfer prior to our orbital insertion." She said with a smile that did no quite reach her eyes.

She opened a channel to the transport, "Vector 41, we have confirmed the transfer order. We are disengaging our engines, and broadcasting a docking beacon to our Docking Bay. " she said to the ship.

Def then opened a channel on the intercom, "Bridge to A'Fuereb Sharica, report to the Scout bay reception to receive two new crew members. You should also bring someone to receive ship supplies that will be offloaded as well."

She also opened composed a succinct note to Sa'kira.
To: U'Cetrinal Sa'kira
Subject: Authority Request
I accepted the challenge you offered of serving as the Lexicon for the Gam'trosha.

Since that time I have devoted most of my free time to taking classes to assist me in the performance of my duty.

However, I am still hindered in even the performance of the most minor duties by the matter of my rank/authority within the Navy.

Respectfully ma'am, if you want me to do the job, I need to have the means to do so without constantly having you release data to me.

A'Fuereb Vai'lant
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CC-32 Dropship - Vector 41

As the pilot smartly righted the shuttle, the My'leke doctor gulped again and tightened his tail around himself, claws clinging to the nylon straps of his seat belting. "Heavens above," he wheezed, trying not to cross his eyes (all three of them) in mild despair. "Miss pilot, I do hope the, er... traffic is manageable...?" he called out to the front, ears still gently pinned, eyes a little wild.
Vector 41

"It is," the pilot said as she pulled the throttle back a bit to slow the dropships speed. "It isn't like back at the station, where there was so much traffic that you had to keep an eye out else you might hit something," she said and ducked the shuttle underneath a She'tan'ora whose helmmen apparently didn't notice that their flight path would converge. "Sadly I wish some aviators were observant, strap yourself in as we'll be landing shortly; make sure those supply crates don't move ok?"
CC-32 Dropship - Vector 41

At the mention of the crates, the My'leke glanced over and spotted them, all plastic and reinforced metal and secured to the floor with nylon straps, hooks, and carabiners. It was like being asked to boil water while the midwife was busy. "Er... yes, of course," he called back, still uneasy. "Thank you for the updates!"
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Def'leor watched the trajectory of the Gam'trosha as it moved on inertia. She noted that the transport was on a path that would cross their path in violation of right of way. She was about to tell them to veer off when she noticed that they were slowing. She turned off the defensive shields. She activated the docking beacon. She also sent a follow up message.

"Vector 41, you are cleared to approach along our beacon. Also you might wish to review right of way regulations. Larger craft always have the right of way in a gravity well, unless the smaller craft has declared an inflight emergency. Given what this ship has been through due to terrorists, imperil the ship by crossing our path, and I would have disabled your vessel. Over and out."
Vector 41

"Ummm, yes ma'am," said the pilot as she slowed the dropship down a bit more and lined up with the ships docking bay, she turned the dropship around - so that its nose would be pointed out to space. "Prepare for landing," she announced to her passenger as she cut power to the engine and allowed inertia to carry them the rest of the way. She glanced up toward the flight panel to check their current direction and nodded.
CC-32 Dropship - Vector 41

The white My'leke maintained his tight grip on the nylon seatbelts crossed over his chest. "Thank heaven," he sighed, wilting slightly. "Very kind of you!"

Def'leor used the Gam'trosha's attitude thrusters to hold the ship stable. She monitored the approach of the dropship. Her IDT showed that the craft was on proper vector and speed for docking.

She opened the channel and said. "Vector 41, this is Gam'trosha Lexicon. We show you on the beam, rate of closure within tolerance. You're looking good. Docking system armed for capture. Continue on approach."

Ye'gor's ears twitched up a little then in Quin's direction before he turned to face her. His face did not quite register the happiness he felt, but his tail and ears managed to do it for him.

"Next time I will be more diligent in my reading of documentation," the young Laibe offered, "That way, even if it is not spelled out, I ought to notice something in the specs."

It was an opportunity to learn, but the engineer always ensured he looked at what to improve as well. His own comments however, did not seem to change how he seemed to be feeling as ever piece of knowledge was more power at his grasp.
Docking Bay

Vector 41 eased nicely into the Gam'troha main bay, the pilot making sure that there was plenty of clearance on all sides of the dropship since it was - by all accounts - a tight fit. "Why they decided to assign a dropship to a starship whose bay is only barely big enough I will never know," muttered the pilot to herself as she brought the craft down gently, its landing struts retracting slightly from the crafts weight. "And we are down," she said to her passenger and began to power down the craft's engine and other non-essential systems.

When she was done she unbuckled her belt and got up from the pilots seat and walked into the rear cabin, revealing herself to be a Laibe. "Grab your duffel, and lets see if they sent someone to greet us."
Vector 41, Docking Bay

"Necessity, I suppose?" the white My'leke offered as the pilot eased the spacecraft into the slender space. "Thank heaven."

The white My'leke rolled his eyes -- the third remained closed for now -- and heaved out a sigh of relief again as the craft wound down with a descending whine of dwindling engines.

"Space travel always makes me nervous," the My'leke admitted while the pilot made her way between compartments. "Oh, hullo! I don't believe we've introduced ourselves formally? My name is Seu."

Meanwhile, Seu unbuckled himself with a deft twist of his lithe, prehensile tail and then unwrapped the appendage from the rest of himself. He was shaped like most of his kind, long-limbed and long-tailed with extensive furry ears and a sensitive, pointed muzzle. The rest of his quadriped body was covered in a pale coat of coarse, cream-coloured hair, his mane brisk and white, and his tail furred the same way save for the roached tip. For clothing he wore a green scarf wrapped loosely about his fine, arched neck, and his duffel remained strapped in with the rest of the cargo off to one side of the passenger seating.

Vladi'mir listened to the shipmaster and looked at the others "excuse me mah, is there anything you need me to do?" he smiled and turned back to his console.