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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.4] Teams Return


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
SNV-Gam'trosha - Cargohold

A dropship eased its way up into the ships rather over-sized cargohold, its landing struts extending from the bottom and locking into position. As the ship wobbled in place, the pilot brought it down slowly unto the deck which was followed by a 'thunk'.

Shortly after it landed the hold's rear doors began to seal shut, this was followed by a ship-wide announcement of: ~"All away team members please report to medical for after mission checkups."~

After the announcement was over, a group of soldiers walked toward the back of the dropship - they looked new, green even - considering their uniforms were so fresh you could smell the threads. They began work on disconnecting the tank from the back of the dropship, not aware that someone might've been inside.
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Ross had opted to enter the dropship itself, so when the new troops began to disconnect the tank from the dropship, he hung out of the rear to look down upon them. He still had his helmet on, visor oblique. "You there!" He yelled in the definitive and authoritative fashion that would be expected of a nobleman leading troops into battle. Of course, Ross was far more humble at the moment but the stupidity of the other soldiers drove him to shout. "The crew is still in that tank! Be careful when you disconnect it!" A bit of a growl could be heard in his voice, indicating his agitation. Ross remained where he was while the dropship descended, staring the green troops down for a few moments. When the dropship landed, he jumped off and handed his firearms to the armory boys, but jerked away and began to head for Medical before they could even glance at his sword.
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Cargo hold

Def'leor stepped out. "Make sure you clear and safe your weapons. Then return them to the armory before you make your way to the medical area. I do not want any accidents on board the Gam'trosha." She called out as she looked around. She really wanted to go to her cabin and take a long hot shower. But lead by exampled. She cleared her weapons and turned them in to the waiting Armory team.

She then left the cold and made her way to medical. Curious how long a queue there would be.
Cargo Hold

Kil'nda exited as well. He cleared his gun and then made his way to the armory... or he was about to really. He remembered now this was a brand new ship for him. "A'Fureb." He said addressing Def'leor. "I was wondering.. If you'd be willing to show me around? At least to the Armory and Medbay."
Cargo Hold

Shar walked out of the dropship as well, watching the soldiers play with the tank. She snickered and just followed other towards the armour, she made sure all her guns had safeties on. "Oh a check up, how lovely." Shar said as she walked by Kil, Ross and Def'leor. "Nothing better then being poked and prodded, well got to turn the guns back first." With that she headed for the armoury to turn back her equipment and go to medbay for her checkup.
Cargo Hold

Def'leor stopped and turned to face Kil'nda. She briefly wondered how the person did not know their way around, then remembered that they were not part of the Gam'trosha. Given the Navy's tendency to customize the interior it was a common enough issue.

"Clear your weapon and turn it in to those techs from the armory. They will take care of them and secure them. Once you have done that you can follow me to the Infirmary." She said pointing to the techs with weapons on carts.

She waited for Kil'nda to complete that task.
"Right, Thank you." He said. He head over to the techs turning in his weapons and other field gear and then headed back to Def'leor. The only thing still remaining on him was his sword, which of course they were all required to have on them anyways. "Alright then lead the way." he said with a soft smile on his face. He would need to find out where he was scheduled to work on the ship.
Cargo hold

Vik had almost fallen asleep on the dropship when the constant humming of the engines fell to silence and the sounds of boots, as well Ross shouting at a bunch of apparent engineers. Standing upright, the retainer followed after the noble to the armoury. He had a duty to turn in the weapons, as well as keep an eye on Ross anyway, so this was easy until the little swordmaster made off like he was in a terrible mood and he was stuck discharging his weapons.

Once all had been taken care off and Vik was left with his Kukri and sword, he chased after Ross until he'd caught up and was on the daur's right before slapping him upside the head in a manor that was playful by nature. Had it been to harm Ross, Vik would probably already be on the floor. "Thought you could escape me? I got longer legs, buddy." Vik's red eyes glanced over Ross quickly, taking in the detail over his shoulder before focusing on what was in front of him. "After the medical, what you say to some chow?"
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Ross had to resist the urge to growl when Vik slapped him upside the head. "Yes, actually." He responded, finally looking the Laibe in his eyes. "That just means you have further to crouch when I try to take your head off." Despite what seemed to be an icy tone to onlookers, this was quite the common ritual between the two. The Daur looked down the hallway with his never ending blank expression. "If time permits. The Shipmaster or some other official may wish to speak to us, as well as the other two. In fact, I guarantee it. After all, we did exchange fire with a new alien force." Typically, one gets questioned about these types of things. Preferably, in a well-lit room with plenty of space and with your limbs unrestricted. Anyhow, Ross gestured for Vik to slow down long enough for the others to catch up and to surpass them. "It came my attention we're new to the ship. You know how things are."
Def'leor made her way through the Gam'trosha's corridors. "It won't take you too long to learn your way around the ship." she said to Kil'ndar. "After a few mis-turns you will get it all sorted out. Everyone is new to a ship at one time."

Once they arrived at the Infirmary she looked around to see how things were proceeding. "Hopefully this will not take long. I have duties to attend to." she said to her companion.
"We all have Lex," Shar said to Def'leor. The black furred daur arrived to infirmary just a while before the XO and Kil, after she handed her guns back. "I want to review our helmet feeds from the time we fought the things down there. See what hurt them and what not. But we also still do not know why we were recalled back on ship so suddenly." Shar shrugged and waited for doctor to arrive do her thing.
Def'leor looked at Shar and grinned, "Yes, but mine involve having to review and approve all the reports from the various teams who were on the surface. As well as dealing with personnel matters such as our new additions, and then there are the supply requisitions. Plus, there is the matter of reviewing all the damage reports from Engineering. Its a never ending flow of paperwork that drives the Navy I tell you."
As Ross and Vik arrived alongside the group at the infirmary, the swordmaster's ears twitched at Shar's musing. "Likely, they found something on the planet below or in the system itself. That or there has been a developement elsewhere that would warrant a serious Navy response. However, the one of the former is the most likely out of all of them." He hypothesized. "Excuse me." He warned as he stepped forward and opened the door to the infirmary, holding it for the other marines.
Shar snickered at Def's comment. "Oh belive me, I would not want your job. You should ask for raise really. I think all those papers would kill me, I don't do papers, I kill things that is my thing." It was truth, Shar only knew how to fight, that was what she always did. Well that and cooking, but that was not exactly useful at her post. The dark-furred Daur sighed. She could really go for a drink. And a cigarette. That would be perfect.

When Ross reacted to their upcoming mission Shar shrugged. "I would bet on those terrorist pieces of drisa. Those bastard Laibes are after Gam'trosha ever since we set out. This ship is attracting them like flies to shit. Don't ask me why. I don't mind though, cause it means more terrorists getting killed."
Infirmary, just inside.

As the doors opened, the group would be greeted by the smell of disinfectant that lingered in the air; along with the ships head healer who stood there just off to the side of the door. "So, I heard you had some action," Euy'ica would say and turned to the side and toward the medical beds. "Each one of you needs to take a seat, we'll be performing a routine check to insure that none of you contracted anything on the planet; we'll also be taking blood samples and fur samples as well. Remember that this is routine, required everytime you come back from exploring a strange planet," the healer had a smile on her face; one wondered if perhaps she was looking forward the poking and prodding everyone.

"Myself and C'bar Cher'naya will be handling the check up, thus I want half of you to go with her and the others with me, you shouldn't be here long and then you can get some rest, eat up; or report to the Shipmistress," her gaze turned toward Def'leor. "I'd recommend you speak to the Shipmistress when your done, she seemed troubled by something."
Kil'nda caught up with Def'leor and nodded as she spoke to him. " Right was that way on the other ship too." He wouldn't be bothering her so much with leading him around but the orders were currently to report to the infirmary. Fallowing behind, his ears twitches a bit as the other's spoke. He was able to make them out well enough but there was a lot he wasn't able to hear at times.

"Terrorists are that much a problem on board?" he asked. He hadn't herd much about the Gam'trosha outside of any news coverings or briefings he had been given.

The group arrived and the Daur in charge approched them telling them about the routine that they should expect for being the ground team. He waited to be paired off with the others and fallow one of the two healers.
"Well there are not on board per say," Shar replied to Kil. "They just attacked the ship few times and kicked their butts. I think we killed them all except that one fucker who managed to run away in an escape pod. He seemed pretty butt hurt though, so I would bet my left boot that he will be back sooner or later. Anyway, don't worry too much about. Just do what you were trained for."

All right doc," Shar replied Euy'ica with grin. "You want us to strip for this?"
Vik brought up the rear of the group, gesturing for Ross to follow unless he planned to hold the door for the entire Gam'trosha crew. Once inside the infirmary, further silence was all that escaped him as the med crew mentioned the usual routine they had to do on the away team. "Hey, you here that, Ross?" Vik asked, turning a glance back at his friend. "That means no coughing or risk getting quarantined."

Shar's mention of betting whether or not the terrorist would return or not made it difficult to restrain himself from laughing. "I'll bet my right boot that the guy won't come back, probably got scared so bad seeing his buddies get annihilated by you guys he won't come anywhere near another ship again."
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"Vik'tor, your sense of humor requires an inquiry, by orders of the Secretary of War." Ross quipped back. "Very well, I will accompany the C'bar." He stated, noting that there was already three members of the away team in Euy's care. Specifically, Vik was already in Euy's care. He attempted to make eye-contact with Def'leor. It was his way of saying "I need you to come with me." It would be... Inappropriate for a nobleman to be seen alone with another woman of his age. Particularly, if there was a risk of one or both parties removing their clothes. You see, Ross's family was ardent in what makes a gentleman and how he should behave. Def'leor's witness would be satisfactory in the event of Ross's honor being called in to question which, naturally, would be likely met with a duel. A nobleman must think of his reputation, you know.

Cher'naya looked over the people coming in with a stern expression "Okay then, I will check on half of you" she sighed as one of the people made a 'joke' and glared at them "Haha, of course you need to, we need to make sure that your body is safe." She found some of the crew okay but at the moment this wasn't a good first impression to her by some of the others "now please chose a healer and let use begin."