Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.4] Teams Return

"Yes, X'Muyeia." Ross confirmed. "I suspect this will be my next posting." He had felt a flare of agitation at that smile. He may have been a kit, but he was a soldier, dammit. "Anything to make your job easier, Mah." He responded to Euy'ica's notification of what was going on. He proceeded to break from the position of attention to watch the woman go about her work. An ear twitched as he thought about how he should answer that question. "Well, madame, I can't feel pain due to my, ah, origins." Ross gestured to himself to illustrate the point, referring to the fact that he was a Daur. "If that counts as a medical condition, that is."

Cher'naya looked at Shar "good news, you are all healthy and my go, hope your nerves are steady now as well Shar" she took the flask back and put it back where it was before on her person. she looked at all the others around "So who is next to see the healer? I just want to see who wants to come to the newbie."
Kil'nda approached Cher next. "Sure I'll go, I'm just as much new to the ship as you are." he said as he took off the clothing and then sat where instructed. After this he would have to visit the captain and get assigned a place to work, and where to sleep. Not to mention would eed to figure out how to navigate the huge ship. He as well as most the crew had no idea they were heading closer to home soon. "Guess you'll be making a new record for me as well then huh?" he asked as it seemed Ross had to give some information for the ships records.
Vik was about to step up to the medic when Kil'nda was faster than him in the regard of taking his turn to be examined for anomalies. However, what ever melancholic reaction he had upon it being clear he'd have to further wait his turn was neutralized when the talk of new records of sorts came up, the retainer's only response was to chuckle and shrug his shoulders. "Granted that's the three of us new arrivals on the ship, any more and I imagine we'll be stuck here long after the familiar crew is sound asleep." Idly, the Laibe paced whilst his mind had isolated itself in thought. However, as ideas invaded him, he kept an ear aimed in the direction of the two medics as he waited for one of them to call out his turn.
Captain's Cabin.

"I find it too convenient that the vessels that have this 'defective' cabling are the same ones that the traitors have been attacking repeatedly. It definitely speaks of collusion, if they were not directly responsible for the swap. They definitely knew it had occurred. If as you say its only the exploration ships, then one has to ask why. What is it they do not want us to discover is going on outside of our systems?" Def'leor replied.

"My Nerves are always fine Cher, thanks for the check up," Shar said as she stood up and leaned closer to Cher. "Be so kind, if you read my medical file, keep it to yourselves. I do not need any one I might lead to fight know what happened in past. Past is past. Thanks." With that Shar moved on and let Kil took her place.

The dark furred Daur moved and got dressed into her clothes. She took out her comms to check what she was supposed to do now and if she was even still on the duty roster now that she returned from an away mission.
Captains Cabin

"That is the big question now isn't it?" The shipmaster sighed, placing a tinger up against her chin for a moment of thought. "Now, this suppleir 'did' supply only the She'tan'ora's with materials, they weren't responsible for supplying the other ships in the fleet. We might know more when we return to port, and in the investigations that will follow in the seasons to come," the shipmaster stood up from her chair, and glanced at her Lexicon. "Let's get underway. We've got orders to head to a repair facility in the city of Ne'ushae, so we'll go ahead and give our crew some crew leave until repairs are completed. Our ship has priority since we are tasked with exploratory operations, unlike the others in the fleet which are more intended as recon and survaliance operations."

"Still, it'll be a good thing for the crew to have leave, although we do have some new crewmen who just joined us so perhaps we can set up a training schedule for them; S.A.M. has training facilities in the city so we can use those in order to keep ourselves and our crew up to date on new procedures and knowledge. What do you think?" she asked.


As Shar checked, she'd find that she was no longer on duty - the away mission gurranteed that she would have some off-duty time and thats what she was listed as having now.

Euy'ica nodded as she put that into the log. "It is good to know, if you can't feel pain then it means we don't need to use pain suppressors when you're injured," her eyes glanced at the systems running the checks on his blood and fur. "You're clear, with the exception that you have something in your fur - looks like a tiny insect, probably hitched a ride from the planet," she grabbed a kit that was underneath the bed and set it down atop of it.

She flipped it open and pulled out some items that she began to use to remove some of the insects from the Kit's fur, they were rather small - to the eye they were black with dozens of tiny legs that moved frantically each time Euy'ica snagged one with the twizzers, which she would put into a small glass vile. "They are probably harmless, but just to be sure," she glanced over at the showers on the far end of the infirmary. "Take a hot one please to get anything else that might be hiding your fur, after which you can go ahead and relax and get a hot meal."

"Cher'," she spoke as she closed up the kit and looked over at Cher'naya. "Make sure to check the fur for any insects please, if you find any save them for study."
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Ross's eyes honed in on the little creature with faint disgust, but what seemed more like "how dare you not even give me the courtesy of giving me something useful?" than "Ew, bug." The kit nodded to Euy'ica's will. "Yes, Mah." He immediately made a bee-line for the showers, every feeling on his pelt suddenly feeling like insect feet. He's not afraid of insects of course, but normally one doesn't want such things on them in the first place. Unless they're just... Weird. Anyways, the swordmaster jumped into the shower and turned it up to a fairly high temperature. While the water ran over his body, the nobleman wondered about what exactly had forced the brass to recall their ships. "Could it be the terrorists? Have they caught wind of something for us to eliminate? No, they would recall the battleships or cruisers. Perhaps they need us to deal with something else? Something only exploration class ships can do." Ninety-nine problems went through his head, and sabotage was certainly one possibility. Though, not in the way that the brass seemed to think.
Alis'tar had still been waiting patiently for his turn to be looked over by the head healer, considering needles weren't very high on his list of things he enjoyed. The time passed quite quickly in his head, his eyes following Ross on his way to the showers on the far wall. Alis'tar took a deep breath, he was not looking forward to the blood drawing. He began to remove his suit, starting with sword and sheathe laying it safely on one of the beds, before placing the helmet down next to it. Once he was out of the suit, and it was placed neatly with the rest of his gear. " excuse me; Mah? If You are finished; I'm ready for my turn.." His statement aimed at Euy'ica. He had prepared himself enough mentally for the blood drawing, and was ready to get this over with, and to hopefully make a beeline for some warm food.
Finishing dressing up, Shar picked rest of her things and her helmet and went to her room. Not sure how it got her, but single U'renese cub was laying on Shar's bed. It was supposed to be in cafeteriea with rest of its family, but it just got a bit too attached to Shar. So attached it found out where she lived and moved there. Shar sighed and set her helmet on the table, unbuckling her belt with her sword, knife and sidearm and putting those next to the helmet.

"Now what are you doing here Critter," Shar asked, not really expecting an answer.

The little bunny-like creature prompted up and sat on its hind legs. It looked at Shar with interest.

"All right, all right you can stay I guess," Shar replied as she moved to change out of armored bodusuit into an uniform. She wanted to see shipmistress and find out what was going on. "I am coming to see the bosslady, want to come with?" Shar asked and the little U'renese jumped to the table and climbed up Shar's arm and settled on her shoulder.

Shar just nodded, put belt with sidearm and knife back on and moved to see the shipmistress. Coming to her doors and knocking.
Cher'naya nodded to her superior "I did have a long check so I hope I didn't miss anything.." she looked at her next patient "okay then I guess I will, but if you already have one, I wont add to it unless I need to add to it now." With that the girl started to run the tests and check for insects "hmmm" she gets some tweezers so she could pick them up if she found any. There were a couple in Kil'nda's fur so she put them in a pot and checked the results of the test, throughout the testing she was muttering elements and compounds to herself.
Captains Cabin

Def'leor considered the Captain's suggestion. If there was to be training that meant someone wasn't going to be getting shore leave. It was sure bet it wouldn't be Sa'kira. "So shore leave for the rest of the crew; and training for the greenies. Perhaps give the transfers leave until tomorrow morning?" she countered.

There was still much about the overall situation that did not sit well with her. She made a note to check the public records of the 'supplier'. She would not be surprised in the least if it turned out to be owned by Laibes.
Kil'nda sat down lettinng her run her tests as needed. He felt he pulls somthing of his fur that was clining only to find out some of the local bugs had latched on. He hoped they hadn't done anything or passed somthing onto him but that's what the test in question was supposed to show. So he sat there letting her continue as she needed.

Euy'ica smiled and nodded. "That it is," she said to Alister and beckoned for him to take a seat on the bed. Once the soldier was seated, she began to run her tests, checking his fur for critters that had gotten on board and in fact found a couple that were hidding amongst the fur and even found one that was hidden beyond the soldiers ear. "Persist..." she could be heard saying before she took a few fur samples and blood, and ran a quick analzye on them. "As you are likewise new to the ship, is there anything I need to know to be placed in your medical file?"

Captain's Cabin

The captain clasped her hands in her lap and closed her eyes in thought. "And since Ne'ushae will also be our new home port, I figure that once we are all done with some shore leave - we can take part in some of the cities war games, which typically pits the students of that city against oneanother - teaching them how to defend themselves and how to react in certain situations, however as we have actual combat experience we can probably impart some of that knowledge until the younglings."

Hearing the knock on the door, Sa'kira glanced toward it for a moment before looking at her Lexicon. "Enter please," she said and tabbed her keypad which would cause the door to open.
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Captain's Cabin

Shar grinned and opened the door. She closed it behind herself and stood at attention. "Hello ma'am," Shar said and saluted the shipmistress. "If you do not mind, I have come to ask for a brief on our situation. Something tells me there be trouble, if you recalled us so suddenly from the ground." As she spoke Critter climbed upwards on Shars back and nestled on top of the Daur's head, looking at the shipmistress with a curious look.

"Ah sorry about that boss," Shar said to the captain. "Can't get rid of the little bastard for the life of me."

Cher'naya checked the blood and other test results letting out a sigh "Your clear, seems these insets don't feed on blood Euy'ica, but there may be others that are better hidden" she turned her attention back to the patient "Have a hot shower and check your body for anything that wasn't there before you went outside."
Kil'nda gave a nod of his head as he was told to get a hot shower and check himself over while doing so. Ofcourse first he'd need to know where he was staying fist but he would be getting that soon enough from the shipmisstress as well as where on the ship he would be assigned to work. "Understood, if that's all I'd like permission to head on out then."
"If you don't find anything, you are free to go" Cher looked at the male then started to talk equations and chemicals to herself in a vague attempt to stay focused. She looked over to Euy'ica and spoke up "should I get a check up, since I am very new?"
Kil'nda nodded and then got dressed. He headed out the doors and then began to ask for dirctions to where the Captain's room was. He made his way there trying to get used to the style of the new ship. He finally made it and then hit a button to let the Captain know hat someone was there seeking permission to enter
Captain's Cabin

Def'leor watched as Shar entered the Ship Mistresses cabin. Since she had not been dismissed, Def'leor remained seated and wait to see what Sa'kira told Shar.