Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.5] A Much Needed Respite

Time off. It wasn't the first thing he'd had thought he was going to be doing this early into his services aboard the Gam'trosha. Yet here he was with fresh shoreleave like the rest, and what's better a brand new ranking to boot. He had a feeling he wouldn't get these as fast from now on though. So best it was that he enjoy it while he can. He already had trasport underway. He could visit his loved ones here in the city. His parent, brother, and his boyfriend were all here somewhere He was going to spend what time he could with the before he had to leave back into deep space exploration
Sa'kira was startled by Tite'Yanus's approuch; she hadn't yet checked the roster for any incoming crewmen - largely since the ship would be in retrofit fit quite awhile. "It is good to see you again, Tite'Yanus," she spoke with a smile and returned the salute. "So, what have you been up to?" she asked, while looking over at the crew for a brief moment and then looked back at Tite'Yanus.
Tite'Yanus flipped his tail back behind him and re-positioned to a more leisurely sitting position. "I had been temporarily assigned to the Ne'ushae ground base. It wasn't bad. We had a lot more down-time than I was used to, which I mostly spent training. At one point they dispatched me to an orbital station, evidently they needed some of their better infantry to secure the station. Can't recall the name, although I recall that may have been on purpose, I know there were a lot of sections that we weren't allowed to clear without special permission. Classified equipment, ya know?"

As Tite finished speaking his eyes flicked around to the different crew members. "So how about you, ma'am. Anything interesting that I've missed?"
Def'leor watched the return of Tite'Yanus. She was surprised by his sudden arrival. Especially given that the Gam'trosha had just arrived. With all that had been happening, this coincidence jangled against her good sense. But she choose to keep her suspicious tendencies in check.

The more important question that she set about was what to do with Shore Leave. In the past the crew normally went to visit family. That being a non-option for her. She considered seeing what some of her shipmates were up to. She looked around to see who was available.
Alis'tar wasn't sure on how to spend this new abundant free time, though the conversation between two of the crew had him thinking. Food; a good hot meal was a grand idea. "A meal sounds really good..." He voiced his thoughts out loud. He turned his attention to the two that had been conversing on ideas of how to spend their shore-leave. "Though, maybe visiting a Dojo could be fun too, at least after a good meal" The young Daur had his mind set on getting a meal in his stomach before doing anything else. He took the time to look around at the rest gathered here, "We all could go to a meal, and then separate." Alis'tar voiced his thought, figuring that idea was just as good as any other. He wasn't sure really what he'd do after a meal, maybe he'd just tag along with some of the crew for the day.
Vik was somewhat surprised with how Alis'tar rapidly involved himself in the conversation between C'ross and himself. Regardless of whether or not the laibe thought it was rude or not that some stranger would willingly intrude on his conversation with his noble companion, it seemed to humour him that Alis'tar repeatedly mentioned food. "Did you not get even a snack before we left the Gam'trosha?" Vik asked as he held back a smile, "You sound like you could eat the whole city."

Out of politeness Vik wanted to introduce himself, though he remembered that everyone probably already knew everyone else's names due to the promotional ceremony. So technically an introduction by definition was out of the question, but there's a difference between knowing of someone and actually knowing them. Armed with such an idea, Vik offered his right hand to Alis'tar. "By the way, it's nice to meet you personally, Alis'tar."
C'ross didn't mind Alis'tar's entrance into the conversation. In fact, he was rather satisfied, as the other Daur had cast his vote on finding something to eat. "Aye, a good a suggestion as any." He said with that refined accent of his. He knew his manners as well as Vik. He held out his own hand in greeting. "A pleasure." He stated curtly with a blank expression on his face. "Do either of you have a place in mind?" The noble didn't seem to know his way around the city, which didn't sit well with him. "Perhaps I'll contact Vin'cent for information. Whether he wants to come along is up to him." Ross was indifferent either way. His brother had never approved of his interests, so that drove a certain rift in between them. But they were still brothers, and in nobility, that counts for a lot.
Sa'kira half smiled and glanced at the rest of the crew, before saying. "Just an exploratory mission, an attack by an unknown creature, and us finding a very large crystal, rather fullfilling if you ask me," she looked back at Tite'Yanus and placed a hand on the pocket of her uniform. "I plan on heading out to get something to eat, interested in joining me?" she asked the My'leke.
"Always, ma'am," Tite responded with a smile. "Where would we be going? Nowhere too pricy I hope. Even after all these years they still don't pay me any better."
The talk of food seemed to get Kil'nda's attention. He walked over to Ross's group and sought to see if he could join. "I could use a meal as well. I know we all work on the same Ship but given out diffrent professions, we really only see each other in passing. But I know at least most of us will be taking place on away missions so it'll be good to know the people I make planet side missions with." he said
The fact that Alis'tar's forgetfulness seemed to be pointed out so blatantly made the young Daur quite embarrassed. "I hadn't thought on grabbing something to eat before departing no.." He admitted shyly. Once his embarrassment subsided he offered a smile taking Vik's hand and shaking it. "Likewise," Alis'tar turned his attention to C'ross taking his hand in turn as well. "nice to meet you as well" Alis'tar took a moment to think on where to go, he personally didn't mind where they went anything sounded good really. He remained silent for a little while after the personal introductions taking note of C'ross's mentioning of his brother.

He hadn't planned on really saying anything until Kil'nda's entrance onto the group. He offered a friendly smile, "Hey Kil'nda, I personally don't mind, it could be fun" That being his last vocal thought on the subject as he awaited on Vik's thoughts on where to go.
There was a pause in the Laibe's actions as he had much more going through his head than what those around him likely suspected. For starters, what C'ross had said about his sibling and multiple academies that made the city so special finally fell into something he could make sense of. Vik hid his embarrassment behind his left hand for a moment, unaware of how it could be perceived for another Shukaren. "I don't know Ne'ushae very well, if I'm going to be honest." He admitted as his hand fell back to his side whilst he turned to C'ross, suggesting that he wanted the noble to make up his mind for the rest of the group. "I heard about this one place called Shi'tee Kree'aa that's supposed to be a place that's got everything under the sun that's edible."
"There's a sea-food restaurant that opened up recently, wanted to try them out and see what their menu is like; I read they have a vast sea-food selection," as Sa'kira spoke she gestured for Tite' to follow her, leading her for a moment toward the parade grounds exit and then stopping to look over her shoulder toward the rest of the crew, to see what they were all doing. "I hope everyone enjoys their time on shoreleave," she said with a smile.
Def'leor listened to the various members of the crew as they were discussing options. She found herself in a quandary, part of her liked the idea of going with Sa'kira. But she also was inclined to spend her leave alone. She decided to set out on her own for the time being. She gathered her bags and set out to find accommodations.
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"A good a place as any." Ross agreed as his hand entered his pocket, fishing around for the currency required to pay for a meal. "I glanced at a map on the way to this city. I don't know the exact whereabouts of this Shi'tee Kree'aa, but I know the district it should be in." He noted the captain's friendly send-off, of which he responded with a quick salute as he continued on to his own group's destination. Silly little man had taken off without even checking to see if they were following him. Regardless, anyone could see that the young noble was on edge in this city, even if it was basically run by schoolchildren. His hand lay on the hilt of his sword while he was walking along, like he was expecting to be ambushed by a bunch of hungry orphans... Okay, that was too bourgeoisie-esque, let me try that again... As if he was expecting blackguards to lunge out at him, knives unsheathed.
When the Laibe bodyguard was caught up with C'ross, he realized the abnormal position of combat readiness the kit sword master had despite them lacking any reason he could fathom to be at a such a state as his Daur comrade. Vik suppressed the want to try and put his friend at ease, if he wanted to be on edge then that was his prerogative and he wasn't going to waste his breath.

As the search would soon begin to find this restaurant, Vik's mind jumped from one train of thought to another. With such a random method of thought, the Laibe remembered just after the promotion ceremony C'ross had revealed he was an older sibling and that he thought the younger one wouldn't appreciate an appearance by C'ross. Such a remembrance had him spontaneously curious.

"I'd guess your brother doesn't message you much in comparison to the rest of your family. Given how somber you sounded when you mentioned him and something about dirty syringes."
Tite'Yanus shriveled his nose slightly at the mention of seafood, but tried his best to hide it as he followed Sa'kira towards the parade ground exit. His tail flicked around behind him as they walked. "Whatever you wish ma'am. Maybe they'll have a nice salad."
Hearing that C'ross knew the area around which their chosen resturant was but not it's exact location made Kil'nda shrug. "We can look it up on one of our N.M.Ps if worse comes to worse."

For the first time Kil'nda heard of C'ross having a younger brother. "I have a brother in the Academies as well. I'm planning on visiting him once I get some time to my self." he said trying to make conversation as he fallowed the group on it's way.
Ross didn't miss a beat in response. "Your deduction would be correct. Also, it isn't so much that we dislike each other as much as it is that we find the other's interests distasteful... That little fool wants to be a civilian doctor. Egh." Clearly, the noble finds his younger sibling's pursuits to be distasteful. "The least he can do is serve as a combat medic." He growled, grip tightening around the handle of his sword. He flicked his ear at the sound of Kil'nda's voice. "Perhaps you should bring him along if we come here on leave again." He glanced at a sign stating that the group had passed into the tourism district, where a restaurant could easily be found. "And you, Vik'tor? What of your family?"
Whilst Ross and Kil talked of family, Vik was hit with brief melancholy as the Laibe realized just how homesick he was. The Laibe had to start late on his answer to the query Ross had for his family due to Vik being momentarily focused on recollection of the time he'd spent with his father in particular before he went to the Youth Corps. "I'm the only kit in a family of career soldiers." Vik said with a dry tone as he kept pace with his comrades. "I guess both of my parents came from large families and didn't want to bother with more than one screaming kit. Plenty of blood related strangers though. The only one I remember by name is Angel'ica, my Aunt on my mother's side."