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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3] Into The Unknown!

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Def'leor turned towards Vladi'mir. "Sure, first pull up what specifications you can on these booster craft we are supposed to use to leave system." She said pointing to them on her IDT. "Confirm their ident codes and that they are actually unmanned. Then see what you can get on that group of fighters outside the hanger. I'm tired of people attacking us with our own equipment pretending to be friendlies."

"Yes, if there is a couple of chairs or maybe a couch, and a desk, maybe some string lights so I can light it up. She pointed at some utility lights used to light the cargo-containers as they are being emptied. "Past that just move it to a place that is out of your way. I don't want to be a hindrance down here. This is all temporary until a office can be added to the ship for me." She beamed a smile to him as she talked.

She was about to start helping with setting up the cargo-container when the Shipmistress made the announcement. She knew she had to get up to the bridge. "I'll be back once they let me leave the bridge." With a nod she smiled and raced off to the bridge.


all ready sitting at his station when the Shipmistress was making her announcement. his mood was quite dark. He never thought that his own sister would join the crew. He didn't like it, she was always trying to help him out and be such a good "Big Sister" to him. Ugh he hated it.
Vladi'mir nods and salutes, then walk over to the science station and starts cycling through information "mah, the only specifications i could get were that it has two large class 3 Luxiton Gravitic Engines and twelve class 2 Luxiton Gravitic Engines allowing for a speed of .7c. Also that the range of it is 30 AU's before cooling off required. 90 AU's max." He then types in the codes that they sent to the NSV Gam'trosha "hmmm.... they all seem to be right" he continues his checks an smiles "the booster craft seems to be unmanned from what i can see".

He starts to check on the fighters and reads through what has come up "okay seems the fighters are all Sho'run starfighters" he keeps reading through the information. He shakes his head "i'm sorry mah, i can't tell if they are friendlies or enemies" he looks down and then back to Def'leor.

After fixing up some loose wiring in the Crena Energy Engines, Ye'gor ran further diagnostics on the reactor as well as the FTL drive. The automated system located few problems which were dealt with quickly enough along side a few other minor adjustments when looking under the hood. He then checked the power distribution system, from the breakers to the various connecting points all around the ship.

After a few more loose connections were fixed, the coolant system became his final point of problem abatement.
By the time the announcement came that the Shipmaster wanted to move, The young engineer had replaced three coolant coils, fixed a small leak near one of the pumps, and repainted a chipped radiator in order to bring it's efficiency back up.

He then returned to his department head reporting what had been looked at and all that had been done. "We should be ready to go, barring any other systems issues," Ye'gor stated confidently.
Starboard Cannon Mount

There seemed to be no problems with the ships main guns. That was a blessing in and of itself given that repairs on large weapons like this were definitely non trivial jobs. Saving the results of his diagnostics Lato shut down power to the weapons array. He hoped they wouldn't need it yet. The laibe left the section heading for the entrances to the lower turrets. A quick inspection of those and he could report back to engineering. After that he would borrow some tools to fix the hack job done on the upper turret by the station engineers.

'Hmmm just goes to show that the best of us join the Navy while the rejects get the cushy stationside jobs. Bah, staying in one place like that would drive me insane.' he shivered slightly at the prospect. It really wasn't how he wanted his life to go.

Entering each of the turrets in turn he went through his list of standard checks, power up, check targeting, check alignment, check reloading and ammunition feeds and finally power down. The work wasn't particularly strenuous and it gave him time to think. Which was always a good thing. Finishing up he closed down his IDT and headed back to that engineering mainspace. He propelled himself over to the superior officer.

"Mah apart from the portside small gun all weapons systems check out fine." he transferred his report over. "As you can see its a simple failure, but could cause some problems later so I'm going to borrow some tools and sort it out before we cast off. Shouldn't take more then a few minutes." he gave a wolfish grin. "I always wanted to see how these performed in combat situations. A grand uncle of mine was involved in the upgrade from the Mark 1 to the Mark 2. His little stories are part of the reason I went for this job."

Lato knew he was rambling, but in his excited state it really didn't register. It just felt so good to be about to cast off into the ether.

Def'leor stood up, her tail swishing from side to side. She fixed Takah'ashi with her disdain.

"C'Baruce Vladi'mir, if I wanted that information I would have looked it up. You are an Agent in the Neshaten Navy. Given the past episodes of subterfuge and treason we have encountered your response is totally unacceptable. I gave you specific details to find out.

Unless this is your way of telling me that your training is not sufficient to the task, in which case I am sure Ship Mistress Sa'kira can find you another job. Now access those boosters computers directly, and have them initiate internal scans to make sure there is no one hiding. I am not having the Gam'trosha get boarded because of your failure to perform tasks. Then as you were instructed, find out data about those fighters. I do not care for the type. Get their serial numbers, find out what group they are, under who's command. Is that clear." She said.

Vladi'mir nods and gulps "yes, yes mah" he quickly starts typing away, "i'll find it all out now".

He continues typing faster then before, "come on, come on baby work for me let me in" . He smiles as the booster craft computer systems slowly came on the screen "mah I've got into the booster computers" he starts typing out commands for the booster ship to use, "it will take a few minutes to do a full scan mah, sorry for any inconvenience, but that's as fast as it will scan".

He leaves the scanning and goes onto the fighters "okay okay, hmm so lets see if I can find something of use about these ships", he uses the IFF to check the serial numbers and mumbles as he checks them to the database of military ships, "this is weird, the colours and serial numbers show them as being part of the 12th Squadron, the weird thing is that they should be stationed in at U'varun".

He checks on the scan and smiles "mah, the internal scan has finished" his smile turns into a wide grin "yes, the whole ship has been scanned, no life forms have been detected on the ship" he looks at her and smiles widely "hope that's the information you need mah".

"Triple check just to be safe," said Quin as she moved to a terminal on the deck above. "We don't want any surprises."


A new type of scan window appeared beside Vlad'imir, detailing a lot of additional information.

As Sa'kira entered the bridge, she stretched her arms for a moment and stared at the display screen. "What's our status?" she asked.

Def'leor turned to Vladi'mir, "Thank you for confirming the status of the Boosers, C'Baruce Vladi'mir. Next time I ask you to get me information, I do not expect to have to repeat myself or explain your duties. What is the status on the fighters?"

She then turned to Sa'kira. "We confirming the area around is secure. Putting out an all sections status call."

Def'leor opened the ship's intercom. "Attention all Section, report your status to the bridge."

Vladi'mir tilts his head and reads the scan again "we have a invalid serial number on one of the fighter mah" he looks at Def'leor "the scan says that the serial does not any known fighter", he turns to Sa'kira "mah, this is troubling i can't pulls up anything on the last serial number". He mumbles something and starts typing "i'll try and see if i can fix this so we know what we are dealing with here"
Computer Room

Erm'olai audibly sniffed as he set his communicator down upon the terminal and began to work. The Software Engineer began to run his own set of diagnostics in tandem with the Or'ion Agent's one before speaking once more. "A little notification would have been appropriate," he replied dourly.

Grabbing a toolkit and the components he needed Lato made his way back to the upper port side gun. Setting it to maintainance mode so that he wouldn't get electrocuted he removed the damaged capacitor. Examining it the thing was little more then a burnt shell the inside having been mostly slagged due to the high current in the wrong polarity. Grimacing at the mess the engineer cleaned away any residue left on the contact surface before attaching the new capacitor to the circuit.

Once again he put the turret through its ready checks and pronounced it fit for use. Typing a few notes to finish off his engineers report he closed his terminal and headed back to Engineering. He wanted to do a check on the power lines to the main anti-ship guns.

"Consider it done," Ye'gor stated as he drifted over to the tool box again and started re-arranging what he was going to take. Once satisfied with his kit, he made for the port maintenance tunnels to do another sweep of the power trunks and transmission lines. The kit wondered about cable nicks and in that thought worked on searching those out as well.

"I think there is an anomaly with the IFF mah, i think we should treat the fighter as hostile till further scanning tells us otherwise" Vladi'mir starts to type quickly "I'm going to change the setting then scan again". He types fast mumbling while he went his tail wags happily and smiles "now to start the scan again".

He looks at the screen as the results came back "badger 1 confirmed, badger 2 confirmed, badger 3 invalid serial number" he sighs and looks at the screen waiting for the others to appear "4 and 5 confirmed, mah something is really wrong here" he looks at the others in the bridge "i think they are using other fighters codes"
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Sa'kira walked over to Vlad'imirs station and peered at the results, rubbing her chin slowly as she scrutinized the data and then nodded. "Actually I think there might be another reason for the problem," she said and placed her hand out in the open where holographic display appeared, she typed on its little keyboard for a moment and then the display went away. "Mmmhmmm... figures as much," the Shipmistress growled and straightened her back. "Isolate the one fighter that is giving off the incorrect information, then contact flight control and have them run their own checks, there's been instances in the past where a fighter had been repurposed for another squadron but that its digital code hadn't been changed over like it should've, which means it would display the wrong code."

Def'leor would notice that the ships cargo-bay doors were now closed and sealed.

Computer Room

As the diagnostics ran, a window appeared beside Erm'olai requesting authorization to update the ships friend or foe systems, the update was listed as having been entered three days prior but no one had actually 'started' the update and it had been sitting there for those three days.


Those in engineering would notice the request from Def'leor.
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Vladi'mir nods "yes mah" he starts typing fast "isolating the fighter as we speak" he starts typing on another keyboard at the same time "contacting flight flight control as well mah" he goes fast with both hands "come on answer me flight control".

He smiles and looks over at Sa'kira "mah they said they are preforming there scans now". He sighs "so who else will be joining us in the bridge" he was happy that he was here, a small beep came from his console "they finished the scan" he turns back to the screen "hmmm its a repurposed fighter to the 12th squadron from the 17th squadron", he smiles "they say that fighter is a friendly".
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Standing and walking over to the other agent's station he looked over their shoulder. "Ma'am I suggest that they escort that one out further. After a few thing i have learned over leave I would fear there might be a chance that that one is still a hazard." he stepped a station over and started bring up information up. Mostly the service record of both that fighter and the squadron that it was formally assigned to. With deft typing it was up with in a few seconds. So he started doing a cross check of the data he found and the data Vladi'mir had brought up.


Standing there silently by the Shipmisstress's command station, Bar'Diel wasn't sure what to be doing but she saw her little brother starting speaking forcefully and directly. Something she had never seen when he was growing up. The little pup had grown. She studied both how her acted around the others and how they responded to him. It was truly strange. Though in a very surprising way.
"Yes ma'am," Shar replied with a salute. She hefted the duffle on her back and moved inside the ship. She quickly typed a message on the tablet for the medical officer about the goodies in the cargo hold and mentioning, that she would stop by later to get some poison or something for her needler. Shar only stopped by her room to toss the duffle on her bed, before she went to make the rounds around the ship, checking for anything wonky.

Sa'kira gave a nod at Zu'rels suggestion and looked toward Def'leor. "Inform flight control of our request," she looked forward at the monitor then and then looked off to her side a holographic display appeared. "Bridge to all crew," her voice echoed throughout the entire ship, minus the Bridge of course. "Make final preparations for launch, Engineering please begin Engine warmup sequence."

"A'Fuereb, close the airlock and begin retracting the docking tube," she looked over at Zu'rel. "C'Bar Zu'rel, once all of the stations crew have exited the hanger, begin retracting the docking clamps."

"C'Bar Takah'ashi be ready to open the docking bay doors, but don't do it until C'bar Zu'rel tells you to," she looked at the new agent and then back up at the screen.


"You heard her," Quin said as everyone heard another painful yelp as she banged her head once more. "Start up those engines, first warming them, then setting their frequency right, if you get the gravitational frequency wrong then we'll end up ripping out the deck plating in the bay and I don't think the Shipmistress would be to appreciative."

"Also," she looked at the progress for the various upgrades on the ship. "How's the software and capacitor upgrading and installation coming along?"

Deck 3

For now things seemed quiet on the deck, minus the distant hum of the ships active systems. Although as Shar did her rounds, she'd notice some dirt here and there on the ground.
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Def'leor was more inclined to test the weapon systems on the 'mislabled' fighter than ask it to be moved. But that would be the end of her career. So dutifully she opened a communications channel.

"Flight Control, this is Lexon Def'leor Vail'ant of the NSV Gam'trosha. We are requesting that Badger 5 - Serial Number B8212X-JK01 be removed from over watch prior to our departure. In lieu of recent incidents where our ship has been attacked by supposedly friendly forces; we are want this improperly designated craft relocated. Also requesting departure vector information and clearance to be used once we have coupled with the Kur'ken booster. "
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