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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3] Into The Unknown!

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Computer Room

Erm'olai frowned a bit at the update in the system that hadn't been executed. Again, it seemed he was being left to pick up someone elses work. His tail moved frequently in his annoyance.

Opening another window on his terminal, the midnight-furred Laibe checked with the Shipyard's database in order to compare the latest FoF Software with the update. With the amount of attempted and successful sabatoage upon the Gam'trosha, it was always wise to double check these things.


After Xeui'na sent the engineers off to search for faults and finish the work assigned by Sa'kira when they initially boarded, Keri decided he would check out the upgraded capacitors and make sure they were properly set up. The young platinum-haired kit gave Xeui a brief nod, then worked his way over to the starboard side of the engineering bay -- where the access point for the ships primary energy banks lay.

After stepping into the small chamber housing the capacitors, Keri took a few moments to look around. The Gam'trosha's energy capacitors resembled twenty-four large cylindrical blocks, each locked within their own socket in the engineering bays wall. Within each capacitor, their lay numberous coils of superconductive material that could store the massive amounts of power required by the Gam'trosha, at room temperature and without the massive temperature regulating and coolant systems required by pre-FTL energy banks. Dozens of power feeds and cables lined the walls, burrowing into the ships structure and conveying electrical energy from the reactor, to the capacitors, then out to the rest of the ships key systems.

Keri shifted his position to where his hands could reach the local workstation terminal, where he started a diagnostic routine. Once the results confirmed that the system was not yet configured to accept the 20% additional energy storage capacity of the new capacitors, Keri went to work updating the power distribution systems settings to take the new hardwares superior performance into consideration. As he worked, the young engineers nimble fingers flickered across the controls with deft familiarity.

Once the job done, Keri paused to use his communicator and quickly report completion of his work to the rest of engineering.


< Se'verem Keri'cruen, A'Fuereb >
"Xeui'na, this is Keri. I've finished updating the configuration settings for the ship's capacitors. We should be able to store energy according to the hardware specifications without a problem, now. I'll be back in a mitura."

Def'leor looked at her console, she repressed the urge to growl. She turned around to Sa'kira. "Ma'am it would appear that the ship is not ready for departure. Engineering is conducting a number of upgrades to systems. " she hit the pause command on her console to stop the sequence of departure. On the main screen of the bridge, Launch on Hold appeared.. It is bad enough that we have never left system, but now on the day we are supposed after the ship has been worked on by the station and supposed to be ready for departure. We are still non-functional. She thought.
Maintenance Tunnel

Ye'gor continued to inspect and check, hoping to find nothing else, but not risking anything falling through the cracks. Inch by inch he pulled himself through the tunnels, pausing now and then to check fittings, conduit, and cable insulation integrity.

"Not ready...." Sa'kira sighed and grumbled at nearly the same time as she shook her head in disappointment. "Alright, keep an eye on the upgrade process. And do me a favor, find out why these upgrades weren't done a timely manner please."


As Keri worked, various lines of code scrolled across the terminal, letting him know that at some point in the future a restart of the PDS would be needed.

Maintenance Tunnel

Everything appeared ok in the tunnel, except for some dirt that had been tracked in from a side vent, which looked to have been nibbled on.

Computer Room


Having checked the main weapon's superconductive conduits and found them adaquate, there really wasn't a lot more for Mache'lato to take care of in the engineering bay. He brought the weapons out of maintainance mode and brought them to a ready state. They could be used for combat at any time. That done the white furred Laibe left the mainspace for the armoury. He decided he would check the weapons and armour stored within for defects or faults to pass the time until launch.
Maintenance Tunnel

Ye'gor was just finishing off tightening a conduit bracket when he noticed something dark on the tunnel's side. His mind started to go over what it could possibly be and took a closer look at it, eventually giving it a sniff. The scent it gave off was not what he expected it to be: the sharp, stinging smell of lubricant; his nose came closer, to within six inches of it, trying to get a better idea of what it was. It seemed to be dirt of some kind, but how and why it was there made him want to thoroughly investigate it.

He traced it over to a nearby vent and noticed that there were pieces missing out of it. The engineer took out his communicator and dialed up Quin:

X'Muyeia, I thing someone or something has managed to get in here.  I've found some dirt and a vent grate that has been chewed on a little in one of the tunnels.  I'm recommending a security sweep of them if we can spare it.

Quin stopped halfway through her diagnostics when she received Ye'gors message, the girl glanced off to her side in thought.

Dirt and a chewed vent? Not likely to be 'someone', but yea more like 'something', a critter perhaps that got aboard while we are in dock.
See if you locate it please.

Vladi'mir starts typing on the console "I'll sort out the upgrade and finding out what happened mah" he smiles as one screen should the upgrade going slowly and the other he was typing quickly on.
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Computer Room

Once the verification was completed, the midnight-furred Laibe proceeded to initiate the installation of the new software. Though taking the time to send a message to the Bridge. "Computer Room to Bridge. I've verified the authenticity of the update. Proceeding to update the system now, it shouldn't take more than a few mitura. Over."

After informing those that needed to be informed, the Laibe took some time to check on his own diagnostic program as well as the status on the Or'ion's diagnostic program.

Vladi'mir smiles and messages back
That good Computer room, please do all you can do, we want to leave as soon as possible
he looks at the other console and sighs "mah, they say that they thought it was all up to date that's why the upgrades weren't done before we came on".
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Shar moved closer to the the spots on the ground. She frowned, because her sense of smell was near non-existant. Still better smell then eyesight. She sat on her heels to look on the dirt. They were in the station, chance that someone carried dirt on his shows was not all that big. Stowaway? Another terrorist? If it would be a terrorist, that would pretty much mean this ship was cursed by now.

"Bridge this is Shar," The dark-furred Daur said to her communictor. "Doing my rounds on deck 3 I found some dirt. Either someone forgot to wipe his shoes, was dropping dirt for fun or we have an intruder. I am going to investigate." She finished, got up again. With hand on the grip of her needler, she started following the traces of dirt.
Maintenance Tunnel

Understood, X'Muyeia

The Laibe kit sent the message then pulled out his side arm and flashlight to check if he should follow the dirt down the tunnel or out through the vent. After some deliberating, he began making his way further down the tunnel; fire arm safetied, but ready if needed. Ye'gor checked all around him as he moved along, the spot of light piercing into any recesses lacking adequate illumination.
Deck 3

As Shar followed the dirt, it would take her through a kind of winding course of the deck and toward one of the ships unassigned cabins, where the door was partially ajar - beyond the door she'd hear a kind of chewing and munching sound.

Maintenance Tunnel

Ye'gors own search and the following of the dirt would quickly take him through the maintenance tunnels and toward one of the ships smaller cargo holds, used to store perishable foods and other extra items, the hold was also quite cold.


"Thought it was..." Sa'kira repeated the words of Vladi'mir and sighed and looked toward her XO and Vladi'mir. "Get ahold of flight control and of the person who oversaw the upgrades...."

Although the launch order was onhold, the ships boarding ramp had already been retracted, the ships docking clamps remained in place while a security detail - apparently triggered automatically due to the hold on launch, was moving about the bay ensuring everything was alright externally to the ship.
Def’leor pulled up the maintenance records for the Gam’trosha. There were a number of entries understandably. She had the computer pull down the records locally so she could run additional queries. After a few minutes a pattern emerged. The maintenance actions that had been completed and were not now being taken care of by the crew were handled by a different work shift.

She opened a channel to the Maintenance office, “Repair Chief, X'Muyeia Dem’archel what can I do for you?”

“X'Muyeia Dem’archel, I am A'Fuereb Vail'ant of the NSV Gam’trosha. I have some questions regarding some of the work orders that were done from your section.” She said into the come.

“Well, A’Fuereb Vail’ant, I am a very busy man. Too busy to talk to an uppity A’Fuereb about the work my people do. My people do what I tell them, and if I said your ship was mission ready. Then it is. Perhaps the problem is with your crew.” Was the response from the chief, followed by a click as he disconnected the channel.

Def’leor’s ears went flat, and she swore to herself, “That Me'erde hung up on me.”

She heard the Ship Mistress ask about the repairs.

She looked over her shoulder, “I am already working on it U'Cetrinal, but it seems the chief does not want to talk. I am going to be a bit more persuasive. “

She set up a query in the ship’s main system, and set it to pull all repair records on the Gam’trosha, ones done by the Chief’s shifts and their logs.

She opened the channel again, and once it was connected at the other end, “X'Muyeia Dem’archel, this is A’fuereb Vail’lant, Lexicon of the NSV Gam’trosha. So when I call saying I have questions. I expect answers from the chief who signed off that my ship was ready for departure. And then we find that critical updates were not complied with. If you are too busy to talk to me, perhaps you would prefer I refer this matter to my Squadron leader and you can explain to her why the Gam’trosha is being delayed from launching.

Now are you ready to talk to me about the work orders you signed off on?”

“Srisa,” came from the other end but it was apparent that he was not meaning to have it heard. “Lexicon, my apologies, things have been extremely hectic what with all the work, the terrorists attacking our ships. Give me a moment to pull up the records.”

Def’leor could hear the sound of keys being tapped, and she activated the subroutine. The ship’s computer started streaming data down, and onto her IDT.

She heard several mutterings and then the chief’s voice returned. “Lexicon, I have the records here. Seems one of my subordinates closed the work orders saying they were done. Because of being short handed, I had instructed him to inspect your systems and if they were serviceable. He was supposed to put the upgrade parts there and annotate in your engineers queue perform them at your earliest convenience.

I will see to it that he is reprimanded; after all falsifying repair documentation is a criminal offense.

His name is C'Baruce Ter’villo. “

“Now was that so difficult Chief. I thank you for your cooperation X'Muyeia Dem’archel. I will make sure my Ship Mistress is aware of your diligence. This is the Gam’trosha out.”

Def’leor started scanning the data, her fingers flying across her console starting multiple search algorithms.

Several of the upgrades that the crew was doing had been signed off as completed. Others were deferred due supply shortfalls, yet others were signed off with replaced new components. However several of the new serial numbers were shown to have come from damaged ships, but when she looked at the costs for those, the fees rendered were the same. More troubling was that when she performed part number serial number queries. There were indications of the same data being used on multiple vessels, and at other repair facilities. She pulled up the X’Muyeia’s service record it showed he was an exemplary maintenance chief with high ratings from his superiors. She did a search for this C’Baruce Ter’villo. She found a service record for a Daur under that name. At first glance it seemed proper, but when she tried pulling up training records for the individual she kept getting errors.

Something is not adding up, she thought to herself.

She stood up and walked over to Sa’kira.

“Ma’am, I believe we have a serious issue with the repair dock. I am finding a wide range of discrepancies in the local records, as well as indications of the same discrepancies at other sites.

There are discrepancies in repair costs, refurbished parts installed at new part costs, the same part supposed installed in multiple systems. At least one or more personnel showing up on his work roster and payroll, that I cannot find corroborating records at command. Which could be financial fraud. And more curious is that this Chief has very high performance ratings. I can not help but wonder if someone higher up is also involved.

I believe this matter is something we should refer to Or’ion for full investigation.”
Maintenance Tunnel

As he made his way down the tunnel in search of the intruder, a small feeling began to wax within the young Laibe. It was a feeling that his comparatively decedent life rarely put him in contact with, unlike his primitive ancestors whom would have known it well and sometimes even reveled in it. Ye'gor's tail almost waved in excitement as the tip threatened to blossom, his ears poised to take in any sound they could.

Soon the air got a little cooler as the apprentice engineer reckoned he had made it to the hold deck. The trail lead on until reaching a hatch that was slightly ajar allowing the cold air to flow into the tunnel. The kit curled himself up next to the door and poked it open, trying not to expose himself as he brought his sidearm up.

After waiting a couple seconds, Ye'gor swept what he could from his cover before moving further in front of the opening - aiming his sidearm for every part of the room he would soon after expose himself to. He then let out a long steaming breath before entering the freezer, weapon still up and ready to fire at a second's notice. The engineer did not pick the trail up again, until he was satisfied nothing his size was there; he heaved another sigh then looked around the floor to see if there was any more dirt left and where it lead.

"Obviously not," Sa'kira said in response to Vladi'mir statement and looked over at the agent. "Start creating a log please of all updates done to our ship, I want to know whether or not its possible we have systems that have NOT been updated despite maintenance logs claiming otherwise." She rubbed her chin curiously. With a heavy sigh she looked over at De'fleor. "Restart the launch process once the upgrades are done, I want to get us out of here as soon as possible."

"Also, compile the transmission log together please for our agents, and then send off a copy to Or'ion please."

Computer Room

Text scrolled across the display, showing that the update had been completed. System data showed that well over two hundred files had been updated with new information, while six files had been deleted - classified as 'obsolete', the files were related to old ship classes that were no longer in use by the Kingdom, including re-entry vehicles that hadn't been used in over twenty years. Some of the new ships added included a science vessel and several autonomous probes, including one related to Or'ion but whose information was slated as 'classified'.

Vladi'mir nods and turns to his computer typing out on the keys bringing up a list of upgrades:

 FoF ID Software................. downloading

targeting Systems...... Checking.......... up to date

landing systems........ Checking.......... up to date

emergency systems......... Checking.................... up to date

main computer systems............ Checking.............. other user working on these systems

Life support systems............... Checking..................... update needed................ no update found

He scrolls down and sees that everything is in check then notices the life support and quickly gets up "Mah, there is something you need to see about the updates more importantly the Life support systems", he types quickly and brings up the updates on everyone's console. He was looking through the log of Life support systems updates and looks at the others "i'll see if i can find out anything about why the update isn't on the ship ready or was done before".

As he scrolled down the ships update logs his usual happiness was slowly deteriorating as he glares at the console and types out more looking for something that will make his mood better, as he scrolls through his expression just darkens. "Mah i have bad news and worse news" he turn giving himself a bit of rest "the bad news is that that according to the logs, it takes an hectra or more to do the update, the worse news is that it hasn't been updated in about 4 months and the ship doesn't have the update software for the Life support systems on it".

The young Laibe was annoyed but was still slightly smiling "I think we need to call our friend Repair Chief, X'Muyeia Dem’archel so I can personally make him get the updates we need for our ship" his smile returns but is eyes made it look like he wanted to kill someone.
Shar carefully and silenty walked to the door. She typed a number of doors into a message and sent it up to bridge to show where her tracking led her. She also heard a lot of chewing. Either some animal got in or one of the crewmembers was having a very loud snack. Either way Shar had to find out. First she wanted to peek through the gap of partly open doors, of course without showing her face near it. That is asking to get attacked.
Computer Room

Erm'olai growled a bit at the deletion of system data. Sure, it was a mere six files of obsolete designs including something of Or'ion nature, but the files didn't take up much space on a database designed for starship-level operation. Taking the time, Erm'olai shifted copies of the deleted data to a data storage section label 'Historic' before allowing the data to be cleared by the 'junk data' that eventually overrode the leftover registery data.

After that was done, the midnight-furred Laibe took a glance over at the database query log in order to make sure only individuals with proper permissions could access the information.

A recent log from the bridge caught his eye, which led to a brief glance over at the data being called. Erm'olai's tail flicked in annoyance before he connected the ships database to the station's network once more and began to download the appropriate updates necessary. He had neither been requested nor ordered to do so, but it would have been his task anyway.

Remote Access from Main Computer...

FoF ID Software...............Updating................ETA 3 mitura

Life Support Systems .........Downloading Firmware....ETA 20 mitura

Life Support Systems..........Downloading Patch.......ETA 10 mitura

Software Engineer's Note:
Connections will be slow due to network congestion with Station, 
but installation should take about five mitura after.  
Total ETA is approximately 35 mitura barring issues.

The Software Engineer had literally accessed Vladi'mir's console and sent his report after a few moments of research. A tad rude, but it was the most efficient manner of getting it done. With that done, Erm'olai continued to monitor the two diagnostics going on and began to audit access logs for the Gam'trosha's database.
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