Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 4.2] - Hells Abyss

Shar sighed and let go of the rail. She looked down on the Laibe and then back up on the ship. It was all just getting better. Terrorist, goo-aliens and now the ships decided to explode on its own. If there was anything Gam'trosha was lucking it was some luck.

"All right, if the injured can be moved get them to medbay," Shar said. "If not let's try to keep them stable until someone who knows what to do tell you what to do. Got it?" Shar said to her infantry.

With that she ran to get a nearest firs-aid kit and have a look at the hurt My'leke that she was holding on to. Since she was living with one years ago, she knew pretty well how to treat them. Still first aid was the best she could do at the moment.
Kil'nda groaned as the landing hadn't bee to bad on him other that the cut he obtained to his shoulder. Seeing the door just beyond his eyes widened getting on comms again* "Is there any fires in the FTL Drive core?" he asked worriedly. "I'm getting temperatures in there of 2000 degrees and even the metal beyond the blast door is starting to warp." He said. With the Temperatures so high he wouldn't be of any use simply with a extinguisher. And likly somone would need a survival suite not to be backed by the heat being omitted beyond the door

A black enigma of a Laibe clad in the Neshaten Navy's red sweatpants and a sleeveless white T-shirt stood at the entrance to what was the medical centre for the Gam'Trosha with a look of confusion in their scarlet eyes. For the Laibe to view was not the assumed state of cleanliness a place of medicine was known for and instead the floor had been decorated in a cocktail of unknown fluid. The Laibe had came to the Infirmary in search of some medical kits, considering the situation of the Gam'Trosha the crew was likely to be as battered as the ship. Yet before the Laibe had a chance to take another step into the Infirmary, a message came out over the intercom system.

"ATTENTION ALL HANDS. Our FTL is in cascading runaway. The ship is in imminent danger of structural failure. We are initiating an emergency shutdown of the primary reactor. That will cause the FTL to shut down. All personnel should secure themselves or brace for uncontrolled return to normal space. Shut down will commence in 15 seconds at my mark. Mark."

"Naturally." A feminine tone escaped the black Laibe after an irritated scoff before she darted across the liquid-covered infirmary floor and skidded to a halt only to bring a tight grip around the handles on a wall-attached medical cabinet in preparation.

The impromptu plan of preparation for the chaotic return to normal space ended in as much a catastrophe as the FTL reactor. The overwhelming force of the ship returning to normal space defeated the Laibe's iron grip, to which the Marine groaned in irritation as much as pain once her left side softened the impact for the rest of her body as well as become briefly drenched in what had decorated the Infirmary's floor. Rather than take a moment to mourn her situation as was to be expected, a bag fell atop her head. Curious as to the contents the inanimate perpetrator, the Laibe sat upright for a moment to investigate. Much to her delight, the life saving supplies she was looking had fallen from the cabinet.

Once she'd climbed to a standing position, the Laibe's gaze turned to the cabinet she'd clung to moments before with one of its door flung open. Within it were a few more bags identical to the one cradled against the Laibe's chest, though what caught her attention was a peculiar communicator. With medical supplies secured and now with a need to know where they were, the Laibe took the communicator into her left hand and after turning the device on, took a deep breath and spoke into it.

"To all on this frequency, this's C'baruce Z'hanna Ry'tin, reporting from the Infirmary with medical relief and requesting orders, over."
Near the Armoury

Shar listened to the comms on her frequence. Finally someone from the medical made their presence known. It was about damn time as well. Shar looked at the My'leke at her feet. This one would be okay for now, after all they were sturdy bunch. Shar was most worried about the heavily burned Laibe.

"This is O'Eytene Lu'man Yar'ica Shar'ica," Shar called back to Ry'tin. "I am at the Armoury, near the engineering bay. We had an explosion, there are a lot of injured, one is badly burned. Get your fat buttocks here on the double!"

Def'leor shook her head cautiously, partly to make sure it was still attached. And more so, to ensure she hand not sustained any serious muscle trauma. She looked around the bridge. There were plenty of tell tales flashing on the various consoles. She let her fingers run through the sequence to bring up the console in emergency mode. The console came up but without holographic displays. She could see that the mains were well and truly off line. She closed her eyes for a moment to assess the Gam'trosha's attitude. 'Tumbling. That will play merry bog with repair and rescue efforts. Different parts of the ship will have varying simulated gravity from the spin. The worst effects the further out. ' she thought. Flight controls for the main engines were out, but the thruster system was independent of main power.

"Attempting to stabilize the ship's attitude ma'am." She called out to the ship mistress. She place her fingers on the controls and closed her eyes. This was no different that one of the drills she had gone through in flight training. Closing her eyes allowed her to ignore what they told her, and let her use her other senses to feel how the ship was moving. She started tapping the controls to fire the thrusters to counter their tumble. The trick was to fire a few and assess. "Always thought this drill in the flight sim was just the instructors being crazy." she muttered.

She continued her dance on the console working to eliminate the roll in all axises. Finally she opened her eyes. "Attitude corrected." she said.


Elza'beth managed to hang on to the rail, but the inertial force pushed her along it until she was up against one of the protrusions along the hallway. The impact was not kind, but she suffered no serious injuries. The loss of the hallway lighting didn't bother her. Her glasses compensated. She unwrapped her arms from the railing. She stood up cautiously. Elza felt lighter, which was understandable. Internal gravity was either down or minimal. She took a few steps down the hall and found herself moving at an angle. "Damn ship is tumbling... going to make this fun."

Staying close to the wall to stabilize herself, Elza moved towards the aft of the ship gaining speed as she became more comfortable. She stepped in and looked around. She overheard Shar's motivating message to the medics. She called out, "Che'valier Elza'beth reporting. I'm not a medic but I am trained in first aid."


Dar'tagnan hung on as best he could when the situation in the armor went sideways. Quite literally. When the ship dropped he found himself moving towards the other side of the room. He used his body to shield the injured crewman. It was only after all the shifting settled that he got up. He did a quick check of his limbs. 'Still functional, but I'll feel that in a few hours.' he thought.

He did what he could to make his patient comfortable. Then headed over to Shar. "Well, that was exciting. At least we are still in one piece." he said to his superior. Spotting his mate he called out. "Elza, patient over there he said pointing to the one he had held."


Def'leor looked at one of the tell tales on another console, when he heard Kil'nda's status report she realized they were not out of the woods. "Ship Mistress. FTP core temp is a critical. Advise that we jettison the core. We can always retrieve it after we get the Gam' stable." she said looking at Sa'kira.

"Yeah it is a bloody lovely morning all around isn't it?" Shar replied to Dar with a grin. She then looked at Elza and gave her a nod. "Glad to have you here. medics probably have trouble getting around the ship. I grabbed an emergency medkit so feel free to help yourself to supplies in it and do what you can."

Shar then looked at the situation around agian. I was not pretty. But the priority now would be getting that FTL stable. She could not help with that all that much. All she knew how to do in situations like this would be to blow things up so they could not blow up in much more deadly manner.

"Kil'nda!" Shar shouted at the combat engineer. "How's does it look with the access to engineering. Take Ross if you need any hand. We need to get the bloody FTL under control any way possible."

Sa'kira didn't like to hear that, if the core was truly getting hot it meant that it would take them a pretty long time before they could use it again. "Do it," she said and keyed in her own authorization code to permit the jettisoning.


"No fires reported!" someone shouted down to Kil'ndra. The ambient heat in the area was beginning to rise, this was accompanied by a series of small 'popping' sounds coming from the metal that was slowly melting away.


"C'baruce Z'hanna," the infirmaries head healer spoke after getting her own bearings. "Head to Engineering and see if anyone needs assistance there please."


Although the ships tumbling had stopped, its inertia kept it moving backwards, toward a steller object that presently no one on the ship could see.
Kil'nda gave a sigh as there were no fires reported in ther meaning there was a good chance he wasn;t needing to don some extreme enviromental suit and go in there. He finally made his way out of the corridor. "We still need to cool down that Corridor somwhow it's so hot in there the metal is melting and warping." He reported. "What's the condition of the core?" he asked unaware that it was about to be ejected from the ship.

With the fires put out he hissed as he finally felt that shrp pain in his arm from cutting himself realier blood having started to slide down his arm. "Any more emergancies happening right now?" he asked not knowing if they were in the clear or not
Z'hanna had been at the exit of the Infirmary when the head healer gave her an order to head to engineering. Immediate compliance to both of her current tasks seemed to require more than just what the Laibe had pulled off the shelf only a moment ago, though given the time dependency on both orders she didn't bother to formulate an expression of acknowledgement to the healer's instructions beyond a nod. Instead, Ry'tin made her way back to the cabinet that she'd held on to when the Gam'trosha was pulled out of FTL and pulled a second medical bag from it before jumping into a sprint out of the Infirmary.

Aft armoury
“C'baruce Z'hanna Ry'tin reporting!”
The black Laibe announced after she had skidded to a halt in the armoury's door. Rather than just linger about with wounded that could be seen to, Ry'tin made her way over to a Laibe who seemed to be in the most critical state given the burns she could witness. “I hope my first aid is up to snuff...” she mumbled to herself as she set the two medkits she'd brought with her down. With her hands free, Ry'tin slid a surgical glove onto her left hand and dug out an anti-burn gel pack before breaking it open and scooping a small portion of it out with her index finger. Had the burns themselves been less numerous, Ry'tin wouldn't have started with such a small percentage of the gel. Yet with wasting what could very well be a precious commodity a lingering thought for her, Ry'tin made sparing usage of the gel as she finally began to cover the Laibe's burns with it.

"Just the heat!" someone shouted from down the corridor. "Get yourself out of there, just in case something happens," the same person would say. In the main area, Quin' was pondering what to do about the drive core, her mind was a bit muddled with various idea's and a rather horrible headache right now.


The gel had an obvious effect, as the Laibe let out one heck of a howl of pain.
Having already made it out of the corridor he held his arm for a moment hissing at the sting the cut had given him. "Alright, What, else is needing to be fixed?" he asked. He took car of the fires firstly but now that the corridor was safe and soon the core ejected he was ready to do more in getting the ship repaired
Near the armoury

Shar looked at the medic as she worked. There was not that much to do here anymore. The black-furred Daur took a deep breath and looked at Dar'tagnan.

"I don't think we are going to be anymore help here Dar," she said and opened her helmet visor. Not really caring about much and seeing as there was a fire in the armoury jsut a second ago, she unpacked a signle cigarette and lit it. She took a draw, obviously enjoying it and then blew the smoke out. "Let's move on, we got to check if they need us for Damage Control of if we find anymore wounded."

Def'leor nodded at Sa'kira's reply. "Arming the core jettison system. Safeties are disengaged." She held her finger over the commit button. Once the display showed that the system was armed. She pressed the button. "Hope we can retrieve it, or we're going to have an extremely long trip home." she said to herself. The system showed the explosive bolts had detonated, and the solid core thrust unit had fired. "Core Away Ma'am."


From the speakers in the room. "Core Ejection system Armed." A series of thunks could be both heard and felt as the section of hull that covered the core was jettisoned. "Core Ejecting." A brief rushing sound could be heard as the core was shot away from the Gam'trosha into space.

Near the Armory

Dar'tagnan looked at Shar, "Sounds like a plan. Hopefully someone will eventually tell us what in Lordis happened. Should we split up Sah? or would you prefer we stay together?" He said looking up and down the corridor.

Elza'beth meanwhile was tending to her patient. After checking their vitals, she administered a pain suppression drug. Elza then started working on cleaning the burns. First by removing any debris or bits of fabric that were in them. Once that was done she washed then with sterile water and applied a salve and bandage. She then moved on to the next burn.
Near the armoury

"I think we should stick together," Shar replied gathering herself and giving her surroundings one last look. She look ed up as metallic sound could be heard around her. Various thunks and thuds vibrated through the deck. "I think we just lost a piece of ship or something. Did not feel like getting shot at though. Anyway, let's go through this deck together, we might cover a little less space together, but we can do more to help in case we ran into something. Let's move."
Aft armoury

Ry'tin took a moment of pause once the burn patient vocalized the pain they were being subjected to. The recon marine had very nearly applied another small amount of the burn gel to a different burn before the patient vocalized the agony they were being subjected to. "Don't fixate on the pain." She said aloud to the Laibe she was still trying to treat while continuing to smear the burn gel over the affected areas in need of such treatment. "Focus on my voice, anything to distract yourself with."

As if on que, a metallic orchestra of concerning sounds resonated out of the walls immediately after Ry'tin had suggested the patient distract them self to make the pain more barable. Had the situation been less serious and time-sensitive, Ry'tin might have found humor in it. "Except that." She added quickly, "Don't focus on that. Think of food or something."

With all of the mention of distractions Ry'tin gave the wounded Laibe, Shar's choice words caught the recon marine's attention and provided a distraction for her instead. Although she intended to save the spare medical bag for herself when she went to engineering, given the head healer had asked it of her. But if the Daur O'Eytene was going to venture forth in search of other problems the Gam'trosha needed solved, her need for the medical equipment was likely greater than the recon marine's. "Wait!" Ry'tin hollered as she scooped up the spare bag and pursued the Daur after climbing to a standing position. Once she'd caught up to her superior, Ry'tin held the bag out in front of her for Shar. "I figure you might need this spare more than me since you're going to wander about the ship."
Near the armoury

Shar turned away from Dar to see the medic running up to her. The infantry NCO nodded back and took the bag. "If you thing you have enough supplies on hand." Shar said and smiled. "Thanks. By the way if you want to make a soldier think of something other than pain, I suggest tits. It worked well with my old pals in the guard." Grinning, Shar added a wink as well.
The cores jettison was noticable to anyone near engineering, or even, to those around it; as a dull 'thump' reverberated throughout the ship followed by the onboard lighting flickering a few times in response. The words 'FTL Core Ejected' flashed across the screen and the tempreture readouts instantly began to fall in the core's room, causing the bubbling of metal to stop almost right away and the feeling of hot air gradually returned to normal.

"Whew," Quin' would say as she brought up the readouts on the core and tagged it to ensure that they could find it later.


Sa'kira leaned back, wiping the sweat from her brow. "We'll need to land to effect repairs," she said and straightened herself up in her seat, although as she did so she noticed on one of the displays that the ship was still moving - and heading toward a nearby planetoid. "Lexicon, why are we still moving?" she asked, given that their thrusters were offline and that the menuvering system should've stopped their forward momentum.

Def'leor looked at her screens. "I have no sensors ma'am. I was able to resolve the tumble but since we are drifting, I can't gauge that. Give me a vector and and I can cancel our momentum based on your data."

Near Armory

Dar listened to Shar, "Well that advise would only work if the person was attracted to them. What if it was a female who did not find them interesting." he said with a grin. He started moving down the hallway in the direction that Shar had originally indicated.
Kil'nda heard the thud as screens in the room popped up with the message that the core had been ejected. It was a worse case scenario really. Despite the safety precautions taken to ensure the Core's survival they were still ejecting something that hot out into the coldest of environments imaginable. He only hopped the Core held and cooled off as well. There was little time to relax though as repairs had to be made and a report of the damage needed to be done as well. H waited for the airlocks in the Cores room to be stabilized once more and for the room to be at a safe temperature before he went to investigate the room that had been beyond a previously melting corridor. He took any equipment necessary for the job. He then began to make an audio and Video log about the damage to the room so that the Data might be better used to guide repair efforts

The doors that kept the room sealed parted way, but only the bottom door. The top portion was melted in place, although there was a noticable sound of groining coming from this door as the mechanism continued to try and open it. Beyond the door was the housing where the FTL core had once sat, there were reinforcing shunts that would keep the drive-core stable during rough flights, but right now several of them were melted and would no longer be able to serve their purpose. Cables that had been jettisoned off the core seconds before its ejection laid upon the ground.

Although the heat had greatly died down to be somemore more managable, it didn't help with the heat that was still in the metal that was still in the process of cooling off.


Sa'kira leaned back and watched the displays. "Alright, give us a five second burst of the engines please and plot this course," she sent a vector to Def'leors console.