Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 4.2] - Hells Abyss

Kilnda had taken the time to slip into a Hazmat type suite to keep the possible heat from overwhelming him. He didn't know what the room would be like even with the core out in space now. Taking notes of the various forms if damage Right now the melted mettle seemed to have done some of the worst of damages He made sure to well document all he found to be damaged. He would inspect the room the best he was able trying to capture as much as he could in a video feed to send to his superiors. They might have to wait for the heat to die down but they could get ready and plan out the repairs as best they could. Finally he would emerge from the room back to the rest of the team. "Any way we can kill the power to the damaged door? We have enough damage to repair without adding more work if the doors mechanics finally give out trying to open it up."

Def'leor examined Sa'kira's data. Then executed the five second burst of the engines. With most of the ships systems offline still, she could feel the effects of the burn in the pressure against her seat. After the burn she altered the Gam'trosha's attitude and course as the Ship Mistress requested. "Attitude can course adjustments are made. As best as I can with no active sensors."


Dar'tagnan continued moving through the hallways surveying the damage, and looking for any other injured crewmen. 'This is definitely not how I expected my first mission would go. But at least so far, we haven't heard any reports of fatalities.' he thought. As he and Shar continued he felt a brief sense of movement. "Well, it would seem that the bridge is still with us, and attempting to maneuver." he said looking at Shar.

Elza'beth gave her patient another check and then decided that it would be best to get them to medical. Seeing that there wasn't anyone free she lifted him by putting her arms under his arm pits. She could not lift all of him, but this would allow her to get him to medical. So she began moving backwards through the hallways heading for the medical center.
For a few minutes it seemed the ship had stabalized, its course taking in the direction that Def'leor had plotted - then - it started to move again, back in the direction it was going on before. As this was happening, one of Def'leors consoles came back to life and astronomical data started to scroll in from the ships sensors; it was slow, the data being sent was goign to take awhile, but a holographic representation of the system was beginning to come into view - including planets, asteriod fields, the sun.

"What do you see Lexicon?" Sa'kira asked.


A moment after Kilnda's request, the mechanism came to a scraching halt - the door stopped moving and a few flashing light appeared beside it - warning of the jam.

"Girls like tits too buddy," Shar just said with a grin following down the hallways.

Some times later when Dar spoke again, the black-furred daur looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah, at least something. If we get out of this with no deaths, it will be small miracle, but it would also be great. I bet we will end up in a port for months after this though." She said as she checked a room, it was empty. It's occupant must have been out doing their duty. "Damn, I am glad I cannot smell anything. I bet this is not too great for you. All the fire and stuff."
Kil'nda shut off the hearing aid in his suite for a moment to help drowned out the noise. Nor that it helped too much. One it was over he turned them back on and then growled in frustration. "Great now we will have to fix that as well." he said. "Any way to get that room cooler faster?" he asked. It had been safe enough for him in an enviroment suite but that room would require litos of people and tools to fix up. the sooner it was at a normal tempature the better. In the mean time though he could look over the ata his scans and camera picked up in order for them to get as ready as they can for the fixes that need to happen in that room

Def'leor smiled as she was no longer flying blind. She at least had some sensors, and watched that screen scrolled the data. "Ma'am, we seem to dropped out into a star system. Unknown at the moment. The Gam'trosha is being dragged off the course we set. I suspect that we are being pulled by the gravity of one of the objects. Most likely the primary star. We can continue to attempt to hold course using the thrusters, but we need engineering to get enough power and bring on the STL drives to ensure our safety."

Dat'tagnan nodded his head; "True, we have a keen sense of smell, but by not breathing through our nostrils we can ignore unpleasant scents and focus on what we can see and hear. Right now the Gam'trosha sounds dead or dying. Most of the ambient noise of the life support and other systems is gone. The good thing is, I can hear the crew moving about in the hallways." he paused. He cocked his head as he listened to the sounds and focused on one. "Someone down this way is trapped behind a bulkhead." and set off in that direction.

"Al right, lead the way buddy." Shar said and ran after Dar'tagnan. The ships really sounded like it was about to die. Not much could be done with that, she just had to hope that engineers will work it out. Shar could not help with that, for now all she could do was look for injured and dead.

"It should be safe to enter in just a few moments," a voice spoke into the man's headset, as a series of pressure sounds could be heard; this was followed then by a set of doors located on the back of the room, where a containment field had rizen to keep anyone in the room from being sucked outward in case of a malfunction, became active and closed shut. Then the containment field flickered a few times before turning off. Another series of pressure sounds could be heard, a tempreture readout showed that the bay's tempreture was down to 21c (71f). Other engineers began to arrive with tools to help with the repairs.


Sa'kira stood on her feet, in position, and felt the ships movements. "Yes, you seem to be right," she looked over at the various damaged consoles and sighed. "Until Engineering gets out computer ba-" her sattement was interrupted when the ships lighting flickered a few times, followed by a couple other consoles coming back online. Def'leor's console chimed as main sensors returned, but they were only partially online; she wouldn't be able to perform any high-detail scans of the area nor scan planets to see if they were livable or not, but she could still get basic information and course headings.


The ship shuddered a few times.
Mainframe Compartment

Keri'cruen let out a shaky sigh of relief as the mainframe finally started coming back online. He'd abruptly darted away from engineering following Xeui'na's instruction to reboot the computer core and navigation system, making his way across the Gam'trosha's third deck until he reached the secured compartment where that system resided. Unfortunately when he had arrived the platinum-haired kit had found that the problem hadn't been as simple to fix as flicking the right switch and restarting the main computer. A computer as powerful as that which ran the Gam'trosha's complicated array of systems was comprised of delicate components that needed a continuous and precise amount of power in order to function correctly without incurring damage.

Though the system was protected from the worst by anti-surge hardware, they'd need to run a diagnostic and see if the computer had developed any data corruption as a result of the power loss or physical damage inflicted upon the information storage drives because of the cooling systems abrupt shutdown. The loss of the ships main power supply had complicated matters -- even though it had obviously been a necessary action to save them all from the more pressing issue of the ship self-destructing amid its FTL flight.

Blue-green eyes shifted over to consider the silent and still non-operational navigation computer. The navi-computer was a sub-system of the main computer core; an independent processor that relied on the same auxiliary systems as the main core, sharing the same compartment, but was for the most part physically separate from the main core. With luck, the navi-computer would be undamaged and would reboot itself in moments once the primary core had finished its own start-up routine.
Kiln'da watched as the lights flicered about a bit and the ship shuddered He winced hoping it wasn't anything too bad. Other Engeiners were coming in as ell now he made sure to share all the data he collected so far. "I'm sure everywhere on the hip could use one of us right now but we need to make sure the ship is not about to tear its self apart and that all vital systems are operational before we can get to other things." he said. He began to tool up. Unless given orders to go somwhere else he planned to join others in the Core room once more to try and repair any damages they could. He already had a feeling it was going to be a really long time before they got any sleep after this near disaster.

Def'leor looked at the additional screens that came online. The Gam'trosha was far from fighting trim but her systems were slowly restarting. She pulled up the data. 'This does not make sense. But what else could it be.' she thought. She fired the thrusters again and the same result. "Ma'am. we are not caught in the star's gravity well. We are not any where near close of enough for the star. The closest object is a planet. Which is not overly large. Yet we are being pulled towards it by a gravity field. It must be artificial."


Dar'tagnan moved as quickly as he could in the lower gravity. When he came to the source of the sound he stopped in front of a door. It was a storage room for emergency gear. He pressed the door control and there was a mechanical groan and smoke came from the door. "Well, guess we'll have to handle this Infantry style Sar?"

"Is there any other way?" Shar replied. She checked the seals on her helmet was all right. They were about to walk into the room full of smoke after all. They had to force their way in. If there was any inside, they were probably suffocating or dying from carbon monoxide poisoning. Either way there was not time to spare. Shar drew her knife and put into the small space between the doors and doorframe. If the doors would not open on their own, Shar had to help them. She wrenched the knife back to pull the door more open and get enough room to finally grab them and pull them fully open.
The ship shuddered a few times before Sa'kira could respond. "Artificial.... so your saying something - or someone - is pulling us in?" she asked, although she wasn't really expecting an answer.

In only a few minutes the ship would begin to pass through the planets upper atmosphere, flames licked the edges of the hull for only a brief moment before they subsided. Wind buffeted the ship and unsecured items fell to the ground. Even once in the atmosphere, the ship was still being pulled; it was drown closer to a canyon where the ships onboard sensors would pick up dozens of small devices embedded in the ground, these device were emitting a graviton beam that was latched onto the ship. Slowly, these devices moved the ship across the landscape. It was a desolate wasteland, although there had obviously been life on this world, there were destroyed buildings and even a partially broken bridge that spanned the canyon.

"Def'leor... give me a scan please..."
Kil'nda had been working hard with the rest of the teem in trying to get the ship up and running correctly, however it wasn't long before even more warninglites were coming on, making the Libae wonder just whout could go wrong now. He brought up screeens to look at. "How are we entering a Plannet? And doing it wouout actually crashing like this?!" he cried out in frustration. He then began to send a message to the Bridge hoping soone would pick up. "This is A'Fuereb Limr'vaid Kil'nda, Please respond, we're picking up reposts of the ship moving into landing against it's will." he said wanting to see if he could get.. some form of grasp on the situation and how to fix it.. if that was possible
Mainframe Compartment

Keri's face shifted into a stark expression of relief as the navigational computers read-outs and displays started to shine with life and display reboot data. He tapped keys as start-up prompts flickered onscreen, his slender digits navigating past resolved error messages with until at last the system was fully restored to working order. He started a routine diagnostic of the entire mainframe and its subsidiary processors, before attempting to contact Xeui'na in engineering.

"Xeui, it's Keri. I think I've more-or-less got the mainframe back in working order. Hopefully it will stay that way and there are no unforseen bugs or hardware faults lying in wait to bring the system to a screaming and abrupt halt. Where do you need me now?"

Def'leor was glad when her console came back to full functionality. Although full was probably not an accurate assessment. The station was at full capacity, but it showed most of the systems she depended on to fly the ship were offline.

Her fingers danced across the console and access the sensors. "Information coming in. Well any place you can park a ship is better than crashing. But this planet is far from optimal. Gravity is .42 of normal... atmosphere and most of the environment is showing radioactive contamination. Minimal oxygen and current temp in this area is -120 degrees Centigrade. There appears to be frozen matter on the surface. Composition unknown currently. EVA activities will need to be done in environmental suits and we will have to watch exposure to the crew." She said in a clear voice meant to carry across the bridge.

Elza'beth walked onto the bridge in time to hear the report on the surface. 'Do we know the source of the radioactivity? That will be important when it comes to treating any exposure. Not to mention it might give us some insight as to what happened her. If its natural then one has to wonder why whoever brought us down live here."

Dar'tagnan and Shar worked for free the door enough for Shar to enter while Dar held them open. The injured Shukaren was buried under a number of containers. Shar made quick work of moving them off. Then dragging the injured crew member out of the room.

Once Shar cleared the room with the crew member Dar let the doors slide shut. Together the two of them checked the injured person. A broken ulna appeared to be the most serious obvious injury.

"I'll carry him." Dar'tagnan said lifting the person up in a carry that would minimize jarring. "Lead the way Shar." he said. As the senior member did Dar followed taking care to minimize any bouncing.
Mainframe Compartment

"Looks like most things are under control, we still need to repair the main chamber for the drive-core though, think you could lend a hand to Kil'nda?" Xeui said over Keri's innercom. A read out on the kit's helmet would show that the core had been ejected successfully, but that apparently some damage had occured either before - or after - the process had been done.


Sa'kira sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Depending on how the high the radiation levels are, our My'leke crewmates might not need any protection due to their innate regeneration abilities. The rest of us, however, are not so lucky," the Shipmaster leaned back in her chair in thought, watching the displays as it showed the ship moving through a canyon. "Now the other question is - where are we being taken?" she was half tempted to order De'fleor to fire any weapons they may have access to but there was no telling what that could do. "Check our inventory, depending on how many Hazarad Operation's suits we have available will determine the size of the team we send out," Sa'kira hated this kind of unknown, but she hated it even more that she basically had no control over her ship, that someone else was guiding them somewhere, someplace.

"Well the fact that they haven't fired on us is promising. Now as to what their long term plans are that remains to be seen." Def'leor replied as she sent a query to the ship's computer regarding inventory. "Srisa" she muttered, "We have some good news and bad news on the Hazard suits Ma'am. Our inventory shows that we received a shipment containing a total of eight. Should be six type A, and 2 type D's. Unfortunately there is no record of them being unpacked and stowed properly. Which means they are in the crate they arrived from in the disaster which was our hold."

She opened up the ship's pa system. "A'Fuereb Se'verem, gather up what Infantry you can find. Start a search of the Cargo hold. A crate was delivered prior to launch that has hazard gear which will need. The crate identifier is 327ZA0019RG. This is a priority."


Dar'tagnan and Shar made their way to the infirmary and delivered the wounded crew member. Upon hearing the PA, Dar'tagnan shook his head, "Well, seems its time for me to head to the hold." he said to the medics and started on his way.
Kil'nda sighed still not aware of what was happening to the Ship it's self on the outside/ However, He had a grasp of what was happening on the inside with the others and untill called to another duty right now he needed to help fix the main Chamber. If they didn't fix that then this whole mess could happen all over again. "Alright I'm coming.. Have we been able to determine exactly what went wrong with the ship?" he asked as he got to work helping the others

Def'leor replied across the ship's intercom. "We still do not know what caused the ship systems to go awry. We are still putting the pieces back together. Currently we are near the surface of a planet that we have been pulled down to. Whomever is controlling the systems holding the Gam off the surface haven't attempted to hail us, nor have they taken any hostile actions. Of course it is possible that our external comm systems are down. Given that our core systems are still re-initializing. "