A thing to remember is that there is little mystique or wonder about youngling childbirth. There is very little surprise, as it's all preplanned - Akina should not be having triplets unless she planned for it, really... and she ought to likely know everything about how they are physically and how they are going to grow up (just like a neko transferring to a Yamataian body has full decisions over the settings of the new body).
Though perhaps anti-climatic, a 8-inch tall youngling really would have little trouble getting out, as contrary to a baby they are pretty slim (one inch wide at the shoulder). Getting out of the female womb would be a breeze considering they can just flatten themselves straight and whiz out either by crawling or even using anti-gravity to emerge.
This is nowhere nearly as dramatic as a baby's head, and the three youngling are far from helpless even as they emerge. Heck, even if their mother is somehow struck witless by the 'event', they can probably telepathically confer with each other and coordinate for a 'delivery' with a minimum of fuss. For them, this is just as mundane as a sprite technician crawling through a maintenance crawlway of a ship.
Though there's the whole "I'm finally emerging from my mother's womb!" feeling of wonder and stuff. Younglings - because of the time spent in their mothers - are generally far more developped mentally than a newborn sprite (and the only real thing they gain my body growth - regarding brain - is memory capacity and processing power).
Heh. Odds are if Akina was caught by surprise that her 'kids' got rebellious with all the boring talk with important people and decided to steal the show. =P