Wes and I talked over the phone. We worked this out. (Talking over the phone is really a lot more efficient.)
Nepleslia's most major concern here is the DREI system and securing it. Yamatai's concern is the presence of the IPG on a station full of dissidents that they, frankly, don't want arrested.
Neps, let me know if this works: The IPG will be able to sit down with Wazu. They can interrogate him, with YSA agents watching from behind glass, until they get what they want: Wazu turning over full control, ICly, of the DREI system. Keep in mind the YSA agents won't be listening, just watching. At the end of it, Wazu gets sent back to Gartaga, but Nepleslia gets what they want.
Zack: This means you need to let go of DREI and not try to backdoor it, or anything else Nep-related, for the duration of your stay here on SARP. Your character can continue on as he has in Gartaga, and he's still booted from the IRC.
This lets Yamatai save some face, but also foster good relations with Nepleslia, which they need.