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Tasks: Help Request Create An Article for the Star Army Chaplain Corps


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In general the Star Army doesn't really spend a lot of time thinking about religion but the Star Army does think about morale and retention. As seen in recent funeral RP, a small chaplain corps exist in the Star Army that provides religious services to Star Army soldiers. I request a member to help by making a wiki article for it.
Upvote 3
Whoever ends up doing this should keep within canon perspective. As the opening post says, "doesn't really spend a lot of time thinking about religion." Culturally, religion that deifies entities is widely considered "illogical and childish." So while a chaplain corps would exist for the stated morale purposes to accommodate the (very) rare religious soldier, remember not to overstate things.
We should note however that two key Yamataian species are relatively religious, The Elysians and the Separa'Shan. The Elysians seem to be Greek/Jewish/Zoroastrian with a central temple whereas the Separa'Shan are a bit more of 'folk religion' and who's object has appeared in the setting. I don't know about Elysians, but Separa'Shan have near 100% belief in Naga'Shun of some sort. (That said, it's a really low bar. The 'Days of Awe' that they mention when they say "We Witnessed In Our Midst The Days of Awe" is something that happened only a few years ago.) Ironically, the Separa'Shan I play the most is an atheist. The Senti are also religous, but IIRC not to the same extent as Elysians and Separa'Shan.

I think it makes sense to have chaplain qualifications primarily for Star Army Caretakers who want to offer religious services to crew members on their ships, but also infantry folks might also be able to get certified in chaplain services so they could, in small units and small ships, be the one offering a sermon on Sunday or whatever. It would make sense to make an article for said qualifications - however my request is for an article for a small chaplains core that explains what it's for and how it works.

I agree, Chaplin should probably be a qualification that is most commomly taken by Caretakers and Counselors, although it is open to any MOS.
Oh this is right down my alley. If this is still open I am happy to take on this wiki challenge. If not I am open to support the person making said wiki.

I personally really enjoy this type of thinking and use it fairly often in my writing. I picture it being a role which has focus on healing more so than any religion though they have the training to lean on such teachings. For example they would know and understand Elysians and Separa'Shan to be able to speak to them on terms they can relate too. One does not need religion in order to be a Chaplin. It is about a calling to help someone through emotional and spirited journey.

This could be a split off of the role of counselor since many of the classes taken mirror closely. I'd have to think more on this just how different and how that part would shake out.

None the less just let me know and be happy to take this on or just give a hand in crafting.
As far as I know, no one has actually started on an article yet.
Have some text documents. Was just scared I was gonna get totally shot down.

Trying to establish the scope of what we are talking about, and how it relates to Yamatai culture as a whole, rather than bombard people with a wall of text they are not going to read.
So I been thinking on this more and after the conversation last night, Raz gave me insight into how this might shape up. In the context of Star Army, trauma in my mind is different from how we may see it. These are super soldiers, captain America if you would, who are designed to be very good at what they do. So shout out to Raz on his thoughts on trauma.

This role could be one that fills the need to help overcome logical (or illogical) emotional thoughts. Here is one example of an event. Say soldier is second in a column of troops. They have concluded the enemies who just entered the hallway are an immediate danger and must be killed ASAP in order to save the group. There is just one problem, the weapon they have will kill the soldier in front of them in the process. If they perform the action, soldier is dead (though they can respawn) and the team is saved. If they don't act 3 are killed, instead of just one. Which I'd contend the super solider ran the numbers and has this information. The one saving grace is that the solider who knew, died and when STed no longer remembers. However, since everything is being recorded there is a chance they can learn of the truth. Clearly a no win situation. Though in the context of performance, if they acted then they performed their role to the highest possible standard. Might even get a medal for this. However they just blasted their buddy to dust. If they don't act, they they failed to perform at perk performance.

I also see areas with conflict between the designer super soldiers and others who are not gifted as such. Just think if you was the 5th person in that column and just seen your friend blast another friend into space dust. Feel one might really consider who your friend and foe is.

This MOS I see opening a new path for emotional writing, to give a chance to have a conversation to explore this dynamic. This to me would be different from a caretaker and counselor is as follows. Based on MOS, caretaker has skills related to upkeep. It does include listening but I'd content they do not have the training to dive into a topic of this depth. Regarding counselors, this I see running closely along side this MOS. The main difference being that chaplain has focus on healing and processing, compared to a counselor who work towards an action plan to help said person overcome. Personally I'd content if there is too much conflict, a counselor would recommend them being ejected from Star Army. As they would be a clear threat to the mission if they are not able to follow their programming. Were as a chaplain is not shackled by the mission and puts focus purely on what the person needs.

I am working on having a turned NMX go down the route of being an emotional support. However I want to RP this out prior to making anything on the wiki. Feel this will give me a better context to work with to design a clear wiki page. This has parallels with other MOS so it might just be concluded they get the badge of say counselor. I'd be looking at this while making the RP.

Just my thoughts and hope this adds to the conversation.