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RP [Crew 32] Job 1 - Getting the Gang Together

"Well if you can carry it you can bring it although we aren't going in to fight a war, maybe some wild animals or a few less than desireables but shouldn't be anything too major. You don't have an army waiting outside or anything do you?" Emma asked him with an inquisitive tone
"Right then mates, see you morrow," Daniel said as he stood and perched his bush hat back on to his messy hair. With a quick tip of it to Ruby and Emma he turned to the stairs. He gave a wideberth to the fragrant Freespacer and chose not to breath for the few moments he passed. It was an odd group but then again most ad hoc groupings were in this crazy universe.

He slipped out in to the oppressive heat and fished out another root to chew on, it's natural liquid helping to equalize his immediate discomfort. He strode off to his nearby rented villa. It was an old friends of his that let him crash when needed and Daniel always made sure to leave a little cash as recompense.
Emma gave a small wave while Ruby's was far more energetic, "Cya tomorrow!" She called out while finding her way to the room she'd been in the last few nights.
"I think it's about time I joined her, what about you Sam?" Emma said with a slight yawn, "As for the rest of you feel free to grab an empty room here if you have nowhere else to stay otherwise meet downstairs tomorrow morning at about 6 ready to head out." The Delsaurian said before heading off to join Ruby in their shared room, her mind swirling with thoughts and plans for what they'd do once the stash was secured tomorrow, first things first she'd need to pay back the owner of the Inn for being so generous.

"I'll stay up a little longer and make sure our rides are all sorted for tomorrow, then probably turn in as well." Sam replied, pouring himself a small drink before heading for the stairs once more.
Mark stood from his seat and walked away from the table to reach the stairs, passing by Skinwalker unfazed by the smell that he was already familiar with during the past jobs with the freespacer. But as he walked passed him Skinwalker whispered something, quiet enough that only he could hear. Mark stopped for a moment to stare back at the mysterious creature. A nod, and he continued downstairs. Skinwalker followed suit and exited the establishment soon after. Leaving the noise and chatter behind him, into the streets veiled by the shadow of night. The dark comforted Skinwalker. It meant that he needn't worry much about concealing his appearances, and his movements weren't as restricted. It was only during these late hours that he had the freedom to wander and take in his immediate surroundings. The night sky as he looked up was a smattering of information, chaotic and almost mesmerizing. The lights from the stars and celestial bodies are far beyond what his sensors can decipher. Little else was as anomalous as what can be seen up above he concluded.

Skinwalker clutched the side of his head.

"Foreign data syntax... Assessment: Irrelevant to on hand task... An astronomer?... Purging.."

A sigh. Clarity once more, unburdened by unnecessary thoughts that might muddle the task at hand. (Happy New Years Folks!)
Smith took a moment to run over the list of gear he had brought, quite an array. Deciding on what he planned to bring, the tall figure stood from his chair, sparing a glance to the delsaurians as he took a step towards the door. "I will acquire my gear then return shortly to pick a room for the night. Good evening to you in the event I do not see any of you when I arrive again." he said before heading out into the night.

He would make the trip to his lot being rented in the nearby hangar, and retrieve what he perceived to need. Armor, guns, ammo, and a couple other side bits. Nothing too heavy, but enough in case of decent opposition. Granted, he figured she would say it was overkill, but he found it never hurt to be at least a little bit over prepared. It made him pause for a moment at just how much of his respect she had already earned, causing a modulated chuckle. This was going to be fun.

loading it all into a large dufflebag, Smith returned to the inn in the night and chose an unoccupied room. Locking the door and finding privacy, he left the bag at the end of the bed for in the morning. Shedding the large hooded coat, and other things, he set the helmet aside with an internal alarm set to wake him, before laying down to sleep.
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