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Actually, I was stalling til Moogle came back, but now that he's back, we can continue.

Missing, just take off 1 silver from you're total and we'll just say that Sorri slept in a burlap sack on the floor of the inn's lobby. Just to speed things up.

Moogle, I'm shooting you off a pm once I'm done with this post.
Okay, here's the problem...I didn't think Sorri had any money, at all.

So, she had over a hundred to start, minus everything down to around twenty-seven after equipment costs? Problem being that some of that equipment was given to her over the last month and a half, and she's had to buy other things (like food), and she doesn't have any sort of job so unless people have been uncharacteristically generous, I was just going to go the easy route and say she's completely broke.

Makes things more interesting too : )

She'll make breakfast or something...
Here are my spells du jour. Enjoy. I'll eventually get some set standard lists so that I don't have to announce the spells, just the lists.

Detect Magic
Read Magic

Comprehend Languages

Quickened Magic Missile
Query: Does this count as an attack? Would Sanctuary prevent it? Would Sorri, with current stats, have a chance at resisting infection?
If the rats were attacking you then yes, but they didn't, it's simply a disease travelling through the air. Even if you made the saving throws that you would successfully fight the poison, that means that the poison is gone but the magical affects aren't. There are several reasons sanctuary won't work: it had to have been cast before the attack, as I said above this doesn't count as an attack, and in the description it states that Sanctuary cannot block area or effect spells. I would say it's possible to fight the spell, but for OOC purposes I will tell you that the spell that has enchanted the plague is of 6th level after you add the extra affects that have been bestowed upon the spell. Unless you can find an uber cleric in four days you aren't fighting it naturally.
Just to explain, I was under the impression that they were situated like this

---------- 5-------------

1 Elder
2+3 Talarin and Aurelus
4 Ghira
5 Denkou
That was pretty much my impression, too. Anyway, Aurelus already left, so he's no longer with the group. He's currently looking for his stuff.

By the way, we should probably wait for Gabriel to post regarding the actions of the 'angry mob' and the elder and all that. We're kinda just expecting them to be all like "Ok, we'll just wait for you guys to [monologue] interact and then we'll outrage/cry/pray to the gods."
Heh-heh-heh...It would have been interesting if they would have blamed you all for being in league with the wizards. You're all random travelers and you show up just in time to save the town. Sounds like a scam to me, lol.
Yeah, but since I'm the DM i can rig things so that way there's actually a plot that doesn't end in the characters' deaths before the first mission.
Oh, we wouldn't all have died. I'm betting my hide modifier is high enough that all I'd have to do is make it to the woods. XD
I'd ride on my faithful steed away from the mob before they co--...

...oh. Right. Level 1. ._.

Anyways, you're having Sorri meet us at town hall? Didn't we all chase the wizards out of town? How exactly does that mean we're going to town hall? I mean, unless someone tells us to go there, I'm pretty sure we're just gonna follow Ghira down the path and to wherever the source is at.
The elder called everyone who could fight to meet at the town hall in fifteen minutes.

And are you sure everyone is still standing where your fighter left them when he went to get his stuff? A subtle auto on your part, assuming that they would stay stock still waiting for him when they may have gone ahead to the meeting or done their own thing in the five or so minutes it would have taken him to return to the inn, don his armor and then hoof it back to where they had been. Unless he moves like The Flash : )
Well, my wizard is a rather weak character and would prefer keeping his head on, so I'd think he would have obeyed and stayed put.
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