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Daisy II Power Armor


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Submission Type: Power Armor
Submission URL:

Faction: Yamatai
FM Approved Yet? Yes, Wes, about a year ago.

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? Yes:
Previously Submitted? No

Designed primarily for the upcoming Fifth Fleet plot, a major update and replacement to the Original Daisy I.

The Daisy II accessories page currently has unapproved items on it, but those items are not yet ready for approval, so please do not review them.
The Daisy I art will suffice for now. I'll go add it in if you simply must have art on the page.
Go ahead, please.
Ok, so it appears that the Daisy does not have Separa'shan or Elysian variants. I propose adding the following text to the Article. "Following on the Success of Separa'shan and Elysian variants of the Mindy 4, the Daisy was also given Elysian and Separa'shan variants in YE 41."
Ok, so it appears that the Daisy does not have Separa'shan or Elysian variants. I propose adding the following text to the Article. "Following on the Success of Separa'shan and Elysian variants of the Mindy 4, the Daisy was also given Elysian and Separa'shan variants in YE 41."
Most Separa'shan and Eylsians are POGs. It'd be a waste of resources to engineer variants for, like, 100 soldiers tops.
I can't speak for Elysians, but there is a large number of Separa'shan in the Star Army, many of whom would be bucking for Combat positions. Star Army has already designed and put out the Mindy variations.

From a OOC perspective, I don't think we should limit the races that can go into combat.
Tier 1 combat soldiers: Nekovalkyrja.
Tier 2 combat soldiers: Everyone else.
I'm not sure what your point is. Non-neko soldiers get thrown into the rough and tumble with everyone else. In terms of games, I don't know of any that is purely neko.
Non-neko soldiers get thrown into the rough and tumble with everyone else.
And they're canonically a burden upon their Neko comrades.

Why give them special treatment? And before anyone says "getting to participate is equal treatment" — it isn't. Combat professions in the SAoY are based around a soldier being equipped with a Nekovalkyrja body. Part of the reason to play a non-Neko in SAoY combat arms is the struggle. Giving them special treatment removes the struggle.
And they're canonically a burden upon their Neko comrades. ... Part of the reason to play a non-Neko in SAoY combat arms is the struggle.

Perhaps they are, but not enough to stop them from getting into mainline and elite combat units. I would disagree that the struggle is why people want to play it. Why? Because it almost never comes up as a plot point.

With the introduction of the Separa'shan and Elysian mindys, those Separa'shan (Such as Sacre) have preformed at least adequately. I don't see why it shouldn't be extended to the other really common armor that Star Army uses.

The days of the species restriction order are over, and from my perspective, good riddance.
With how advanced Yamatai's construction systems are, including AI assistance, and given that we could make these on some random starship instead of retooling the normal factory (maybe one of the new Izanagis can spare a fabrication area), I think it's reasonable to make variants for winged and tailed species.
I mean, if you really want to go with "Everyone who isn't a Neko isn't a true Yamataian patriot", you can go ahead and bring back the Species Restriction act. I'm sure that's the perfect thing to do in the middle of the Kuvexian war if you really think not having to equip non nekos is worth losing that manpower.
I mean, if you really want to go with "Everyone who isn't a Neko isn't a true Yamataian patriot", you can go ahead and bring back the Species Restriction act. I'm sure that's the perfect thing to do in the middle of the Kuvexian war if you really think not having to equip non nekos is worth losing that manpower.

Ahhh, the good old Species Restriction Act when the empire of old raged. Minkan are not exactly useless, just dumbed down Nekos.
I mean, if you really want to go with "Everyone who isn't a Neko isn't a true Yamataian patriot", you can go ahead and bring back the Species Restriction act. I'm sure that's the perfect thing to do in the middle of the Kuvexian war if you really think not having to equip non nekos is worth losing that manpower.
There's a big difference between restricting species from serving at all and dedicating resources to those assets best equipped to achieve victory. Seems to me to be a waste of manpower to firstly design extra variants and then use resources to produce them when Yamatai can just make more Nekos who wear what's already the standard. Especially now, when we've lost several fleets and are stretched thin, it'd be more efficient to place non-Neko with experience in more specialized roles while rolling out new generations of santo hei from the Neko factory.

But this matter also has OOC considerations and the FM has spoken.
People give the Species Restriction Order a lot of flak for good reasons but it was well-intentioned and written by Yui, a neko, so it was reasonable for her to be like "everyone transfer into supersoldier nekos bodies or no promotions." On the other hand it was culturally inept, but Yui was literally raised by a war robot so it makes sense she's a good warrior but not the greatest at human politics. At the same time, on the OOC side the SRO did exactly what it was supposed to do: It jump-started the fledging Nepleslia when we were trying to make the first non-Yamatai faction by diverting players who wanted to play humans and stuff towards Nepleslia for a while. Nepleslia's success paved the way for other factions. If the SRO didn't happen Star Army could still be a site where only the Star Army of Yamatai is played.
Wes also gets a lot of flak for the Species Restriction Order; when I was the co-admin that actually pushed for it.

I expressed annoyance that Yamatai was getting plenty of Nepleslian characters whom where then being liabilities in neko plots; there were more Nepleslian PCs in Yamatai plots than they were in Nepleslia itself and they brought with them disgusting smoking, gum and tobacco chewing and somehow could rarely adhere to the rules to not consume those while on a tour of duty because - of course - rebellious edgy character flaws. And I was like "Why don't they go on thier own ships?!"

Wes saw the silver-linning on that, and was moved to implement the Species Restriction Order in order to kill two birds with one stone: standardize the Star Army crews to Nekovalkyrja even on the player average; while having an active funnel of players that wanted to play Nepleslian characters be funneled towards the Nepleslian plots. Nepleslia's FM and GM at the time, Tom, was an amazing roleplayer, referee and animator for the Street War plot he had going... but unfortunately relatively unknown and unsung. This gave him that chance to step up and create one of the more wonderful plots SARP has known - the NSS Alliance - which was the Ark that birthed the whole Nepleslian rennaissance and directed the DIoN towards what it is today.

Unfortunately, the participants carried a lot of OoC vitriol along, somehow remaining very adversarial with Wes (and me) at the time. Watching for hidden barbs or veiled threats when the truth was that we both wanted Nepleslia to be successful (Wes was happy to have a more engaging setting, while I was happy one of my own roleplayers - Tom - was enjoying a mindblowing degree of success).

* * *

Now that I'm done vouching for Wes and the Species Restriction Order; I'd address why the Daisy II ought to have mods.

For fun, mostly.

But really... if a tech college graduate can design the Anri-class Deep Space Repair Vessel; I'm sure some other can design mods for a power armor as a means to earn extra class credits or perks with the prestige system.

Then, on ships, they can just happen to notice the new mods and bequeath them to the handicapped members of their community, happy to help them level the playing field.
about a month late to the party but I was kind of busy-

As the creator of the Daisy II as well as a GM and formerly prolific tech creator; the goal of all the tech I made was to allow the most number of SARP players the ability to use it. additionally, the Daisy II was designed with modularity, flexibility of use, and upgradeability in mind. So these sorts of additions do make sense, and as others have said it wouldn't be that hard for someone to design said modifications/updates. Heck, it could easily be Origin industries, a civilian company that helped with the Daisy II update, that devoted the time and resources to these modifications, as they are not currently fighting the war.