I appear, and I now speak.
1: You approved the shield and it's function a long while ago Wes, we had our spat about it then, and I don't know why we have to do it again. I nerfed it, I broke it, I made it a mere shadow of my original write up, and apparently thats still not enough.
2: Not everyone has a one-shield-does-it-all system like the CDD. Unlike your faction with it's ability to create universes in pockets, the Lorath and some other species have to rely on the more mundane, such as plasma cohesion, electromagnetic fields, gravitational pockets, and other such sources of protection. To accomplish anything resembling useful results, multiple forms of protection are required.
Lorath ship uses EM shielding.
Mishhu ship uses Scalar.
Lorath ship dies.
Lorath ship uses plasma shielding.
Pirate ship uses Xaser arrays.
Lorath ship dies.
Lorath ship uses gravitic shielding.
Flying space rock hits the ship.
Lorath ship dies.
Lorath ship uses all of the above systems at standard power.
Yamatai ship fires aether.
Lorath ship and the ship behind it and the planet behind it die.
Yeah... pardon the rant but that's how it goes. Also, I have explained to Osaka that the Full Spectrum yadda-yadda was defunct, the article which we favored for design was
https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=lo ... :shielding .
Now, I don't like this, and I'm pretty sure there are a number of other factions which don't have one-stop-shopping in regard to shields, so I find this regulation to be quite stifling, unfair, and discouraging to work around.