Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP Dasshutsu Sokudo, Prologue: Jigoku


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RP Date
YE 46.5
RP Location
Zhaknrukt Star System, Planet Xefkimuxxthrosho
Approximately 184,000 lightyears away from the Kiyko Sector. . .

Unknown Sector, Zhaknrukt Star System
YE 46.5
Xefkimuxxthrosho - NMX Installation 446 Headquarters

There was an almost unnatural silence in the massive chamber at the core of the Headquarters on the Mishhuvurthyar Prision planet Xefkimuxxthrosho. A medium size, habitable planet, Xefkimuxxthrosho had been used as a prison complex for prisoners of war unfortunate enough to be caught by the NMX during the bloody wars fought upon the far away Kiyko sector and beyond. However, it wasnt a traditional prision. Instead of housing prisioners in cells, they were thrown out onto the planet and allowed to attempt to survive... only to be mercilessly hunted down by young Mishhuvurthyar, as training for the fledglings.

Inside a vast chamber filled to the brim with communication and surveillance equipment, a terrifyingly massive pile of flesh rested. The carapace of what would be identified as a Dominator Type Mishhuvurthyar watched screens in front of her ominously, eyes half open. The terrifying creatures features seemed to tilt into a scowl as they correctly identified the hissing of a pair of hydraulic doors opening: giving way for a rather small Advanced-type Mishhuvurthyar to enter the chamber.

"MY LORD, I COME TO INFORM YOU OF-" The Advanced type Mishhuvurthyar, quite terrifying in its own right, stopped speaking as the massive Dominator type Misshuvurthyar reared itself to look at them with an angered expression. Completely lacking the rather cocky or egotistical behavior which other Misshuvurthyar leaders seemed to always display, the Superior Commander simply struck its subordinates eyes with an ice cold stare. . .

"SPIT IT ALREADY." Was all she said. No threats, no berating. The Dominator type preferred to let her previous actions speak for herself... that and the several corpses of a myriad of different species simply stapled to the walls of her chamber. "WELL. YES. OF COURSE MY LORD." The Mishhuvurthyar said in between pauses as it attempted to avoid the Dominator type's gaze. It shook its head momentarily as it continued on with a lengthy report of the prisons current status, which went mostly tuned out by the Prison warden. Instead, the creatures eyes squinted as it focused on one of the consoles displays, which detailed an incoming prison ship inbound to a randomly selected clearing on the planets jungle surface...

NMX Prison Ship

The decaying and horrid interior of a Mishhuvurthyar transport vessel shook as it traveled into the atmosphere of the planet below, something rather alien to its current inhabitants, which had been forced to inhabit rather crude and unsanitary cells for the entirety of their stay. Each cell was rather small and cramped, about three meters in width, length and height, each featuring simple commodities required for life, waste disposals, water and food dispensers, and a rather uncomfortable metallic beds to sleep or sit on. Each cell accommodated two prisoners of war taken by the mishhuvurthyar during the currently renewed war in the Kiyko sector. The vessel had been travelling for weeks, months, even, delivering its unfortunate cargo to its hellish destination.

Nekovalkrja, Neplesians, Elysians, and more- the ship was laden with hundreds of captured soldiers and civilians which had gone through hell in the last couple of weeks. Granted, through all the torture and suffering they had endured, the Mishhuvurthyar seemed intent on keeping them all from death, or at least, keeping most of them from death. At the very least, considering how they had been in transit aboard the vessel for several weeks, they had quite awhile to become acquainted to each other. A small elysian female sat perched on the uncomfortable bench in her cell, head raised upwards towards the wall as she leaned back on it. Consistent with everyone else unwillingly aboard the transport, the Elysian seemed in bad shape, dirtied and neglected. Most notably, one of her wings was completely missing from her back with only a stump remaining in its place, the other haphazardly bandaged. Her face scrunched into a frown as the shaking became more evident. Something was clearly happening, although they weren't fully aware of exactly what. The tired eyes of the small Star Army Shoi scanned throughout the other cells, watching as other prisoners began to react to the shaking. Her singular bandaged wing seemed to ruffle, fearing whatever was next to happen to the group of prisoners.

The rumbling became more and more evident as time passed, until essentially everyone was aware of it. Muttering erupted from the cells as nervous pacing commenced simultaneously from several of the captives. They were, of course, unaware of their destination...

A brand that will now forever sully her career as an overseer. Five years of loyal service only to end up prisoner to her own nation all because she dared to protect her sister from a commander who was all too happy to torture his own soldiers. His actions should have been exposed to his rivals, then the tentacled bastards could have handled it for her. It made her seethe to think how many of her own kin would continue to suffer now that his playthings were no longer with him. He'd have likely already replaced them, the bastard.

She was on a separate ship before being transferred to this one. Back there, her cellmate was a corpse. Murdered by her own hands as her new wardens were so keen to let everyone overhear when they dragged her to her new cell. She remained dressed in NMX military attire, only her ranks were stripped from her, a dried patch of blood running from her right shoulder all the way down to the back being the only decoration upon it now. She wore an eye patch over her right eye, with a large scar running behind it to clue in why it was needed. Though such a look was not uncommon at all, it was strange to see it on a neko.

Her one good eye was a golden color and was on a perpetual scowl even as she slept. Though one would question if she ever slept at all with how quick she would bolt awake the moment there was movement in or out of her cell. But could she have really felt safe at all when her allegiance was laid bare to the other prisoners? She made sure to keep herself protected at all times. She was a soldier, and a damn good one at that. She wasn't going to die in this cell at the hands of an unwashed prisoner. The wardens may have done her a favor for saying she murdered her previous cellmate. She did nothing to make herself look less of a threat. She barely spoke and when she does, she says little.

When she felt the rumbling, she quietly stood up from her bed took her favorite position in the cell, leaning against the corner by the cell door, listening for any footsteps. She felt that the situation had shifted. And she wasn't going to be taken by surprise.
The young Neko who had been asleep on the bunk suddenly gasped and sat up. Sweat covered her forehead. "We exited hyperspace about an hour ago." The neko looked up at her cell mate who was sitting on her bunk with her ear pressed against the filthy wall. Her dirty red hair covered her face on one side, the other side was shaved off. "Sounds like we're entering a planet's atmosphere." As if to prove her statement the ship began to shake. "Better hurry up and finish your dinner. You'll need your strength." The neko who had just woken up rubbed her arms a moment as she looked over at the plate of... certainly not food by any civilized standards. She noticed that there was twice as much as normal on it. "You haven't eaten?" She asked weakly.

Red continued to listen to the ship's engines. She was a good four inches taller than the other neko, who seemed almost too small and sickly to even be a neko. The smaller neko pulled her short black hair out of her face and asked again, a little louder. "You haven't eaten anything? You need to keep eating so that your..." Red cut her off. "My arm has grown back. It's fine. You've given me most of your food for the last 2 weeks. Its grown back. Now eat. I don't want to have to carry your sickly butt when we make a break for it." Short black hair looked at the food again then slowly took it and tried to force it down. Two weeks ago Red had made a break for it. She hadn't gotten very far and had had her arm torn off for her defiance. Luckily for her, Neko arms grew back, with proper food. Black hair had given Red her share of their rations so that she'd have the energy to grow her arm back.

Black hair choked down her rations then hugged her knees to her chest. "I'm scared." Red snorted then glanced over at her cell mate. "We'll be fine." "But what are we..." "I said we'll be fine!" Red snapped. The other neko's lip quivered as she tried to keep back the tears. "I don't want to see anything bad happen to you and I'm afraid I'll just slow you down." Tears were beginning to form in the corners of her purple eyes. Red got up and sat down beside her cell mate, putting her arm around her. She turned her head so that their foreheads were touching. That seemed to give the smaller woman some comfort. After a moment she asked, "Remember what mom says?" Red snorted again. "You're doing it wrong. Do it again correctly?" That brought a small chuckle to the small neko. "You girls can do anything you set your minds to." Red took a deep breath. "I miss mom and dad too."

The ship's rumblings became stronger. At this point everyone was aware of it and there was a sense of apprehension in the air. Red pulled away and grabbed the bundle of rags that were sitting in the corner and drew out a shive she had made. "It's not Straight Silver, but it'll have to do until we get ours back." "Or if we can get our hands on Titan and Dragon's Claw. I still feel like they are somewhere one the ship." Red nodded. She felt it too. "Just stick close to me. If we see an opening we take it. Run as far and as fast as you can." Black hair nodded then made a fist with her right hand and tapped her opposite shoulder. "Good hunting, Ryoko." Ryoko brushed her red hair over one shoulder then repeated the gesture. Then they both tapped their forearms together. It was the traditional salute for good fate in combat by their father's clan. "Good hunting, Hotaru."
Osman, Westown
5 months prior

"We are being overwhelmed! Fall back! Fall back!" a voice called out on the 1st FEU local battlenet. Terrence Nishimura ignored it as he and the rest of his squad remained at their position. The air around them crackled with explosions and the deafening whine of energy weapons. Terrence could feel the pressure of the situation pressing in from all sides, but his squad had been ordered to hold their position. The chaotic calls to fall back echoed across the 1st FEU battlenet, but he and his team had received different orders—orders to dig in, hold fast, and deny the enemy a clear path to the rear command post. The NMX forces were closing in from all angles, and Terrence knew their only hope was to weather the storm.

“Hold your ground!” he shouted to his squad over the comms, his voice hoarse from hours of continuous combat. “We can’t let them through!”

Their defensive perimeter had been hastily arranged among the crumbling remains of a once-thriving industrial sector, now reduced to little more than rubble and ash. His squad had set up behind a cluster of collapsed walls and destroyed vehicles, a makeshift barricade offering little more than the illusion of protection. Terrence could feel the relentless pounding of the NMX artillery getting closer, the ground shaking beneath him with every detonation.

Suddenly, there was a flash—an unnatural, gut-wrenching burst of light and sound that overloaded his senses. His vision exploded into white, his ears filled with a high-pitched ringing, and it was like someone was in their heads crushing their psyche. He felt his body lifted and hurled into the air as though gravity had momentarily let him go. It was only when his body slammed into the ground, knocking the breath from his lungs, that the flash began to fade, and the world slowly came back into focus.

Terrence rolled on the ground as he attempted to make sense of current reality as his vision quickly returned to normal and the ringing in his ear subsided. He looked over to his right and he didn't need the outline of red around what was left of 3 of his squadmates to know that they were dead. The scene to his left was not much better as he witnessed the remaining 2 squadmates get skewered with energy blades of some type by a pair of NMX Nekos that pounced on them from above as they attempted to right themselves back onto their feet. Still too dizzy and weak to get proper footing, it took all his willpower to prevent himself from throwing off his helmet and vomitting onto the ground.

A pair of nightmarish feet floated down in front of him and start walking slowly towards him. It took all of his still recovering might to look up towards the Nightmare-Type Mishhu grinning at him. Rage taking over with his inability to properly focus, he unsheathed his plasma blade and thrusted wildly at the woman. Nowhere near as skilled in a focused state, she merely dodged and stepped out of the way of his strikes to toy and annoy him into greater rage. When she was finally bored of him, she striked heavily at the back of the base of his helmeted head, knocking him out cold.

"Take him." the Nightmare-Type simply said.

Somewhere on Osman

4 months prior

For the last month, Terrance could not really remember what had occurred to him since he woke up in captivity. All he really knew that they stripped him of his Demon Infantry Mobility System and the Advancer made mobility skin that served as his core. They left him with his Megumi Environmental Suit and merely placed him into a special cell that suspended him within a orange energy field and his limbs shackled with a combination of another energy field and gravity generators pulling with just enough strength that if he slightly resisted it would cause them to dislocate his joints. So instead he just floated there as limp as he could to minimize the constant pain.

"I didn't know you filth were advancing on us." a voice could be heard to the left of Terrence. Staying quiet, Terrence started to scream in pain and shake violently as various micro gravity wells formed around, rapidly twisting and contorting his immobile body. For good measure energy burned from within as the medical scanners gathered their data from the session for whatever nefarious purpose.

"You know I hate it when you give me that stoic shit like you humans mean anything to the world. We are going to have to do something about you and your kind" the voice continued, growing closer before the ugliest Advanced Mishhu Terrence had ever seen float in front of him. Likely referring to the "abnormalities" within due to being a Nepleslian Red Artificial Nepleslian and the nanite augmentations within him. Terrance merely looked up to him

"Mangy beast, know your place! You think that poor attempt of a digital mind is going to help you, but it shall not. I would rip it out of you, but you are still better to me alive than dead at the moment." the Mishhu said intent on catelogoing every advance of knowledge within the Kikyo Sector, no matter how small. Not liking the look on Terrence's face, the Mishhu activated the device once again before looking at the stream of biological and genetic data coming. The screams of pain like a symphany to his ears as he composed a virtual intelligence to install into the subject once the next phase of testing commences.


In one of the smallish cells, a large ragged looking man sat seiza style staring menacingly at his cellmate that made the mistake of disturbing his meditation routine with a frightened "eep" as the human woman, olive skinned with droopy hazel eyes, heard something stir within the ship. She just sunk into her corner as he started to feel the hunger pains as his augmentations demanded energy. The very ones he was trying to ignore, conserving his energy when he was going to need it.

He really wish he could give her some false sense of hope to steel her nerves from the inevitable gruesome death she was going to have, but it really wasn't his way. Hope as far as he was concerned was as much of a killer as the claw skewing her in the chest without any sense of objective reality to back it up and there was none. Fight or die, that was the only thing that mattered until another opportunity presents itself.

Not able to focus enough to re-enter his meditative state, he instead opted to listen to the sounds generated from the shaking of the craft. The only logical conclusion was that the ship was experiencing some kind of friction which only really meant atmosphere. It seem it was time to truly enter mission mode as the thought of how the Mishhu treated some prisoners came to him. He glanced over towards the woman for a moment before looking pack towards the other cells.

"Time to die." he merely remarked, reminding himself to recover some part containing DNA from her if the time comes.
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NMX Prison Ship

"UhhhhhhhghAUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" A tired, husky female voice groaned before turning into a long, drawn-out groan of absolute pain as Flirt awoke in discomfort and stretched only to have a muscle in her side cramp and spasm painfully as the redheaded Nepleslian woman rolled off of her cot and leaned against a wall, massaging the naked flesh until it stopped and carefully worked her arm in eccentric circles to make sure she wouldn't suddenly cramp up again.

That done, she paused for a moment, one brow lifting and whirred, pointing a finger accusatorially at the cell across from her own as the other hand covered her bare chest and with a mock frown accosted Terrance with an outstretched finger.

"Hey, I ain't putting on a show over here, samurai!" She tried for a reaction.

He, like usual, wasn't looking by the time Flirt tracked down her at this point stained and very worn top and crusty-stiff greatcoat before leaning her head over to give the shoulder of the coat a sniff before recoiling slightly. And then wearing it anyway. She was half way through tearing her hands through her overgrown ginger-lockes of hair from the various knots and matting when she tuned into the entertainment of the... Day? The brats were crying, someone wouldn't stop coughing, someone was what was hopefully blowing their nose she hoped the sound was, and the rest blended into the ambiance of the pleasure cruise she had unwantedly signed up for out of Osman so many months ago...

Tying up her NSMC issued combat boots she had liberated from Dugey in the bed across from her when he had eventually given in and she had lied about recovering his cerebral chip (how the hell was she even supposed to do that with her bare hands?), Flirt pressed herself flat against the front screen of her cell and tried to look down the hall the best she could in anticipation.

After all something was different this time. And despite any outwards appearances the rouge and scoundrel that was Flirt Demios felt every part the cornered rat and needed it to be so. So she watched and waited, and clung to hope that an opportunity would present itself soon that she could take advantage of and damn everyone else here she would space them all given half the chance if it meant getting out of this cell that much sooner.
NMX Prison Ship

Taharial was laying on her prison bed, staring up at the celling with her right eye, the other was ripped out as her first punishment of her research. Her hair was unkept and if she stood up, it rested on the floor, but standing wasn't something she could that well by herself at the moment. She closed her eye as she groaned as she tried to breathe, her once more doll-like look had been altered and changed, scars, injections wounds, bruises and burns all over her skin. Her body instinctively flinched from the pain as they made sure she was awake and could feel everything as part of her punishment. The words always in her mind "if you like experimenting on others, I am sure you will be happy as our research subject."

She tried to lift up her arm, it was painful, around her elbow a perfect scar going around the whole area, another punishment of her. She felt the bed shake and quickly opened her eye, expecting to see them taking her away for entertainment or more punishment, she would favour the later. When her eye focused and she realised the only other person in her cell was the obvious very young neko, who was at the cell door. She forced herself to get up a little, her nervous system was messed with so much that holding her weight up felt painful. She tried to talk to her bunk mate, but just a sigh came out as she touched the scar on her neck and gulp, this time she forced the words out, it felt like she had sand paper in her throat and hoped that it was over some of the other things it could have been.

"W-What.... I-is.... Going on?" She asked slowly, as she forced herself to sit, her wings a dark, murky red now, mostly dyed in blood and whatever else they dipped them in to induce more pain. The young neko jumped from the voice "Oh, you are awake, it seems we have reached our destination..." The young neko looked terrified and Taharial felt sorry for them, she must of experienced some horrible things as Taharial nodded "Come here, I will share some of my old war stories again.." The girl moved closer "But your voice, maybe I can tell you stories this time, about training and my first mission." Taharial nodded "That sounds lovely.."

Taharial sat as she held the other woman and listened to the girl talk about her life.