Yuumi approached Kohaku with more dread than she expected. The HSC was in the middle of giants, and no matter how comfortable it felt, it would know as soon as the Emissary saw the treaty that Yamatai was lowering their relationship down a peg or two.
She reminded herself that it was for the good of her own people, to whom she was most beholden. It didn't help.
Yuumi telepathically "pinged" Kohaku. She included an encryption key for a temporary diplomatic channel, so Kohaku could receive the full treaty text and analysis without any fuss.
Kohaku stood with Legos and saw Yuumi approaching. She made a small hand gesture and the guards moved a short distance away. Legos took a few steps back as Yuumi came up to Kohaku.
Kohaku felt something that she had not experienced in nine years. It also dawned on her what the angry buzzing she was feeling in the main chamber was. 'Telepathic connection? Who would do that. The only telepaths I've had any contact with were the Tula and their form only worked through plants.' she thought. That it came with an encryption key meant that it most likely had to come from a NH series lifeform.
She suspected that Yuumi had initiated the contact, but just in case she chose a cautious approach.
She accepted the encryption key, and warily opened the connection. "Hello?"
"Emissary," Yuumi sent back — while baring her teeth for the benefit of Legos. "I need to send you a block of secure data. Stand by."
A spillway opened into Kohaku's mind, the datastream falling into a pool guarded by the encryption key. It was the treaty, along with Yuumi's analysis. The spill hardly took a second.
"You need to know what I've done, and why."
Kohaku accepted the data and while her mind decrypted it she spoke to Yuumi. "Premier I was hoping for the opportunity to speak to you after your exchange with the Nepleslia and Lor representatives." She said to Yuumi and then turned to Legos. "Leave the Premier and I alone for a few minutes. I will signal when I require you." She said with a wave of her hand, and she touched a small button on her armband communicator.
Legos gave a brief nod and walked away from the Emissary the guard in tow.
She started scanning the data that Yuumi had provided. She had no problem processing the document, noting numerous points that were extremely flawed.
"We may speak without fear of being overheard. My armband has a white noise generator so no one may eavesdrop. Kindly explain what you have done, and why."
"Peace," Yuumi said. The white noise would get cleared up by the site's KAMI, but the unit was on its own network anyway, so she didn't question the precaution. "I have signed the treaty for the pursuit of peace. This ensures my nation's safety like never before, and brings to a halt the next avenue that would continue the endless cycle of war that is my only heritage."
Kohaku pondered what Yuumi said and chose her words carefully. "Peace... is an admirable goal. The pursuit of it is good, but one must carefully weight the price."
"The price is right," Yuumi replied, hands at her sides no matter how much she wanted to fold them across her chest. "I won't pretend the circumstances are ideal, though."
Kohaku allowed a small smirk to come to her face, "Premier you have a gift for understatement. In the archives I have seen terms for surrender that were more equitable. I know your people are a young race and your Empire even younger. You need to learn some lessons on your own." she said the smirk leaving and a slightly sad expression came to mind as Kohaku reflects on some of the events of the Clan's distant past.
With a neutral expression, she asked "Were you aware of this document prior to the start of the Conference?"
"No," Yuumi replied, staying equally neutral. Already the conversation headed in a direction she expected, but didn't happily suffer. Kohaku was not a Yamataian anymore, and seemed imbued with more than just the history of the Poku Saeruo Degonjo. But to talk to her, one of the first two Nekovalkyrja to ever exist, like she was some youthful child who didn't know any better?
The Premier of Yamatai knew how to appear cordial when she didn't feel it, so she did. Seething would just make things worse.
Kohaku considered the conversation up to this point reviewing every nuance and gesture. Once satisfied with the review, she spoke again.
"Yuumi-sar, I hope that my words have not given offense. But I carry many memories from Qaktoro who were in my position from before the Exodus. Their memories give me a perspective of having lived longer than I have physically. Referring to the Nekovalkyrja as a young race and your empire was not meant as a insult. It is just a statement of the fact. The clan has always had the policy that species who have been around less than we have, deserve the right to make their own decisions. As they are also to be allowed to learn from them for good or bad.
"I am glad to hear that you were not aware of this document before the conference. I can tell you most assuredly that there is no way that the Poku Saeruo Degonjo will ever sign this document. Some of the terms are the same that led to the destruction of our worlds and the near extinction of the clan as people.
"So I respect your decision to do what you feel is best for your people, my challenge will be when I return home to see if I can convince that Mui and the Tonai that this does not violate our existing treaty. That will take some doing, but I believe in the alliance we have forged. Forged between two governments based on mutual respect. We did not come to Yamatai seeking protection. We reached out for exactly what we have, respect and an opportunity to learn and grow together.
"The terms of this new treaty you have signed however.... I fear that it may eventually undo what we have achieved."
"If there are concerns you have, I am here to address them, Kohaku-sar," Yuumi said, letting the rest of it go. She forced herself to relax her shoulders, slacken her back a bit. Too tense.
"Your government need not sign this treaty for our existing one to remain, which we plan to uphold it without reserve. I came to you first out of that mutual respect we have, to ensure you, our ally, knew what was done."
"I truly do appreciate that Yuumi-sar, and I know the Mui will to when I speak with her. It was she who made the decision to contact Yamatai."
"As for concerns, the main are the clauses that deals with territory. The Poku Saeruo Degonjo have made it clear to our ally Yamatai the territory that we claim.The worlds in that area ones we have visited for resources over the centuries. It was the Mishhu taking then that brought us into the most recent war. We do not recognize your allies' authority to respect or not respect our claim."
"As our ally when it comes to section 13. Your people have been to World Station, you have seen our ships. Some of your forces have even seen them in battle. We respectfully ask that you do not share any information you have about our forces and ships."
Yuumi nodded, crunching through the treaty over and over to correctly interpret that concern.
"Before new, nonsignatory-claimed territory is claimed by a signatory, the claiming signatory must go to the council," Yuumi said after landing on a spot she felt worked. "They don't get to roll over a nonsignatory, either. Others must confirm the territory grab, and Yamatai won't support our allies being rolled just because they value their autonomy.
"Still," Yuumi said. "While we won't share information about you, the less we know, the better."
Kohaku nodded at Yuumi's last statement, but her expression showed that she was not pleased with this development.
"I will have to discuss with the Tonai and Mui how this clause will affect our interactions. The Tonai may choose to restrict travel within Yamatai territory to non-fighting ships only. Or they may come up with other restrictions. As soon as I advised of their determination, I will contact you."
"With regards to the subject of acquisition of 'military intelligence' I wish to state for the record that Poku Saeruo Degonjo does not engage in such activities upon our allies."
Kohaku thought about the conference, with the signing of this treaty by the three largest governments present. She did not see much of a reason to continue.
"At this point I have to say. I see no compelling reason to continue with the Conference. Nepleslia and Lor have achieved their goals, and you have your peace.
"I plan to go back in for a moment and advise the other delegates that due to recent developments my delegates and I are leaving the conference. But that we are willing to meet with any of the other delegates at our embassy. That way I can still achieve my task of establishing relations with them, and set myself to the task of briefing the Mui and the Tonai. I also suspect that as long as this Treaty remains in effect that the Poku Saeruo Degonjo will probably not attend future ones."
She then crossed both her arms and gave a short bow to Yuumi, "Thank you for your time, and your input. I will personally contact you when I have heard back from the Mui."
Yuumi mimic'd the gesture to Kohaku. Behind her eyes she considered just what damage she had done to the budding alliance between the Poku Saeruo Degonjo and her people.
What was done had to be done, she reminded herself. Especially when the alternative was a sure path to war.
"I respect those choices, Emissary." The formal tone felt necessary now, not intimate. "I hope our governments still can cooperate in other areas of life beyond this one."
"So do I Premier, I still believe there is much our people can learn from each other, and combined we are both better." she replied.
"I would like to extend a personal invitation for dinner at the embassy. Just two people dining, no titles, no duties." she added.
"I am delighted," Yuumi said with a wide smile, though the blood of her lips felt stiff. "It is my pleasure. Perhaps after the conference is over, when the stress is low?"
"That would be perfect. That would definitely make it more conducive to good digestion and discussion and relaxation." Kohaku said with a warm smile.
"Wonderful! Perhaps a week after, then. No titles or duties means I can wear jeans and a jacket. Get out of this suit."
"Yes, and I can wear something casual as well. It is a date then. I will be sure to block the date so that my people do not plan anything." she answered.
"Mine as well. Miki is quick to pack my schedule. Such is the help." Yuumi winked. "Speaking of, I must talk with some of mine too. Be well, Kohaku-sar."
Yuumi sent to Kotori as she strode away, "Meet me at the main entrance and we'll talk."