Star Army

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Decortication of the Star Army's history.


Retired Staff
I have hosts of questions I could be asking about the past of the Star Army... I could keepasking about different topics, but that could get long and extensive so I'm going to use another method.

I've chosen to bring out the timeline of the Star Army, as shown on this board, and to bring up points one by one with questions associated with it. It'll be lengthy, but there's a lot in this that deserves, in my mind, to be given some attention.

Here I go :

YE 01:
Star Empire is formed, based on Yamatai, under the rule of Emperor Ketsurui Saito.
PNUgen is created. Project Perfect Evolution finishes, creating an all new species of Geshrin.
Soul-Transfer Technology is stolen from the Elysians, studied by PNUgen.
Ketsurui Yui, Yuki, and Yuumi are created by PNUgen.

The Star Empire was formed, based on Yamatai. Okay... but wasn't Yamatai originally called Geshrintall?

If I'm not mistaken, the Geshrins were the first bio-engineered species made to replace humans and were classified as NH-1, whereas the nekovalkyrja was the NH-2. Project Perfect Evolution finishes... but what was there before that? The Geshrins might have been created, but there's little mention about the people that were there before and how they fared.

If Soul Transfer technology was stolen, it means that the Elysians were known then. What was the relation between Geshrintall and the Elysian then? How did they make contact? How did hostilities come out?

Yui was originally named Kitsurugi, was she not? I heard that she was adopted into the Ketsurui clan at some point, so, how is it that she starts with the surname?
The Geshrintall and Kitsurugi bits were probably replaced because they were renamed. Instead of explaining later in the timeline that they were renamed, maybe Wes thought it best to just put the new names up to avoid confusion.

As for the Elysians, Yui conquered Heaven and Hell sometime between YE 1 and YE 15 I believe, and I think that's from where the angels came, but I might be mistaken.

Two questions of my own: Is that Ketsurui supposed to apply to Yuki and Yuumi too? They were dead, eh? And I forget how Yuumi died. I remember a post on the bloodycatgirl boards about her ascending to the throne, and I probably saw Yuumi's death somewhere, but I don't remember. If she died, that is. I should probably check the timeline myself.
The timeline is like a FAQ, and is not meant to be comprehensive. (Note that it says "Summarized". ) Most new players are intimidated enough by all the information posted on the website as it is, so we don't want to throw even more information at them beyond what is absolutely necessary to roleplay.

So, if you're one of those new players, you don't have to read the following...

Also, a disclaimer, Wes has the ultimate authority on the history of SARP, of course. This is just my take on things. Also, I wasn't around for most of it, so I only know what Wes told me, some of which I must have misremembered / misquoted, some of which I'm deliberately withholding, since a GM might want to leverage those information in future plot lines.

Without further ado, the annoted SARP timeline (de-classified version), Part I:

YE 01:
Star Empire is formed, based on Yamatai, under the rule of Emperor Ketsurui Saito.
PNUgen is created. Project Perfect Evolution finishes, creating an all new species of Geshrin.
Soul-Transfer Technology is stolen from the Elysians, studied by PNUgen.
Ketsurui Yui, Yuki, and Yuumi are created by PNUgen.

Before the Star Empire was established, Yamatai/Geshrintall was a Nepleslian colony. (I'd think you guys would've figured this one out already.) When Yamatai declared independence, Nepleslia was understandably pissed off, but probably didn't have enough military power to prevent it.

PNUgen was/is a Yamataian genetics corporation created for the sole purpose of improving/rescuing the obviously deteriating human genome (what with the super X-chromosome and all). Project Perfect Evolution was a complete success, creating both the Geshrin genome and the Warmaiden genome (a precursor to Nekovalkyrja), both of which are drastically modified version of the human/Nepleslian genome.

Elysians lived in the "Heavens", a bunch of floating islands in Yamataian airspace that are held aloft by anti-grav technology, I believe. (If you ask me, the Elysians are either a human mutant strain or the product of some ancient genetic project.)

Yamatai, anticipating war with Nepleslia, steals ST tech from the Elysians, majorly pissing them off in the process.

Yui and Yuumi, along with Eve (aka Naraku), were among the first Nekovalkjrya produced. Ask Wes for the exact order.

YE 02:
Emperor Ketsurui Saito is murdered by Elysians.
Clan Ketsurui momentarily loses power and Nepleslians seize control of the government.

Did I mention that Yamatai pissed off the Elysians?

The Nepleslians seized control of their former colony. It was less a victory and more of a recovery from a major embarrassment.

YE 03:
Elysians kill Yuki, one of the three original NH-2 prototype weapons.
Yui is taken from her father by MIR-8g during the Elysian War. Assigned Ketsurui Iori as a mother.
Yuumi is taken by Ketsurui Uesureyu of PNUgen as his daughter.

Those Elysians sure hold a grudge.

War breaks out between Yamatai (Nepleslian-controlled) and Elysia / Heavens. This is more like a civil war at this point. We have Geshrins and Nekovalkyrja on the ground fighting Elysians in their floating islands.

YE 08:
20 Billion Geshrin simultaneously die of a (PNUgen-created) plague, death is attributed to the Elysians.
Among the dead is Nepleslian Emperor of Yamatai and all his staff.
Nearly the entire population of Elysia (The floating islands over Yamatai) is slain.
Many 'Heavens' fall from the skies.
PNUgen's Ketsurui Uesureyu becomes Emperor.
Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto becomes president of PNUgen Corporation.

The First Elysian War is still going on, but the Elysians were losing badly by this point.

PNUgen (aligned with Clan Ketsurui and the Yamataian independence movement) pulls out a black Ace and wipes out all of the Nepleslians and many all of Geshrins living on Yamatai via an artifical plague, and pins it on the Elysians. (An atrocious deed indeed. No one outside PNUgen's inner circle knows about it to this day.)

Obviously, interstellar quarantine is declared on Yamatai, and no one on Nepleslia actually dies due to the plague. Obviously, those aligned with / employed by PNUgen mysteriously survives.

The Elysians had immunity too, which made it that more plausible that they had done the horrible deed in desperation.

Note that the plague had the desired effect of removing Nepleslia's hold on Yamatai once again. PNUgen quickly developed a vaccine for the plague.

The surviving Geshrin population (all the Nepleslians on Yamatai died), enraged by the Elysian's deed, supported the new Yamataian government as they almost wipe out the entire Elysian population. "Many 'Heavens' fall from the skies."

The surviving Elysians were allowed to remain on the remaining Heavens on Yamatai after a cease-fire was declared, I believe. I guess no one in Clan Ketsurui had the stomach to commit genocide for real.

Clan Ketsurui (the name change was retroactive, I believe, by Yui's decree) officially regains power.

YE 14:
Second Elysian war begins after rebuilt Elysian Army takes over "Hell" (Cave nation in west planet Yamatai).
Ketsurui Yui serves as General of the 2nd Army of the Precious Sword, and invades "Hell."

YE 15:
Yui liberates "Hell."
Elysian offer peace treaty. Emperor Ketsurui Uesureyu assassinates Elysian Emperor.
Yui conquers the "heavens" (floating cities built by Elysians).

Pretty self explanatory. I guess Uesu holds a grudge too. You've been warned. ^_^

The Lesson? Don't mess with Yamatai.

And that ends our history lesson for today. I'm very tired, so I'll continue some time in the future.
If this is accurate ... this is some seriously helpful shit. Junior GM Doshii Jun appreciates this majorly, good sir.
You're welcome. Hopefully Wes will correct any mistakes I made so we don't have any mis-informed GMs running around. ^_^;;
Much obliged, Yangfan, thatyou're taking the time to answer the questions. Unfortunately, all I can come up with now... is more questions! XD

<center>* * *</center>

In YE 03, Yui was taken from her father by MIR-8g during the Elysian War.

Oookay, so, what's a MIR-8g?

Also, if I'm not mistaken, Uesu is the short appelation of Uesureyu (sort of like I'm Frederick, but it's commonly shortened to Fred).

And... just what is this 'Hell'? A cave nation? wth?

I think I saw Dr. Shinichiro Nobumoto somewhere before. Isn't he the lead designer for the NH-7 Nekos?
He is the lead designer and MIR-8g was Yui's 'father' or at least it replaced her father figure. From what I understand it was an attack robot (one of many) that raised Yui and generaly abused her which is why she has such a sunny outlook on life. I haven't seen any stats on exactly what the MIR-8g is or looks like though.
Yangfan's notes above are accurate and are made of win and god.

MIR-8g was the eigth in a series of prototype giant Mechanized Infantry Robots designed by a Uesutech scientist whose name has been lost to time. The "G" is because it was a bodyguard variant. From time to time in the stories (I wonder if any are still around) other models would show up.

He was a very cold, cruel robot and very strong. He was around 12-13 feet tall and had razor blades embedded in his fists. He wore a massive gray o black cloak that concealed his body and had glowing red eyes with small black notches in them. His armored head was a dull brown Zesuaium and he always carried a 35mm chaingun on his side, under the cloak.
Y'know, all along before I started asking questions in this thread, I assumed that the Elysians had always been a race that had lived on Elysia (see map), thene encountered Yamatai and had bad relations with them that stemmed into a war. I found this thread though really helpful... but the bit about the Elysians starting on floating islands on Yamatai is rather eye opening. It certainly makes the mention of 'Heavens' and 'Hell' seem to be a lot more coherent than it looked to me before.

It's also interesting to see that things seemed to be a lot more planetbound than they are now.

YE 16:
Star Empire begins testing TTD technology.
Ketsurui Yui discovers and visits island pocket-universe with younger sister Midori, who is killed there.
Yui leaves, after virtually destroying the pocket universe.

The TTD is that thing that's been semi-banned, isn't it? The device that allowed nekos to jump to other forum roleplays like Ayenee?

What kind of person was Midori and what did that alternate universe look like?

YE 17:
Ayenee is discovered. Ketsurui Yui explores the auction, meets several friends.
Yuumi founds WickedArms Corporation.

Well, Ayenee being discovered then does seem to go well in hand with my mention about the TDD being used to travel to other universes.

And Yuumi funding WickedArms sort of dispel the impression that it had been a second-rate corporation that lost to the Ketsurui Zaibatsu.

YE 18:
Yui returns to Yamatai, has first daughter, Midori (conceived in Ayenee).
Elysians revamp space program, begin moving to Elysia Novus.
Ketsurui no Iori founded. Ketsurui Fleet Yards founded.

Ugh, name reuse. This is going to get confusing. So, Yui got her first child, which would essentially be a cloned version of herself. She was capable of that? Even before the NH-7 nekovalkyrja were out?

I'll assume Elysia Novus is were the Elysians have moved off to, like we see on the starmap.

To the mention of Ketsurui no Iori... was that the first Iori-class Star Fortress? What does '-no Iori' stand for anyways?

Ketsurui Fleet Yards is founded in YE 18, so... what ships were the characters using 'til then?

YE 20:
Albini is discovered and conquered by Star Army.
Fuushigi no Umi frigates are built.
NH-7 created.

Albini... Albini... *looks at map* Okay, about 5 light years away. Closer to home than Elysia Novus too : I guess going 5 light years away was considered 'going far away' to the Elysians then! XD

Albini is discovered and 'conquered'. Was there fighting? Who was there to but up a fight? I don't see any Albinians in the races.

The Ki-F2 Fuushigi no Umi is pretty much the oldest ship we have on the Ketsurui Fleet Yard listing. It's equipped with variable weapons, torpedoes and a directed fold cannon. It's the second frigate built, so, I have to wonder what the first frigate was like. I'm also wondering how much the Ki-F2's technology was influenced by Ayenee (what is SARP weapon technology and what comes from elsewhere is hard to tell at this point). The TDD seems to also teleport ship in space, replacing modes of FTL travel - so it's not just extra-dimensional.

The TDD has a mention about being built by the Ava-net too... which was supposedly gone by then. That did puzzle me. However, checking later showed that the PANTHEON network was invented in YE 24... which means that the Ava-net dwelled a good long time in those southern islands while providing some of the Empire's technoogical devices.

Finally, the NH-7 nekos are invented. We can refer to their extensive technical document to know just how those were then. Good stuff.

YE 21:
Geshrin military forces are consolidated into the Star Army of Yamatai.
Ketsurui Uesureyu hands rule of the Empire to his daughter, Ketsurui Yuumi.
Yui teams up with assassin Jonathan Miller to defeat Eve.
Star Army Units defend Ayenee Capital City from alien invasion with sixty-thousand troops and twenty-five thousand tanks.

The part about Nekovalkyrjas populating most of Yamatai really seemed odd to me. Wasn't the Geshrin population supposed to dominate on Yamatai? I find it hard for the nekos to have developped a stigma with the geshrins if the nekos actually outnumbered the geshrins as inhabitants.

Um, we also get mention that Uesu was Emperor then. Was he? *checks* Oh, yeah... he was in YE 15. Ge... he's really been there since forever and he's still the Emperor... *shakes head* Makes me wonder about the relation between Uesu and the Ketsurui clan though. was Uesu part of it in the first place, or adopted just like Yui was, or... dang it, what's the history of the Ketsurui clan, while were at it?!

Also, by this point, I'd really like to have an idea of what kind of person Yuumi was.

I could ask questions on Eve, but I'll leave that to the GM section, since it's probably delicate stuff.

The bits about the Battle of Ayenee was that Chaos Warthat was mentioned in the other thread, right? Katsuko, at some point, had this fleet battle with the Hive... and I think she had Irim-gunships at her disposal then. The Irim gunships weren't created until YE 25 though, so, hostilities with the Hive did remain after the Battle of Ayenee, correct?

I don't see any mention of the Ender-class gunship (the Ki-D1) being used so far. The Ender's history does mention the vessel seeing use in the battle of Tabidatsu. When did that happen, or more to the point, when? I don't see any Tabidatsu on the starmap...
The TTD is that thing that's been semi-banned, isn't it? The device that allowed nekos to jump to other forum roleplays like Ayenee?

What kind of person was Midori and what did that alternate universe look like?
She was really sweet and selfless; sort of a pre-Hanako. She had blonde hair, I think.
And Yuumi funding WickedArms sort of dispel the impression that it had been a second-rate corporation that lost to the Ketsurui Zaibatsu.
For a while, WA made almost all of the Star Army's weapons (excluding starships).

So, Yui got her first child, which would essentially be a cloned version of herself. She was capable of that? Even before the NH-7 nekovalkyrja were out?
Yui was an NH-2 at the time. Midori was magically concieved from a lesbian love affair with an elf in Ayenee, and so she was sort of half-neko, half elf. She's skinny with green hair. Iori took care of raising her.

I'll assume Elysia Novus is were the Elysians have moved off to, like we see on the starmap.

To the mention of Ketsurui no Iori... was that the first Iori-class Star Fortress? What does '-no Iori' stand for anyways?
No, it's the Ketsurui clan's fortified city north of Pagoda no Uesu. It was the center of Ketsurui clan business from its construction until the construction of Kyoto over the ruins of Geshrinopolis.

Ketsurui Fleet Yards is founded in YE 18, so... what ships were the characters using 'til then?
Nepleslian-built ones like the ASF-57.

Albini is discovered and 'conquered'. Was there fighting? Who was there to but up a fight? I don't see any Albinians in the races.
Yes, but the Albinians didn't stand a chance. There's a very small number of them around today (they never had a large population in the first place) and seeing them offworld is rare.

Also, by this point, I'd really like to have an idea of what kind of person Yuumi was.
Yui was the second neko, and while she was off being trained as a warrior, Yuumi was Uesu's darling, raised as a princess and very, very well educated. She was extremely smart, polite. As intended, she took Uesu's place, but when she was killed (?) the Empire was without a leader for over a year. Finally, Yui was elected...then she gave Ayame and Uesu the throne, but Ayame commited suicide (?) so it's back to just Uesu again. Uesu is currently working on training another girl to take his place (who bears a strong resemblance to Hanako).
When did that happen, or more to the point, when? I don't see any Tabidatsu on the starmap...
Tabidatsu was a Star Army colony and training base in the Python Fleet RPG. It was eventually abandoned after aliens encroached to close to it, in favor of Hoshi no Iori's massive lands.

what's the history of the Ketsurui clan, while were at it?!
They go way back. :) Uesu has a genetic lineage, while the neko side of the clan doesn't.
She was a former love of Uesu, who ended up getting to be assigned at Yui's mom and thus the semi-wife of MIR-8g. She never spoke to Yui for many years, because the robot forbade it, thinking it was making Yui soft.

Yui nearly killed her once, after her lover Silver (who was Midori's other parent) demanded Yui choose between the two. Later Iori and Yui sort of reconciled and Iori got a chance to be the mom she'd always wanted to be for Yui, by raising Yui's daughter Midori.
YE 03:
Elysians kill Yuki, one of the three original NH-2 prototype weapons.
Yui is taken from her father by MIR-8g during the Elysian War. Assigned Ketsurui Iori as a mother.
Yuumi is taken by Ketsurui Uesureyu of PNUgen as his daughter.

Ah ha! That bit makes more sense now. I thought it was a typo of Ketsurui no Iori - so, I was there wondering "Eh? Yui was assigned to be a mother?"

So, then, why does some stuff keep ending with the suffix "no Iori"? heck, there's even a Mishhu no Iori.
I believe it means 'Of Star', which means Hoshi No Iori means, effectively, Star Fortress. Which makes sense since it is built around a star.

Everything else presumably is based around Stars. I could be wrong however.
Thanks. Well, moving on...

YE 22:
Python Sector is discovered.
Star Army forces hack Python Sector computer database, acquire shuttle, obtain CDD technology.
Kosame is colonized.
Star Army Research Administration is created.
Star Army Intelligence (SAINT) is created, replaces Star Army Intel.
Yui is promoted to Taisho, making her the leader of the Star Army.
Yui-Class destroyer (including YSS Yui) created.
NH-X created.

Here's that mention about the Python sector, so, the Ender-class gunship was probably out then.

From my interpretation, the hacking of the Python database would have been that the Star Army would have stolen shuttle plans equipped with CDD and then reverse engineered it to its own use... probably meaning that CDD wasn't native SARP tech either.

Some see the Kosame star system somewhere? I don't. For that matter, I'm starting to wonder why some colonized/conquered planets/systems are mentioned and why some others aren't.

The SARA was made... though the SARA really seems to me like it being an administrative/research branch of the the Ketsurui Zaibatsu.

SAINT was created through, though it was probably more like a reorganisation of the Star Army intelligence. Seems to me that SAINT is independant from the Star Army and has ties with the Imperial Government (which might be why the Star Army are often at odds with SAINT and why SAINT seems to be so independant and hard to figure out).

Yui got promoted to Taisho... that rank is now used a bit more, so, I figured that's why there's also the Master Admiral title to Yui now (or just Mistress of the Star Army). As a Taisho, Yui would have commanded over only one fleet... but then, the fleets were a whole lot bigger then.

The Yui-class Stealth Destroyer came out. The Yui, while having experience numerous refits (as well as a sizeable overhaul in the case of the rechristened Nozomi-class) still sees use even in YE 29 (I believe Sekiko was aiming to make a plotship with a Yui-class).

NH-X nekos came out too. There isn't a whole lot of info on he NH-X though ~_~

YE 23:
Ralfaris conquered by Star Army of Yamatai.
Fourth Elysian War begins.
Qel'noran Shipyards founded. Wazu and Wakizashi destroyers created.
Kessaku Anri invents MEGAMI Quantum Computer.
Empress Ketsurui Yuumi killed in Elysian attack.
Star Army assumes control of the government.
NH-17 put into service.
Subjugator Landing Ship created by KFY.

Ralfalris? I don't see a Rafalris planet, much less a system. All I see is a nebula out around 7 LY to the 'south' of Yamatai. So, that brings the inevitable question : What was Raflaris, why was it conquered and where did it go?

Also, there's the coming of the Fourth Elysian War. Just now, I could just spout the usual 'what was it this time?' and 'what happened?', but I feel more inclined to ask : Where is the 3rd Elysian War?! I just saw two so far.

Quel'norans come in the picture now. I saw their ships, but there's one thing I don't know yet : Who the hell are they? I keep hearing mention of them but nothing else!

First mention of the Kessakus, and Anri, in this case... and it involves the super duper MEGAMI computers... One day, I'm hoping to learn why the Star Army are putting E-IES and W-IES on certain ships and putting the MEGAMIs on other without clear distinction.

Yuumi dies because of the Elysians. Boy, if Uesu was pissed before, he probably was a lot angrier now. How did Yuumi come to die exactly? A lot of controversy seemed to rise from this.

then, if the Star Army assumed control of the government, that means Yui was pretty much in charge. Would be understandable a year later that she assume the office, since she was doing it already.

NH-17s come into play. Those nekos pretty much were the basic, common nekovalkyrja when I joined the SARP, so, that's as much an indicative as any that were coming close to more recent history. the oldest posts on this forum slightly predate the creation of the Yamataian race, which essentially started as the experimental NH-22 series.
no problem (damn cookies). So...yeah, basically "House of the Ketsurui," "Stellar Fort," "Mishhu's Retreat," etc.