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RP: The Wayward Distant Memories (Ep. 2.0)


The bear like creature was indeed unmoving and with it just laying there it was easy to grasp the size of the creature. It was at least four meters long, and from the ground to its shoulder as a good two meters. If it really was going to attack, bones would probably break just from the force of such a thing swinging against them.

Ana did not have to run far before she had left the clearing and made it into the dense forest. The purple foliage prevented much light from getting through and there were plenty of places the hide, the wind rustling through the leaves would mask the sound of movement if one was careful as well.


Tanja did not reply to Nan’s voice over the radio, and when he arrived she was not moving either. The only good news was the groan that escaped her lips meant she was alive and still breathing, for how long was unknown though. There was no way she was going to get up and move any time soon, and she needed medical attention quick.

The behemoth that Hugar had gotten on did not seem to have any intention of settling down, but the shocks had an effect. They made him thrash and convulse, but it did not go down, even with the blade going in a little deeper. If he wanted to take the creature down he would have to find another place to penetrate from.

Ana heard Reed call after her, but she was too upset to properly hear what he said. She got into the forest itself and, once in the underbrush, slowed to a walk. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she walked, sad because they had killed a creature that, though provoked into attacking, wasn't really a threat to them at first. She didn't fully understand why, either, and needed time to calm herself down.

As she looked around, though, she did notice that some of the trees had places where she could crawl into at ground level. Not knowing if Reed or Quinn were coming after her or not, she picked the next tree she found with a hidey-hole and crawled in, curling up inside. Not being aware of any possible dangers even in there.

Nan looked worriedly over Tanja's crumpled body. He reached down and, thanks to his 'Mighty Minkan Powers'(tm), he is able to lift up the limp Captains form. "Rulloo! Get to the shuttle, the Captain is hurt! We have to help her! Hugar, please let's go," Nan said, the fear and alarm cleary evident in his increasingly higher pitch.

Cradling Tanja as best he could, he carefully started making his way toward the shuttle, he used his gravitational control to help him stay as stable as possible for Tanjas sake. His mind was in turmoil. It started out as a puzzle on a backwater planet and now here he was carrying his new found mother figure towards, hopefully, medical help.

He knew there would be danger and excitement, Nan just figured it would be more excitement than danger, or at least a gradual insertion of danger. That was not life at the moment. He had to try to push aside his fear and focus, easier in thought than in action.

"Find her and bring her back Reed!" He called after the other when he turned to follow after Ana and then he turned his attention to the huge unmoving bear. I am so getting someone to show me how to make steaks out of you! He thought to himself and then he walked over, got a good grip on the bear's scruff and put his muscle into dragging the bear back to the ship. "I do believe our guest would like a look at it when they get back." He told Embel as he passed her to the ramp that, to this point, was still down and then he hauled the bear into the hold and poked his head back outside. "I'd suggest you get back on the bridge and get the ship warmed up." He had been paying attention to the comms during their own fiasco with the bear "I do believe we have more than just one source of trouble incoming." And then he slipped back inside and headed for the med bay.

(( @Cmd_Jackson @BloodyScarlet ))

Reed barely acknowledged Quinns words before he entered the forest himself, heading in what he hoped to be roughly the same direction that Ana had taken. He was only a few steps in when he was forced to slow to a walk or risk being tripped by the thick underbrush.

“Analiese!” He called out in as soothing of a tone as he could manage “Please come back! Nobody is going to sedate you! I promise."

Reed paused hoping to hear a response.

The forest was quiet, only the rustling of the wind and the movements of small creatures reached Ana’s ears. The place was rather beautiful when one took the time to stop and look at it. Despite the obvious signs of civilization they did not do much damage to the ecosystem, and had been don for quite some time it seemed, letting the lush natural world prosper.

Dragging the bear like creature took all of Quinn’s strength and then some, the beast was no easy to move but he somehow managed to get it up. The time till the uninvited guest arrived was unknown, but none of the system warnings were going off, so at least nothing with a reactor was too close to the ship just yet.


Tanja was in pain, as time progressed she became more conscious and that just meant she could feel more of the pain from the incident.She didn’t put up any bit of a fight however and she just let Nan carry her.

Rulloo had finished what he was doing as well and didn’t even bother to fully pack up, and was carrying his things in his arms as he rushed into the shuttle.Nan soon followed him inside. Only Hugar and the beast were still outside. It was a matter of trying to get the beat to head in another direction other than the shuttles once Hugar dismounted.

The answer was fairly simple, Hugar lifted his spear and then slashed at the eye of the creature causing it to roar in pain as he jumped off and then made a dash for the shuttle. The behemoth let behind, wailing and thrashing in pain.

Nan was so relieved when he saw Rulloo run onto the shuttle and even more relieved when he detected some stirring from his most favorite Captain (ignoring that she is/has been his only one). Though the stressful situation was still happening he allowed his abundant enthusiasm to return with his rambunctious smile. He slowly and gently laid Tanja into a shuttle seat and patted her head as he moved to the front of the shuttle.

"Rulloo, strap Tanja in then do the same for you. We are totally out of here the moment Hugar shows up," Nan said over his shoulder as he reviewed the shuttle controls. He had never flown before and figured Hugar would take over but it would be faster if the shuttle wwas warmed and ready.

Nan did quick check and made notes of the various options. He allowed his mind to almost go into his typical computer mode, his natural affinity for electronics coming to the fore front. Using his knowledge of computers and deductions he began pressing the most obvious choices for ignition. All this with an excitable grin spread across his cherubic face.
Forest near Anbruch

Analiese could hear Reed in the forest. He had followed her, almost with the same path. A part of her wanted to remain as still and quiet as possible, but she knew that that wouldn't be the best thing for her. She was tired, scared, and very sore from all her injuries. She didn't move from her hidey-hole, but she did call out loud enough for him to hear her. "Do you promise?"

At the sound of Analiese's voice, Reed relaxed a bit. She had to be nearby to answer him. "I promise that you won't be sedated. I won't let them." Reed called back to Analiese.

Ana made some rustling sounds as she crawled back out of the hole. She held her stomach, for her wounds were hurting her once more and she needed to get some much needed rest. "I don't like needles. He knows that." She sniffed a bit as she wiped at her eyes, "That bear...wouldn't have hurt me..." She did sound fairly sure of that, even if she wasn't too sure why the bear did attack.

Reed closed the distance between him and Analiese in a few steps before placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. “I’ll be sure to remind him about the needles when we get back.” Reed promised as he began to guide her back the way they had came. At the mention of the bear, however, Reed frowned slightly before answering, choosing his words carefully, “I’m sorry about the bear, it wasn’t your fault...” He voice trailed off. Reed was fairly confident that he knew who had freaked out the bear, but this wasn’t the time to voice his accusations. He'd have some words with that man later. “Lets get back to the ship.” Reed suggested, “We can get you fixed up there."

Nodded as they walked together back towards the ship. She plodded along, not saying anything about how much she was hurting. Though the crew did look out for her better than she'd ever have expected, she was still not quite willing to say anything unless absolutely necessary...which even then she would just allow herself to suffer.

Hugar made a mad dash for the shuttle quickly getting inside and sitting next to Tanja looking down at her. "Son of a bitch..."

He strapped himself in and closed his eyes for a moment before looking at Nan. "Go, we need to go now." He then moved to look over Tanja's bodies for any notable wounds. He used his albeit limited knowledge in Abwehran Anatomy to see if there is anything fatal, or something he can do to temporarily relieve her of pain.
Approaching the Anbruch

At their current pace, they couldn’t be more than a few minutes away from the Anbruch. Reed quietly slipped the communicate out of his pocket and contacted the crew at the Anbruch. “I found Analiese and we are on our way back. Please make sure the airlock is open when we get there.”

Noting Analiese’s pained expression, Reed silently berated himself for forgetting about her earlier injuries. “Quinn, Analiese may need some medical attention.” He paused before adding in a voice that did not invite argument, "Do not use any needles on her without her permission.”

Reed snapped the communicator shut terminating the channel before looking back at Analiese “Do you need me to carry you?” He asked.
Approaching the Anbruch

Analiese listened as Reed contacted the Anbruch once more, letting them know they were on their way back. She almost smiled when she heard Reed tell Quinn not to use needles on her, though she'd definitely need his services for her injuries. She was sure she made something worse somehow. At his offer of carrying her, she started to shake her head, but then she tripped and stumbled a little. Stopping then, she let out a whimper and nodded. She hated to have to show weakness, but she couldn't help it. At least Reed asked rather than just picked her up.

"Okay," she said softly. She was coming to trust Reed more, so she knew she would be taken care of by him.
Shuttle -> Anbruch

Once everyone was inside Nan brought the shuttle up and took off on a course straight for the Anbruch, it would only take a few minutes to arrive at a safe speed. The captain though still did not look in the best condition, her armor had protected her from any external damage, but at the moment there was no way to tell what was going on inside her body.

They reached the ship in no time however, they didn’t have the luxury to take it easy, and with automated landing they were able to land the shuttle without issues inside the hangar.


Those outside could hear the arrival of the shuttle, and those inside heard a message about a docking shuttle. THe away team had returned just before Reed and Analiese. Now the whole crew had gotten back to the ship and they could receive their orders on what to do. Well they could if the captain had not been unconscious. It didn’t look like she would be fit to command in the immediate future, not without medical attention at least, someone would have to call the shots.
Medical Bay

Quinn gave his head a slight shake at Reed's words but he flipped open his own little communicator "No needles, Promise. Reed, if you'd please, get Ana to lay down on the second deck in the wardroom." That done he headed for the hangar and the shuttle and as soon as he was able to he poked his head inside. "Alright. Cap't needs to be taken to the med bay, Hugar you'll have to wait with Ana. Rulloo there's a dead bear in the cargo hold, I'd love to know if I can carve it up and eat it for all the trouble it gave me." He sucked in a deep breath, "Right, now off to the med bay." He headed that direction, fairly certain Hugar would bring their injured captain along shortly.

Nan was very relieved once they landed the shuttle in the comforting, familiar walls of the Anbruch. Things had gotten a little too close for Nans comfort back at the spire. Thankfully though everyone had made it back, and while Nan had had very little interaction with Quinn, he assumed he became the ship medic for more than his fashion sense.

Things weren't over however. There was still the looming realization that the Anbruch had been disabled by a, probably, hostile unknown element. They needed to get going or at least prepare.

That's when something unexpected hit Nan and he spoke up, "Ok peeps listen up, Reed, once you help Ana get to Quinn let's get the ship ready to. The work Ana and I did should hold. Geb, do one last exterior patrol while everything gets going. Embel, could you help Reed with start up and check the external sensors?

Lastly, Rulloo, before we go do you have everything you need?"
Somewhere Approaching the Anbruch

Reed carefully lifted Analiese off the ground and continued to push his way through the foliage, taking care to minimize the amount of branches hitting Analiese. A few minutes later, Reed set Analiese down on a chair in the Wardroom.

“Quinn should be here in a bit.” Reed looked the room before heading for the door. “Call me on the comms if you need anything. I’ll check up on you once we get the ship off this rock.”

Reed left the Wardroom and after a short walk entered the bridge. Taking his seat at the helm, Reed resumed the preflight check, contacting Nan as he did so.

“Nan, I’ll be lifting off as soon as I finish this final check. Is there any damage to the ship that I might want to know about?"

Analiese nodded to Reed when he left her. She was a bit surprised at how quickly he moved, even carrying her, but she was too worn out to object to being put in a chair. She would just sit there and wait patiently, hoping Reed made it back before Quinn came in. She knew she'd get a lecture, but hoped it could wait until she was feeling better. In the meantime, she started to doze off, curling up in the chair as best she could.
Shuttle > Anbruch

Upon having landed Hugar gently picked up the captain and made his way straight to the medical bay, upon reaching there he places her down. He looks at Quinn before taking a breath and nodded to him. "Alright... I did a quick once over on our way here, on the outside she is perfectly fine; however considering the blunt force trauma it might be best to consider doing a full body scan." He suggested to the doctor, naturally Quinn knew more than him, he knew a lot about biology but not so much anatomy or the art of medical healing. He was, actually quite a bit panicked because of the injury that Tanja had received due to his own recklessness, plus there was the fact he cared deeply for Tanja as well.

Nan replied to Reed, "Well, as far as Analiese and I could tell we should be spaceworthy. You may want to prepare for some jittering or shaking though just in case. You know, the usual jury rigged feels."

“So long as duct tape sticks and the air stays inside the ship,” Reed chuckled as he wrapped up the systems check “I shouldn’t have any problems.”

Switching comm channels, Reed contact the patrolling android. “Geb, return to the air lower airlock as soon as possible and give me a signal when you arrive.”

His fingers danced over the controls as he closed the shuttle bay doors and prepped the engines. He’d wait for the android to give him the signal before firing up the engines. Reed didn’t want to risk alerting the unknown ship that the Anbruch was spaceworthy before he was ready to take off.
Medical Bay

Quinn nodded "Thank you Hugar. I believe Reed and Nan could use your help on the bridge, and if you'd be so kind as to check in on Analiese on your way I would most appreciate it." He just wanted to be sure she was resting. He turned his attention to Tanjia, carefully extracting her from her clothes, checking for external injures and then starting up the scan for internal injuries. While he pulled up the results he was already making notes on what to attend to first and applied his skills as need be to stabilize Tanja before he'd ever consider moving her from the table. When he had a brief moment he keyed up his communicator "We expecting a rough take-off Reed?" He asked, wanting to make sure he could secure Tanja if they were going to run across turbulence so she wouldn't get tossed around any.
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