Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward Distant Memories (Ep. 2.0)

Anbruch Bridge

“One moment Quinn, let me check.” Reed muted his mike as he completed the preflight check and began reading the ships damage assessment. “Let me see, mostly repaired engine damage... a few isolated hull breaches... minor damage to the power systems... and ah yes.”

“Hugar murdered the paint job.” The Pilot hummed to himself before responding to Quinn. “Alright Quinn, I’m going to say that it’s possible that we may have minor turbulence. I’d advise strapping down anything fragile that you own.”

He paused before switching to the ship wide intercom for the entire crew to hear. “If anyone has any loose items, I advise stowing them in something safe, preferably bolted to the floor.”

Despite making the announcement, Reed was supremely confident that the takeoff would occur without incident. The only thing he needed to do was get the ship out of the atmosphere ASAP. Evading their pursuers should be trivial after that.

The ship was a bustle with activity as everyone moved about to get ready. Rulloo frantically secured everything that was his, it was valuable equipment before, but now the data along with the samples made it nearly priceless and he couldn’t afford to have anything damaged.

Geboku had received Reed’s orders and made it’s way back to the ship, no one could see what was going on and the only clue was the message it sent back in reply. “I have boarded the lift. Hostiles inbound.” It’s voice was so mechanical and monotone that it was hard to tell just how urgent or close the supposed hostiles were.

Back at the bridge, all systems were running in the green, it wasn’t perfect but it was going to have to be good enough for now. Any more repairs would take time, something they did not have much of.


The captain was easily removed from her clothes and left only in her undergarments. Her body was in excellent athletic shape, but beauty was not important at the moment it was her health. There were some scars on her body, but they were old and not relevant to her injury. What was concerning was the large bruise on her back, obviously form the impact.

The instruments brought back rather troubling results as well, she had several cracked ribs, her right shoulder was dislocated. There were also several strained muscles and even her organs were bruised, but the real worry was worse. There was a hairline fracture in her spine and it was uncertain how much damage if any her nerves took. Along with his there was some internal bleeding needed to be attended to as well. It would take some time but all and all the wounds were not too difficult to deal with, as long as there was no nerve damage. The tough skeletal structure of the Abwehrans had saved her from a much worse result.

“Hostiles approaching on foot? Excellent! That will make my job much easier." Reed cracked his knuckles before tapping the ship-wide intercom button. “Alright everyone, I’d advise that you find something to hold onto in the next 15 seconds.”

Reed’s fingers danced over the helm controls as he brought CFS/CDD online and began firing the maneuvering thrusters in controlled bursts to elevate the Anbruch over the treeline.

“... 3, 2, and 1.” Reed inputted a single command and the Anbruch shot forward, quickly rising over the forest at supersonic speeds.

Reed kept an eye on the controls as he pushed the engines for as much acceleration as possible. Analiese and Nam had patched up most of the hull, but the remaining damage may have compromised the aerodynamics just enough to result in noticeable turbulence.

Once the Anbruch reached it's maximum atmospheric speed however, Reed allowed himself to lean back and grin as he tried to picture the unknown crew, scrambling through the forest back to their ship. He estimated that the Anbruch would have at least 5 minutes before the unknown ship could take off in pursuit. And by then, the Anbruch would be long gone.
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Med bay waiting area

Ana heard the announcement over the intercom system and wished she was strapped in a bed instead of sitting in a chair. Lucky for her, it had some webbing, so she put it on as fast as she could, but didn't quite get it fastened when they lifted off. She winced as the g-forces from the quick acceleration pushed her into the chair and caused her injuries to protest some. But soon enough, it eased off and she could settle more comfortably as she waited.
Hugar watched Tanja for a moment before having made his way out of the medical bay, on his way up towards the bridge he would hear the announcement and quickly grabbed a-hold of the wall. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth powerfully as he had to brace from the acceleration to keep from getting thrown back.

Quinn wrinkled his nose at the results of the scan. The shoulder he was able to carefully pop right back into place, wincing himself as his own arm protested the strength required to do so. He gave her some medicine to help with the internal injuries until he could go looking for it a bit better. At Reed's announcement he carefully got Tanja firmly attached to the table so she didn't go flying and Quinn himself had all of a few seconds to sit his ass down against the rear bulkhead and get plastered to it for a bit. When he could peel himself off the wall again it was more of sliding down it to just lay there for a moment and breath, and then he got up and went to work stabilizing Tanja further until he was satisfied she wasn't going to croak on him.

Nan did his best to help Rulloo secure his gear and get into a seat. As the ship shuddered and shifted he commed Reed, "The ship will be fine. She'll hold together. Don't engage anything just do your best to get us back to Waypoint ok Reed?" Nan's enthusiasm was evident in his words. He knew that between himself and Analiese this ship was good to go.

Nan chose to rely on his levitation to aid him in maneuvering throughout the ship. After Rulloo he sped through the hallways toward the medbay. He entered just as Quinn reoriented hinself after the rough take off speed. "Hey yo Doc, how is the Captain? What do you need me to do? I am at your service," Nan said with confidence that belied his young looks.

"Alright Nan, watch your head down there, I think the inertia dampeners are acting up." the pilot added the warning as a passing thought before he began punching in the trade station's coordinates.

"Right then, Way- point- it- is." He pronounced each the last four syllable with a deliberate keystroke, confirming the coordinates for FTL. Given the speed that the Anbruch was traveling at, the drive would finish charging less than a minute after he after the ship got free of the atmosphere. Having a very small window of free free time, Reed took a moment to step over to one of the adjacent stations to direct the scanners to get a picture of the unknown ship.

Who knows? he mused Maybe I'll recognize it.

Before leaving the station, Reed transferred a copy the sensor logs to his data pad. Taking a seat, Reed kicked his legs up onto the helm console and leaned back as he reviewed the logs from their arrival, specifically, the moment that Hugar had collided with the asteroids. Reeds personal "completely unbiased and realistic" assessment of the situation was that, had he been flying, the ship probably would not have been forced to crash-land. Avoiding all of the debris at that range would have been impossible difficult, but with the CFS shield, he could have gotten the ship free before they began taking hull damage.

His musing was interrupted as the helm chirped to signal that the ship was clear of the atmosphere. A few seconds later, followed by an unnecessary barrel roll, the fold drive came to life and the Anbruch disappeared Zath-Nianach's orbit.

Quinn paused in his work and handed four pills to Nan "Two for Ana, she should be up in the wardroom resting, and two for Hugar wherever he got off to. Let me know if they need anything else, like new stitches knowing Hugar..." He told the other "Oh and ask Rulloo if I can keep the bear pelt, would you?" He was a bit distracted for the moment with his work on Tanja. "Thank you for your help." Perhaps a polite way of saying he wanted Nan out of his already cramped med bay, but if it made Nan feel better going about helping him hand out medicine so he could focus all of his attention on one thing then so be it.