Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: The Wayward Distant Memories (Ep. 2.0)


Ana groaned some as Quinn worked his fingers over her, checking for vitals. She hissed a little when he'd touch sore places, but what he would be able to tell is that she's mostly bruised and banged up a lot. She mutters as she starts to come to once more, hearing his echoing yell, "No need to yell..." She peeked up at him a little and tried to smile, "I'm not dead yet..."

Hugar nodded. "Yes, Tanja." With that he sat back down and began working his fingers. Pausing a moment at the sound of distress coming from Tanja, and the subsequent echoing of Quinn's voice. He felt a little annoyed that he yelled that instead of reporting via his communicator, but that didn't stop him for long. He first softly lands the ship on its landing gear and then goes about doing a scan to figure out the planet they were on and what they would be doing while upon this planet to repair the ship.
Engineering -> Med Bay

Quinn gave her a grin and a soft chuckle. "Yeah. I don't think you've got any broken bones. Just bruises." He shouldered the med kit, gently picked Ana up and carried her the short distance down the hall to the med bay and laid her on the table. "Stay on the table and rest yeah? There's broken glass. Don't need you hurting yourself."

Med Bay -> Bridge

Quinn left Ana to rest and headed up to the bridge not far off from where he already was. He appeared in the doorway and flashed a breathless smile. "Sorry." He apologized gently. "Had my hands full. Analiese got trapped against the wall by the engine. She's bruised up pretty bad but I don't think she's got any broken bones or internal damage. Nan's fine. Haven't heard anything from Embel or our Guest. You two hurt anywhere?" He asked, looking perfectly fine aside from the few drips of blood that had come off of his hand and fallen to the floor. He didn't seem to notice of course.
Engineering -> Med Bay

Ana wrapped her arms around Quinn's neck as he carried her to the Med Bay and laid her on a table. She nodded a little and looked even more pale, smelling blood...though she thought it was her own and didn't know of Quinn's wound. "Alright...Rest...sounds good." She watched him go and started to call out when she saw blood on his hand...but he was already gone before she could.

Nan watched as Quinn carried Analiese off hoping she would be ok. Nan really hadn't gotten any time to talk to the young engineer but felt like it was easy to be concerned. After they departed he turned to the two robots, "Mari, it's up to you to start getting things in order here until Analiese is feeling better, Geb, help Mari all you can with the heavy lifting. I'm going to go see how the computers are working."

Computer Core

With that Nan walked through the ship to the computer core to straighten up and see what he can pull up. He commed the bridge, "So, lots of jungle out there Cap, I can launch some camera drones to try and get a quick look in the area if you think it would help. Things look fine in the computer core as long as the back up power holds. I'm backing up what I can in case it goes out."

Embel was present on the bridge as well, working the scanners at the moment to figure out as much information as they could about the planet. "I'm fine, but there is no confirmation from Rulloo."

Tanja looked to Quinn after hearing Embel's words. "Hugar, Quinn, I need you two to check on our guest, make sure he's okay." She received the message from Nan a moment later and stroked a chin, taking a moment to think. "Send out a few and get an idea of what our surroundings are like. Don't go out yourself though, we're still waiting for environmental results, but things are a bit slower on just auxiliary power."

She looekd back at Quinn before he could leave, noticing his arm and paused a moment. "Quinn, you might want to take care of your arm before you go though."


Lots of clanging and welding sounds could be heard form engineering as the two androids began work on repairing the damage to the engines and power systems. There was either a lot of work to be done, or they would be done rather quickly judging from how much noise they were making.
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Hugar looks at Quinn before nodding. "I'm alright, and the captain seems to be alright as well, which is good." He listened to his captains orders, and quickly nodded to her. "Yes, Tanja." He stands and grabs his coat, before moving out of the bridge and heading down towards the Cabin's where Rullo would be situated.
Computer Core -> Airlock

Nan sweeped out 3 of his camera blister drones and set them to his PHC frequency. Nan moves to the airlock and released the drones inside. From inside the ship he cycles the airlock and using his PHC he moved the drones outside the ship.

Once they were outside he closed the airlock making sure the pressurization was complete then moved towards the bridge while directing the drones.


"Drones are away Cap, so far nothing but foliage," Nan said as he was staring at his holographic computer, his hands flowing quickly over the keys. "I'm going to set up a spiraling pattern for two of them and will send the third up for an aerial shot." Once again his hands blurred over the keyboard with intimate ease.
Med Bay

Ana was growing restless. She knew she should stay where she was and let herself heal some before trying to do anything, but she hated not being in the engine room. She felt that she was letting the Captain down by not being part of helping out where she should be. Slowly, she sat up and checked herself over. She frowned some at the blood that clearly wasn't hers, but wasn't sure where it came from. She turned on her comm unit and said softly, " sure I didn't lose a lot of blood?"
Bridge -> Med Bay

Quinn blinked and glanced at his arm, followed it down to his hand and wrinkled his nose. He said nothing to Tanja though, picking up his little communicator "Very sure. Stay on the bed please." He headed back down to the med bay, calling Hugar on the way. "Hugar Check in on our guest and let me know how he's doing." That done he tucked the communicator back into a pocket and carefully stepped back into the Med Bay.

"I'm the one bleeding." He added to Ana. "Exactly the reason I told you not to get off the bed." She hadn't gotten off of course from what he could see but he let the lesson stand. Quinn carefully wiggled free of his coat, set it aside and then wiggled free of his shirt. His bandage was leaking quite clearly so he had to gather the supplies to clean himself up and stitch himself back together. "I hate having to stitch myself back together." He muttered, mostly to himself though Ana would be able to hear.
Med Bay

Ana stayed where she was when he communicated back to her. She watched as he entered and gave a small sigh of relief when she knew it wasn't her, but at the same time, she was worried for him. She watched as Quinn removed his coat and shirt, revealing a bandage that was seeping blood. When he muttered about stitching back together, she cleared her throat and sat up, dangling her legs over the edge of the table. "Let me, then." She had done a small amount of this before, but had little to no training so may not get it right the first time. "You guide me in how to do it. I have two hands...better than just one, right?"
Cabin B-2

Upon entering the room Hugar would see things were quite thrown around, it was mostly papers and books and such, the expensive lab equipment was all magnetic and fixed to the surfaces they were on. Rulloo was in the room of course as well, he was a little banged up but he was not seriously injured. He let out a hiss as he stood up and began trying to get things in line, glancing over at Hugar. "Are you going to help me or not?"


The drones began their sweep of the area at command, and the first things that would be noticed were the details of the scenery. The foliage was generally a purplish color, the sky red, and the star that illuminated the planet appeared blue-white as it hung in the vermilion expanse. It was also worth noting that the drones were behaving not exactly as controlled, this was due to a difference in gravity that they had not been adjusted for prior to launch.


Embel had received the preliminary sensor readings of the planet, they were nothing impressive, but every bit of information was helpful. "The planet has a breathable atmosphere, but a respirator is still suggested to avoid strain. Gravity is 1.17 Gs, and atmospheric pressure is at 16.3 psi."

Tanja stroked her chin and nodded to both Embel and Nan. "Once everyone is situated we'll work from here to find what we need to. Embel scan for any signs of architecture."

"Yes Ma'am." Embel responded as she began her new assignment.
Med Bay

Quinn chuckled. "You can help yes." He said with a nod. He walked Analiese through how to clean the wound out and then had her help and holding the skin just right so he could one-hand needle stitch himself back together from the inside out. He would end up giving her some pretty funny looking faces, his way of dealing with the pain, but otherwise it went without a hitch and when he was done he had done it in a manner that left him with no surface stitches. "Keeps there from being anything for things to snag on." He provided helpfully. From there it was letting her coat the wound with some anti-bacterial paste, cover it with a non-stick pad and snug it down with a roll of gauze. Quinn drew up a needle full of a cocktail of pain medication, though not much, and a few other drugs to fight off infection and gave it to himself. There was a second, clean, needle of pain meds and anti inflammatory drugs for Analiese and then he gave her a tired look and got her help sliding back into his shirt and coat. "Thank you." He said simply, cleaning a good majority of the broken glass away from the base of the table with a boot. "Hugar? Status report on our guest?" He asked on the communicator and then added "More or less ready to leave when you are Captain as long as you don't expect me to play superman for a few weeks." He didn't need his new stitches tearing after all.
Med Bay

Ana followed his directions relatively easily. She bit her lip and winced along with him when he stitched himself up, but she held strong in spite of her fear of needles. She quietly watched him as he put a needle with stuff in it into himself, but when he went to put it into her, she shook her head and scrambled away. "No! You know I hate those...things!" She got off the table, glad she could move and stand on her own, though she did feel a bit of a headache in doing so. She raised a hand up to rub at her temple, but was wary of whether he would force the needle into her skin or not.

"Nothing out of the ordinary outside, beyond plants that is Captain. I will prep my other drones to compensate for the gravity. So, i have basically no knowledge of engines but I'm generally good with machines. Did you want me to stay and help work on the ship and multitask to help provide extra eyes and other utilities in the field, or would you like me to tag along?"

Nan, seemed happy for either with his big infectious smile. Nan knew his skill set wasn't that useful looking for archeology but his intellect and versatile Minkan body could prove advantageous.

Hugar turns on Comms. "The guest is fine, a little banged up, but he's not seriously injured." He looked at the guy as he asked for help and moved over beginning to set things back up with him. He wasn't talkitive to him though, he wasn't really talkative to anyone that wasn't Tanja, or someone he trusted like Embel.

Tanja nodded receiving communications from everyone and then got on her com as well. "We're going to load up the truck with Rulloo's equipment and head out. Nan and Embel will be inside the truck with him. Camera's caught some architecture on the way down, so we'll head there first. Make sure to pick up your weapons at the locker everyone." After speaking she stood and headed out of the bridge to get to the weapons locker behind it.


Rulloo heard the ship wide communication and sighed, making a bit more haste as he put things up loosely where they belonged, he would sort through it later. He then pointed towards two bags. "I need both of those moved to the truck."
This was exciting. Never had Nan thought he would be on his way to go comb a planet for ruins. On one hand, this was way out of his element. He was so accustomed to having a constant stream of information that, beyond the comforting background noise of the ship, it was a quiet abyss outside.

Nan followed Tanja off the bridge to the lockers, loading up his SEP II and five Suicide drones. He smiled broadly at Tanja as he situated the drones in his bag beside his Decoy drones. "Cap, I will keep up at least two Camera drones for surveillance while we drive out. I've already set up a link with Mari to keep me apprised of the ships condition while we are out. By the way, she is quite the ornery bot. A Nepleslian's mouth, as my mother would say."

Hugar nodded and lifted both of the bags up and over his shoulders before heading towards the truck, once there he puts the bags on the truck and moves to the locker to get his equipment and suit. He took a breath and looked at Tanja before nervously looking over his equipment for a moment before mentally steeling himself for what might come this mission.
Jungle of Zath-Nianach

The crew of the Anbruch had all gathered and left the ship heading into the wilderness to wards what the sensors had picked up as architecture. Everyone had been given a filter mask to wear to ease the burden on their lungs from the heavier atmosphere. Everyone was also given access to the pistols and rifles in the weapons locker if they didn't think their own equipment would be adequate, unfortunately there wasn't any armor laying around for people to use. The Geboku and MARI both stayed behind to continue with repairs on the ship.

Inside the GP-ORV, Embel was driving and Rulloo was in the passenger seat with all the equipment loaded into the back. There was room for two other's to hop in the truck bed with the equipment as well if they wanted. The ride was not smooth however, with such an over grown jungle there were lots of bumps and dips that shook the vehicle about as they continued on. Those on foot only had it a little easier, they did not have to deal with the bouncing around, but the frequent high stepping and checking paths for the truck was tasking.

It was about two kilometers to their destination but it took much longer than it should to get there thanks to the over grown jungle. The trees began to thin a little as they approached their destination. The first thing they could see was a roughly fifty foot pillar that was still mostly standing, though it was defiantly showing it's age, behind it, hidden within the trees was a structure that looked a lot worse for ware with an entire portion of the roof missing.

The crew was not alone though, walking around the premises were creatures that looked like wolves, only much larger and with large top incisors that looked like they could maybe even crush metal. There were three visible to the team at the moment, wandering around outside the structure, but there could easily be more inside. They were about thirty meters away from these beast hand had not yet been noticed.

"Well we found it...but looks like there are some squatters." Tanja spoke in a soft but clear voice so her crew could hear. "Keep the truck back here we don't want them to hear it."