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RP: Elysia ECS Civetta di Cielo Prologue: Journey to the West


Inactive Member
The ECS Civetta di Cielo was not a grand ship in any sense of the word. A Concordia-class scout, it was, indeed, the only starship considered lowly enough for a Plebeian to command. To Ariel Remora, this was entirely meaningless. A lowly ship it was, in some ways a sleight, one further declaration by the Patrician caste that they were, and always would be, superior - but it was his lowly ship.

The promotion had been entirely unexpected. Ariel had served for only a few days on the Thule Task Force before being transferred away. He had no distinguished record. Perhaps it was his impressive mental faculties (Ariel was what some would call 'brilliant', at the top of his class every year at the Empyrean Academy), but he had never to his knowledge shown a particular aptitude for command.

Whatever it was, Ariel was proud. The Civetta di Cielo represented one thing more than anything else. It was, for Ariel and the crew he had not yet met, an opportunity. For all the issue he had with the society he had been born to, Ariel knew one thing. Elysians believed strongly in meritocracy, and any crew that proved its worth would find success.

For the moment, Ariel was on the bridge, taking in the spartan, utilitarian environment about him. This was, for the foreseeable future, his home. And though it was not so luxurious as the Thule task force had been, it was certainly a concept he could get used to.

Now it was just a matter of the others arriving...
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Zerachael walked steadily into the shipyard. It was his first assignment since joining the Celestial Navy, he had checked out what s hip he would be setting out on, and was not particularly surprised it was a Concordia known as the Civetta di Cielo. His lack of surprise did not alleviate his disappointment, he had hoped to be on something grander, but then again he had to remind himself that he was a fresh Semeai Plebeaian. There wouldn’t even be a Patrician captain of the ship, from what he had heard. However, the pensive man shook these thoughts from his mind as he turned.

His family had come to see him off, and he noted that this was as far as they could go. Those pale-green eyes looked over each of their faces. Cecilia did not seem sad, in fact, she seemed somewhat happy. If he did not know her so well, he might have worried she had a lover to go off to. But he knew that she was happy he would finally be doing something that might make them a bit more money, and gain them more prestige. Unlike a lot of women in the modern society, Cecilia was content with gaining power and Kleos through her husband, content to run the household with that angelic fist of hers. Zerachael had to appreciate it. Her oddly fair face, which had always made him believe somewhere down her ancestry she had to belong to a Patrician House that had fallen from the graces of the upper class, seemed so perfect to him.

“I cannot tell you how long I will be gone,” Zerachael said in a soft tone.

“Do not worry,” Cecilia said, “When you come back, just be sure you are one step closer to your goal.” Her lips brushed his, and as she pulled away her hand lingered just a bit longer on his face. It did not seem like the most heartfelt good-bye, but they understood one another.

“Now,” Zerachael said to the twins, whom looked up at him, both a bit sadly. His youngest child had not come, as Cecilia had left him with her sister. “You two be good for your mother, and do well in your studies. Alright?”

“Yes, Father,” they said in unison.

“May God protect you,” Phineas added, in a tone more somber than most children his age.

“And may God protect you all as well,” Zerachael replied. With that, he gave his final good-byes to his family and left. He would miss them on some level, but he hoped that he could perform such grand tasks on the ship that he would be one-step closer to donning a Patrician’s body and Senator’s teiga. It did not take him long to be guided to the ship. From the outside, it didn’t look like much, but he reminded himself it was a ship all the same. Aside from that, he knew that if the crew was of worth, then it would be they that made the difference, not the class of ship.

Taking out his comm.., Zerachael contacted the hangar and requested they connect him to the bridge of the Civetta.

This is Semeai, Zerachael Valorum, security officer, requesting permission to board the Concordia-scoutship Civetta di Cielo.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

If it weren't for her uniform, anyone in the shipyard would have sworn that a certain Shayna Reis did not belong there. The girl looked nervous and a little bit scared, like a wild animal being hunted whilst inside a cage. Her stomach was so full of butterflies, as this was her very first assignment since she had enlisted. In fact, she'd never had any real-life experience, so this mission on board the Civetta di Cielo was her proving ground. This was her chance to be extraordinary, become the Communications expert that everyone wanted to have on their ship. This small Concordia vessel could prove to be her ticket to excellence.

Walking quickly and silently down the pathways to her destination, Shayna wondered what the rest of the crew was going to be like. There was undoubtedly going to be at least one person whom would treat her like an idiot just because she was only sixteen. Though by the time she had the time to think such a small thought, she was exactly where she was supposed to be, which made her even more nervous, as she knew there was absolutely no turning back now. Running her hands over her brassy hair to make sure that she didn't look quite as disheveled as she felt, she took a deep breath before retrieving her comm. system.

This is Tironi Shayna Reis, Communications, requesting permission to board the Concordia-scout ship, Civetta di Cielo.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Ariel's momentary quiet and contemplation was promptly interrupted.

This is Semeai, Zerachael Valorum, security officer, requesting permission to board the Concordia-scoutship Civetta di Cielo.

He scratched behind his ear, waited a few seconds, then responded.

"Semeai Zerachael Valorum, you are cleared to board. Please report to the bridge immediately."

Noting he would no longer be alone on the bridge, Ariel stood up, made a point of straightening the creases and folds of the uniform, and ruffled his wings for good measure. It was something of an understatement to call him proud - Ariel had never imagined he would have his own ship so early in life. Indeed, he had never imagined he would have his own ship at all. Before Zerachael had even arrived on the bridge, though, Ariel found another interruption via intercom.

This is Tironi Shayna Reis, Communications, requesting permission to board the Concordia-scout ship, Civetta di Cielo.

As before, he delayed slightly before responding. He had never even been briefed in command protocol. He knew that Elysia had a comparatively relaxed system so far as strict formalities went, but he was playing the entire mission, including boarding, by ear. He had scarcely even been given an outline of his objectives.

"Tironi Shayna Reis, you are cleared to board. Please report to the bridge immediately."
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Semeai Zerachael Valorum, you are cleared to board. Please report to the bridge immediately.

With his permission granted, Zerachael picked up the bags he had set on the ground and walked forward toward the ship. There was a part of him glad he was on a ship lowly enough not to be commanded by a Patrician. He figured that this way he would not be looked down upon so much, and his accomplishments would mean a little more. Then again would their accomplishments mean anything at all? He had to wonder. After a few moments, he boarded the ship, resting his thoughts once more. He knew that no matter what might happen it would take time to gain the status that he sought.

Before coming to the shipyard, Zerachael had studied the schematics of the ship so he would not have to be directed anywhere in the ship. He knew its layout, so he headed to the top deck his movements measured and a bit soldierly. Coming to the door he set down his bags and straightened his uniform up a little bit, and even subconsciously put a hand through his dark silver hair.

As he walked into the bridge he made the customary sign of deference before speaking in a greeting tone:

“Duplicari Remora.”

Those pale green eyes could not help but take in the figure before him. His face was very angular and avian, which was to be expected among their species. The interesting thing about him, Zerachael noted, were his eyes. They seemed to be half closed, making him look weary and a bit tired. Other than that, he looked to be the typical Plebeian, obviously a bit more prestigious, having been given the rank of Duplicari.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Ariel crossed his arms and appraised Zerachael quickly as the security officer saluted. A sharp appearance, at least. Ariel was certainly a little less than thrilled to have a Tironi assigned to him as his communications officer. He knew his crew would be untested, but not fully trained?

"Ariel will suffice, Valorum, at least while you are aboard my ship. You are to be my security officer, then?" Ariel's lips curled into a slight smile. "Perhaps a combat test is in order later. I trust you have studied the layout of the Concordia already? You will be responsible for defense of the vessel should we be boarded by hostile factions. You will also be responsible for the coordination of the Seraph. Should we enter a ship-to-ship engagement, I may require some tactical advice from you."

Here, Ariel opened his eyes fully for a moment, the narcoleptic appearance replaced with one almost like a deer in the headlights. "Can I rely on you for these responsibilities, Zerachael Valorum?"
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Zerachael nodded his head when Ariel said to address him by his first name while on the ship. It was not what Zerachael would have done, but then again, he had to admit he was slightly obsessed with titles. The Plebeian did not reply to the rhetorical question, but simply listened to the Duplicari as he continued to speak, those pale green eyes never leaving his commanding officer’s form. His duties were what he expected as a Security Officer, though he smiled accordingly when he said they might have to test his fighting skills. Valorum had been trained in various forms of combat, and knew that he could hold his own in a fight, whether it was hand-to-hand, with guns, and even in power-armour. Though he didn’t particularly care for the Hikael power armor, which is why he had gone the tactical route, which he found much more suitable for him.

Thanks to his conditioning, the comical display of the eyes did not even make Zerachael smirk. In all of his soldierly seriousness he kept himself from laughing. It was quite a funny sight, from the narcoleptic half-closed state, to that of a wide-eyed child. The man was interesting, he surmised, and he was quite sure that it would be –at the very least– an entertaining experience.

“I would not be here if you couldn’t, Ariel,” he replied in that proper tone.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Kael had to navigate a veritable maze of corridors in order to reach the relevant docking place of the Civetta di Cielo. Not that he in any way minded this, indeed it set his mind down familiar roots, comparing a ships (or in this case a shipyards) corridors to veins, and its crew as blood, and then to the very nature of a ships soul. A fascinating area of theory, and one that at least occupied his thoughts away from his first mission.

He was not filled with much expectation, a certain curiosity, but after spending most of his conscious life perfecting his vocation and the last year throwing himself into military training he felt prepared. He was, both physically and mentally, at his peak - to be anything less than confident would be an insult to the ECN's training program. So he was to serve on a Concordia, as good a place as any to begin, perhaps better since with sparse resources his knowledge might be more vital than in a more sophisticated setting. This left merely the prospect of his fellow crewmates and, of course, the commander of the ship. If God was willing, and Elysia was strong, only the good would have got to this stage and so there was little to worry about there.

With this in mind he walked out into the dockingbay which continued the ECS Civetta di Cielo and spent a minute merely looking over the design, appreciating its organic smoothness and general appearance. After his aesthetic appreciation was satisfied he used his data-pad to communicate with the ship:

This is Semeai Kael Dorain, medical officer in the service of the Divine Empire, requesting permission to board the Concordia-scoutship Civetta di Cielo.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Ariel appraised Zerachael for a moment after the response, then gave a curt nod. "Good. You can take your personal effects to your quarters, then." Ariel was nonspecific as to which quarters he was referring to. The Concordia wasn't particularly comfortable as far as living arrangements went, between the Crew Quarters and Pilot's Quarters there were three beds to be shared by six people. As the Civetta di Cielo had no armor pilots assigned to it, Ariel had determined the pilot's quarters would be used the same way as the crew quarters.

He did make a note to suggest more crew space on future refits, for the sake of morale...

Another communique presently demanded his attention.

"Semeai Kael Dorain, you are cleared to board. Please report to the bridge."
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Zerachael nodded to the Duplicari and made a somewhat debonair smile. He thought that his first impression had gone well, due to the appraising look that Ariel had given him. To be wary however, he also reminded himself not to fall to vanity, for the man’s eyes seemed slightly sporadic, and based on that Zerachael could not be sure about reading the man’s eyes. Picking up his things he turned from the Duplicari to head to his quarters. It did not take him too much time, however, having memorized the schematics of the ship.

Exiting to the left, he passed what he knew to be the captain’s quarters and entered into the pilot’s quarters. He had not been instructed to go to the other room, and liking a bit of privacy the Plebeian decided on the one with only a bunk bed as opposed to the other quarters, which had three.

In a very meticulous manner, he put away his things where he thought they might go. Having few belongings to bring aboard a military ship, he was finished within a moment. Assuming he had time to himself before returning to the bridge, where he hoped to get to know the Duplicari a bit more, he stood there and just thought for a moment. It was a new start for him, as since his graduation from the Academy and before enlisting his life had been more scholarly than anything.

At the thought of academia, he took out a book. He was a collector of books, but couldn’t afford many such luxuries. In fact, the one he had on Elysian History, was a gift to him by one of his teachers at the Empyrean Academy, an antique they had. After a brief moment, he placed the book on the wardrobe and then turned to leave the room, heading back to the bridge.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Ariel watched Zerachael take his leave with a muted expression, then rolled his eyes slightly. He wasn't sure what to make of the man. It was true Ariel had a bit of prior knowledge of Zerachael, who had graduated from Empyrean the year before Ariel had arrived at the academy, and had done rather well (if not so quite so well as Ariel). There was reason for confidence in his tactical adviser. But then, Ariel had found that a great many of the people he met at Empyrean Academy were not quite so intelligent as they thought they were. And the same was true of the Patricians he had met in the wider city of Empyrean...

The other two were certainly taking their sweet time in reporting to the bridge. Especially the first one, the Tironi. He had not had a mind to hold her in-training status against her (it annoyed him slightly, but Ariel believed in withholding judgment until it was earned), but he would most certainly hold airheaded behavior against her. He had no use for a soldier who couldn't be prompt and professional.

He moved on from his place by the captain's chair, settling instead at the helm, and looking over the controls. He had done a good bit of his flight training at the helm of a Concordia, though the ship had seen some minor aesthetic changes since then. Since, to Ariel's knowledge, no helmsman had yet been assigned to him, he presumed the helm position would fall on him.

Which was just as well, since he very much doubted there would be any conflict en route to EX-1.

Ariel was quite anxious to be underway, but he couldn't take off until the other assigned crewmen were onboard, and he had given everyone their preliminary mission briefing.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

As he walked into the bridge, he noted that the other crew members had yet to board. He knew he was a little early, but he didn’t think he had been that early. His silver hair had some grace as it swayed when he walked. He observed as Ariel took a place at the helm. Having not had enough time or interaction to make a good judgment, he speculated what kind of leader the man would be. Even more, he wondered what he might get out of him. He knew that Ariel, along with his sister, had graduated top of his class from Empyrean. Likewise, Zerachael had done very well, even if not at the very top. He could have similar ambitions, the Elysian thought to himself.

As his thoughts continued to scroll through his mind, he walked to where he knew he would be working. It was not far from the Duplicari’s chair, and in fact, stood beside it. It was the tactical/security console, where Zerachael figured he would do a lot of his work on the ship. He had a great mind for strategy, and could, at times, anticipate the moves of his opponents after studying them for awhile. That was from thousands upon thousands of games of scacco he had played throughout his lifetime. It was a favored pastime of his. Of course, he didn’t anticipate too much battle in a scout-ship, though as the subject came into his mind, Then, who is to say what God has planned for the ship and her crew?

Standing at the console he recalled Ariel’s questions from before, and a thought came to his mind. I could show him, if only for leisurely purposes.

“Ariel, do you, perchance, play scacco?”
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Eventually, though they took a painfully sweet amount of time to do it, Kael and Shayna reported to the bridge. Ariel spoke with each briefly (amounting to little more than "In the future, try to be prompter. You may leave your personal effects in your quarters. Briefing will be in one hour - report back to the bridge by then.")

As the sensory officer and the medic were leaving the bridge, Zerachael was returning, which he supposed was well enough, though he didn't intend to give a mission briefing until the others had returned as well. Although before long, Zerachael revealed that his intentions had little to do with a mission briefing.

"Scacco?" Ariel raised an eyebrow bemusedly. "You are asking a graduate of the Empyrean Academy if he plays Scacco?"

He even sounded a touch incredulous. As though the answer should have been obvious.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Striding through all of the twists and turns, checkpoints and such on his way to his first assignment he seemed pretty confident that he'd get there on time. Of course Fergal’s mother trailed his steps, keeping him company, although silently for the time being. When they finally came to the ship he turned and gave his mother’s forehead a soft kiss. “I’ll see you when I get back” and then slipped away towards the ship. He took a bit of time to study the little ship and then grinned to himself. Good it looked to be mightily little, In which case he should feel right at home. Considering that he had a love of small spaces.

His fingers gripped his luggage as he continued right up to the ship. He’d brought most of his tools, a graduation present from his mother, and his spices, yet another present from his beloved mother, with him. He was sure he’d have more use for the latter, rather than the former… but he didn’t think the crew would suffer for better tasting food than what would be provided. If only he could have asked after some fresh food. He gave a bit of a shoulder shrug to himself, engines first, food second… and uh sleep, with hygiene thrown somewhere in the middle.

He pulled out his data pad and double checked a few things and quietly crept onto the ship. Of course he went against everything else the other three already there had done. His father had impressed upon him that it was better if you asked permission personally, rather than through machines. In this case he both wanted to get a look at the Captain and see the engine room first. He stole along to the engine room, the day’s key already provided because he was the sole mechanic, tucking his bag away beneath a space beneath one of the screens.

He was already familiar with the layout of these particular scout ships, having been on one before his official training. He grinned to himself as he found the familiar niche where he could curl up and still stay nice and warm. With everything tucked away he stole back up the passageway and paused at the Bridge door, seeing as both captain and another of the crew were busy talking. He stepped just inside the door and watched, quiet and trying to be polite and not interrupt conversation.

Besides it was good for him to observe the others he would be working alongside. The better he knew their quirks and personalities, the better and smoother things would go. Fergal took this spare bit of time, tugging his uniform into place and stretching his small, but particularly shiny wings. They were his pride and joy, the feathers a soft white, with an iridescent blue tint to them. He took to idly ‘preening’ the feathers of his left wing with his fingers, generally OCD about doing something with his hands.

After there came a short pause in the conversation, he cleared his throat, snapped a salute and then said softly, but clearly. “Semeai Fergal Nial, mechanic, requesting permission to stay aboard the Civetta di Cielo.” Of course asking to board the ship would be pointless… so he was asking to stay on board instead. Of course now that that was over with he was free to start picking up details from the corners of his vision while he kept his eyes fixed on a single location as he waited for a reply.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

ON: ECS Civetta di Cielo, Day 1 - Waiting
"Scacco?" Ariel raised an eyebrow bemusedly. "You are asking a graduate of the Empyrean Academy if he plays Scacco?"

He even sounded a touch incredulous. As though the answer should have been obvious.

"I prefer to be inquisitive, rather than presumptuous," Zerachael replied coolly, "Which I find often helps me in all endeavors in life." The plebeian smiled however, despite his cool statement, which he only said because he didn't care for Ariel's tone. Though he enjoyed in the fact that he was so masterful of his rhetoric it seemed as if he were merely commenting on it, when in fact, he had admonished his Duplicari. Not something he would have braved if he though it might sink him, as it was not impossible to detect the underlying implication. "A better question might be if you would like to play a game of scacco while we wait?"

Ariel raised an eyebrow. "I don't believe it qualifies as inquisitiveness when you already know the answer, Semeai Valorum. Perhaps you could save the loaded questions for the Senate floor. It's a better place to accomplish nothing." He crossed his arms, almost daring Zerachael to press the subject, but offered something of a smile. "That is a better question. If you want a game, I will give you a game."

Zerachael almost replied, his wits sharpened by the pseudo-dare, however he practiced a bit of that self-control he was known for and said nothing in reply, merely smiling instead, which always seemed to inflame someone more than anything else. Really though, he hoped the Duplicari was not so shallow as to be perturbed by quasi-passive aggression. He wasn't sure how they would get on, but he though there was a good chance they would get along very well. "Good, for I'm not the type to let others win."

"Well then. Do you have a board?" Ariel raised an eyebrow at him again, turning the chair away from the helm controls. It seemed strange to challenge someone to a board game and not bring a board. The Concordia scout was an able ship in her own right, but she lacked such extravagances as simulations and games for entertainment. Also suitable sleeping space, she was quite crowded.

"And you admonished me for 'useless' questions," he said in his dry air of humor. However, he took out his datapad and punched in a few of the appropriate commands. Setting down the pad, it instantly projected an image of a fully prepared board. Those pale-green eyes looked up at Ariel, as he pulled a chair so he could sit down and observe the board. "As the commander, you must have the honor of making the first move."

Ariel flashed a grin. This was already more entertaining than his prior assignment. Patricians valued oratory like any other Elysian, but rarely gave Plebeians a chance to show their skill. An all-Plebeian crew would be a fascinating social experiment from Ariel's view. "The first move? As you will." He didn't hesitate a moment - king's pawn to e4. Certainly not a shocking opening move in any sense of the word.

Zerachael watched as Ariel made his move, and sat there and thought for a moment. It didn't take him long at the very beginning of a game to decide on his move. It was not something you saw at every game of scacco, however he did it anyway - King's Knight to c6. Pleased with his move, he wondered if he could anticipate the Duplicari's next move.

Ariel mused at the move. Opening with a knight or a queenside pawn usually denoted an aggressive player. His reaction was with the King's Bishop. "Tell me, Zerachael. What do you know of the mission before us?" Ariel had yet to brief any of his crew. It would be interesting to see how much they were informed of before assignment. As the moves went on, it became quite clear that Ariel was a very defensive player, with a pretty pocketful of tricks and distractions to aid that.

Zerachael watched as the man made his moves, which he noted for its defense. He knew that he looked aggressive, and it was easy to say that in a tactical situation he was. Unless of course, it was going to make him lose, but as he moved a few of his Queen's pawns, and then the Queen herself, he didn't see any imminent danger. "I know that we are going to aide in some colonization effort, other than that, I know nothing."

"We aren't likely to see much in the way of colonization, actually." Ariel watched the movement of the pawns more closely than the queen, doing little other than continuing to lay his defenses. There was no aggression at all in his play, only a focus on positional control. "It has to do with an alien artifact, though we don't know much more about it. We'll have a better picture once we get close enough for in-depth scanning."

"Oh, artifacts, I have a special love for history. Perhaps it will be useful, as I'm assuming it should be, otherwise I doubt the navy would retrieve it?" While asking the question he had been looking at the board, and saw a series of moves he could make as Ariel moved as well. He moved his queen out of danger, and pushed his bishop and Queen's Knight into positions that seemed completely non-threatening. He was waiting to set his bait, for such a beautiful mistress she was, he was quite sure he'd only be able to use her once.

"They haven't told me much. Only that it appears to be from an advanced culture." He raised and lowered a shoulder, laying a lure with his queen. Losing the queen was really only a problem in an offensive game, after all. "I have to assume that it's something interesting, though I very much doubt it's anything dangerous. If Anex thought it was too glorious a mission, he'd have taken it on himself, or at the very least given it to a Legati."

Instead of taking his Queen, Zerachael saw his opening and placed his queen in a position that threatened Ariel's king. Some would be patient and wait so they could preserve their power players. Zerachael was different however, he did not care for it. It was possible that it wouldn't work, but if Ariel moved the right pieces, the King would be in the line of view of his Queen's Bishop, and King's Knight. "Yes, I assume so."

"With that in mind, it is an opportunity for us regardless. We really don't know what is there. For now it's only idle speculation." He intercepted the queen with his king's bishop, starting the inevitable bloodbath both had been setting up for some time. Pieces fell like a house of cards. And when the smoke cleared, per se, some seven turns later, Ariel raised an eyebrow, then glanced up at Zerachael. "It seems we are at an impasse. Draw?"

"It seems, and every great tactician knows when there is no way to win," Zerachael said in a professorial tone, "But what truly matters is who throws up the white flag first, nay, Ariel?"

"A white flag implies surrender, Semeai Valorum, which I assure you is quite different from a draw." He gave a vaguely wicked grin. "It was a good game." Presently he was made aware of another one there - who promptly identified himself as Fergal Nial, his mechanic (apparently).

"Is it? I fail to discern the difference. There is always a victor when great minds clash, it only depends on which allows fical things to get in their way." Zerachael said nothing more after that statment, and nodded to Ariel. He was pleased, and hoped he'd given the message he had wanted to the Duplicari.

Ariel smiled delicately, rising to his feet. "I disagree. Shades of gray are quite important, Zerachael." He then turned to address the mechanic.

"Fergal Nial, you say your name is. Well. I grant you permission to stay aboard. In the future I suggest you request permission before boarding, Semeai. I will be briefing you in approximately ten minutes. You may take your effects to your quarters in the meantime."
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Fergal shifted and then disappeared as fast as his feet would carry him. He shifted his bag to the crew cabins, stowing his gear in one of the trunks. It all fit better and was nice and accessible. When he was satisfied it was to his liking he pulled at the collar of his uniform, much preferring his dirty, oil stained, and well worn work clothes to the uniform. As his father had said, “There is no use dirtying your frippery when you could use the same dirty clothes for years with the same effects.” Of course that also made said clothes nice and worn and comfortable for generally hot, long work. He did however check on the galley and winced in pure revulsion at the sight of the posmi. He'd have to do something about that, but for now he was wanted on the bridge again. So, resigning himself to staying in his uniform for another five minutes, he walked back up onto the bridge and made himself comfortable near the door. Of course it didn’t take long before he was looking the technology on the bridge over with something akin to sheer fascination.

And that didn’t take long before his fascination wore off. He looked around, sighed, and ruffled his feathers, his fingers playing with a pocket wrench. With the problem of bland food still fresh on his mind he tapped his nails on the hard metal of the wrench and pulled his data pad from his other pocket, coming up with schematics of first the engine room, then a few more playful ideas. One of them in particular was for if the ships he was on didn’t have proper facilities for a stove. In which case a flamethrower tank, a few valves, a lighting mechanism and a platform and tada! Instant stove top, great for frying, frame broiling and making all sorts of other good-to-eats. He’d have to inquire about the flamethrower tank later.

He watched the other two curiously for a moment and then tucked his datapad away. With a breath he finally said "I apologize for not asking before I boarded the ship. I tend to find it's better to have first meetings with captains, regardless of standing, Face-to-Face." he paused and then added "I'm assuming that gives me no excuse though..." and kept the last part of the sentence to himself.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

"You will tend to find, Semeai Nial, that it is best to follow protocol in most cases, particularly when dealing with unknown factors. Were I not the man I am, I might have you removed from my ship and disciplined. As it is, I very much doubt I could find another mechanic in time to keep my launch on schedule." Ariel paused there, briefly. "I've only had Civetta a few hours now. I would rather not lose her over trivial matters with the crew. Are you acquainted with the vessel?"

Kael and Shayna returned to the bridge as he spoke, both offering a salute then falling into line. It seemed the skeleton crew of his first mission was all present and accounted for. Which meant he could get briefing underway. And then he could launch.

Ariel was quite eager to leave Veritas behind...
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Fergal nodded, "Alright I'll keep your kindness in mind..." Then he blinked and grinned. He ran two fingers lovingly across the bulkhead closest him. "Of course, Bridge, Crew Quarters, Galley, Engine..." He didn't add that he knew the general location of the toilets, but if the captian wanted to ridicule him for not mentioning it so be it. The listed four however was all he was sure he needed to know, He'd be in the latter most of the time if he wasn't eating or hanging out somewhere in the little ship. He expected to at least get in a good look at the wiring and hardware of the ships before long.

Of course once the female showe up he was quick to shy away, placing himself on very far side of the room. He put himself as close to the bridge technology as physically possible. Then he settled down to wait for the breifing, hoping little of it concerned him. His fingers continued to play with the little pocket wrench, loving the feel of it in his hands.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

At the back of the bridge Kael stood quietly, his face a stoic mask behind which his mind was busy berating itself frantically. He had allowed himself to be distracted by the glory of the moment, by the aesthetics of the ship. The great virtues of pride and aesthetic appreciation had been corrupted to ensure that he was not merely late but had established a ‘bad start’ with his superior. Where was the discipline of mind and spirit that was so essential for his profession? Where was the self control? Silently he swore an oath to God, the Judge of All, that he was be vigilant to guard against these corruptions of the holy, that he would strive to the detriment of everything else to serve this ship and its commander.

Speaking of the commander Kael attempted to assess him without making it obvious. The orange hair was interesting, from a genetic perspective if naught else – it spoke of an interesting background. He allowed himself a brief speculation about the association of the hair colour with temperament, then berated himself again. Was it that easy to deviate from the oath he had made? Idle speculation was an enemy to be crushed. He did, however, notice the scacco board which was interesting, suggesting a certain degree of informality perhaps, and certainly an interest in tactical ability amongst his fellow shipmates. He had only played scacco fairly casually up to this point, but perhaps it would be necessary to reassess his position on this.
Re: [Prologue] Journey to the West

Zerachael stood on the bridge, his pale green eyes falling on Fergal when he entered. He had thought Ariel would react in the manner that he had, for the mission and having a ship of his own was more important. Even he could respect that, however, there still would have been a punishment, people died because of idiots who thought they knew better. However, the security officer did not pass full judgment on him, he decided to reserve that for later. Of course, he did not interrupt, it was inappropriate, and though he had been rather candid during the game, in front of the others he was not yet so daring.

As the others entered he was merely observant, as with Fergal, and noted how the mechanic moved when he noticed Shayna. There wasn’t much to be thought of it, Zerachael surmised, he was either homosexual and afraid of women, or maybe just shy around them. Though with the crew on the bridge, Zerachael now let his eyes trail back to Ariel, awaiting the briefing.