Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Elysia [ECV Raven] - Land of Silence


Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Mid YE41
RP Location
Unmapped rogue planet
ECV Raven

Icarus sat alone on the bridge as usual, it had been some time since his crew had undertaken the mission into the depths of the Empyrean ship below Elysia Novus. In the year since that failed clusterfuck of an expedition where several members simply bailed and were never heard from again, the rest of the crew had essentially disbanded and told the senator where he could stick it. They didn't blame him for the horrors of that metal coffin but everyone always needs someone else to blame and Barachiel happened to be the easiest one to pick, given he was the highest authority for the mission. After that Icarus announced that he would not be leading any more missions without a bit more information and a greater allowance for protective equipment, after meeting a creature who had somehow stayed alive for millennia on that ship the raven-winged captain wasn't taking any chances.

Move forward to the present time, two new senators had decided to restart the Raven directive and asked him back as its captain with his sister as a capable ground operative just like before, except unlike before they weren't operating in secrecy from the rest of the government this time. That and they would be given access to anything equipment-wise they needed for the journey. So Icarus found himself sitting in the captain's chair once more, over a year later, a year spent moving from place to place chasing the toughest and riskiest jobs just to maintain a steady income for him and his sister. The Elysian slowly ran his fingers along the cool metal of the panel beside his chair, remembering how the last trip had ended. Another difference between this time and last time, they actually had an idea of what they would be walking into which would make packing a lot easier and more effective, after a lengthy debate Icarus had agreed and put out the call to all the former Raven crew.

"The Raven is being reinstated, meet at the old dock."

He didn't know how many of the old crew would show up after last time but hoped that he would at least have one familiar face. An advert had been sent out to potential recruits as well, the more the merrier after all.

ECV Raven ext - Old Dock

Alexia stood outside the old ship, it had fallen into a state of disrepair sitting unused for so long and the Asellio siblings had spent the better part of a week fixing it up, the younger sister now stood admiring their handiwork. Icarus had, of course, told her everything regarding the restart of the old Raven mission and like a good sister she'd agreed to stand beside him, they had both served in the navy and risk wasn't a deterrent at this point. Satisfied with the paintwork and repairs to the exterior Alexia went back to lounging in the beach chair she'd set up beside the boarding ramp, lying back with a magazine and some music to wait for any crew, new or old.
ECV Raven ext - Old Dock

"Well Well Well, long time no see Alexia." Came the voice of the lady aproching. She stretched her creamy white wings and stopped just short of Alexia. "Let me reintroduce myself, in-case you've forgotten. Raduriel Hayyel, System Manager in the former Elysian Celestial Navy. Hope my crew spot is still open." She spoke with a fake, plastered smile and a sarcastic giggle as the images of the original mission flashed behind her eyes.
Old Dock

Alexia's head snapped up at the sound of a familiar voice, she too smiled back at Radurial and gave a wave though her expression was far less extravagant and didn't hide anything. "Radurial, good to see you again alive and well. I hope you've kept yourself busy since we parted?" The raven-winged elysian said, remaining in her comfortable lounge chair as the other girl approached her, preferring to sit and enjoy her comfort, it wasn't as though they were assembling for some kind of official after all.

"And yes, you're actually the first to arrive, though Icarus wasn't sure if anyone would come back. So what brought you back after that horrible incident last year?"
Old Dock

Tink...Tink...Tink... One after another the sound of metal on metal announced the arrival of the man that came to join the crew as a new member. Asclepius chewed on the end of an unlit cigarette that hung from his mouth as he walked up to the two already assembled at the dock of the ship. In his hand, a long metal staff that seemed fairly innocuous along with a bag slung over his shoulders and the large white wings that rested from his back. He seemed to watch the two with his Grey eyes and looked back and forth between the two for a moment before he spoke up.

"This the Raven? I was told to come here, Gonna be joinin your crew for the foreseeable future." He let the staff rest against his shoulder as he ran a hand over his short brown hair and looked back and forth between Alexia and Radurial. He couldn't help but smile a little at the two women. "I think I'm gonna like this job just fine..."
Alexia turned her attention to the new arrival, definitely not from the original crew, they had never had another male member before now anyway other than her brother. "Welcome, you must be one who is replying to the adverts, do you have a name?" She asked politely though with a rather relaxed tone as she still lounged around in her deck chair. Alexia looked this new-commer over herself as well, didn't look like some slob or anything but then again it was difficult for Elysians to look bad in this day and age. "And what skills do you have? Ex-military like my brother and I or something more civilian like Raduriel here, oh I should introduce myself as well, I'm Alexia Asellio, nice to meet you." Her black wings curled and relaxed behind her lazily as though they possessed a mind of their own while their owner continued watching the new guy.
Asclepius smirked a little as he saw the eyes give him a once over and decided on a small flourishing bow. Oddly the way he was dressed worked for him, the black polished combat boots, camouflage pants with large cargo pockets on the side, and the black suit jacket with a red vest and tie over a black shirt, it looked out of place yet on the Elysian before them it seemed to fit. As he straightened back up he still had that boyish smirk on his face. "Asclepius Aetius, at your service. Prior military turned back-alley doctor, so a bit of column a, bit of column b. A friend of mine pointed me toward you fine folks, said I could probably find a spot of fun with you all." His own white wings twitched and ruffled up a touch before he stretched his back out. "Sorry, still getting used to the body." He admitted.
"Uh-... Uhm-... Hi," Came Senna's voice - from somewhere behind Asclepius' wings. Senna's head poked up from behind them and she offered a faint wave and an awkward smile. "Alexia, right?" She asked as she stepped from behind Asclepius and rested a hand on her tome. "It's been a bit, hasn't it?" She questioned before stepping forward, glancing over at Raduriel. Squinting momentarily before pulling up the massive, leather-bound book. Flipping through some of the pages - anyone paying attention could see the drawings of the horrid manifestations they saw during the exploration of the derelict, the abandoned hallways, the infernal darkness. "Raduriel, correct?" She asked with a faint smile.
“Hey Senna, good to see you’re still well. It has indeed been quite a while since last time though I doubt anyone could forget that nightmare. Glad you’re coming with us again.” Alexia said finally standing up to go and embrace her old crewmate. “Asclepius was it? Welcome aboard, I’m not sure how much fun you’ll find with our line of work but if you’ve an eye for the lost and hidden you should at least be interested.”

Alexia turned back from her quieter friend and put out her hand for the new guy, its not like they were a super strict club or anything everybody was welcome if interested. “I don’t know all the details on our new mission but apparently its not going to be anywhere near as bad as last time. For starters its not in the belly of some wreck.”
"Senna, wait up~" came a voice from the next room followed by the sounds of steel-toed boots tapping against the dock's flooring before yet another Elysian wandered into view, tucking her giant dove-like wings in to pass through a doorway before letting them sit at rest again was Sofiel - one of the previous crew members wrapped up in layers of insulated clothing and toting an overstuffed hip bag as she approached the group, flowing white hair a little shorter than last time as her golden eyes scanned the people present, bags beneath them telling of the horrors the crew had been through last time.

She took a few hurried strides to put herself next to Senna before Sofiel looped one arm through the other woman's own elbow, offering a little squeeze of it before offering the rest of the room a tired smile, dark eyeshadow doing a decent job to hide the bags beneath her glowing eyes. "Nice to meet you all again... and the new face, hi uh, I'm Sofiel Castien~"
Asclepius took the hand offered and gave it a shake, something of interest on his hands was that the knuckles seemed fairly scarred up and even a little more flat than normal, and the palm was decently calloused in comparison to what his actual profession was. As he withdrew his hand and leaned on the staff, he couldn't help but give the newcomers a once over and a smirk.

"Asclepius Aetius, Medic, at your service." He offered the newer member to the gathering.
"Oh - Heya Sofiel," Senna answered as she offered a squeeze of the woman's arm in return. Before scraping her throat. Moving another hand down to briefly pass against the large, leather-bound tome looped to her belt. Offering Asclepius a gentle smile as he introduced himself. "Senna," she vocalized with a soft hum. "A pleasure to meet you," the smaller-than-average Elysian offered up, with the gentle smile still present on her face.
Alexia stood by and packed up her makeshift reading zone, tossing the equipment back into the shuttle bay, glancing in she noticed her brother approaching from the far end presumably to come and greet people as well or at least tell them it was go time.

"Good morning all, as some of you know I'm Icarus, older brother of Alexia who you've all met and former starship officer for the celestial navy, we'll be taking off shortly as our destination is some way away so if you'll all accompany me to the wardroom I can begin the proper briefing." The tall raven winged elysian turned and headed back into the ship, once everyone had made it to the wardroom which was a little cosy with the 5 of them crammed in he took the centre stage and began.

"So as you are all aware from the notice that was sent out, we have been tasked with visiting a place of importance for the senate, though it doesn't officially exist as far as the population is concerned. You may have heard, back before the wars our old government decided to start a program to colonise some new worlds for the empire by sending out a team of seraphs and other specialty droids to distant worlds where they would build habitats, shelters, essentially begin infrastructure construction before colonists were sent out. This program was all but forgotten during the wars and officially there was never any success, our job is to go out to one of these worlds, because recently a communications post picked up transmissions on the old frequency used when it began, leading the senate to believe they may still be active out there."

Icarus paused and looked around to see if there was any questions waiting to be asked, it was a lot better gig than exploring an ancient sealed ship and posed far less danger, the planet was still habitable and at most there would be some crazy droids running around building stuff.
Icarus nodded to himself again. "Good, I'm glad you all understand this mission, this is the last chance for anyone to back out." He said cautiously, not wanting to tempt his entire crew to leave, though in many of their eyes he could see the glint of excitement. The mission after all would be exciting if nothing else, they would be setting foot on a planet no Elysian had ever even seen let alone been too, their only other companions would be any remaining robots from the colony days, if this signal wasn't just some fluke.

"With that out of the way, it's time for us to leave. We have a schedule to keep and time is valuable, so everyone prep for takeoff then do as you wish until we arrive." Icarus said, leaving the group standing in the wardroom as he went back to man the bridge. Meanwhile Alexia headed off to the dorm to grab her book and continue where she left off.

30 Minutes Later

The journey was now fully underway, after takeoff Icarus had set the destination and proceeded to go and double-check their equipment for the expedition of sorts. For their last venture they'd been provided with the Adrenaline gear, this time it was a little differet as they weren't going to be inside a magnetic space ship the whole time. Each member had a helmet and small O2 tank in case oxygen was sparse at any time as well as a full survival kit including sleeping rolls, tents, food, water and other amenities. Satisfied all the contents were intact and accounted for the raven-winged captain returned to the bridge to continue monitoring their progress, giving updates as they got closer.
Asclepius had stayed silent through the explanation of the mission as he held little questions for it. His friend who had pointed him this way had let him in on just what they were to do, so there were no surprises. A shake of his head and a small ruffle of his wings found him finding his way onto the ship to get ready. He dropped what little gear off he had and just took to wandering the halls to familiarize himself with the ship.

30 Minutes Later

All the good his wandering had done wound up getting the man lost, but he simply used it as a learning experience instead. He had found the cargo hold, the eating area, the bridge twice, a bathroom, the showers, yet no medbay. Confused and a bit irritated that he couldn't find it, Icarus would have a small audio window pop up beside him on the bridge.

"Err... Sorry to bother you, any chance I can get directions to the medical bay? Seemed to have gotten turned around in the halls."
Senna was also rather silent during the explanation. Though unlike Asclepius, she was a more active listener. Sribbling down notes with a piece of charcoal in that rather oversized leather-bound tome she seemed to be carrying about. Shortly after the briefing was over and the crew had piled into the ship, the elysian seemed to move over to the crew quarters. Perusing through the small assortement of books they possessed. Having found something to her tastes, however, Senna sat down. Giving a soft ruffle of her wings before settling down and actually beginning on reading.
Icarus nodded to himself as he was asked for directions. "Sure, if you head to the end of the first deck, opposite the hatch we came up from the shuttle bay is the medbay, it isn't signposted but it's all yours. The ST part of the bed has been removed as well, they don't want us accidentally giving it to pirates or any other undesirables if we're captured." Icarus said with a flat tone, waiting to see if there was anything else the new crewman needed before closing the audio window.

Shortly after their little chat the intercom around the ship crackled to life.

"All crew, we will be landing in 10 minutes, take this time to prepare and report to shuttle bay when we touch down to get your kit."


Alexia had heard Senna moving around nearby while she was reading and decided to go hang out with her, something they didn't get much of a chance to do a year ago. "Hey there." She started a little awkwardly before moving over to plonk herself down next to the other elysian. "What did you get up to in the last year? None of us really communicated much despite the hell we went through together huh." The raven winged girl said, staring at the far wall while she recalled the inside of the Empyrean.
Asclepius nodded and after a bit of navigating, found his way to the medbay. He put his things down, organized them, did a quick check over of the supplies though when the call to head to the shuttle bay was sent out he cut his exam short and turned to head down to the bay. He took his time and explored a little more before he arrived, a few minutes early, and peered around the bay to see just where they were supposed to meet.
"Hey," was all Senna answered with a soft murmur and a soft twitch of her wings. Having heard the question, but first she moved to finish the page she was reading. Carding through her pockets for a moment before producing a ripped off, blank sheet of paper. Placing it in the book before closong and glancing up at Alexia. Now a gentle smile. "Guess we haven't, huh?" The elysian murmured with a soft scratch of her chin. Something had happened - something bad. But she had no recollection of it. "Not much. Took a bit to recover, then worked some odd jobs here and there." Senna answered with a soft sigh.

"How've you held up since?" She questioned with a soft frown.
"Yeah It was a bit shaky to begin with, some people think that just because I was in the SAoY I'm some tough fighter but that ship was something else. I'm glad you are still going strong, makes me feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one from back then who's managed to rebuild and get back on my feet." Alexia answered before they were informed of the imminent landing. "Well, we'd better get a move on and hope an abandoned planet isn't as creepy as an old tin can!" The raven-haired elysian said standing and brushing her clothes front down before offering a hand to her old friend.

Inside the shuttle bay, Icarus waved the group over to the far end where he was waiting with an assortment of vests, helmets and a few weapons with some other tools scattered in. "Alright everyone this is what we've got. After our last run, I had plenty of points to bring up when they asked me to fly this mission, as such we now have been given more protective equipment suited for the unknown including a service pistol for everyone and light body armour in case of small caliber munitions or knives. With a bit of luck we won't need to put them to the test but its better than not having them."

The tall captain handed out a vest and gun to each member before moving on. "Next up, we've got helmets from the Adrenaline gear once more simply because they can assist with air filtration, communication and basic protection to falls or blunt attacks. The atmosphere here is breathable so we don't have any spare tanks to lug around with us, the helmets will just be acting more like a particle mask." The raven brother handed out a helmet to everyone present and briefly went over activating the external light and antenna for their new member as well as a refresher for the others.

"Finally, we each have a day pack with some MRE's and some basic survival equipment like ropes and hooks along with a small sleeping canvas each in the case of being unable to reach the ship by nightfall. According to the planetary data we have arrived roughly 5 hours after sunrise on this portion of the planet, we have 18 hours before sunset and if the situation calls for it we have more equipment to set up a base camp on the surface and supplies to last another week." Icarus shrugged on his own gear and grabbed his gun and pack, unlike last time he wouldn't be sending people in blindly if he had to stay on the ship, another point he'd made sure to push when the job came up. After a moment for the others to get dressed and comfortable he held out a datapad that promptly projected a 3d map of their immediate area onto the floor. "I had the planet scanned when we landed to make a rough topographical map of our current area, if our landing coordinates are correct then the projected area for the first district should be just north of here, we've got mainly hills and some light forest and scrubland to get through to reach it. Once we've reached it and checked for signs of the seraphs and other units we'll head for the terraformer station, its nothing huge given the tech they could send unmanned but enough to properly stabilise an already decent atmosphere."

Putting his pad away the captain then handed one to each member before opening the personnel hatch on the side and stepping out onto alien soil. "If you've got questions ask on the way there, we need to move out team."
Asclepius raised a brow, already thrown out into the wild with the crew with barely even any time to check them over to find out any pre-mission conditions or issues they might have. He shrugged it off a bit though and nodded as he took the gear and dressed. He paid attention to the light system, made sure he knew how to use what he needed to and dressed. He flexed his wings under the protective vest a bit and rolled his shoulder, holstering his side arm at his hip, he snatched up his staff and formed up with the others and followed them out of the ship, his staff making the thunking sound with each step he took.

"Just a few questions about our equipment really. You said the helmet had a air filtration system? Is it mostly just for low level pollutants? Or does it filter out poisonous odors and spores and the like? Methane, carbon monoxide, sulfur that sort of stuff?" These were important things for the medic to know after all as his eyes scanned over the maps and readings he had gained on the data pad before him.