Empyrean Ruins - Airlock Chamber
Alexia only watched on as Corvina drew her gun and was confronted by Senna, she was still getting over the strange orientation of the ship. Of course looking back on it the whole thing seemed obvious but the thought of rappelling down a hallway had her on edge, as well as the darkness and the irrational fear of zombies or ghosts. The raven sister cautiously moved back over to the group, despite the rather rude comment provided by Meissa who she was already starting to dislike, she wasn't the only one who'd been in the military and in this situation it was hardly the most useful skill. It was people like Sofiel and Senna who would be doing most of the real work for this little expedition, after all they could understand the ship and the technology better than the rest of them who just knew how to fight well and use a gun.
"She has a point, who knows what might happen discharging a weapon in this relic of a starship, if it somehow caused a cave in..." The elysian trailed off realising she probably should have kept that fear to herself to avoid potentially spreading paranoia through the group.
While the group were occupied with the gun Sofiel's logical idea paid off, the light stopped fading and instead remained firmly and quite brightly green with no other obvious movement or change. Unknown to the team due to the natural sound proofing of the door, several mechanisms were slowly coming to life on the other side preparing to open the long sealed ship.
ECV Raven - Bridge
Icarus had been running over some paperwork and documents while he waited for the next update for the team before finding something very peculiar, an extra set of names on the manifest which he couldn't for the life of him remember ever having seen prior. "Vex, I need that shuttle headed to this spaceport please, it seems we missed someone..." The captain made a mental not to question the senator responsible for this expedition afterwards as he spied the 'officially assigned' marker on their files. Seems people were already keeping things from him, either that or miscommunication was performing at its finest.
Space Port - Private Dock
The shuttle touched down soon after Icarus gave the order, since it was already on the planet the trip had been quick aided by the VIP status which had been applied to the shuttle registration number giving it preference in airspace. Setting down with a loud thunk the small shuttle opened its side passenger access and an automatic voice signaled that boarding was now permitted.
As soon as Raduriel and Corial entered the shuttle the door would shut and takeoff initiated, Vex wasn't wasting time when Icarus had made it clear this was to be done ASAP and the boss' word was law. "Welcome aboard newbies, the captain apologises for the slight delay in retrieving you, something about an admin issue on their part but anywho. Let's get you down to those ruins with the rest of em." The AI piped from the ships speakers as the shuttle zoomed off to return to the building that hid the silently waiting ship below.
Empyrean Ruins - Airlock Chamber
"All members be aware, you have two new comrades en route, some sort of issue somewhere in the chain of paper lead to them being delayed so for the time being hold position until they reach you." Icarus' voice filtered through each of their helmets as his brief message played informing them of the new events.
Meanwhile the door had finally prepared itself some few minutes later and made itself known rather indiscreetly. The green light suddenly switched to a brilliant red that filled the small porthole obscuring the view of the other side. Another moment later a loud alarm started up, before choking and becoming more and more distorted, it seemed not everything had survived the march of time. With a soft hiss the door locks disengaged and the seal that hadn't been broken for over 4000 years opened. the door itself didn't open but rather shifted slightly up form its position signaling it was now able to be opened manually.