Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Elysia [Elysia] ECV Raven, Mission 1 - Catching the Scent

Raduriel looked around at the team she had recently joined.
'Well, We could use some of the cable in the Adrenaline gear, and i could repel down and try to find a ledge or something?' She said, Quietly. 'I mean, it's worth a try right?' she began to pull some of the cable out of her suit and stopped to look at the team around her.
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Alexia smacked a fist into her palm, "Hey yeah that's a good idea! If the ship is vertical then maybe there's a passage running parallel to this one right?" The raven sister said, jumping on board Raduriel's plan. "Here I can help you out with that." Alexia hopped over near the door and moved to help the other elysian with the cable. Sure they might have a few hundred meters of cable in their packs, but if this hallway was in fact 600m long they wouldn't be able to get the whole group down without wasting valuable time.

"Make sure you keep your comms on too, and tell us everything you see while you're down there."
Sofiel let out a concerned little murmur, she had almost forgotten that they were standing on the hull of an ancient ship that almost certainly had some kind of structural damage - she really didn't want to worry about falling right now but the team needed more cable and hers was already anchored.

"Here uh, have mine too," the Dove offered, feigning calmness as her gloved hands began unwinding and disconnecting her life-line to offer it to Alexia or Raduriel , whoever would take it.

She let her numbed hand go limp at the wrist and began shaking it around violently, watching the sensationless limb bounce around with a few fascinated giggles - wondering if this is what her older sister did all day in that lab.
Meissa decided to grab a little chunk of scrap metal, gently dropping it down the hole. After around 5 seconds, a small clang resounded at the bottom.

"Five it's about 125 meters down?" she asked. "We'll just assume sound travels instantly."

Corvina nodded. "Let's not calculate that. At any rate...we should have enough cable for this if we stick them all together." She decided to donate her own cable to the group.
"Yeah, around 100 meters in my calculations with the details I have," Senna chimed in with Meissa. Glancing over at Corvina. "Can confirm that at least," the Caesolian added as she pulled up her own rope, depositing it near the door.
Raduriel grabbed one end of one of the cables and tied a loop in the end and a loop about a meter from the end, the second loop being large enough to go around her waist and be tightened to keep her secure. She placed one foot in the lower loop and looked at the team.

'Make sure those knots aren't going anywhere, I don't want a broken arm , leg or spine.' she cracked, double and triple checking the knots she'd tied. 'Let me know when all the knots are tied'

"Don't worry we won't let you fall." Alexia said trying to sound confident, they'd been able to attach all the lengths together with relative ease thanks to the practicality of the AUG's design and a little bit of left over knowledge from the military. Before long they had a long coil sitting on the floor beside the group of feathery winged individuals, easily over 100m long and strong enough to hoist far greater weight than that of an average elysian woman thanks to their hollow bones.

Below the group the hall was silent and unmoving, the one small light continued to flicker in its broken and smashed casing as though mocking them, daring Raduriel to try descending the hallway. "Well then, good luck Raduriel, let us know when you reach the bottom." The raven sister said trying to muster as much conviction as she could, attaching several of their magnetic grips from the AUG kits to their end of the cable and clamping them to the floor and around the hatch.

ECV Raven - Bridge

While the team was busy preparing Icarus was trying to figure out how two people had been missed, he double checked the records of interest shown he was given several times and there was no mention of the two of them anywhere, it seems their existence had not been made known to him until right as they began operating. Someone in admin was going to be getting a very angry visit if he ever found out who it was.

"Captain, the ship is picking up a small energy spike. It only lasted a few seconds but the average readings have now increased by almost triple what they were before." Came the chirpy voice of the Raven's resident AI Vex, while her FARS body may be with the team she was still linked to the ship and had been monitoring the giant metal corpse since the team was sent in.

"So you're saying, there's power down there?" Came a calm sounding reply from Icarus, in truth he was worried, why was this ship's power only now starting to fluctuate and build after 4 thousand years it didn't make sense.

"Yes Icarus, it seems that the backup reserves have been activated and some minor interior functions will be coming back online within moments, also i hate to spoil this interesting news with some bad, but I've lost communication with my FARS. In a way there's kind of two of me now hehe, but it also means we can't tell the team what's happening." Vex said far too casually considering the situation.

"Well they should be fine without us, they'll figure it out sooner or later when doors start moving and the lights come on. But log the exact time those readings came through and contact Barachiel, just in case we need to mount a rescue."


While the ship seemed to be stirring in its grave it wouldn't be visible to the Raven team, the only lights they could see were already performing as well as they could although the hall light stopped flickering suddenly and became consistent, the airlock console didn't indicate any anomalies, seeing as how the charge from the power tool had been plenty for it to run off earlier.

It was time to send their team mate into the depths.
'Alright, Here goes nothing,' said Raduriel as she looked at the long line of cable coiled up next her, 'Take it easy and go slow to start with, I'll let you know if i find anything or need to stop or go faster'

With that, she stepped through the air lock falling a few meters before the cable pulled tight and the team began lowering her
Sofiel made sure to feed the cable down slowly, slowly indeed - of course her sense of self preservation was glad she wasn't the one going down but at the same time it would have majorly sucked if Raduriel got hurt through the Dove's negligence or indirect influence alike.

"So uh, found anything yet?" the civilian engineer spoke over comms, half as a joke and half to fill their ears with something other than the sounds of an old ship.
Senna pulled in in with the hoisting team effort as well. Bracing herself behind Sofiel as she grasped the rope. Though while Sofiel cracked wise, Senna remained silent, her lips pressed a thin line. She wasn't physically impressive at all. Though each set of hands made the task a bit less difficult.
Airlock Chamber

The team continued to lower down one of their own into the ever darker pit of the Empyrean's halls, there was no problems with their hands nor the cable and Raduriel made it to about the 30m mark before things got interesting.

A a set of red lights, followed by a screeching alarm activated within the hallway and Alexia stopped feeding the rope down, instead opting to hold on tight while trying to contact their member on the end of the rope. "Raduriel! What's happening down there? Did you touch something or did it start by itself?" The raven sister called out over their helmet comms, while trying to motion to the others to pull the rope back up.

"Partial power restored, auxiliary units activated, attempting to fire main reactor..."

"Main reactor damaged, rerouting power to support systems."

"Atmospheric generator, damaged."
"Climate control, damaged."
"Gravity systems, restored, activating artificial gravity in the following sectors."

"Error, sensor feeds offline, unable to detect gravity enabled sectors."

The artificial voice ended abruptly with a crackling sound along with the alarms but the red lights along the hall didn't stop their visual assault, a distant humming reached the teams ears right before the hallway's gravity was slowly restored, gently pushing Radurial into the 'wall' she'd just been rappelling down. After a minute the lights ceased their aggressive flashing and remained on but far dimmer than they had been, Raduriel was left lying on the floor of the hall, which had formally been the wall.
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Sofiel had almost let go of the rope when everything burst back to life, luckily the dove managed to catch herself just in time but she was curious if the ship had managed to go senile in all this time or not - so as she helped pull the rope up she poked her golden eyes over the edge curiously.

"Oh... I think the gravity is partially back," the engineer mused as she observed Raduriel's odd position, no wonder pulling her back up seemed easier than it should have been.

"I don't trust it though, the ship was buried for however long after all."
Senna started pulling at the rope as hard as she could. All the while listening to the alarms, though keeping concentrated even when the announcer's voice had silenced itself. Hoping to catch a trace of anything suspicious still. Though a frown formed on her face. "You don't say," she murmured with the same frown to Sofiel. "We should be-... Careful. It's... Well, bound to be a freakshow now."
As she was repelling down, Raduriel jumped from the wall as the artificial gravity restored itself. She fell about 3 meters and landed against what had formerly been the wall with a gentle thud. Standing up, she felt herself sway slightly and she called out to everyone else, 'Well, at least i'm still alive.' She dusted herself off and asked, 'Can someone radio Iccarus and see if he knows anything about this?' As she looked around, Raduriel thought to herself I don't like where this is headed

Alexia had freaked out when the alarm went off as well, she didn't quite let go of the cable but came close to it when it slackened from the shift in gravity, "Ahh Radurial are you ok down there?" The raven sister called out while scrambling to look over the edge and seeing the other girl not to far down, standing on the wall it would seem. Hearing her voice come through the comms elicited a sigh of relief as the sister scooted back from the gap to contact Icarus.

"Icarus come in, the ship has apparently managed to partially restore its artificial gravity and Radurial is currently partway down the first hall. Have you got any info or readings on the ship or its power systems?" The raven sister said while opening a channel to the bridge of the ECV Raven.

ECV Raven, Bridge

Since the auxiliary power had fired up, readings had been popping up all over the ship on the scans the Raven had been running since they started the mission. Icarus had been expecting a contact from the team to inform him, he had assumed the sudden power restoration would have been quite noticeable to those down within the ancient beast. "Alexia, I'm seeing a lot of power spikes across the ship, I cant tell you where else the gravity may be restored so continue with caution. As for the power it had a sudden spike when initially restored but seems to have settled now and is increasing at a very slow pace, this seems to indicate it won't be turning off at any time so you shouldn't need to worry..." The captain trailed off knowing that the team would be smart enough to keep their guard up.
“Wouldn’t the artificial gravity probably just be near the power spike locations?” Meissa asked. They could just...perform science. Throw rocks at the problem, once again. Then they could match up their gravity map with the electrical map.

“Then we could scale an unclimbable cliff.” Corvina continued on that idea. “Having a map of where the gravity is could give us the equivalent of having a map of a cliff that we are climbing.”

"Hey that's a good point, it would definitely help getting around a little more if we could tell where and when it would be on." Alexia said smacking a fist into her open palm and cracking a small smile while she peeped over the edge again into the hallway where Radurial was sort of sitting on the wall. "Well he did say it's unlikely to turn off so I'm gonna head down too." She declared with what she hoped was more conviction than she felt, attaching her magnetic grapple to a point inside the airlock just as a precaution the raven sister slowly eased herself into a standing position within the hall and used the cable to lower herself down until the artificial gravity effect caught hold of her.

It was such a surreal experience to essentially walk on the wall and look behind her to see up and forwards to see down. "Well Radurial, shall we continue?"

Time was wearing thin for Sofiel but she tried to make the most of it - the civilian engineer flexed her large, white as snow, dove wings and let out once more determined little breath as she peeked over the edge Raduriel and Alexia decided to disappear over. Well they'd all have to go down there anyway but Sofiel didn't have to be brave about it, especially if the gravity system did sound like it was a little funky as Meissa suggested.

Exact numbers escaped the curvy little thing wrapped up in layers of clothing as she tested the magnetic grapple, wrapping it around a small lip in the airlock's outer wall before it attached to the hull with a meaty thunk, "hey does anyone know the uh, the lift capacity - or how much cable we each have?" Sofiel piped up, stalling for time before finally taking the plunge over the lip.

Slowly, carefully the Dove lowered herself down, eeping as the artificial gravity pushed the bird into the floor and she scrambled to get upright again - shuddering at the faint discomfort of looking forwards to see up.

"Ah... that wasn't really too bad was it?"
"Glad you could join me." Joked Raduriel as the other two caught up with her. She looked around, trying to find anything beyond the grey walls of the ship that might be able to help. As she did, she pulled her radio up to her lips, "Hey Icarus, any chance you've got a schematic for this thing? If i could get to the Generator room i might be able to pull some system info from the main computer." She released the transmit button but kept the receiver near her lips, letting out a sigh and muttering to herself, "I don't like this. Not one bit"
Entry Hall

"Well I wouldn't just leave you to go it alone, wouldn't be very friendly of me." Alexia smiled back under her helmet while walking forwards somewhat awkwardly as the raven sister tried to accustom herself to walking on the walls, the idea to head for the generator room sounded like a good enough plan to her as well. It was handy they had so many skilled people with them for this job, meanwhile Alexia was feeling slightly out of place with nothing but military training and her street experience on her, at least the other two military ones seemed to have other talents.

ECV Raven - Bridge

Icarus nodded, heading for the generator seemed like a solid start, and with her skills Radurial should have no trouble grabbing any useful info from it, it was good to see people taking charge. "We don't have much in the way of accurate maps, this vessel is believed to be a one off design type but Senna has a map with her down there with the same info I have here. Going off the basic layout predictions the generators will be near the rear of the ship and you'll need to pass through either the crew quarters or the mess hall if you stay on this level. Otherwise you'll need to figure out how to go up a level and I can't tell you where or what that might be sadly." Icarus spoke while running his eyes over several screens, keeping an eye on the energy fluctuations.