Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Elysia [Elysia] ECV Raven, Mission 1 - Catching the Scent

Raduriel stood there, still frozen. She heard someone call her name but it flew past her. She was focused and strained and didn't even notice the people behind her run. Glancing around, she saw another room off to the side. She began to slowly side step, keeping her eyes locked down sight on the congealed blob. Having heard that the Auxiliary systems were back online, she tried to open the door. She slowly came back to her senses recognising the raven sister's voice.
"I'll catch up with you soon. Be careful out there!" She called.
Senna had managed to recover from her petrification ever so slightly as Alexia started to tug at her. The auburn haired Elysian dashed with her fellow explorer, away from the danger. Letting her take lead. She just wanted to get away from this place as soon as possible.

The young Elysian had no clue how she was able to be so quick on her feet. Fear was a powerful emotion and adrenaline fueled her sprint. Right before the gravity kicked in again. Fluctuating and turning the husk of this ancient ship into a freakhouse. Sliding down, before fully breaching into a freefall, Senna's screams echoed along with Alexia's as they were swallowed up by the darkness.
A small confused sound of "Ey???" came from the party's Dove before everything began to freak out, one second they were walking fine and the next they were plummeting down into the belly of the beast... Sofi should have known to re-attach but in the heat of the moment her fight or flight instinct told the freelance engineer to just fucking run.

Weightlessness, for a brief moment before Sofiel hit the ship and began sliding down likewise, her hands scrambling to find any purchase but finding none. Think, what the hell would Ariel have done passed through her head, synapses firing off about what her ex-military sister would do before it occurred to the younger Dove that she still had her grappling hook.

Those pale hands began rummaging around her belt to grasp it, wings now tucked in as urgency to do something before she went splat, finally gripping onto the pneumatic thing for all it was worth and angling it towards a wall with a depress of the trigger to hopefully catch on anything before Sofi called out.

The unlucky trio seemed to fall forever and ever while also never falling moving. Through the blast doors there was only inky blackness, eagerly engulfing the screaming Elysians, Sofiels desperate attempts to utilise the grappling hooks were all in vein as they were suspended without warning within the darkness as the gravity finally seemed to kick back in.

Inside the dark stasis field, the unlucky trio were rudely thrown through a second door below them, the first blast doors closing behind them continuing their dark entrapment. With no prior warning all three stopped and the room was pulled from darkness revealing the belly of the beast, more specifically the engine room. Alexia groaned and raised her head up from the floor, which happened to be far wall with the gravity system still offline for the time being.

"Hey, Senna, Sodiel. You guys ok?" The Raven sister wheezed out, trying to get her bearings. The myriad of cracks running around her vision weren't helping so the drowsy bird tore off her helmet and tossed it aside, only bothering to keep her earpiece on. Looking around she paled slightly when she realised where they were, impossibly so as the engine room was supposed to be at the other end of the ship.

"Does anyone else feel sick?"

Meanwhile Radurial would be thrown right through the dripping slime and into the far wall, the door she tried betraying her as its sudden opening action threw her gripping hand off. The lights in the common room flickered and went out with the shift in gravity. Left alone in the dark the squelching and dripping of the foul slime from the vents stopped, whatever had been there had moved on leaving Radurial alone, in the dark covered in slime.
Standing up, Raduriel tried to brush some of the slime off her. She pulled a torch out of her bag and began looking around the room again, checking every corner to make sure that the slime monster thing was gone. She pulled the radio up to her lips and waited a second.

"Icarus? Are you there?" she whispered, fearing that comunications had been cut. She lowered the receiver and moved through the room to the door she had previously been holding. Peering in, she checked her six before going inside.

Moving inside the new room, Raduriel began looking for a terminal in the room.
"If i can find a terminal, there might be cameras or speakers i could use to contact the others." She flipped a switch on the wall, hoping it was the lights.
There was screaming and yelling as they tumbled through the darkness. At first coming from Senna. Though, once they couldn't even see their own feet nomore, she was silent. Paling as they fell to, what she suspected, their deaths. There was fear, dread, horror and shock.

Then there was a stage after that. She wanted to scream - but couldn't. She wanted to cry as the stale, dry air tugged at her hair during the rapid descent. But no tears formed. Only wrenching sickness in the pit of her stomach as she dropped into the stasis field and hung suspended for just a second, before dropping down to the floor.

She blacked out for a second, or rather, several. Due to both stress and the concussive blow she recieved. It took her several seconds before her eyes shot open. Sitting up with a splitting headache.

"Wh-... Where," whinced the Elysian, swallowing thickly. Her hand reaching for the book on her side.
After the failed grapple and subsequent tumble into darkness Sofiel was happy to just stay laying there on the floor, a small "Mrrrhhhhh~" indicating she was still alive or at the very least alive enough to get that sound out before the large dove-like wings that had spread out during her few seconds of unconsciousness ruffled themselves, kicking up a light cloud of dirt before the engineer finally tucked them in, rolled over and righted herself.

"How am I supposed to know?" the comfy-looking Dove asked in response, tucking knees up to her chest and hugging them close as she tried to make sense of it all... there was a thing... and then stuff happened... and now this might be her tomb~

Sofi shivered a little and paled further, remaining tucked up in a little ball on the floor with before swallowing thickly, face barely illuminated by the heads-up display on her slightly cracked helmet.

"I want... I want to go home~"
Inside the darkened room, Raduriel's attempted to get the lights on paid off and in turn revealed to her a whole new hellscape. The room had previously been some sort of storage area for food with the barely recognisable remains scattered around the room along with some cans and bottles. The walls had long since lost their sterile silver colour and rusted away under the caked on layer of dried blood covering most of the walls and floor. The switch the elysian had just flicked happened to be covered in the same dried blood which had flaked off when it was pushed.

Meanwhile up in orbit, Icarus heard the call come in after the readings of the ship's power went all over the place. "I read you Raduriel, what's going on down there? The readings up here just spiked massively. Is everyone ok?" The raven winged brother replied from his command chair, the lack of communication from the other three was worrying on top of the fact he couldn't track their own readings due to interference from the ship.

Alexia half crawled over to the other two while looking around the room they'd landed in, hearing Sofiel so defeated made her lip tremble slightly, this trip had taken a turn for the worst and she didn't like what was happening to them now. "Yeah, home sounds good." She murmured back, putting a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort the poor girl, the only reason Alexia herself wasn't in the same situation was owed to her military training she guessed. Thee raven sister pulled herself into a sitting position and grabbed her flashlight, shining it around the room and illuminating the great humming engines around them, they didn't seem to be fully powered up but there was enough background noise to suggest they were running on backup power to keep the ship in its own sort of comatose state.

"We need to find a way out of here first, do either of you still have the maps on your HUD? My helmet is broken, but this looks like the engine room which shouldn't be possible given where we were. Any ideas?" She asked, shining her light over to Senna to make sure she wasn't badly hurt either.
"Icarus, I got separated from the group. I think they fell down a hall way. T-there was an announcement, aux systems are online." The dark haired Elysian was shaking in her boots. "There's, um, there's something else here Icarus."

Looking at her finger, she noticed a small flake of dried blood resting on it. "Oh fuck. It's OK Raduriel, just remember your military training. You know how to deal with lots of blood. Just, maybe not a room full" she spoke softly to herself, forgetting that the microphone was still on and Icarus could hear every word.

As she took in the room, she was more and more disgusted as she did. "What could have done this?!" "Icarus, i think we might be in over our heads, we need backup." With that, she finally released the mic switch, as she knelt down and touched the blood on the floor in front of her.
Senna seemed at a loss for words. Flipping the tome on her lap, she feverishly rifled through the pages. Halting to momentarily glance at the map before continuing. "Who?" The smaller Elysian asked as she looked up to both Alexia and Sofiel. The fear seemed to have dissipated for her, only confusion now settling in her eyes. "Who are you two? Where am I?"
ECV Raven

Icarus listened intently to Raduriel's words, the sound of this 'something else' along with the blood she had spoken about didn't sound good. "Raduriel listen to me, you need to get out of there, we hadn't been briefed on any of this beforehand and you aren't equipped for this kind of mission. I'm ordering a full retreat, try to get back to where you and the others went in and I'll see if I can contact them." The Raven winged captain gripped his chair, he hated not being down at the action to help out, a mistake he would not make a second time provided there was a second time.

Switching his attention to the other three he attempted to contact them, "Alexia, Senna, Sofiel. What's going on, Raduriel told me you fell down a hallway and I've lost your signals, where are you? I've ordered her to retreat, you all need to get out of there she said she's found a lot more blood than none which is how much there should be."

Empyrean Engine Room

The voice of her brother crackled through Alexia's earpiece as she tried to calm the frightened Senna, she knew that same voice would be in Senna's ear too and hoped it would help bring her back to the present. "Hey, Senna, its me Alexia. We're on a mission together to explore the ship, don't you remember? We just fell down a hallway and landed here." As she spoke Alexia crouched down and held her hands in front of avoid looking threatening as she tried to calm the other girl.

"Sofiel, any sign of where we came in? Or any doors marked exit around?" She said softly, hoping that she wouldn't also have a memory lapse.
Engine Room

"I...," Sofiel squeaked as she slowly got up off the floor, deciding to focus on the task at hand rather than curling up into a ball, despite how nice being curled up into a little ball was~

Her golden eyes cast back to Senna's confused form with a frown, figuring Alexia with her medical training from the army would probably have a better handle on it all than she ever could so the Dove began looking around, dragging the light attached to her helmet over the walls and floor to see if the team had caught a break in the form of some easily accessible exit.
"-... Oh," Senna answered. Apparently completely oblivious to the entire ordeal. She pulled up her book again and kept flipping through pages, before halting at one. The blueprint of the ship, the rooms imprinted on pages after. "-... Here? We're inside this thing?" She questioned with a frown, before pulling up the map. Folding it open and getting to her feet. Albeit wobbly, she thumped back down on her behind rather unceremoniously. Whincing ever so slightly. Though apparently blissfully unaware of the danger they were in.
Engine Room

Alexia forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah, we’re in that ship, you’re going to have to guide us since the maps in our helmets don’t go this far. We’ve somehow gotten from the common room to the engine room in what felt like seconds.”

Meanwhile Sofiel’s efforts revealed the main engine structure for the ship along with a door marked HALL. The engine structure was humming softly and a soft red light slowly got brighter and dimmer as though it was breathing. There was similar goopy strings hanging around the ceiling even in this room, and the gravity was still on, apparently having never turned off as several chairs around a small table with old glasses appeared untouched. A lightswitch by the doorway looked intact but was also covered in a layer of goo, in the hall the left path was blocked by a mess of sticky webbings while the right was brightly illuminated with another door at its end reading RESTRICTED AREA.
The brunette bird seemed a pragmatic one - as soon as her derriere thudded against the cold metal of the ship, she seemed to come to terms with the fact she was too dizzy, or too weak to walk. Instead of crying over spilt milk, she continued study on the maps, before exhaling a sharp breath and trying once more to her feet - this time standing. Albeit shakey. "Alright-... Ehrm," she murmured. Tapping her finger against the map. "We're here, engine room- yeah? Where do we need to go?" She questioned with a faint smile. Before frowning. "What was your name, I didn't quite catch it?"
Sofiel let out a shuddering breath, the Dove's wings staying tucked in tight to her body as the engineer's arms wrapped around under her own chest protectively, an unsure little murmur as she continued down the hallway - stepping around the goo that hadn't revealed itself to be caustic so far but she wanted to be sure, " she uh~ in shock or something? I know Senna is forgetful but~" Sofi shook her head, continuing further down the hallway until she got to the end and poked her head around, not even bothering with the slime-filled hall and instead opting to return to the engineering room.

"but uhm~ anyway~ the engine is here and can't see any v-visible damage... there's a restricted access room up ahead that looks powered... but I'm going to see if I can get some more juice flowing~" the Dove nodded, moving back to the ship's engine and preparing her toolbelt.
“She might be in shock yeah, that could make our retreat a lot harder if she stops cooperating.” Alexia said slightly worried to answer Sofiel. Sitting beside Senna and trying her best to keep the other girl comfortable and prevent any panic, though she seemed calm enough.

“I’m Alexia and the dove over there is Sofiel, the voice you heard in your ear before was my older brother Icarus. Currently we’ve been ordered to pull back and get out of this death trap, is there any exit hatches or a fast way out of this place back to the entry point?” The crow-winged girl said softly, putting a hand on Senna’s shoulder.

Turning back to see where Sofiel scurried off to, Alexia called back, “Alright sounds like a plan, hopefully we can get an elevator working or something.”

Sofiel would be met with little resistance or trouble when it came to fixing the engine, as though it’d never been damaged just switched off.
"Death trap? Oh," Senna slowly nodded, before swallowing thickly. "I'm-... I'm Senna," she answered with a faint smile, before scraping her throat, looking back to her book as she tried to figure out once more what it was all about. "Uh, yeah, there's uhm... Apparently a maintenance shaft-... Down the hall if we go up two floors," she answered, before swallowing thickly.