Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Elysia [Elysia Novus] Barracks - Day 3

Nereal looked over them slowly. They didn't look nearly tired enough for him, but perhaps he would remedy that later.

"Food time." He said simply, turning around and indicating that the cadets should follow him, leading them back to the mess hall. Inside there was a small queue for food - which this meal tasted like a form of cheese.
Evanael fetched his food and ate it, still in unbelieveable high spirits. The few plebians he sat next too, moved away. After scarfing down his meager meal he got up and worked out the kinks in his neck.

Within a few minutes he found himself a place within the mess hall that allowed himself to strech out his sore muscles. He made a mental list of all the bruises, scratches, scrapes and healed over wounds he'd gotten since getting here. With a grim smile to himself he cracked his spine with a soft sigh.

He was ready for anyting Nerael had to throw at him.
Aetius went to the mess hall, he was too sore to want to do anything else, but he wasnt about to show it.

He cracked his back, neck, and fingers. He was ready to rock as far as anyone else knew. His mind however was cursing him for being a bastard.
Nereal waited before all of his cadets finished eating before shouting, food was of course vital. However when it came it was like his voice always was - devestating, but not overwhelmingly loud, filling the room without rocking it.

"Right! You've eaten, now for some exercise before bed to make up for all of the firing you have wasted your energy doing! Do not forget, stay in rhyme or fell my wrath."

Leading the way outside he began to lead the group in a slow combination of Pankration movements - in order to loosen up the body but also to establish good practices for the days ahead when they would be studying that noblest of arts.
Evanael meet the exercise with intense, un-explainable, irrational & overall happyness. He worked hard at the streches and threw in a few pre-sword fight streches in there as well.
New Arrival

Michael jumped out of the shuttle, more than happy that he was finally at the barracks, he never enjoyed rides into the atmosphere of a planet especially in such a small shuttle that looked like it would fall apart if he kicked it. It seemed the pilot of the "brand newâ€
Evanael caught sight of the new, albeit late recruit and watched him curiously from the corner of his eye. Hmm, certianly seemed spunky enough. He had a feeling the new recruit's spunkyness would be taken care of by Nerael eventually. With that thought he remembered the first day here and snorted softly.

Somewhat distracted by this new kid on the block, Michael did he say? , He continued to strech nonchalantly. His strechign was slow, but he streched anyway. The past few days had been nothing more than work, work and more work. First running a good twenty miles or so, then sword fighting, gun fighting and hell knew what was going to be enacted tomarow. he almost looked foreward to it... and the fact he was going to see Roemael after Nerael got done with them.
"Goddamn Newbie." Schuyler muttered as he continued his stretching.

He wasnt about to try and help the new guy on the block, untill he knew whether or not he would try and help himself.

His mind was in overdrive, thinking about the stretch, and what types of things it was affecting. What muscles, what bones, how everything moved. Anything at all that hurt, anything that was tight. All of those things would need to be fixed, and limbered up.

Schuyler glanced at Evanael and noticed a glint in his eye. He looked away so that he wouldnt be caught staring. That was definitely one odd man, Schuyler thought to himself. Very odd indeed.
Nerael looked over for a few seconds while conducting a slow thrust kick to where the head would be, "Noted, now is there any particular reason why you're not joining in with your comrades? Have you got yourself something of superiority complex?"

Going back to his exercise he began a series of back kicks, starting slow and working there way up in speed - before then going through an open palm Pyrric (roughly the same thing as a Kata).
"Arschloch!" he muttered under his breath at the instructor as he took up position beside one of the tough looking Plebeians. He enjoyed taking advantage of his knowledge of languages. Especially German since it was the language used by his human ancestors. He followed the moves that everyone else was doing not exactly knowing what he was doing.. having never done the stretch/dance thing they were performing but he supposed he would get used to it. He had to if he was going to survive in this habitat and one thing he was good at was adapting. He smiled worriedly hoping the drill instructor didn't have a knowledge of German or there was a good chance he might be in a fair amount of trouble.
"Do not speak the human tongue if you wish to escape additional training. That particular training will be how to survive interrogation." Nereal called out without missing a beat in the increasingly complex Pyrric, "You may be speaking an unfamiliar dialect, but my ears are sharp. You will speak Seraphim or you will be silent."
"Idiot..."Schuyler muttered as he followed along with the stretching. This new cadet was really pushing his luck, seeing what they did when they got there when they were supposed to, and so far, had only been abused pretty much.

He wouldnt last very long. Not without getting his ass kicked at least.
Evanael grinned when the new recruit muttered something in a human language and got repremaided for it. He managed to contain his mirith, his thoughts then followed after schulyer's and he shook his head softly as he continued to follow along with what Nerael was showing them.

It was completely right, Michael would have his ass kicked very soon if he didn't quit with the smart mouth. It would probably be fine when they weren't around Hikael or Nerael, but.... he suddenly wondered if nerael would make Michael jump from the heights like he'd had to. Hmm, that might be intresting to watch after all...
"Do not speak the human tongue if you wish to escape additional training. That particular training will be how to survive interrogation."

Michael smiled a bit as he continued doing the strange stretch after he heard the instructor's voice and what he had to say, Michael spoke again.

"Actually sir, I would find the extra training quite enlightening. But if you don't want me to do it I wont. As you know I live to serve."

A small strange look appeared on his face as he started to think.

"Sir wouldn't it be wiser to know human languages? I mean if you were in a fight and intercepted a radio transmission from the enemy. And it was in German you would think it would be bad, if you had no idea what it was saying. Especially if you were in a tight fix and the transmission just happened to be the enemies orders and battle plans, that could change the tide of the battle? Im not trying to question your orders but it just seems.. well stupid not to learn what you do not know. That would be like taking a test but you couldn't study because your teacher says it's a heavens way to take a test. If you take my meaning sir."

He kept his humor inside knowing he would prob. be in a lot of trouble.. He never seemed to make friends with his commanding officers.. speaking was a second nature to him and he would prob. get it beaten out of him.
"I asked you for two things. The first, thankfully, you have decided to grant me. The second, unfortunatly, you refuse to do. This is a time of exercise not of talking, especially with your inane ideas! Do you believe you are better than our mlitary commanders, that anything that you could have thought of could be better than them? Perhaps so - and then by all means rise up the ranks. However for as long as you remain under my command you obey my rules ... and now for some punishment. Cadets, continue training under the lead of Cadet Aetius. Cadet Brazille, with me." Nerael spoke with restrained anger and walked towards the med-bay.
Evanael paused sightly as Nerael said Michael was in deep trouble. Med bay eh? oh right, they were probably going to keep a record of his DNA or whatever and bring him back to life if the sucker died. Evanael snickered and went back to the exercise. He kept an eye out for said punishment Michael was going to get. Make him jump Nerael...[i/] He thought with a ever widening grin.
Michael frowned as he heard what the instru... commander had to say. He arose and followed close behind. Perhaps he should try and control his talking abilities it always seemed these commanders didn't like being out witted or given a new outlook his teachers had never liked it either. He smiled at the thought of a memory of when he was still in school. He had been arguing with the teacher about human culture and had defeated the teacher in every point he tried to make that the humans were actually heavens. He continued walking following with his hands tucked behind him and his head held high. Whatever was going to happen he was going to try and smile all the way through it. Just to piss his new commander off.
Schuyler moved to the front of the group, and continued to lead the cadets in their stretches and exercises. He knew well enough to not say a damn thing. Nereal was not one to mess with, he had far too little patience.

He also noticed how the new cadet tried to make it seem as though he was unbreakable. That would change soon enough. He knew what Nereal would have him do, if he was having his DNA copied that is. The image of Evanael jumping off the floating platform leaped to the forefront of his mind. It was something he would rather not experience for himself.
Within the medical bay Nerael ordered the medics to take Michael's DNA and give him a Soul Saviour simply out of protocol. He felt like something a little more fun that simply forcing the cadet to jump off a platform. Leaving Michael on the ST bed (in which he would feel the acute pain that followed a SS) as he barked an order to the medic, "Bring me the Gag."

Obediently a white-garbed medical worker brought Nerael a small pot which he unscrewed as he paced towards Michael. "You see Michael, we are actually familiar with your sort of person. You are not particularly unique or unusual - certainly not special, unless you prove yourself to be so - something which you are singularly failing to do at the moment. Given that yours is such a common affliction we have actually developed a cure. Open your mouth."
Michael frowned. "You may have beaten me for now... But I always find a way. It seems you.. Think you are superior to all forms of life when in fact we are all equal. If we the Elysians were ment to rule. Then our empire would have never fallen. Proceed and do what ever foul treatments you have in store for me. But I never disobeyed your orders and before you do this I want you to give me a justification for what you are going to do to me. And if you have a good reason you may perform whatever you wish to me and I will exept it, but if you don't.... well you will obviously do it anyway. But dont pull that "you will obey by my rules crap because you never stated them I just got here." Michael stared at the commander with cold determination.