Star Army

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RP: NSS Sledge Mama Ep. 4 - Demo Copy (Aside)


Well-Known Member
Continued from Sledge Mama - "Rumble Room"

As the gun in Jaimie's hands quickly spun up again, a lance of hellfire cut through the night as it was swept across the mini-missiles, a heavy tracer streaking away after them as the railgun mounted onto his suit boomed as well. Small explosions burst into existence, but the loud warning and red reticles persisted; the spread of mini-missiles closed in fast. Standing his ground and firing away, laughing like a fool, the marine never shot them all down.

Lasers seared through space, rapidly dancing from one to the other, setting several more off before they collided with his barriers. Engulfed in a hurricane of fire, the marine was smacked about inside his suit before the hot and smoking power armor he was in gradually became visible from behind the clearing smoke and dust. Shields crushed to nothing, yet armor holding solid, another Hostile flew by, fast and low as its shoulder mounted minigun spun up to fire after the retreating battlepods. Sparks flew as a lucky handfull of rounds clipped a fighter and punctured an empty launcher.

"The rights of being a marine; Right tactics, Right tool, Right job, Right time!" Ylfa called out at him her armor speeding by. "Hitting a missile is threading a needle, and recoil screws threading needles - I know, I tried!" Flying so close to the terrain of the asteroid, her feet nearly skimmed the surface as she practically 'skied' across the surface, following the folds and bends in the terrain to dart in and out of cover.

At the very same time, Edgardo rapidly closed in with the uproar that Jaimie and Ylfa were raising. His armor a shadow in the dark, he leaped forward, thrusters burning hot as the sword in hand came to life. Its edge glowing hot, he cleaved at the battlepod. A tall, massive, awe inspiring gout of sparks and fire leaped out as the two collided - the marine was smashed off the much larger fighter and sent spinning into an asteroid like an obvious movie prop as it exploded in the distance. The sheer difference in velocity and mass crumpled his armor in several places, popped his shields like a balloon and shattered the bones in an arm. If it weren't for the intertia dampeners in his suit, he would have been literal paste.

"Shit! I said rights! The rights!" As the fighters peeled away and tried to widen the distance for another firing run, Stripe hammered after them with his DMR, both the occasional well aimed and lucky rounds digging into armor and splashing across hull. "Do you really want to keep trying to pick off humming birds with a sniper rifle?" Ylfa asked the young man over the comms, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "You little boys gotta change up your tactics if they're not working!" As the fighters quickly realized what was hitting them, their active sensors powered up and started sweeping, the Marines' suits quickly noting the energy waves. Thinking fast and quickly scanning the environment, the Sergeant found what she was looking for.

"There's standing stones at your 3' Jaimie - get in there if you don't want to be a sitting duck!" With the fighters returning, Ylfa quickly weaved between the massive stone pillars. "Same with the rest of you - start using your heads!"
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"I am really tempted to Aether Bomb everything." Stripe quipped, "but instead I'll grab Mr.Roadkill over there." he finished as he slung his shield back on his back and cloaked. Putting on a burst of speed, Stripe sprinted over to Edgardo and grabbed him. "Cloak yourself you Son of a Neko!" He growled at the rather dazed soldier.
The alarms caught him by surprise, and his outcry quickly explained his predicament, "Aww shit, not again." The explosions drowned out the rest of his curses. When he opened his eyes after being ravaged around, he laughed a bit strangely. "That doesn't count, corporal..." He then seemed off when he heard the Top's lecture and suggestion. Jumping back he thought to himself, "Damn, that was a bit weird..." as he hit the rocks once again and attempted to silence the alarm that continued to repeat a shields low call.

He then grabbed his battle axe somehow still attached to his waist and began aiming with the railgun. He seemed a bit more regular in speech when he keyed the mic again, "Now I wish I had an AMR, Easier to aim at these fast-movers." Then stuck his head out long enough for his suit to get a targeting and path algorithm for the incoming hostiles, and prepped his metal arm to make a long damn throw.

"Just give me this one, and let slip the gods of flying killer axes."
Its edge gleamed as the axe spun, turning end over end through space.

And missed.

By the time the battlepod changed its course just enough to avoid the axe, it had already unloaded its weapons and was pulling away, eager to get enough distance to set up for another run. Jaime had been quickly ganged up on as the fighters - specialists in open-space combat - ripped into his shieldless armor with brief but concentrated autocannon fire. His lifeless form, riddled with holes and torn apart by armor piercing-high explosive rounds, lay in a puddle of flash-vaporizing blood as the dust settled. Meanwhile, Jaime himself stood right beside his own corpse, completely incorporeal like a ghost and complete with his own blue glow.

"Oh, you got to be shitting me." Ylfa's words were laced with a flat and utter disbelief as she kept on fighting. With her well armored Hostile suit, she kept weaving in and out of the standing stones for cover, raking the retreating flight of battlepods. As one spun out of control and collided with an asteroid however, they quickly picked up on a sluggish, slow moving target overburdened with another. At this point, Ylfa decided to stop moving and, holding a hand up to the side of her helmet, look away as the two marines were ruthlessly gunned down by both flights of battlepods, their firepower converging so that only blackened scraps of metal remained. Like Jamie before them, both Stripe and Edgardo were fortunate that the harm done was only limited to their bodies, and not their immortal souls. Souls which now stood there amongst the scattered remains of their bodies.

"That marines, was special. Short bus special." The woman paused for a moment and rubbed her helmet as the strangest feeling overtook her. "Whoa. Did anyone just get the stroooooongest feeling of deja vu there??" she asked, hands out and palms up as she asked for an answer. "C'mon guys - I don't wanna give out answers to the little quiz here. I know we're just testing out the new gear, but, we're marines damnit! We got standards!" Her power armor moving with precision, Ylfa kicked away a small pebble, which kept on going and going and going into the depths of space. "Maybe you guys want to do ground combat instead? That sound better? We can even try taking on a sim of the cats."

It almost sounded like pleading on her part.
"Ground might be the better option." He began to think himself stupid for his stunt. He just wanted to test the targeting but not here. "And another thing, I think a more mixed run than a chain and two DMRs for anti fighter." He knew he was right, but he felt the incoming scowls. He then turned towards his armor and muttered to himself, "So much for forward deployed assets..." then turned around back to the group and tried to think that he didn't have another flashback.

To put it off his mind, he thought of his next set of gear. A Hostile, since top wouldn't allow anything else, and just changed the chain gun for an Assault Rife or AMR, keeping the shoulder mount and shield setup. Then he thought again, he wouldn't feel so bulky and could wrap himself in cover.
"Alright, before we go any further, who has what role, and why?" Stripe grumbled. He figured he hadn't been this humiliated since he began basic training. "Part of our problem is we're all running in piecemeal with no idea how to support each other." he thought aloud with a sweeping gesture towards the rest of the squad. "I think."
"Well...." Ylfa began, her voice trailing off. It wasn't the best of signs.

"Let's say that working together might be the least of our concerns. At least, with anti-fighter combat," she began with Stripe, popping her helmet off and holding it under an arm. "The basics need some rust taken off of them, I think." When Jaime spoke up, blue eyes darted over to him as she gave him a chilled look. "Don't think you're getting off Scott-Free. You might have had the right tool, but you still didn't move enough. With fighters, cover's worthless if you stick with the same one and let them take it apart or flank you," she explained. It was true - after revealing herself, the Sergeant kept herself moving through the standing stones and whatever cover she could find. "Their guns are typically large bore for starters, and usually come with missiles. That's why I was moving through cover, and not just finding my little corner and sticking to it. It's almost like old-school helos versus jets. Totally screwed, unless you got great terrain."

As though for emphasis, a pair of asteroids bumped into each other with a gravelly impact.

"Anyways, let's go for a classic next, yeah?" Waving her hand, the asteroids flew by as the planet in the distance suddenly rushed up to them. Slamming through the atmosphere at god-knows-how-fast, their own asteroid suddenly slowed down and firmly planted itself in the middle of a park, skyscrapers and city surrounding them. "Ok, let's see. Why don't we go capture a building or something from some Reapers?" she suggested, a giant space-worm emerging from the asteroid in the background. "They were the mainstay of Squiddie forces for a while since they started adopting catgirls." As she explained this, the eyeless, asteroid dwelling space-worm briefly 'looked' about before retreating back into the interior of its home.

"Maybe reclaim that Origin-Mart over there from them. How's that sound?" Ylfa asked.
Jaime nodded and materialized himself in his last armor loadout. The then thought up a quick fix and turned the shoulder into a slightly smaller railgun and his chain gun for an HPAR. His helmet was the last thing to appear with a matching set of dings, scars, and other simply aesthetic looks. He then dashed towards the nearest cover and looked up towards the Origin-Mart.

Multiple methods of entry, both conventional and non-conventional. He looked towards the others and made a few small gestures as he spoke, "Make insert the sweep back wall forward. Stay away from the windows." He then put his weapons to his chest, turned off the safety and waited for his squad to move.
"I'll take an assault rifle and that DMR I was using earlier, it should be more effective against power armour..." Stripe thought aloud as he picked those weapons out.

Satisfied, he hid behind cover and tried to see how the enemy was armed. "To be clear, we are inserting through the back wall, sweeping for enemies as we go?" He responded, seeking clarity through the butchered language that was the first sentence Jaime said.
With a series of thunderous footsteps a new arrival would make himself visible. In a set of hulking Aggressor armor one of the more decorated members of the group would come out. "Hey Master Sergeant, looks like you could use some heavy support for this run. Reapers can be a pain to get in close to so it's always good to have someone around to make them keep their spiky heads down." As he said that he'd heft his AMP and the pair of plasma chaingun turrets on his shoulders would swivel from side to side. The armor itself was at least slightly decorated with a few simple designs including in one part a sigil of a sun rising blending with what looked like a mushroom cloud and the writing 'Solem Fero' or I bring the sun. His step would be a little strange to his left since his left leg was wholly artificial after a previous encounter with NMX Reapers and a full on Ravager that he'd engaged with Bolts and his AMP to give the rest of the squad time to retreat.
Ylfa's loud, boisterous guffaw echoed through the empty park their asteroid had settled in.

"Welcome back Corporal," she smiled at him from behind her helmet. "However, you might want to hop out into something smaller - it's just too biiiiig!~" the armored blond almost moaned. More seriously, the Sergeant added, "We're practicing plain building capture; checking corners, cover versus concealment. You know, with the building intact? There's just no way it fits in." Unfortunately, she was right; the all encompassing Origin-Mart - previously owned by Mega-Mart - didn't have a military style construction. It was sturdy for a civilian building, but wouldn't stand up to too many high-explosives, the specialty of the Aggressor. Mini-missiles, provided they weren't antimatter, would be fine however. "Hop into something smaller, and maybe take a look at the new stuff that's on the table?" the woman offered. Sliding up to him in her Hostile, she leaped up the Aggressor like a monkey despite her own suit's weight, a testament to her skill.

"Oh god, Corporal! It's horrible! You have to help me!" her voice nearly cried in Sawyer's ears. "They're all boot as fuck! I just wanted to see what they got, but even after trying to nudge them at the right thing, it just ended in disaster! One of them got roadkilled by a battlepod going all, 'Yui Banzai!' with a sword, and another threw a god damn axe at one hoping to score a kill!" Reaching up with her armored hands, she grabbed whatever she could of his mech and shook it. "It's madness! This wind-down now that the war is over has us cutting back on training!" It almost sounded like she was on the verge of tears. "I'm only a Top because I'm good at killing things, and everyone else above me got mowed down during the war! I'm no good at teaching - you have to help me!"

It took a moment for her to realize she said this all out loud, and hopped off Sawyer's Aggressor.

"For this exercise, I will be selecting the Heavy Penetrating Assault Rifle, or 'HPAR', pronounced as 'Hyper'," she almost mechanically rehearsed.

Just recalling what was done, on top of her own blunder, broke the Sarge.
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He'd chuckle softly as he listened to her words, on a private channel he'd reply to her, making sure the rest of the squad didn't hear his reply. "Gods Top, are they that damned booters? That's horrifying, even more so than the wannabe sappers they sent to me at the schoolhouse." Even as he spoke to her his armor would shift, changing to a basic Hostile that he'd modify with a shoulder-mounted miniguns, a heavy nerimium shield and a pair of the gauss smgs, one on his right arm, the other on his left for when incoming fire from the reapers had rendered the shield nonfunctional. If all else failed he had one of the new hyper induction swords affixed to the hip of his armor and a HPAR across the back of his armor while his left minimissile pod was filled with DARTs and the other had ARROWs.
Alec watched as the world around materialized into a city of sorts. He took a deep breath, almost remembering home. He quickly shook the thought off, remembering that it was all fake. He looked down to see one of the prototype "Heavy Penetrating Designated Marksman Rifle" in his hands before spotting the squad he was supposed to be working with. He quickly rushed up to the sergeant, snapping a crisp salute to her. "Private Alec Corbin, reporting for duty." he said staunchly
Finally coming to(and mentally slapping himself for being out for so long), Edgardo stood up, "Sorry, Top. Sooooo, we're going for a building capture are we?" He then noticed the two new arrivals in the room. "Good to meet you comrade Alec Corbin," he then turned and saluted to the Corporal, "Private Edgardo Cortez reporting, sir! If I am allowed to speak freely, I was merely trying to "Change up my tactics" as was suggested by Top."
As Edgardo's hand snapped up Sawyer's would snap out, the shield in his hand aiming for the wrist of the private's armor as he snapped "Get your damn hand down, I'm not an officer and neither is Top, we aren't sirs or ma'ams you call us by our rank. And for the love of all the gods new and old, have none of you idiots heard the term sniper-check? We're in the field here jackass, saluting is a great way to tell your opponent 'Hey shoot this guy because he's important.' Got it?" He'd look at the other one, the monoeye of his armor glowing a baleful red as he shot a glare at the two of them who had done such a stupid action.
Edgardo, ignoring the pain in his arm, merely nodded. He changed his armor to the basic Hostile set, with the standard HPAR and hyper induction sword on his back, and aimed his rifle at the Origin Mart.
Alec quickly dropped his salute and fumbled for his rifle. "Shot, sorry sir-No wait, corporal!" The professionalism in his voice dropped into a sort of panic. Taking a second to regain himself, he looked back up. "Where am I needed?"
Pointing towards the Origin Mart Edgardo said, "I believe we are expected to capture that building. According to...." Edgardo thought about his response for a second, "comrade Ylfa, the NMX took some Dasiy armor types from the Neko's and repurposed them. To put it simply, they want to be cat-girls so much that they steal and use anything they can get their hands on."
Stripe stopped and glanced at Jaime., his features shifting between confusion and annoyance. "Translate that into a legible sentence please?"He snarked as he he looked down his sights at the the, trying to pick out the more well armed and vigilant targets. ""Hmm."He started thoughtfully, "Do you suppose we should cloak up on our approach and try to kill them all quietly? I don't remember changing out of the stealth armour."

He turned to the apparently experienced people who'd joined in. "Yo. To be honest, we were almost as bad as panicking civilians shooting peashhooters at a cruiser. Ineffective and foolish." He stated with a grimace. "Ylfa should really be kicking us back to boot camp, honestly."

"Round three."
"Could work, and I suppose I am trained as a sniper, could provide overwatch for the rest of you. And if any really dangerous targets pop up....well I need to rack up my headshot count anyway."