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Episode 0: [YSS Mazu] - Chōyō Maru 朝陽


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RP Date
26日 1月 YE 43.
RP Location
Kikyo Sector
YSS Mazu, Heavily Modified Takumi-Class Expeditionary Cruiser
Yamatai System - Post-Victory Day
26日 1月 YE 43.

Infantry Assignment...Delayed
Crew Assignments...Delayed
Power Armor Inventory...Modified and Delayed
Small Craft Inventory...Modified and Delayed

Mission...Still on Schedule

To: (Insert Your Player Character) - The Taisa will be hosting a madatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required.

18h45 Command Wardroom

"What kind of man can he be, anyway? He left the panel off my junction connection, he's probably the type who leaves his fly down when he puts on his uniform pants..." Mazu Minato said as she sat on the edge of the Captain's Table, her legs swung back and forth as she talked to the Taisa.

Motoyoshi Kaoru stood with her back to Minato, her eyes stared out the transparent-zesuanium viewport towards the swirling blue and green orb that was Yamatai that had a tranquil look with the fluffy blue clouds that sailed through its skies. It was maybe obvious that she had tuned out the overly talkative MEGAMI avatar, her mind consumed with the variables of the mission ahead. The YSS Mazu was delayed in receiving most of its crew, a lot of its inventory was stuck behind the lines of requests of other ships that had returned home from war. Motoyoshi-Yamada Ayano, the Chujo that was set to replace her mother as the fleet's Taisho that was also her Aunt had assigned them a mission, and regardless of the shortages, they faced it was expected that they would finish it. White panels seemed so clean, especially after that fight with Kiyoko - sometimes blood washed away from things too easily.

"Hinomaru-Hei, I hope you are ready to do some bartending..." Kaoru said over an internal communications channel she opened.

White linen tablecloths lined the tables which were covered in flower arrangements that had been sent from Jiyuu in expectation of a celebration, at least they would see a second use. The chefs in the kitchen, all vetted from Takeda House polished the simple appetizer dishes that had been prepared for the formal get-together that Kaoru had planned for the launch of their first mission. She had been through the ship's roster twice and picked those she believed would become her greatest utility in the days ahead, a tradition which had been started by her mother and yet another unorthodox practice of the Motoyoshi within the Star Army.

She had sisters and brothers assigned to her crew, another usual practice of the closely-knit clan - Kazumi, Naoko, Tio, and Hiroki; all under her lead now as they set out into undisturbed astral seas. So much had changed in such a short period of time, the liberation of Scrapyard and the Battle of Glimmergold, the retirement of her mother, and a ship command that had obviously been the plan all along. Although the YSS Mazu was rebuilt, the ship had a history. It was apart of everything just as much as she had been from creation until that point where she stood and looked out at the homeworld.

Her First Officer was an interesting choice, she could somehow smell her mother's meddling in the matter almost like it was her kind way of giving her a nudge out of the awkward position that had been left when the fact Blues was her Uncle and a clone of her father. Thankfully the man was not hard to look at, even if the smell of merger glistened with KS like a Kuvexian bounty. Some of the others she had selected to invite remained unknown variables, the dies cast as silent bets were placed on performance and destiny.

A bar had been set up on one of the tables for Hinomaru-Hei, an assortment of liquors, spirits, wine, and beer from both Yamatai and Jiyuu. This would be nothing like the party that had taken place on the Tokyo at New Years, rather a more formal event. Kaoru had shown them her fun side, and now it was time to apply the polish and give them what had gotten her the rank pin, to begin with. It seemed even with Katsuko's retirement the YSS Mazu was another First Expeditionary Fleet example of the overlapping agendas of Military, Clan, and Corporation.

The picture-perfect view of Yamatai changed quickly, and the plasmatic spectra flow of hyperspace replaced it. The YSS Mazu sped away from Yamatai as the Captain's Formal Mixer was set to begin, headed to unfold a mystery in the E-6 system on the mission ordered by Ayano.
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Alyx slid into the room, the ranger Shosa wore her class A with pride, the ribbons indicating that she had seen combat with the Rangers, mostly in jungle locations. The whites of the uniform contrasted sharply with her dark hair in a tight braid and a black tail that shimmered as it moved. She held herself upright, knowing that the entrance of a tall thin Separa'Shan like herself could turn heads. She was in charge of the infantry element on the ship, a job she had fought for. Her coal eyes scanned the room for the captain. Locking on, she approached Kaoru. "Hello Ma'am, I'm Alyx Eunecte your infantry CO."
The war was over, but at what price? The Tokyo was now in the docks getting repaired and so far the stories go on that, it would take months to get it back in space again. While most of the pilots that were lost in the battle were revived, it didn't make it any easier for Miyu to simply continue and forgot what had happened at that battle. She lets her finger slide over the three red stripes that made part of her uniform and sighs. She was promoted for her actions at the previous battle to take lead in a couple of bombing runs and saving a few of her own pilots when the timing demanded it of her.

Now due to the Tokyo being stranded, she and most of her bomber pilots got a transfer to the YSS Mazu. To make matters worse for her, she got appointed as the Wing Commander of this vessel. This first thing was something that bugged her, a mixer of formality. She already had avoided the celebrations when the war was declared to come to an end as she was processing the whole ordeal of what just happened and now Miyu still had to come in uniform and fancy clothing to this mixer.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the room seeing some of the people already had arrived. Her uniform was the standard edition that required for formal occasions as her awards were pinned to her chest to show the achievements she had performed to the Yamatai Star Empire. She walked to the window while grabbing a glass of a tray and stopped trying to take it in while waiting for this show to begin.
To: Mazumi Hinomaru - There Taisa will be hosting a mandatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required.

When Mazumi had gotten the message first from her commanding officer, she began leaving and making her way to where the Gynoid needed to be, when she’d gotten a private communication from another member of the clan, Koaru.

“Hai, ma’am, I am ready to begin my purpose!” She replied through the comms and quickened her pace so that she can make it to her station at an acceptable time. On arrival, she immediately spotted her place and made her way there, and with a show of skill, she began mixing drinks to create the drinks her fellow crew might want and made sure she had the ingredients needed to make new requests. “Alright, drinks are ready to be served,” She said to herself and smiled, pleased that she had things ready for her fellow crew.

She stood up straight and waited to assist with a happy, beautiful smile on her face. She’d noticed the entrance of the Separa’shan who her database told her was the Infantry CO and Miyu Wing Commander. Her newly updated database told her exactly what kind of drinks with a percentage chance they’d all order from her.
"To: Shōi kōhōusei Motoyoshi-Yoshitsune Hiroki - The Taisa will be hosting a madatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required."

Hiroki read the message from his data pad, with a sigh he knew, his family would be putting in a show. A szilent show of strength, as well as connections between distant members of their ever growing clan. Kneeling at the rather ancient styled shrine, the incents burning in front of a picture enshrined in elaborately carved wood of their former Empress Ketsurui Yui. Fruit laid out on a white cloth as offering. Bowing his head to the tatami mat he place in his officers quarters. His hands placed in front laid in front of his head the thumbs aligning with the brow of his nose. Sitting up, Hiroki quickly changed into his clean pressed Class A uniform. His hands brushed over the several 'insignificant' medals that came as what he felt were Participation trophies. Letting it go the young man's knelt once more picking up his Kyu-Guntō type 40 sword. Standing and attaching the weapon to his belt.

His internal comms shot a direct message to his current Raisa." I am en route sister, or should I say Ma'am. Let's hope this mixer goes better than the last family gathering no?" A slight smirk escaped his lips, as the Shōi Kōhōusei made his way to the Wardroom. Arriving within due time, easily spotting his family. Hiroki stood for a moment. And with practiced ease bowed to a 90° angle, showing formal respect. The smirk never leaving his face."a please to see you again Aneue I am unsurprised to see other members of the Clan aboard." Standing at attention, if anything but lackadaisical, "Shōi kōhōusei Motoyoshi-Yoshitsune Hiroki. Assigned as a new Pilot to relieve members we lost during the last battle."
YSS Mazu Volumetric Room 3

Busy sparring with a virtual partner patterned after a Ketsurui Samurai, the two fought a form of martial arts unique to his clan. Thinking he had gotten into a proper position to put the virtual samurai in an arm lock, it suddenly took advantage of its position and hip throw him onto the mat. "Too slow Yukio." it simply said with a smirk.

Yukio just groaned, regretting adding a personality matrix to his standard virtual partner. But it limits the boredom of sparring, not many people outside of his samurai were interested in the art form. Before he got himself up from the floor, he got a notification in his HUD of an incoming message.

To: Ryu-Mizumitsu Yukio - The Taisa will be hosting a mandatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required.

After reading the message, Yukio just groaned again as he laid there for a while. Sensing the sparring session was over, the virtual samurai simply turned itself off and faded away.

Crew Cabin

To: Kurita Tomomi - The Taisa will be hosting a mandatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required.

Tomomi jumped from her chair when she got the message from her new captain. Busy reading a technical manual on MEGAMI while her customized AI drone companion floated over her to watch over her, she wasn't expecting to be a social mixer so soon. She scrambles to change her uniform once she realized what time it was.

YSS Mazu Command Wardroom
1845 hours

Dressed in his Type 42 Class A uniform, Yukio stood at the entrance of the Wardroom with his hands behind his back. He was still not used to seeing the white panel of command. He never really had any aspirations to become a Starship Captain as it would seriously cramp on what he truly loved: being out in the field doing fieldwork.

Getting dirty to re-examine what normal people dismiss has caused him to re-discover different ways to view his reality. So when he got orders to the YSS Mazu he was happy, only to have it dampened when he saw the promotion and duty assignment. But being both a high representative of his clan and a taught to be a professional, he just simply took it in stride.

As each of the crew members entered the wardroom, he simply stated their rank and name to help him remember faces and extended his arms with a smile. Seemed like the best idea to start being a First Officer. They got to see who he was and he got to see who they were.

When Tomomi ran into the wardroom, trying to not be late, she almost ran into Yukio. He simply looks at her with annoyed eyes. "Itto Hei Kurita, welcome. I hope you have a good time, report to me if you have any issues." he says before extending his arms for her to enter.

Tomomi, in traditional fashion, was starting off on a wonderful footing. No wonder she was still junior enlisted after 10 years of service.
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To: Nito Heisho Akamaru Datenshi - The Taisa will be hosting a mandatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required.

It felt... wrong. So wrong, sweet Yui in her golden palace it felt wrong as she grumbled and shuffled her way into the meeting area with the others. She... She couldn't remember the last time she had worn her formal uniform, if ever frankly, and it just felt so out of place on the red head that she picked and tugged at the cloth with a sigh. The uniform was so clean and pressed and pristine, it was like she had just pulled it out of the packaging, and for good reason frankly. Datenshi let out a pitiful sigh of exasperation as she slunk into the room with the others and held back a little. Those that knew her would feel... odd... looking at 'Tenshi. She was cleaned up and spotless, not a smug of grease or dirt or anything on her anywhere. She had her medals pinned to her chest, unsure of just how much she should wear as one of the more decorated members of the crew from her years of service in the various wars. Every hair was in place in her ponytail which looked freshly cleaned and dried, all of her tattoos were hidden, and she even wore some light make-up in some lightly done eye shadow and mascara, something she almost never wore off the stage.

She pouted from the rear of the group, unaware of just who had spotted her yet as she found something to keep her hands occupied with either a drink or some food, she wasn't sure what at that moment as her mind was solely focused on just how uncomfortable she felt in the uniform. She wanted out of the uniform so badly, but this was mandatory and she needed to be there. She was in a newer fleet, with the big wigs kids and shit and she needed to at least garner some good will outside of combat and informal social interactions that led to more private affairs. She needed to show them that she could handle formal situations too, and maybe, just maybe sooner or later she would actually prove to be worth something other than a pair of hands holding a weapon. So there she was, suffering like a child at a Christmas dinner party her parents wanted to go to and she had no way of escaping until she was allowed.
To: Shoi Kohosei Motoyoshi Naoko - The Taisa will be hosting a mandatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required.

YSS Mazu Laboratory Complex I
1855 hours

Naoko was still in her lab looking over the equipment she had and what had not made it onto the ship before take off. A second notification went off on her data pad and she looked at the time. "Shit, fuck, damnit not again!" She could not be late again. Kaoru was going to have her hide if she wasn't there on time. She had been late boarding the ship to begin with because of Nikkusu and Soru fighting again. She was a tad relieved that she was already had her Class A uniform on but as she rushed out of the room she forgot to remove her lab coat. The white fabric flitted in the air as she hurried to the elevator the car was already on her floor where she had left it. She waited for the door to close before informing the ship which floor she wanted to go to.

The doors opened and she wan down the hall looking down at her at her pad once more. The time read 1859 as she made it to the door. Naoko looked down at herself realizing she was still in her lab coat she quickly shuffled out of it straitening her skirt as the door slid open. Out of breath she stepped into the room, it looked like everyone was already inside but she couldn't be sure since she hadn't met anyone other than Kaoru yet. She knew she had several family members on the ship but she had not met them yet. She scanned the room for Kaoru spotting her she gave her an apologetic look before starting over toward her. Naoko folded her coat over her arm before she ran her fingers threw her hair removing a few knots in the process

She made a mental note to ask what the rules were when it came to her pets. On the YSS Tokyo they had been allowed everywhere with her but, with how Nikkusu had developed her excessive need to protect her she wondered if she would be made to stay in the living quarters to prevent another incident. Soru was certified as a weapon with Yamatai command which meant it would be up to the YSS Mazu command just how much of her duties he was allowed to assist with.
To: Ittô Heisho Akamaru Reiko - The Taisa will be hosting a madatory formal reception and mixer in the Command Wardroom at 19h00. Class "A" uniform is required.
Ittô Heisho. It still sounded weird. Getting promoted was not something she had expected seeing as she hadn't taken part in the big final battle. While her fellow pilots died in battle, she had been doing relief operations for the Tange System. It... frustated her, making her feel useless. But as Reiko saw Miyu by the window, she recognized the weight of responsibility that had been placed on her friend. So she decided to distract Miyu from her senseless self deprecation.

"Hey, do you know why they call it a mixer? Because sooner or later, the night just blends together." Reiko said, as she stood next to Miyu, smiling at her awful joke, in her formal uniform.
Kaoru turned and greeted Alex; she couldn't help but wonder what would have passed her Aunt Sui's lips at that moment, it just made her smile a little more before she said, "A pleasure, of course, Eunecte-Shosa; Welcome aboard the Mazu. I wish I could say the same for the rest of your attachment and equipment, hopefully, Logistics will have things sorted soon. " The Taisa had dealt with what she could, the fact is their infantry units and most of their equipment had been delayed, hopefully after the first mission, they would have the chance to restock at Gemini. The mixer was meant to be fast and easy, a chance to say a few words; there would be a chance for more. Kaoru intended to make it to the bar but that was likely going to mean a few stops along the way. Hopefully, they would all begin to socialize and not just wait for her.

The eldest and highest-ranked daughter of Katsuko filtered through the gathering of the selected ship's company. "Sasaki-Heisho, don't look so thrilled," she said as she approached the pilot. "I'm glad to have some Dragons on board, just it seems we got nothing but a couple of new shuttles to put you in," she said in an almost apologetic tone, she noticed Reiko's entrance and gave a quick, subtle wink in her direction - different party, different circumstances, either way, there were memories that belonged in a diary or etched into a bunk wall.

"Yuzu and Vodka Soda..." the Taisa ordered when she finally got to the bar. "Try and make sure they only have a drink or two, I don't want this to turn into another Tokyo-like blowout. We're going to need to get to work quickly here, Hinomaru-Hei," Kaoru issued instructions to the steward. "It is good to have you with us, Mazumi," she added, sure that she addressed the Santo Hei by name.

There he was, she noticed her First Officer's arrival. She gave a nod, the two of them were scheduled to meet privately after the mixer to discuss the ship's business. Until she hoped he would work the room and start to get acclimated and ensure the crew was as well. She received regular updates from the bridge and made sure he was added to them. They were already in transit towards their intended destination. They had some creativity ahead, with so much of their gear and personnel delayed because of the aftermath of Glimmergold.

The YSS Mazu's only luck so far was the fact their damage from the battle had been handled quickly thanks to Minato, there was an advantage to a newly refitted ship with the best of the Star Army's technology in deployment.


She communicated wirelessly with Datenshi, almost out of practice - the two of them had been through the fire together, so it had more than a little validity, 'You look like a political prisoner about ready to get a needle in the ass, don't worry this will be painless. I hope you got some rest?'

'Come on Imouto!'
she sent to both Naoko and Kazumi. (@Soresu ) She noticed Naoko come through the doors just as she sent it, she smirked a little, it never hurt to light a fire under the asses of her little sisters. This mixer's formal attire, hopefully, sent the message too; have a few drinks and mingle so that they could all get to work soon enough. The agenda was stacked for her as always; a meeting with the XO, an official briefing for the mission, and an expected late-night duty shift on the bridge.


Minato huffed, the dictation of her list of grievances with the technicians went unheard as Kaoru consumed herself with the little meeting of chemically driven soldier and officer types. The avatar sulked, there didn't seem to be any technicians (@paladinrpg)in this little group and that was disappointing - Who was she going to pester? She had already caught Arnoul-Chui heavily involved with his pants down in his quarters, the options were limited, yet limitless at the same time. She walked up to the bar behind Hinomaru-Hei and poured herself a TBC Forty-Two Pale Ale, "This is probably the only party this ship will have where you're not scrubbing for a week after, filthy buggers," she said to the Caretaker.
Mazumi had thought of going to interact with the others, she thought it would help her socialize and to make some friends. For now, however, she remained at her post, making drinks that her fellow crew ordered. “Yes, Taisa,” she said automatically, and immediately she began getting her request set up with such flair and finesse and before long the Yuzu and Vodka Soda were in front of the Taisa.” Here you go, Ma’am,” she said before her mind processed what the Taisa had to say next. “I understand, they won’t be able to work if they are drunk. I’ll begin serving them water once they had the recommended amount of drinks, which should help.” She said then brings her face to a smile” I am glad to be here too ma’am. I do have an idea that I’d like your input on later when you’re not busy,” she told her as she got some glasses onto a tray that she intended to take with as she walked through the party.

The Minato was spotted, and she heard her comment about cleanliness” I do not mind cleaning if it means that the returning crew gets to return to a clean ship.” She commented in reply to the other possibly older woman as she picked up the tray and moved to let any others take a drink if they wanted to before she returned to her post.
Hearing the comfortable words from her new Commanding Officer as she didn't give a facial reaction but just reacted with a soft nod to accept the apology. The loss of her pilots on this scale was a different experience for her and it made her realize that lives were more valued. The weight of those new stripes was carried quite heavy on her and only could guess what her new Commander would feel every single day by jumping out into every battle. The remnants of what was left of the dragons were here, but at what price.

She heard the bad joke of Reiko and gave a soft smile with a sigh quickly followed by it "You and your bad jokes..." looking back at Reiko as her best friend could notice the sadness in her eyes but that it was quickly blinked away with a distracting smile "I missed you out on an eventful battle out there" She pointed out turning now to Reiko and looking in her eye corner to the rest of the people "I see they dragged out the biggest cat as well" Referring to Datenshi
Fortune seemed to smile upon the MEGAMI avatar's gripes, as Minato's eyes everywhere soon caught the sight of a lowly red-paneled soldier entering hesitatingly into the wardroom party, unintentionally fashionably late. In fact, fashion seemed to be part of Santo Hei Himawari Kenta's problem, as the overly tall, blonde-haired Minkan couldn't quite get comfortable in his Type A formal dress pants no matter how hard he tried, his strong legs positively yearning for one of his roomy, well-worn pair of Type 22 Cargo Pants tucked away in a barely unpacked suitcase. He took a big, obvious breath for a minute, vowing to ignore the discomfort for a little while as he finished his entrance with big, bold strides more in character for the ruddy skinned colonist. A confident, simple smile was a good enough calling card, he wagered, to exude some degree of actually belonging there -- at least, much as a new graduate on his first duty assignment could muster, anyway.

This was also covering for the fact his digital brain in the background was struggling trying to take it all in, though, a tall sunflower suddenly plucked from his field and now in a room full of several giants of Star Army ready to step on him if he so much as screwed up. While trying to build up the guts to greet the alabaster-skinned and steely-eyed Taisa eventually, Kenta figured it was instead a much safer bet for now to take his little jaunt in the direction of the bar to grab some of that sweet liquid courage... plus, it seemed like there was two lovely female crewmates there to warm up with first.
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Kazumi's uniform, the older Type Thirty-Five all dolled up as the more formal variant. The skirt pleated swayed and made a perceptible whisking sound once the analyst bolted forward from having kept far enough back from Kaoru. Wary as to the data feeds coming in from her fleet's higher members of her chosen profession. Kazumi had only enough time to have gotten a peek of a single word in the information now fed into the back of her mind and within the Mazu's data storage. The seemingly incomprehensible intelligence data would need to be decrypted, and pieced back together from its intentional fragmentation in a way to make sense. It didn't amount to much, the data file was pitifully small. On principal and being in her job description, Kazumi preferred as much information that she could get her hands on. The more the better. With a MEGAMI on her side such a task as rendering it down to the more immediate concerns and playing at the long game so long as she had the creative foresight in her deductions.

Flying past Kaoru, face blanched, the whole thing unintentionally allowed the barest of exposure to just what she wore beneath the short skirt the uniform she'd chosen having thought her request for something longer had been made. It wasn't, logistic flat out refusing which was entirely understandable as even before the denial had been made aware to after she'd made it, the analyst had instantly regretted the moronic request. Resigned to wearing it only when she couldn't get away with it, Kazumi had to consciously remember to pace herself in a fashion that didn't expose anything. Yet the tights still accentuated her pleasing proportions of her calves and thighs. Toned, they still met Nekovalkyrja standards of appeal yet she couldn't help but wonder if her mother had made any 'modifications' to whatever blueprint she'd used while Kazumi had been little more than a zygote in her womb. Or, if she'd won the genetic jackpot and had let fate decide on just how things would turn out.

What had turned out, either way, was a woman of a pleasing almost on the verge of an hourglass figure of girlish stature and fine of countenance and other perks that would make one of typical Neko stock of her type into the work of art her kind had often been birthed or grown from a vat would be. Knowing you were attractive did one of a few things. And one of them for her was to be a bit modest given circumstances such as parties. And around somepeople she took it a step further. But unfortunately in this case she hadn't. The swell and well-proportioned thighs were on display as she passed, including the momentary and infinitesimally short sight of something higher up. It was the reason she hated the damn uniform. Always that chance of something showing if she were not careful. And the hindsight failing in her vigilance remained locked away in a little box in the dark corner of her mind. All that filled it was the need to get this little mixer done and go back to the comfortable feel of her uniform, the new bodysuit that had come out near the end of last year. While the thing hugged the curves of her body and made for a bit of an uncomfortable feeling when around others. Its perks far outweighed its cons. In her profession, such things could come in handy and therefore she'd chosen it while on work duty on the bridge.

And within the sight of others. Doing so seemed to steady her when facing her eldest sister as they'd had the possibility of being a witness to anything.

The uniform's exposure disappearing as her body's gravity control quickly tamped everything down. Admittedly, the YSS Mazu was only her second posting. The Tokyo had been the first. While she loved Kaoru and her mother, Katsuko dearly, quite frankly her being only a little terrified of her sibling paled into comparison to her mother. Though only when she'd been an unholy terror as a youngling. Always getting into things, being nosey, and the worst mischief-maker. Her dad had been a stern, but still, patient man who would indulge her at times. Likely helped she'd soon learned to do the puppy dog eyes set with a little wetness in them for added effect.

Though with Katsuko such a thing often ended in being caught. She'd never been spanked, but the disappointed mom stare of the head of her Clan only added to the effect and make it a sweat-inducing punch to the gut as wariness at her mother's words set in. Being under the microscope and the mysterious unnatural ability to make a frown caused her skin to crawl with guilt and the desire to strive for better as such she'd grown past it quickly.

But Katsuko wasn't there. Nor was Taro who'd have likely given her a lecture laced with advice. Just some of her immediate family. The scariest (in her mind) was the Taisa herself. That nerd Naoko and the lecher of her oldest brother, Tio. As for Blues, she'd never been around him long enough to form any sort of familiarity beyond just knowledge of their shared blood and the awkward fact of his familial circumstance.

Hiriko was just some bastard manwhore who was, in her mind a pompous ass and sucking off the tit of the Clan for the resources they offered him.

The last caused her to feel a wave of weak disgust. Having avoided him throughout her short existence, Kazumi hadn't thought of him. If at all after hearing his life story through any servants they employed in their multiple homes held and maintained by the Clan. She'd just become further agitated and lit the whole thing on fire regarding the knowledge gleaned from the floating rock in space. If she'd wanted every incident, and even women, and or any men the lech had interacted with, slept with, or been a general snob to was at her fingertips. Kazumi had resisted flexing her tenuous authority in such a fashion as it also set off flags the command staff would easily find.

But such brooding thoughts were violently pushed aside as she soon found herself amongst both peers and lower-ranked members of the staff. Truth be told she hated parties but went as Clan duties demanded. Or if her mother or father and sometimes both demanded. Or now her Taisa. She'd gotten her frown out before entering after a quick mastering of her fluttering heart and fear.

And then the mask of polite interest was donned. She offered those assembled one of her mysterious smiles she often wore as if she knew something they didn't. And sometimes she didn't but did so anyways. A bit to screw with people and to trick them into revealing even just tiny crumbs of details regarding the subject they were on.
Noticing Kaoru's wink, she returned it with a small smile, before turning towards her friend, "Yeah, I can see that." said Reiko, leaning her shoulder into Miyu's, giving her a small amount of comfort. She knew her best friend was hurting. That much was clear. Reiko would help in any way she could. "I'm sorry I missed it. Miyu... If you ever need to talk, or you just want anything else, my door's always open."

Seeing Datenshi, Reiko couldn't help but frown. She knew her sister very well. Enough to have a general idea of how she was feeling. "Knowing that cat, she's very unhappy in this enviroment."
Alyx nodded and headed towards the bar herself to get a drink. "Do you have Warm Sake?" She asked, wanting something to warm her up from the ambient temperature. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it was distinctly cool for the Separa'Shan who grew up in the hot and humid Jungles of Essia. Sake would be a second choice, she had picked up Sake because it was one of the few bar beverages that were frequently served warm. What she really wanted was a Warm Essian Fruit Wine.
Rather than joining the others, Blues Arnoul had different orders. Specifically, he was on the bridge of the Mazu tending to the essentials of the vessel. It was true that he would have to meet the others on the ship sooner or later formally. For now, he had the duties that Kaoru had assigned to him. He didn't mind the isolation though. He even wondered if the duty was given to him out of consideration for his at-times antisocial nature. Perhaps he should consider therapy for his time as a POW sometime. It wasn't like he could go to bars and bash beer bottles on the heads of cocky young Nepleslians anymore. He had to be 'respectable'. At least he could still tinker with technology in his spare time.

Shaking his head, he listened in on the meeting. He may not have been assigned to be present, but he could at the very least keep an ear open and be aware of happenings on the ship.
Naoko looked about the room at the people present, she had heard her sisters message. Deciding it would be best to avoid speaking to her for the time being she relaxed a bit as she watched her sister head for the alcohol supply and started in the other direction. Noako wasn't much of a drinker, at least not while on a ship she enjoyed to let the effects of the beverage take their hold even if she could bypass them all together. She looked from person to person. She had not met any of them at this point and only knew a few from photo's she had seen prior to arriving. She recognized Kazumi and Tio from some photos Eidan had shown her and she Minato was easy enough to spot from the data she had on the ship.

Naoko stopped at the far wall leaning her back against it letting the coolness it held seep threw her cloths. The decision to observe for a while before actually interacting seemed to be her best option. She had heard there would be at least two more family members on this mission but she had yet to meet them and honestly had no idea of what she would be looking for. She started to regret being so focused on her work and not taking the time to meet more of her family after the had graduated. She felt a twang of sadness as she longed for Nikkusu which caused a frown to tug at the corners of her lips. Naoko let a quiet rush of air escape her longs as she watched the people around her interact.

Kurita Tomomi's eyes widen when she saw Santo Hei Himawari Kenta. "Another junior enlisted Technician!" she said in a whispered but excited voice. She made her way over towards him and waved to him. "Hello!"


With most of the intended crew now at the social event, Yukio decided to start moving away from his spot by the door. He walked around, with his arms behind his back as he looked over everyone and tried to get a feel of each individual's personality.

Some seem very comfortable in the social setting. Some seemed to be waiting for the first chance to bolt out of there. And then some seemed to be quite mouthy. Being more of the second type, he decided to start talking with them first, starting with Santo Hei Himawari Kenta. When Kurita-hei made her way to him, he just smiled. Two birds with one stone.

He was not moving particularly fast to get to them though.
Kenta stopped a little short of the bar when he noticed another fellow enlisted techie waving him down, sporting a similar tanned complexion he found welcoming. He returned the gesture with that practiced smile, genuine and not at all too serious. "Yo!" he called in Tomomi's direction, "Glad to see somebody who isn't with the 'stars around the moon' club," he joked, in a well-known slang reference to the officer corps. "I'm Himawari Kenta, by the way. And what's your name, murasaki-chan?" This last part was obviously a good-natured reference to the Joto Hei's unique hair color.