Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Episode 0 (YSS Mazu) : Complications

Frank sighed as he went to grab a ladder. "You should've known this was going to happen SJ." He said as he began climbing the ladder. With one hand he reached up and hoisted SJ off of the snag and onto his back as he began climbing down. all while SJ clinging to frank till they were both back on the ground. as he put the ladder back he looked to the engineer in the hanger. "I'm going to go back to my quarters until I'm needed. SJ see if you can help out the other engineers.

The Helashio in question would nod her head and bow several times in apology as Frank made his way back to his quarters.
Kazumi snuck up on the unfolding scene. Her bodysuit clung so closely that her optical camouflage had worked. As snug as it was, it pleased her to wear something her father had designed and crafted. Floating by, as if some specter had befallen the scene and flitting past the pair in their embrace. Tachiko was the loving sort. And her elder brother... something else entirely.

"Someone didn't need to pass their charisma check.~" her voice pitched to a sweet, musical tone passing them by. While doing so, of course the youngest of the trio made herself visible.

Minato's state of mind as of late had been worrying her. Ever since their return and that signal burst and data. As her position demanded, Kazumi had regularly stayed connected to the MEGAMI proper. Yet such a thing had become increasingly infrequent. Her growing sense of paranoia having caused her withdrawal. And now she interacted with the avatar versus connecting to her larger more omnipresent 'self' in the shipborne network.

"Carry on!~ Carry on!~" she cheered with a little fist pump in the air while disappearing once more. The near-silent door leading to the bridge slid open and closed her along with it. Anything to pick on Tio-nii on occasion. Besides. Who had said he was free to have his way with her?
Mazumi looked one last time at the lounge that was funny, clean, and seemed to be spotless. She did a quick scan to carefully detect dust and bacteria and found nothing of concern. Though Minato seemed to be busy or distracted so she thought she should go find other parts of the ship to clean. Thus armed with her mop and a bucket, she left the Lounge and walked though she wasn’t silent. Aside from Emrys robot noises, she sang a little song to herself. She must make an odd sight to the other soldiers just walking along and singing some kind of song. Being connected to the ship like she was, she knew of the power surge, but she wasn’t all bothered by it as things seemed fine to her.

Main Bridge​

Minato felt immediately deflated as Yukio completely ignored what she had tried to communicate with him. It seemed that he was either preoccupied or on his own tangent of thought when it came to the ship and their current status. She swallowed the disheveled emotions and directed her attention to his request, "All systems are operational, shipyard engineers are departing as well as service personnel. The Taisa's shuttle just landed and I assume she is on route to the bridge," she reported as requested, then added, "And the foreign programming is contained by expanding. Its been completely isolated." She figured at a minimum she could get the important information across to him. She descended the bridge to the operations station and took her place, a flicker of volumetric screens activated around the console as her presets loaded.

"A note from Fleet, Sir. The YSS Wakaba has been reported missing, but we've been ordered to continue our mission as the Taisa directs when we leave Yamatai," she said as she checked through the updated communications.


Outside Kaoru's Ready Room​

Kazumi. Tio's body slinked back from Tachiko like a child caught with a toy he shouldn't be playing with. His eyes narrowed as he looked at his other sister. Why was she always interrupting his personal business? The repeating pattern was a little much for coincidence, he looked back at Tachiko and smiled slightly, adding in a quiet note of, "I'm glad you're here." He was going to say something sarcastic, but decided not to at the last minute he just shook his head and gave a little wave as she once again disappeared.

He looked back at Tachiko, "Let's not bombard the Taisa, she's just returned and isn't likely to stop here before the bridge. Maybe we should head there?" he questioned, the sweet moment interrupted for now, he swore to himself that if he ever caught the opportunity that Kazumi would be the recipient of revenge or at least a prank.


Shuttle Bay​

The Tasia smiled at Tomomi, "Well I hope you're ready for more. We're headed back to that system. It is time we found out what is going on. We will be on our way soon enough, we will see you later. Good to see you again." Kaoru returned her attention to Datenshi, "We can discuss that later. We better head to the bridge and find out what is going on and check up on things," she said, like all command officers she had to subdue the desire to plan the party event and focus on the duty at hand. The doors being shut, and the power interruption reported by Minato was on the front of her thoughts now.

"Hopefully we can get underway quickly, once we get up there I want you to meet with the rest of the team. Get them ready for heading back to that system, this time we need to be able to handle anything it throws at us," she ordered. There was a risk involved in what they were about to do, but the decision had been made by her superiors that it was a risk they would need to take to understand what they had encountered. They were going to have to take the risk of interacting with whatever intelligence was in that system. It was not long before they were in the lift and on their way to the bridge.
Datenshi nodded as she broke free from her planning, which frankly was fairly simple. Often times the simplest plans had the best outcomes, so she decided to leave it that way as she continued to float along behind Kaoru. Silent for now, her eyes seemed to scan back and forth as she began to pull up read outs and information from the ship itself. She still had the engineering experience, the technician background from her time on various ships she had been posted on, and while she was sure the others on the ship were already on it, she wanted to see if possibly she could see something the other's couldn't, or had simply overlooked.

A majority of the information she had pulled up had to do with power readings and levels when the power had fluctuated, trying to see just what had happened, where it had failed and tried to see if something had spiked while the other spots had failed. She let out a little sigh as she heard Kaoru's words though about setting up a meeting.

"I can get on that when we get movin. Though I'll need to get some info on everythin, I'll do my best to get somethin workable."

Yukio smiled towards Minato. "Thank you for the status report Minato-san. I have a bottle of Hanako Chateau X that you may borrow off duty if you wish" he said, seeing her deflate. He could only imagine that he likely had missed a message or two while he was preoccupied. He had a nasty habit of doing that when he spent his earned off time.

His smile immediately dropped when he received the report on the YSS Wakaba. He did not know anyone personally on the ship, but he was well aware of the importance it had for the Motoyoshi Clan, the task force, and the fact that Sharie Class Battleships just don't go disappearing. He wondered how the Tange System was going to fare with that, especially considering the mining operations his clan had started. He was sure his father would come up with something, he always did.

"Acknowledged, I do hope they turn something up on what happened." he said, balling up a hand into a fist.

Shuttle Bay

"Hai!" Tomomi simply said as she made a snap position of attention and saluted. Once the captain was sufficiently away, she instantly deflated and grabbed her two duffel bags. A small part of her was dreading being on active status once again, but for the moment it was being drowned out by the much larger side jumping up and down like a schoolkid. She was going to see that AI code once again!
Hallway, to Kitchens to the Main Bridge
Mazumi performed one last scan that the work she’d been doing in the hallway was completed correctly before making her way to the kitchens, where he replaced the tools with trays of drinks. Using the stabilizers in her limbs, she carried the tray full of non-alcoholic drinks up to the main bridge. She knew that normally she wouldn’t be allowed up there unless she was performing her duty. She was quiet as she entered, placing the drinks only in the appropriate places where they won’t get in the way or cause problems because of spilling. She allowed herself to glance over to the best big sister; she had and saw that she was indeed busy at her station. Desiring not to cause any more distraction than she had, she turned to make her way out. Leaving the Taisa’s drink in its appropriate cup holder. As she exited, baring no distractions, she thought of taking something to the shuttle bay personnel, too.

Kazumi had been humming tunelessly to herself, chipper, or rather the facade of it as the door to the bridge slid open for her. With a casual look around, the Kohosei caught sight of those occupying such a vital nexus of the Mazu. In particular the First Officer, and a seemingly crestfallen ship's avatar. Having stopped her humming, Kazumi made her way over to the ship's avatar and placed a hand on the woman's shoulder.

"Did I miss anything? I had... work to take care of." her words came out in a murmur before straightening and offering a bow to the Ryu-mizumitsu scion. She knew she had withdrawn from her near-constant connection with the MEGAMI, and had tried instead to stay 'connected' via Minato in these troubled times. Even if the Shosa was an oddball, the younger of the two liked the other.

"Chusa, sir."

Main Bridge​

Minato just nodded as the XO spoke, she said quietly to Kazumi a second later in reply to her whisper, "That message was more than a message, it is sentient..." she said quietly, the sound of disturbance still in her hushed voice. "I have a feeling we're about to..." she was about to say more but that is when the aft port door opened to reveal the Tasia, "Well, here we go," she said before her complete attention was on their commanding officer.


Kaoru's arrival on the bridge was without hesitation, she immediately headed towards the higher platform on the bridge. "There is no time for the usual pleasantries, the Taisho has decided we're to return to the Yuuki System to further investigate the phenomenon we encountered there. As you all know, the last time we were there we followed standard procedure and were very cautious. What has been discussed is that the only way we're going to find the answers we seek is if we initially keep an open mind, and let our guard down a little. What are about to do is risky, but the risk is our business - better a Star Army ship, than a civilian vessel that veers too close to that system," she announced, she then reached for the cup that Mazumi had prepared for her.

"Chusa," she addressed Yukio, in a more hushed voice after her little speech, "Get us underway, I want Kurita-Hei, along with Kazumi and Tio to work on interacting with that artificial intelligence we've isolated, let's see if we can get more information out of it before we get there."

Her eyes briefly scanned over the faces of those who made it to the bridge, "Anything else to report that was not already sent to me?" she questioned, giving a final moment for input before they left Yamatai.

Tio looked to Tachiko, "Well, are you coming?" he asked, trying to prompt her to head to the bridge with him.
Tachiko was still blushing from both the sudden kiss as well as the being discovered in the act and subsequently teased. She nodded, with a soft, "un," and smiled at him. "Lead the way, Tio-san." Sheepishly fixing her hair, she stared at his midsection, and the floor beside him, and the wall she'd been against– really anywhere but making eye contact, and shuffled her weight from one foot to the other. "Does my uniform look all right? Nothing out of place?"