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RP: YSS Goban Episode 02: Human After All

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Luca, still in his cot heard Ma'ats request, "Sure thing Ma'at... I'm beginning to feel sleepy because of all the food that I ate..."
He then heaved a mighty yawn, placed his empty bowl on a cot-side table and drew the covers over him.
"G'night guys... Sleep well, because we got lotsa shit to do tommorow... zzz..." Luca told everyone around him as he began to fade into slumber.
Lucas took the bag from Ma'at and ate hungrily. He wasn't as near as messy as Luca, but the meal was rushed. As Lucas finished, he leaned back and sighed. He tossed the trash in the bag and leaned back, listening to Ma'at and Luca ramble for a moment. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the Doc standing there, checking a notepad. He took in her beauty once again for a few moments. The whiskey had made him warm and slightly less careful when it came to hiding things like that, but he did exceptionally well before she caught his eyes. Lucas blushed slightly, but motioned with his head for her to come over when she had a moment. He knew what was on that notepad, and wanted to get it over with...soon.
The doctor had returned briefly to check on the patients before they went "lights out." She noticed Lucas and approached him.

Galar, immersed in one of his new books, did not immediatley register the command for sleep, he muttered, "m-hm." and kept on reading; it was gettin interesting, and, he thought, I dont need that much sleep.

But even as he said that, his eyes began to droop and his thoughts became foggier until they were a complete blur, spiraling down, down into the vast reaches of sleep. Soon, he was completely out of it, sprawled out on the chair near the wall, book open on his lap with his hand marking the page he was reading moments before sleep took him.
Ma'at looked around, waiting for everyone to fall asleep before she did. Just then she spotted Galar. He seemed to have fallen asleep in his chair, reading a book.

Quietly, Ma'at walked over and took the book from his hands, bookmarking it for him. Setting the book down, she started to slowly pick him up. He was a bit heavy for her but she managed. Slowly, as to not wake him up too much, she lead him over to the nearest cot. Laying him down, Ma'at covered him with a blanket.
"Ah. Heicho." Kyosuke nodded as he saw the man in front of him. He was glad he'd run into him; it was always nice to have a second pair of eyes, and the others were too green to really help.

"We've got a ship now. Help me take a look at it. It's a Ketsueki of all things, but hell, better than being demoted and sent to the brig."

Jason had gotten lost not once, but twice in the city. He'd spent the last several hours literally walking in circles trying to find the robotics repair shop. Upon finally reaching it Jason just sighed. "Finally, I found this piece of shit shop. I swear I should have asked that Neko way the hell back there for directions.â€
Lucas smiled slightly as the doctor came to his bedside.

"Hey Doc." He flashed a quick grin at his pet name for her...well...it was at least her rank anyway.

"Now that everyone is going to sleep, is it possible for me to know the status on my new body and its procedure?" he asked in a more serious tone than he was used to.
A slightly aged-looking Geshrin approached Jason.

"We're about to close, son. Unless you can be quick about it, I'll need you to leave."

<center>* * *</center>
The doctor smiled. "So, you're going to take that approach, are you? Well, if you want, I can transport you to the Soul Transfer lab, where we can discuss how you want your new body to look."

<center>* * *</center>
Kyosuke and Nick approached the well lit landing bay where the fairly small, blue-hulled Ketsueki sat. Mostly blue-hulled, Kyosuke noted. It had some of the paint removed, making it look more like a blue/grey tear-shaped zebra than a starship. One of the weapon pod hatches was exposed, with a Nekovalkyrja technician seemingly reloading something into it. He shrugged it off.

Then he noticed the strange looking man down by the lift, which fed up through the subdeck of the Ketsueki. Tall, dark, and in the light ... some shit on his face. Strange. He ignored him as he passed the tip of the ship and stepped over some fat line that was feeding into the bottom of the ship.

The guy -- a Nepleslian, Kyosuke assumed -- looked at him funny for a moment, then seemed to open his mouth to talk.

"What?" Kyosuke said. "You need something?"
Lucas nodded to doctor, "Yeah. I think I'll give it a whirl. It will definitely be a learning experience." he replied to the doctor, "Plus, I won't be some "dirty Nep" anymore and that is something I could get used to."

Lucas grinned as he set the bag on the floor, removing a few after dinner mints as he did so. He unwrapped one and popped it in his mouth. "What one?" he asked, offering her a mint, knowing she wouldn't take it. He set it on the bed next to where she was standing and leaned back against the head of the bed.

"So, Doc. Shall we?" he said as he looked up into her eyes.
(OOC: hope this is me)

"Sorry I'm looking for the commander of this ship and my duties," Roken took a step forward and stood at attention "Roken Techard reporting sir." Roken hoped he wasn't causing any problems.
(OOC: Robert, clean up the grammar in your post, please?)

Kyosuke looked at the tall man. "Yeah, this is my damn ship. And you're a damn Nep. How the hell did you get assigned to a ship I just received?" The second-long blank look on the man's face was enough for the irritable Yamataian.

"You know what, nevermind. You must be good at combat, or you wouldn't be here. 1st XF, right? Damn good at combat, I hope. We're going hunting."

<center>* * *</center>
The doctor smiled a little. "Yes, we shall. Follow me, and don't bother with your clothes yet. You'll be out of them soon."
"I can be Sir, I'm looking for a power armor frame and a A.I. controller. Either that or I need the parts to create a heavy armored bodyguard unit." Jason said. taking a few more steps inside he would marvel at the impressive collection of robotic parts. Seeing armor plating resting against a shelving unit he picked it up and looked at both the armor construction as well as it price.

"This bodyguard needs to be able to take quite few hits and keep on ticking. Also it needs a higher end targeting system, besides that the machine doesn't need to be extremely fast nor that agile. Would their be something here of that sort?"
" ... " The old man just looked at Jason, taking note of his rank pin and red-paneled uniform. "And how would you be paying for these items?"

<center>* * *</center>
Kyosuke sighed; the man hadn't been told about the mission; he figured that was a good thing. "We're hunting one of our own. In one of our own ships. So I hope you're a good shot, Techard. I don't need people missing."

The commander smirked as he took a quick walk around the ship, then went to the lift. "Well? You two coming or not?"
Lucas nodded to the doctor and painfully got out of the cot. His entire chest hurt, but fortunately the alcohol had dulled the pain...slightly. Lucas took one last glance around the room, chuckling as Ma'at tucked Galar in bed. He then turned back to follow the doctor.
The doctor led him to a smaller medbay just down a hall, but it had everything needed -- a medical bed to rest on, the appropriate Soul Transfer device, and a hemosynth tube.

Inside the tube, a basic Yamataian body had already been constructed, but it lacked the major defining features -- hair, eyes, lips, nose, genitals and ears. Those, apparently, were things that could be chosen.

"First we have to build your new body," the doctor said, gesturing to the tube. "Ideas?"

<center>* * *</center>
The interior of the vessel was at least clean. But, quickly counting his crew, it would be a very cramped ride indeed. Galar, Lucas, Luca, Jason ... myself, the Heicho, this new guy who probably counts as two ... I could afford one more guy, I guess. The Ketsueki was known for having a communal bunk area and basically no personal space, so it would be just like basic.

Kyosuke had hated basic.

He took a quick tour with the others inside the vessel, confirmed nothing was broken or otherwise damaged, then went back to the lift. "Hey, you!" he shouted at a passing Yamataian technician.

The technician looked up. "Yes sir?"

"They still have the old TTD and ADN devices on this clunker?"

"The TTD was already removed from this vessel, sir, but the ADN is still on."

Shit. "How long to put the TTD back on?"

"I can't sir; Taisho's orders."

Fuck. "Thanks for nothing then."

"Yessir," the tech said, bowing and going on his way. Kyosuke gently floated down, his chest and head holding a dull pain by the time he touched down. He would need some sleep to fix all that, he knew, and less booze too. He sighed.

"Well? What did you two think of our new home?"
"I'll tell you when we're in someplace secure," Kyosuke said. "It involves some old-timer, I can tell you that."

Kyosuke led the trio away from the ship, rubbing the back of his head. He was being given, in essence, 72 torpedoes to either kill the NH-X that took his goddamn ship, or blow up anything they left in his way to get it. Those were his choices, as far as he was concerned. He could investigate, he could be have his own little crack SAINT team, he could dog every goddamn step the twins made.

But he wasn't stupid. Not quite that stupid, anyway. His group was a motley crew of enlisted with one Heicho who wasn't entirely there. Probably been in the service too long. The NH-X were probably 20 light-years away by now, on Hyulughflar or something. They could've ditched the damn ship, changed into the first thing they killed and are now living peacefully on a terraformed farm somewhere. Fuck only knows what they've been put through. They probably deserve a nice life.

Except for one small, seemingly insignificant detail.

They fucked with his ship. And his career.

And his damn alcohol.

He really wanted his booze back. Yamatai sake was made of water and weakness, Elysian wine was for pussies, and that Phodian crap ... who knows what it was made of. He didn't, and even if he did, it still tasted terrible. The PANTHEON network, in its infinite knowing and whatever, was kind enough to inform him that his pay was suspended until he got the ship back. That meant he couldn't afford to blow a little cash on liquor, as that nugget he had was for home.

Shit, he thought. Shit. And now I've got another goddamn Nep who got shuttled off from fuck knows where and was dumped on me. I hope he shoots well.

As he closed in on the medbay everyone else was staying, he looked back. "You two got a name for the ship?"
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