"Well, neither do I." Dream said simply, in a soothing, calming voice. Not loud enough to be purposefully heard all over the room and certainly not so loud as to make a big scene, but still, loud enough.
She patted on Serra's hip (the shoulder was troublesome to reach) with a smile. "Don't worry too much. Just do what you're good at, what you want to do and what you like to do, and I'm sure everything will work out. You'll be happier, and you'll help everyone on board with your skills and knowledge."
Her smile widened. "And so will we all. This is what teamwork is all about! Come on, people!"
Her voice was now considerably higher: she was talking to everyone in the room now. Realizing that, however, almost no one could see her (she was probably the shortest person there, together with Tweak), she climbed on Keid.
Once she reached the massive automata's shoulders, she stood there proudly. Shrouded in a thousand colors and crowned by her usual bright blue mane, she was easily the most colorful thing in the room.
Taking a deep breath, she continued her inspirational speech from her new raised platform.
"This is the beginning of a wonderful adventure onboard this beautiful station! And here, after coming from so far, we have reunited, from countless different places, different cultures, different worlds, to work together, side by side, in an effort to make the universe a better place by the combined powers of love and science! To create, with our very hands, the shining path towards the beautiful future that our children deserve! Let's all do our best! EVERYONE, SHOW YOUR FIGHTING SPIRIT! YEAAAAH!" She went, raising her fist to the heavens... err, ceiling. "YEAAAAAH!" She repeated, urging everyone in the conference room to join her in her rallying cry.
Dream's smile was totally out of this world. It was a beautiful smile. A smile that believed in freedom and friendship beyond everything.
In guts and effort and hard work overwhelming anything the universe might throw at them. Shedding together the sweat of youth and all that stuff.
You could READ it on her face. Hers weren't just empty words, at all. Not even the universe's best politician could fake that kind of entuisiasm.
She believed in sharing triumphs and defeats, crying on each other's shoulders and laughing together side by side running towards the setting sun with epic background music like in one of those cheesy dramas where the powers of hope, goodwill, friendship and hard work save the day, where effort is always rewarded and where there's ALWAYS an happy end to cry to before the word FIN and the credits start rolling on the screen.
And then when the lights go back on there's always that girl seating in the row in front of you who's crying her heart out. That was probably Dream, yeah.
She BELIEVED all that.