Star Army

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RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 1] Welcome to Cloud Nine

"Keziah," she said quickly to the marine, more interested in the interplay going on between their sergeant and Rainbow.

Maybe their CO would make things a little more bearable. After all, if Montreal cared even the slightest about never, ever seeing the marines ever again, she'd only talk with Lucius. If she'd have something to bitch about, it'd be to his ears. Or, at the lowest, Rainbow's ears. Which meant that they were all safe.

She could live with that.
James grinned as he firmly grabbed Cyril's hand and shook it.

"Cyril eh? Nice name. I'm James Johnson, demolition specialist P3C. You can call me JJ or Jimmie, I respond to both. I have yet to figure out why they want a demo specialist on a science station, the only thing I can think of is testing experimental explosives. It sounds fun, but experimental stuff tends to get testers killed."

Keziah gave James her name when he was done talking. She didn't seem to interested in him at the moment, so James left her alone.
Tweak peeked up after Montreal left...the people around her had relaxed significantly. Still, however, she wanted to be out of there. Besides, she hadn't written anything that happened after she left the Alliance, and much had happened. The disguised neko Freespacer picked up her duffel and slipped out of the room, looking up and down the corridor outside.

She knew which way _that_ passage lead, back to the shuttlebay. This way hadn't yet been mapped, though, so there was a chance of getting in trouble and an equal chance of finding a place to hide for a while. Tweak started off in the unknown direction. At the least, she would be exploring the station anyway, so two jobs done for the effort of one!
Dream stared at the diagram. It was... was extremely clear and yet, at the same time, quite beyond her comprehension. Sorta like reading "tetradimensional geometry for dummies", in a way.

"So... you're telling me that people ranked higher in this diagram can tell people ranked lower what they should do, and they *have* to do it? Even if they don't want to, Or they don't think it's a good idea?"

She didn't like it at all, that was for sure, and anyone could tell it by looking at the face she was making: it was practically written on her forehead.

However, she thought, it... kinda made sense, from a more historical point of view.

*Centuries ago, we were like them. No, even worse. In time and with our example, maybe they'll grow up, leave behind the crutches of their half-democratic half-tyrannical system, and embrace true freedom.*

"I... well, I think I understand. I... this is the wrong moment to say that I think that overriding the free will of sentient beings is a bad thing, right?" She asked, only half joking.
"I mean- don't get me wrong. I understand that this, apparently, is the way you do things, and the only way that works for you. Your society is very different from ours, after all." She added, defensively.

Dream was clearly trying to say what she wanted to say without offending anyone.

"...Let's be honest." She raised her eyes to meet Luci's, suddenly throwing aside her hesitation. "I don't like this way. But, from what I know, Nepleslia is still an embryonic democracy, so the people here, in their own way, have chosen to be part of and to support its system. To support it because it's their country, their collectivity, and they want to defend and protect it, right?" She asked eagerly before continuing right away: "And therefore, even though I might not like the idea, I must respect it, as long as its people believe in the system and as long as the system cares for its people."

After her not-so-inner monologue, she had apparently come to terms with her dilemma. With a relaxed smile, she finally concluded: "I'm still not sure I've understood how this system of yours is supposed to work, but I'll help everyone in it. Headmaster Real, and you, and every single soldier. I'll do my very best."
She gave him a thumbs-up and winked. "We're friends now, after all. Both me and you, and my people and your people. And what good are friends for, if they don't help each other no matter what?"
Lucius almost frowned at Dream spoke quite a schpeel. It almost sounded like she was insulting the entire idea of being a Nepleslian. He knew she didn't mean to, even if she was, and Lucius was one for self control. He still didn't know much about the Freespacers, but they were totally free from all authority, as Dream seemed to indicate, then how did they get anything done? How did they stop morons from ruining everything for everyone? How did they decide what resources go where or how did they advance their technology if at least the majority of people worked on their own stuff?

"Well missy, I'll tell you this off the bat. I don't know about you Freespacers, but us Nepleslians aren't all good intelligent and perfect at heart. Some of us are downright dumb and selfish. We have authority figures so that we can stop those people for hurting others. We choose the best person to be in this position of authority. I'll admit, it don't always work out, but it's a hell of a lot better than runnin all willy-nilly guns blazin."

He thought for a second more. That all citizens have inalienable rights to their own lives, their own defense, their own thoughts and opinions and their own religious expression."I appreciate your understandin' but also remember: no-one can give you a command that violates your rights as a thinking being. They can't tell you to jump out an airlock or shoot someone who ain't done nothin wrong, or to give up your little Techy Druidess thing you got goin."

Lucius smiled and set one of his large hands on Dream's shoulder. "But seriously, thanks for goin with it, cause it's gonna be a ton of help havin one less person ready to jump down my throat." Lucius didn't even think about his last anecdote being taken literally.
Dream's face lighted up even more. "They can't? Oh, thank the gods. I'm, I'm sorry for misunderstanding, I just though... you see..." She seemed a bit embarrassed. "We, we don't have a good history with "Authority". We were slaves once."
Her eyes gazed into empty space, as if recalling some distant memory. "To earn our own freedom, we sacrificed everything we had. Ourselves. Our companions. Our friends and loved ones. The white clouds and the blue sky. Food. Water. Even oxygen. But now we are free." She paused. "I heard that you've recently earned freedom too. I'm happy to see that it was freedom, and not just independence. It still isn't perfect freedom, but I'm sure it will get better as time goes by." She flashed him an optimistic smile.

"So, people! Let's move out and go sightseeing 'round the place!!" She cheerfully shouted out to everyone, waving a fist in the air and walking merrily towards the exit. "This station's gonna be our new home for quite a while, we've gotta become acquainted with it!!"
Lucius listened intently as Dream poured out a short history of her people. It did sound like there was some terrible things that happened to them... But the way she spoke of it sounded like it happened a thousand years ago. He wondered where exactly these people had come from and who they were under.

The sergeant nodded, thinking back to his time under the Yamatai flag. Times weren't 'terrible' under them but the mandatory body switch was definitely ridiculous. And she kept calling their freedom 'imperfect'. Lucius still didn't understand how a society that had 'complete' freedom would function. After all, with a freedom like that, how to you stop bad guys from hurting people?

He cracked a small smile as Dream got enthusiastic again. This is gonna be one helluva ride. Lucius stood tall beside Dream and folded his arms behind his back. His voice was loud and commanding. "You heard the XO! On your feet! Anyone with questions say them now so we can get the hell outta this closet!"
Mimi, who had been standing patiently as the room conversed, looked worriedly as Lorcan and Tweak exited the storage closet. Her orders from Cassefin were to escort the new Squad 35 to their sleeping quarters and recreation area...and having two members of the team become lost on the station on the first day would certainly put back marks on the squad itself and, in turn, Mimi herself.

"Oh dear, oh dear...what, what should I do?" Mimi squeaked to Kess as she looked at her for guidance. Kess, however, seemed more intent on looking on at the gaggle of soldiers and technicians, solemn gaze standing poised for question. After a moment however, Kess turned her head slightly and sighed deeply.

"Go get them and show and lead them to the pillbox. I'll meet you there with the rest of them," Kess said quietly. Mimi nodded quickly and bowed to the room before leaping out of the odd show of performance, apparently, as the moment she was out of sight from the storage closet, her volumetric appearance vanished...and reappeared instantly in two separate parts of the station.

After her Savtech peer had left, Kess turned to the rest of the room. She spoke up again after a moment, her voice louder and more audible as it rang dryly through the closet.

"If you all would please follow me, we can get this over with and settled in. Cassefin doesn't like it when her lackey squads are behind schedule."


Meanwhile, Mimi's image appeared behind Lorcan as he made his way through the corridor, gazing at his datapad.

"Mr. Lorcan! Please wait a moment!" Mimi called after him, her volumetric image running to catch up with him. When she finally had reached the large Nepleslian, she halted and bowed deeply.

"I understand your need for medical attention, but I insist that you come back and let Kess and I finish your tour...I think it would be for the best, since we are going to show you where you'll be sleeping!" Mimi giggled shortly at her joke before clearing her throat and motioning back down the hallway.

"I can direct you to a medical pavilion and guide you in applying a small solution to your injury. After we are done, I can guide you back to have it inspected further. I would really appreciate your cooperation, Mr. Lorcan."


"Miss Tweak! Please wait one moment!"

Again, Mimi appeared in a second place, this time the role of Lorcan being played by the much smaller, much more timid Freespacer counterpart.

"I'm afraid I must ask you to return to the group...we have not finished our touring assignment yet, and I believe it would be in your best interest to stay with us. Please?" Mimi implored, clasping her hands in front of her skirt and giving Tweak a concerned stare.
Lorcan was deeply wrapped up in his own mind, flipping through various space station schematics to try and figure out a central location for medical facilities so he might be able to find it on his own in due time. Of course he was brought out of it when he heard someone yelling at him...

"Mr. Lorcan! Please wait a moment!"

Lorcan lifted his head and took another step before stopping and turning to see the AI bow and then launch into what she had to say to him. He glared at her when she mentioned sleeping. With a soft, resigned sigh he tucked the PDA into his pocket and then pulled off his gloves and steel knuckles to reveal that on both of his hands the skin from the knuckle of his pointer finger to the knuckle of his pinky had been split wide open. "Injuries acctually..." He was obviously in pain. "If you don't mind showing me the nearest place to temporarily fix these up I won't mind following you on a tour."
"Shit Shit ! How the hell do I end up late to my first assignment?" Jan Kancre, Soldier Third Class, newly assigned to the Cirrus Station security force, was late. This was, of course, excacerbated by the fact that he had almost no sense of direction. He had found the Atrium by pure luck, but from that point onward, he had no idea of where to go. Sitting on a bench by himself, his head hung in distraught, he silently complained to himself.

"I knew waiting for Himiko was a bad idea. Oh man this sucks." Jan sighed , looking around, spotting a Bio-Nutri Snack machine. Thus did he, in his hunger, walk over to it, and begin questing for food from it. First thing he noticed about the machine, not the food choices, but of Cassefin's visage on the front of the machine, a image which sent shivers and premonitions of future torture through Jan. Then he noticed the food choices.

"What the Hell is Alfalafalafa? Vitanana? Algae Flakes? Meat-Substitute? Is any of this even edible? Is it even palatable? Dear Maker, what have I gotten myself into?" Jan gulped down hard, and punched the proto-jerky button. Picking up the wrapped bar of... hell if anyone knows, Jan unwrapped it, steeled his nerves, and took a bite out of it.

"It isn't half bad."
After all the events that have transpired before her, Serra was at a complete loss. Eventually, people started to get organized and Dream piped up about sight seeing. She composed herself, as best she could from the outburst earlier, then turned and smiled to Dream.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea!" She said, with a cheery tone, as she then glanced over at Lucius, when he added his bit. When she heard 'any questions," one popped into her head.

"Yes, actually." She said, turning to look at him. "Do the non-military have to listen to your orders?"
Tweak was not lost, thanks to knowing the path she had taken to get where she was. But she also was lost in that she didn't know if she would find what she was looking for in the direction she was going.

When the Freespacer heard Mimi's call, she didn't stop. "I just want to be alone for a little while. I'll find my own way, or someone else can show me," Tweak called back at the Savtech construct. She sounded distressed, and she was messing with the snaps on cuffs of her jacket sleeves, repeatedly snapping and unsnapping them fairly rapidly.
Lucius sized up Serra for a moment. He never understood Elysians. He didn't hate them or anything, but it was always a little tense cause they seemed to hate Nepleslians. Ellies called Neps dirty and barbaric at best, and Neps called Ellies uptight and prudish among other things. He took a free breath and then spoke. His expression was stony. It wasn't angry or frustrated, it just looked very serious. He tried not to make it sound like he had a distaste for them, because he didn't. He did his best to not form opinions until he saw how a person acted.

"Yes you do. As of your agreeing to come onto this station you became part of CSS Squad 35 as Montreal has pointed out. I am the captain of said squad, so yes, my orders are final as are my Co-Captain's: Dream. Thank you for the question."

(Edit: tried to better clarify how Lucius felt.)
Dream understood Serra's doubts. Oh, she understood them all too well.

"Don't worry!" Cheerful as ever. "We're all on the same ship, right? Well, figure of speech, since this is a station. Let's just give a good look at this station, figure out how things are going here, and get to work right away!" She exclaimed, running up to Kess.

"Hello, Kess!" She greeted her. "Pleased to be working with ya! Let's get this tour goin'!"
Mimi looked worriedly at the Neko 'Spacer, obviously upset that she would feel the need to be alone, especially at an important time like this.

"Please, Miss Tweak, I must implore you to join the rest of your peers. Wandering the station without purpose while on duty is against the regulations Administrator Montreal has laid down...and as your Savtech, it is my job to look after you. Why do you feel the need to be alone? Do you have a condition that was not noted in your profile?" The Savtech queried with concerned interest, keeping up her virtual walk to stay in step with Tweak.


Kess returned Dreams cheerful recognition with a slight slumping motion, crossing her arms and staring distantly behind her to the doorway, avoiding making eye contact with Dream or anyone else.

"Right. Please follow me."


Mimi looked at Lorcan's hand in slight concern, still trying her best to maintain a pleasant expression. She led the hulking Nepleslian to a small room a few hallways back the way he'd come, which appeared the be a sort of break room.

Tucked away in one corner were a few sets of tables and chairs, while on the opposing side of the room held a countertop and set of cabinets, labeled with red crosses...a medical supply cabinet, no doubt. In the center of the room against the back wall, the first thing anyone entering these numerous Medical/Staff Break Rooms would see, sat two large vending machines: aBioNutri-Snack snack machine, and a Cassefin Reservoir beverage dispenser, both of them an immediate oddity to any new personnel, seeing as these machines had never seen the light of day before the Cirrus had been constructed. In between both of these machines was a large clear tube and accompanying keypad...another access point to the Pneumatic Delivery System.

After Mimi directed Lorcan to the use and application of the quick-acting medicinal bonding gel, she led him to were the rest of the newly-appointed Squad #35 members had gathered...


The new CSS members, led by Kess, entered through the bulkhead doorway into a larger, more open area, a stark difference from the claustrophobic corridors they had been traveling since they first docked. The area was much, much busier and louder than the rest of the station, but not because of heavy machinery or busy, bustling crowds...instead, it was filled with people. People from every corner of the galaxy who was participating in the Cirrus effort, talking, laughing, and relaxing.

The enormous room spanned two floors, from initial appearances; from their position on the bottom floor, the upper deck of the area consisted of a number of doorways ringing the inside of the area. A large walkway, open to the room and balconied off by elaborate, wood-carved handrails, circled the areas beneath each upper room, and access to this second floor was given through a few sets of spiral staircases located around the area.

The bottom floor was much more interesting, however. The same ring of doorways, most of the closed, circled the inner walls of the room. However, in the center of the entire complex, sat a large circular hardwood floor. This area, surrounded by an occasional upraised block of potted shrubbery, contained the most concentrated area of people. Some of them were enjoying a little game of half-court basketball, while others were sitting on a rather comfortable-looking sofa, taking in some television from the enormous screen in front of them. Still others were talking amongst themselves on the provided seats and chairs, partaking of a few drinks from the nearby Cassefin Reservoir machine on the wall.

Before Squad #35's very eyes, a few of the personnel on the hardwood floor began to make a circle around an area of the hardwood tiling and, in a moment, the floor began to mix and move, raising itself up slowly as patterns and crevices emerged from the swarming mess. Quickly, the mound of hardwood flooring formed what appeared to be a Ping-Pong table, complete with paddles and three excellently-formed balls. The circular area was not just any rest area, but a massive formation of nanomachines, programmed exclusively for recreation...and recreation they were, as the handful of people around the table began jockeying for the paddles, grins abroad their faces.
Apparently, the nature of the place annoyed Dream.
It was pretty easy to tell so from her face: she didn't like it, for some kind of reason.

She didn't do anything: she just stood there, arms folded, tapping her foot with a hint of impatience, glancing from time to time to Kess as if waiting for the tour to continue.

"...This is ridiculous." She mumbled to herself.
James looked on in awe,


That was probably the first and last time he would ever be visibly excited. However, the situation warranted such a reaction. Hardwood floors made of nanobots that formed whatever you wanted, needed, or desired would make anybody shake with excitement.

This meant hours upon hours of basketball, cards, billiards, television, lacrosse, field hockey and pretty much whatever else the marine could think of. It was the perfect way to make the day better. So far James had predicted that his months here would be wasted on day after day of boring security patrols. Now he had something to look forward to. The hopes of recreation and relaxation were enough to make him giddy.
Serra, upon entering, then watching the goings on of the break room, agreed with Dream, though probably on wholly different reasons. The entire thing looked, so... Fake.

Her expression was one of dower annoyance as she watches the ping pong table appear. "Does that simpleton Geshrin think we'd be fooled by such manufactured Happiness?" She asked directly to the group from where she stood, which was near Dream.
The random Brownian motion of the gaggle of marines had managed to deposit Cyril toward the squad's NCOs. The trip over through the, frankly soulless, white antiseptic halls. They were starting to get to him, to be honest. They were far removed to what he thought of as a 'proper' station. There wasn't any sense of history, no lingering hint that the station may be alive as it's inhabitants. In fact, it almost seemed to actively reject the possibility. It wasn't at all like Hampton High, where you could run your fingers along the walls and damn near feel generations of yard dogs doing the same thing.

He didn't show it, but the antiseptic nature of the station depressed him. A part of him hoped that the lifeless halls were from the odd tastes of the eggheads that made up so much of the station's crew. Maybe once he managed to get down to the working sections of the station, things might have some more life.

As the squad was shepherded into a broad room in wood paneling. That last point alone was enough to impress him. But, as the floor flowed into a... ping pong table. That one tore him between an admiration for an efficiently use of space, and ambiance toward anything that didn't involve at least one deck of cards or a big bloody stick.

Dream said:
"...This is ridiculous."

Cyril chuckled and leaned against the wall, idly bouncing his lighter in the palm of his hand.

"Look on the bright side, ma'am. Beats the 'ell out o' that gran' ol' Neppy pass time of beating the 'ell out o' each other."

As he spoke, one of the over enthusiastic ping pong player, apparently accidentally, flung his paddle into his opponent's stomach.

"Eheh. Or maybe not." He amended with a grimace.
The floor... no, the entire recreation room, was interesting. It was fascinating, actually, and Keziah looked all around it, her eyes scanning through to infrared vision, watching the quiet differences in the heating of the floor. A pale kind of warmth from the nanomachines, instead of the pure coolness of the rest of the station. Then she tried to think about what she'd actually use it for, and....

Instantly fell short. What was there for her to do? It was nice, in theory, and probably helped the men tremendously, letting them do whatever physical activity that their heightened testosterone demanded, but Keziah had no clue what she'd do with this thing.

So she flipped back to visible light, and glanced towards Cyril, then to Rainbow, then the winged woman, and smiled a little. "Maybe you boys enjoy that kind of stuff." The ping-pong player, sadly off-balance, hit the ball too weakly as it came over to his side. "But it gets boring fast. At least for me."

Wait... was she agreeing with an Elysian? Well, that's a first.