Star Army

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RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 10] Cumulocirrus

Kokuten's bad-tempered expression turned a little more into a grimace as Cassefin took note of his term. He gave the Administrator a long stare, seeming as if he was thinking about how he wanted to answer that. He blew a fume of cold air out of his mouth and nose, before his eyes closed. It would've been more like a sigh, if it weren't for the ill-mood he was wearing on his face.

"On ships and bases, Private Third-Class soldiers tend to be used as extra hands for any duty that doesn't have enough hands on it." explained Kokuten, bringing his visor back down as he spoke. "Since they lack experience, and sometimes specialization, the work is thought to suit them, thus 'Third-Class Duty' becomes that term whenever your job is to work as extra hands."

He looked back at his squad, and then back at Cassefin.

"As for your question, I--..." He stopped, and turned, looking back George, and thumbing at Lenny, suddenly saying, "Are you two going to be alright splitting up?"
George's face twisted in surprise as Kokuten pointed out the problem in his generous volunteer work. Lenny wasn't paying too much attention at all, still entranced by the marvelous view out into the transport shaft. George trotted back up to Lenny, holding the top of his helmet on to avoid too much jostling about. "Yo, Lenny!"

The tall ID-SOL glanced down at his diminutive counterpart and smiled in acknowledgement. "Stick with the cap'n for now Len, and do what he tells ya," George said, returning a smirk of his own to the large man. "You're gonna be helping out with some lifting... you can handle that, right?" Lenny nodded his huge head forward once. "I got ya George. Listen to tha captain."

George nodded along with Lenny's reply and glanced over at Kokuten again, a chipper smile spreading across his face. "All set boss. He'll be good."
Tweak let go of the Captain's arm when he stopped trying to struggle with it, pondering ways to de-ice it while he explained what he thought was happening to it. If he knew, though, why did he still try to force it? Her thoughts turned toward de-icing measures while the others discussed the assignment, and a new job cropped up.

Kokuten said:
Meanwhile, he kept an ear open to Cassefin, listening in as one of the Savtech reported in. He paid no less attention to his hand, as it still was locked up. It seemed the Squad was going to have yet another task, another that divided their unit up. He began looking at his other members, already trying to pick out a few of the more able for a task like that.

"Akio, Winters, you two go with Tweak to take care of the secondary problem. Drakon, Morris, Evangelle, and myself will handle the primary." declared the Captain, before looking down at Tweak. "When you three finish over there, come help us out in the main area, alright?"

Tweak nodded while the others continued talking among themselves. She stepped back into the group, wondering about the new assignment. What was so difficult about getting to a panel, even if it was in a tunnel, that they needed to send three from this squad to join those already there from Squad 11?

The change from Claire to George brought Tweak back. She mentally shrugged. It made sense...and George was smaller than her by height. Following George to the access duct, Tweak took the time that George used to give Lenny parting instructions to secure her helmet's visor before sliding down the duct, dropping down the steps a few at a time in a weird hopping motion with her feet while keeping a grip with her hands. She reached the turn and waited for the two Neps to catch up.
The swap confused Claire slightly since George wasn't with anyone to begin with, but the redhead assumed that it now meant she would be cruising with the captain for now. She shrugged and walked over to his group, assuming she would be told if she were mistaken.
"Whoa, Tweak!" The neko would hear George call out as he hurried after her, doing his best to slide himself along the length of the tunnel as he gripped and pulled at the ladder-like handlebars lining the wall. "Wait up, we're coming!"

As Tweak neared the corner of the maintenance tunnel, she would feel the air chill significantly and would notice ice crystal formations beginning to form along the walls and dangle from the handles. The tunnel a few feet beyond the turn opened up to a larger area, still considered a part of the maintenance shaft, which was wide enough to sit up in comfortably but still a bit on the cramped side. Exposed panels and conduits as well as large bundles of wrapped wiring were scattered along the walls and ceiling, with several other maintenance tunnels stemming from this large open junction further into the station. In the center of the room, one of the flooring panels had been removed and set aside, leaving an exposed hole.

Positioned around the maintenance junction point were four Cirrus Station Security members, stark white 11's plastered onto their security suits. They sat with their backs against the panels, their face plates raised as they conversing with one another casually through wisps of foggy breath. Another one was sitting with them, a wiry-looking gentleman in a one-piece work suit similar to what Foreman Pullroy had been wearing. The 11's turned their heads and waved at Tweak's approach, apparently happy to have her arrive to give them a hand with their peculiar problem. "Hey, it's a 35," one of the ones closest to where Tweak would have to come in, offering her a helping hand to pull her from the horizontal crawlspace. "Always glad to have you guys steal some spotlight, you know?"


"Ah... I see," Cassefin said, casting her eyes off to the side as Kokuten expertly explained his meaning. Outside the window into the elevator shaft, a long shadow began to cast itself over the room as the platform the team had been waiting for was descending towards them. Foreman Pullroy confirmed this, a peppy smile drew across his face as he pocketed his datapad and waved at a couple suited crewmen standing on the lowering platform.

"But the assignments have been simpler, right? A little more tolerable, perhaps?" Cassefin asked again, raising her eyebrows and giving the captain an expectant, neutral look.
"Oh much simpler." Blake butted in. He was already moving back towards the boxes for the inevitable heavy lifting. "But now the entire squad is here at once. Something's sure to go wrong, if my short post here on Cirrus has taught me anything. You'll see, Administrator Montreal. I'd put DA on it!"
Kokuten closed his visor once more, hiding the literally glowing expression of his face under a flat, polarized mask. The Captain turned his attention towards the platform brought forth. He was quiet for a few moments as the lift came down. There was certain ponderous air to him, but outright it seemed like he was ignoring the Head Administrator.

"Does it matter? Work is work, and it needs to be done." concluded Kokuten, before starting off towards the platform. "I'd suggest getting some rest, Head Administrator. When you start wearing your fatigue, it usually means you need to get rid of it."
Due to Claire's coat, Serra was feeling better and less cold, and she started to hover, figuratively, around Kokuten.

"Commander, is this the first time your cybernetic hand has seized up?" She asked, obviously curious and concerned. "Are you following proper maintenance protocol with it's upkeep?"
"Ah..." went Kokuten, stepping aside from Serra at first, before realizing what her intentions were. The Captain lifted his arm, his wrist turn clockwise, then counter-clockwise, limited by the suit he wore over the arms. "Well, I've been using some unorthodox tools to clean them out, as I can't seem to find my tuning kit. Though, I've been neglecting them some as of late." As he spoke he idly moved his hands around to keep them from locking up.
MoonMan said:
"Whoa, Tweak!" The neko would hear George call out as he hurried after her, doing his best to slide himself along the length of the tunnel as he gripped and pulled at the ladder-like handlebars lining the wall. "Wait up, we're coming!"
She was waiting...the neko engineer shrugged as George and Noboru made their way down to the bend in the tunnel.

While she waited at the bottom, she looked around at the ice. At least it wasn't slick yet. Slick ice would mean that it melted at one point; these were still fresh and rather powdery, as if snow was building itself on the walls piece by piece from the condensation.

MoonMan said:
Positioned around the maintenance junction point were four Cirrus Station Security members, stark white 11's plastered onto their security suits. [...] The 11's turned their heads and waved at Tweak's approach, apparently happy to have her arrive to give them a hand with their peculiar problem. "Hey, it's a 35," one of the ones closest to where Tweak would have to come in, offering her a helping hand to pull her from the horizontal crawlspace. "Always glad to have you guys steal some spotlight, you know?"
Oh. The junction was right there. Tweak turned away from the vertical crawlspace and ducked into the short tunnel between where she was and the maintenance junction. As she was helped out, the comment got a frown. Steal the spotlight? Since they couldn't see her face with her visor down, Tweak tilted her head to one side in a "what do you mean?" gesture, but didn't say anything.
"If it's alright with you, I can take a look at it later, I have several tools designed to work on mechanical limbs I designed myself when I worked at HiGA heavy industries." Serra said as she still fluttered around Kokuten.
"Ah, you're a mechanic? Do you know how to operate a Wolverine heavy lifter?" Foreman Pullroy gave Serra a sidelong glance. Off near the edge of the platform, Squad 35 could see a single Wolverine utility vehicle parked, most likely for use of moving the larger, heavier equipment that wasn't save to load and move by hand. There were no weapons on it, of course, just simple loading arms. A single man, clad in a dull brown work suit and cap, was checking the lift joints in front of the machine. "The pilot called in sick this morning and Anders needs someone with experience to co-pilot for," Pullroy continued. "I was going to do it myself, but if someone else can safely take my place I'll be able to oversee the work much more efficiently. What do you say, ma'am?"

The large bulkhead door opened once the platform was in position level to the room. A handful of workers quickly went through it and began bustling about with their work, checking loading equipment and preparing for another day of transporting miscellaneous items throughout the many levels of the facility.


Kokuten's dismissal left Cassefin looking a bit sour, wrinkling her mouth and casting her glance to the side again. She looked back after a moment, her mouth open and appearing ready to speak again, but she held it back after a short while and cleared her throat. "We'll be over Prime later this week, Chiaki," she said in a low tone towards Kokuten alone, keeping her eyes away from him as she strode back over to the window.
"I'd appreciate that, thank you." nodded Kokuten to Serra the light of his eye behind his visor showing some hint of a smile. "I wouldn't mind having your mechanical expertise concerning cybernetics. It might even help my arms performance if I get a second set of eyes to look over them." He continued to move arms, and keep them clear of jamming as he continued on. As Foreman Pullroy caught Serra's attention for the Wolverine, he took a look at the machine and stopped for a moment.

"We'll be over Prime later this week, Chiaki."

The sentence caught Kokuten off-guard a little bit. He turned his attention her way, but seemed a little less than attentive.

"Good. That's..." he stumbled a bit, at that, trying to pass off the sentence. "... good."
The CSS member at the mouth of Squad 35's service tunnel pulled Tweak out, then assisted George and Noboru as the others gave Tweak a few friendly waves. "Glad you could make it... although just one of you would have been alright," one of the Squad 11 member commented. After he was finished he motioned over towards the eastern wall of the service junction, towards the lone tunnel opening that occupied the wall. It was fairly obvious that this was were a majority of the low temperature was coming from this tunnel, but it wasn't blowing per say, rather it was lightly billowing from the duct in soft, hazy plumes of vapor. A single, scrawny man in the brown Cirrus Station worksuit was sitting off to the left of the duct, knees pulled up to his chest with his arms rapped around his shins.

"That's the service tunnel over there. We've been digging the ice out and pushing it down that hole right there. Our Savtech says that it's just a ventilation duct that reaches the storage area beneath us, so the ice will be fine down there until this whole thing blows over," the Squad 11 said, his finger motioning over towards the man rather than the tunnel beside him. "And that's Ray. He'll be telling you what you need to do once you reach the service panel."

Ray smiled weakly and gave a short, hesitant wave. One of the other security members laughed shortly and waved at Ray with a dismissive gesture. "Don't sweat it so much Ray, everyone's afraid of something or other," he said, attempting to console the man. The man who had helped Tweak and the rest out of the tunnel nodded once behind his faceplate. "Yeah man, don't worry so much. I'm scared to death of cats; been that way ever since I was a kid. It's the ears."

Although their words weren't as comforting as one would have hoped, Ray smiled weakly at their attempts, the smallest bit of his previous anxiety slowly washing away.


Looking down the maintenance shaft revealed by Ray would have been a indecisive; although Squad 11 had cleared much of the obstructive material out, much of the lower portion of the tunnel was burdened with a thick, jutting layer of solidly-packed ice. Squad 11 had managed to dig out the upper left corner a good ways into the tunnel, and peering down the created hole revealed that the build-up of ice was only roughly two yards long. The maintenance panel could be seen at the end of the shaft, illuminated by a single yellow light.
It seemed that Noboru and George were going to lag behind. Tweak took the helping hand out of the service tunnel and stepped to one side so the other two could get out, listening to the commentator of Squad 11 explain the situation, which sounded pretty much the same to what Tweak was told up top. She moved toward the tunnel to get a closer look, pausing a moment when one of the other Squad 11 guys made his cat comment. Behind her visor, Tweak sighed. The one part of her that was actually felinoid...

After a brief inspection of the access shaft, Tweak glanced over her shoulder at the Squad 11 group.

"What were you using to dig out the ice?" she asked, using her suit's external speakers rather than opening her helmet.
"Whatever we could find, mostly," one of the Squad 11 members answered as he shifted his weight and repositioned himself against the wall. "We were able to get a lot of the ice out of the way with an small iso-torch we borrowed from the chemical labs... but we had to burn it pretty hot and it only lasted us a little while, and they told us they couldn't give us any more," he continued, one of the other Squad 11 members waving up a small red canister with a flippable torch cap on the top. The man shook it fruitlessly, signifying that the contents had already been spent.

"After the torch went out we just chipped away at it with some of the... well, some of the utility knives that we keep on us. Chip out some big chunks, toss them down the hole," the man sounded a bit cautious at first. Combat knives and the like were still heavily frowned upon, and certain lengths were often confiscated if they were caught on ones person. "That took a while. Hours or so of work and we've only got that much cleared away."

George was able to wriggled his way through the maintenance junction, stopping just behind Tweak as he also peered down the shaft in curiosity. "Want me to go, Tweak?" The short Nepleslian asked suddenly through the radio communicators in their helmets. "You can sit here with the engineer and give me instructions. I'm not that great with wires and technical junk, but I can follow orders."
They probably don't want to use a laser for the risk of hitting something important. A drill may be best, but they would need a big bit.

Tweak looked over at George when he made his request. "If you want to," she said with a shrug. Why was he asking her, she wasn't in charge, was she? But the question was quickly sidetracked back to wondering about what to do about the ice. It would be easier if they could clear it out. And they had to clear out the ice before it melted, too. That was going to be a problem all over that section, actually.

"Have you all been chipping at it by hand?" she asked, looking around at Squad 11.
"Uh, yeah," the squad member closest to the tunnel Tweak and the others had entered from spoke up, pulling out a rather large combat knife gingerly from the underside of his CSS suit's system pack. A respectable hiding spot for most things small enough to fit without revealing them to curious bystanders. "After the torch gave out we just chipped away at the hole to make it wide enough for Ray. Didn't turn out so well, though... is the hole still too small? We asked Rita to only ask for people who could actually fit."

While Tweak and Squad 11 were conversing, George took Tweak's approval with a simple nod and began sliding on his belly through the maintenance tunnel, using the hand rails on the side to propel himself. He had to pause before venturing too far into the tunnel, however; his rifle, attached to his back-pack, proved to make his silhouette just large enough to be unable to progress past the icy choke point, so he pulled the weapons off and slide it out to the mouth of the tunnel, off to the side below Tweak. After that was done, George began to travel through the shaft in earnest, reaching the mound of solid snow within a minute or so and began to squeeze himself through the confines.


Back outside, Foreman Pullroy had ushered Squad 35 onto the platform, and began to give the signal to initiate the movement procedures and protocols. The four corners of the large platform were tipped with conical, spinning yellow warning lights which lit themselves up, accompanied with a single drawn-out buzz. The handful of lift workers began to bustle about, preparing for the descent while Pullroy quickly glanced over each cluster of crates to ensure they were all secured to the platform before they began the move.

Cassefin watched them mill about from the large glass window, her arms crossed as she heaved a heavy sigh, more trails of foggy mist spreading from her warm breath. Kess and Mimi had remained in the room while their squad had left for the platform; apparently there were no volumetric projectors in that lift tunnel, but they could seemingly tell how things were going just fine from their vantage point flanking both of the Head Administrator's sides.

Lenny, for lack of better directing, just followed along with the rest of Squad 35, taking a spot next to one of the larger crates and leaning against it idly. The other lift workers also took positions near larger objects, either leaning against them or bracing themselves for the first jolt of movement. There was a creaking drawl of metal grinding upon metal for a moment or two, and the platform began to vibrate as the descent process initiated.


Across the large, open expanse from Squad 35's slowly descending platform, another team of lift workers were diligently checking and rechecking their equipment. Two in particular were sitting the the open cockpit of their maintenance Wolverine, running subsystem checks. By chance, the co-pilot happened to glance up from his panel with a short smile, looking over at Squad 35's platform over the back of his partner's head. Their platform was a couple floors above them, giving the duo an unimpressive view of the lift's undercarriage, a myriad of large tubes, clusters of wire and massive whirring mechanisms.

"... Jenson?"

The pilot in front of him looked over his shoulder inquisitively, raising his eyebrows in response to his partner's call. He was squinting his eyes, his view still raised up and glancing over at the opposing platform his his hand pointing gingerly at the descending lift. Jenson turned and looked for himself; he remained like that, staring at the platform for several moments, looking back around behind him at his co-pilot once or twice when he saw nothing out of the ordinary. His partner simply continued to stare upwards, his head tilted to the side and his eyes scanning the darkened undercarriage with scrutiny.

Jenson turned back and gave the lift one last look, growing increasingly agitated as he struggled to understand what his partner found so interesting. As the duo continued to look on, other workers on their lift platform also instinctively began looking upwards. Most of them were at a loss as to what exactly they were watching for, and the few that actually did see it were unsure of what to make of it. It wasn't long before Jenson, by a random stroke of luck, caught sight of something that struck him as slightly odd.

The thick ridge of the platform was liberally colored with the usual black and yellow warning stripes; a courtesy present to ensure that employees knew that this was the end of the lift platform and that traveling beyond that point while the lift was in motion above the long, cavernous vertical tunnel was ill-advised, to say the least. However, near the middle of the widest section of the square platforms edge, the black and yellow stripes branched from their usual, perfectly horizontal path around the broad edges. The branching patch of warning colors rose at an obtuse angle from the norm, reaching up and well as below the line for several feet. The coloration of this stray line also seemed less than perfect; closer inspection revealed the lines separating the colors to be much less define, even sloppy when in comparison to the perfect symmetry of the normal stripped patches. It was also noticeably wider than the original line of stripes, at least doubly so. The foreman on the lower platform didn't know what to make of it, idly scratching his head as the crewmen under him continued to stare in confusion.

This lasted for a couple minutes or so. With so many of them watching the strange additional line, it wasn't long before it became readily apparent that it was not a natural occurrence. Another moment later, they discovered why, as the stripped line slowly but surely began to slide farther to the left along the edge of the platform.


It all happened in seconds, too quick to really do anything but look on.

Squad 35's platform shook violently for a split second, jerking to a stop before continuing back on its normal pace, causing the people on top of the lift to stumble at the sudden cease. There were cries of surprise and confusion, which were quickly drowned out by a deep, low-pitched bellow of unknown origin as the cause of the unexpected breakage to occur revealed itself.

A large, dark mass had heaved itself up from beneath the platform onto the edge. In the few seconds that the Cirrus Station employees could see it, not much could be discernible beyond its size, which was easily akin to a medium-sized shuttlecraft, at least twice as large as the Wolverine parked along the edge of the platform. The coloration of this unknown object was dark, almost rusty brown and black. It almost perfectly matched the color of the metal comprising the lift platforms and walls of the elevator shaft, save for two of what could be discerned as either legs or limbs, which were an amalgam of yellow and black stripes. The strange bellow, rumbling and thunderous, rose slightly in tone as, in a split second, the unidentified object lunged over the platform.

There were screams and yells of surprise. Long, dark limbs reached out and gripped three of the brown-suited dock workers as they stared, jaws agape, at the figure floating above them. The strange, gargantuan thing slammed against the wall above the platform, shaking the entire elevator shaft and eliciting more shouts of terror and surprise as more and more people caught sight of the spectacle. It scrambled for a moment on the wall, seemingly looking for something on the wall to grip onto, but the smooth walls gave no purchase to it as it held three lift workers in it's unknown clutches. One of them had passed out from the shock, while the other two were seemingly struggling against their bonds.

Cassefin Montreal shrunk back in surprise as the leviathan object landed just shy of the window, Kess and Mimi both shrieking in surprise. The Head Administrator didn't have long to observe the foreign entity, however; in a split second, another mass of shadowy limb easily broke its way through the plated glass, gripping the Administrator tightly around the torso as it began to fall backwards, unable to truly grip the wall for support. Cassefin, instinctively, screamed in fear as she felt herself falling with the creature back towards the platform.

As the monstrous thing hit, its mass easily quaked the lift's surface, suspending both man and object alike a foot or so in the air. There was a loud, echoing screech of ripping metal scraping together as the left end of the lift itself sank down slightly. The dark giant wasted no time as it landed, quickly rolling around along the platform until it reach end left edge of the platform. The massive thing easily crushed through the safety railing present along that end and, finally, simply vanished from sight as it fell from the edge of the platform completely, taking its four captives with it, their cries for help abruptly cut short as their voices fell out of discernible range.

This sudden turn of events was not all that Squad 35 had to deal with, however; the sudden break and suspension broke several of the tethers being used to secure in the large, metal transport crates, each giving an audible snap. The left edge of the platform, now noticeably sunk below while the right end rose above in an angle, presented a new and pressing issue to the squad as several of the crates began to quickly slide down the now-angled lift. With the railing no longer present, this meant a long drop and a short stop for these unfortunate supplies, and anything else in their path.


Back in the maintenance tunnel, the massive shaking and faint bellow from the action happening outside in the lift tunnel could be discerned from the soft hum of air passing through the tunnels. In the few seconds it went on, Squad 11 began to sit up rigidly, a handful of them reaching for their weapons. George paused midway through the tunnel, his belly perched on the lump of condensed ice. "Yo Tweak?" The Nepleslian man called out through his radio, his voice sounding a bit concerned. "What the hell was th-"

By this point, the creature outside had leaped against the wall, causing subtle vibrations to quickly turn to quaking shakes. The engineer, Ray, yelped in surprise and tucked himself into a tighter ball, whimpering as more of Squad 11 followed suite with shouts of surprise. George, however, didn't have much of a chance to shout out his own surprised protests. The man was more concerned with the creaking that suddenly began to drown out all other sounds, emitting from the section of tunnel directly under his stomach. The creaks, metallic in nature, continued to sound out, their repetition quickly growing in tempo and volume until it came to a single, crashing crescendo; the section of tunnel beneath him, frozen and brittle from the buildup of ice and agitated to breaking point by the series of harsh vibrations, broke beneath him, the broken tunnel in front of him leaning downwards now, its end in pitch darkness.

There wasn't much George Resetti could do in his position. He saw it coming as the shaft before him descend at an unnatural angle, but he was perched head-first on a patch of rather slight packed snow. "Whoa. Whoa. WHOA WHOA WHOA!" The man exclaimed as he soon found himself slowly sliding forward into the black, despite his best efforts to keep from doing so. By some strange stroke of luck, George's foot caught one of the bars along the side of the tunnel that wasn't covered in ice, halting his sliding forward with a startling halt. This change of events didn't stop George from panicking, however.

Kokuten sighed audibly as the platform they were on began to move. He began to reflect on this idly on his behavior. His reflection on the entire bit with Cassefin was giving him a bit of a freezerburn personality. Such discourtesy wasn't him, the normal Kokuten was a diligent, obliging man who wore his feelings under his sleeve. Indeed, once this job was all over, he'd apologize to the Head Adminstrator for his rudeness, and then he'd thank her for her efforts. As for his decision? That only brought more strain on his mind.

A few nights ago, he had confessed his affections to Tweak, after getting drunk off his ass. Every feeling he had, she knew about now, locked forever in her imperfectly perfect memory. The act was something he regretted immensely, as he was considering a transfer even before then. It made registering a transfer more difficult to decide on, but even worse was the fact of how he pushed back the final choice for so long.

Worse yet, did he even mean all that? It was a terrible, terrifying thought that made him question his desires to drink.

Augh... Kokuten sighed, rubbing the chin of his helmet. Perhaps I should just upload this thing, and be done with it, I can explain it all--...

Something caught Kokuten's eye.

What are they looking at?

He looked up, and noticed the odd shifting platform much sooner than it had taken for most. Though, just like the rest, he didn't know what to make of it. The Captain just let out a lazy sigh, and went back to his thoughts.

It wasn't until he heard the creaking of the darkened behemoth that his attention snapped to. As he saw it come down, he reached for his rifle, going for the most natural reaction that any Nepleslian would have when faced with the unknown. After all, things had just gone from normal, to bad.

He shouldered the weapon and aimed it, but not before the creature scooped up three people, making shots risky. He watched it leap across and around, and he almost sounded an order, before he saw it snatch up Cassefin. Things had just gone from bad, to worse.

"It's got people! Someone get a wo--..." roared Kokuten over his external speakers, before watching it leap over the side and out into the darkness. A very empty pit settled into his stomach. He had just watched some strange thing pop up out of no where and snatch up four people like some cruel live-action of Grendel. Worst of all, it had Cassefin, the thing had stole her off before he had the chance to apologize or reconcile, something that made him suddenly feel sick. Things had gone from worse, to hell.

SNAP went the metal sound of breaking cables, and then the sudden drop of one end of the platform, sending Kokuten onto the now slanted floor. He felt the rumble of moving crates, and it was evident on how the Captain felt when the green glow under his visor turned a sharp white. He quickly scrambled to move off the platform with all his strength and speed, yelling and order all along as things descended from hell, into fuck.

"Move out of the way! Move NOW!"
Really very unsure as to how to get off of the moving platform without plummeting to an unwelcome and no doubt unpleasant death, Blake instead decided to find his way to the frame of the lift itself. The platform might be falling, but the motors were still holding on to the rails as far as he could tell. So, he hopped gracefully (as graceful as possible) to the nearest rail and found himself wishing instead he could find away off. Without traversing someplace ill-advised.

"Are we too high to jump?" He managed, clutching tightly to the rail, "Because If we are, I'd rather have this thing falling under me than over me."