Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 3] Sunny Day on Prilisa Four

Himiko was just walking along, minding her own business when she suddenly heard a voice right behind her. She squeaked and jumped slightly as she turned around to find a person right before her. "Uh, um, ah.." she flustered, probably drawing attention to herself more then she passively already did, "Were you talking to me??" A slight blush formed across her face as she said this to the man.
Fitz froze trying not to run into the girl who just stopped right in front of himself. After she asked, he felt embarrassed himself, and just chuckled the uneasiness away, "Ah, sorry bout' that, I was talking to myself," he replied with a smile and his left hand rubbing the back of his head, trying to keep his eyes on the girl's face. He then offered his hand and introduced himself, "Fitz Felroy, Private 3rd class."
Cyril quietly put together his pistol, carefully checking each part with exaggerated care. It wasn't that he was agoraphobic or anything, not like his father who couldn't even leave walk down a street dirtside. Or Dream, for that matter, given how she was panicking at the idea of going down to the colony.

That having been said, he still wasn't entirely comfortable with an open sky above him. He could manage a city just fine. But even a park, let alone open county side, was enough to make him a little jumpy. There was something about open space stretching from horizon to horizon that made his spacer's reflexes think that he was in a decompression event.
Dream now seemed a bit more relaxed. the worst of the panic attack had passed. She was still a bit pale and twitchy, though.

" New guys. New guys new guys new guys new guys. New guys new guys new guys new guys new guys new guys new guys new guys new guys new guys." She sang a stupid, improvised song. "Wanna meet 'em."
Himiko jumped back a bit in another effort so that he wouldn't run into her. "O-oh..." she said, still a little flushed, "I'm sorry.. My name is Himiko Muzai, Private 3rd Class, as well!" Her normal shyness made her sort of blurt the last part out, but the Yamataian stood straight and true, thanks to both her training and growing self-confidence. One finger began to subconsciously curl a strand of her emerald green bangs.
Mimi didn't turn around as Deacon asked his question, continuing to lead on for a short while as the new arrivals followed diligently behind her, her expression obscured by the back of her head. Which was lucky for the peppy little Savtech, because her look expressed on of severe confusion and worry. She shrugged it off quickly and turned her head, smiling as sweetly as she could to the Hyena-like humanoid.

"I, uh...I'm not sure what your question was, I'm afraid. I am not fluent in the Kohanian languages. I'm, I'm very sorry."


Dream's outburst and subsequent period of calming-down didn't seem to phase Kess in the slightly. She merely watched from the sidelines, arms crossed and lips pursed.

"I'm afraid she doesn't have much choice in the matter anyway. Apart of being sick of the Plague, CSS members are meant to follow their assignments, and leaving without your captains isn't exactly smiled upon. Mimi is nearly here with the new members; make sure you all get acquainted quickly...I'm sure we'll be getting our assignments soon enough."

Afterwards, Kess pointed a delicate finger at Tweak. "And you. I want to see you in the hall."

The solemn Savtech's image fizzled out of view.
"But...I am in the hall," murmured Tweak, a little confused. She was just outside the doorway of the barracks with Dream...but the neko turned and went down the hallway in a random direction until she reached a place with no people, figuring the Savtech wanted to speak to her alone.
Sure enough, Kess appeared in front of Tweak. All business as usual, the Savtech looked around to ensure that the hallways was clear of any wayward ears. Satisfied, she turned her attention to Tweak.

"Unfortunately, neither I nor Mimi will be able to accompany the squad onto the surface, we are Savtechs, and are restricted to the computer system our core units are installed into. That's the only reason you can even see me...through the Cirrus' volumetric projectors," Kess sighed dejectedly, as though that particular aspect of her life wasn't one she enjoyed. "Hopefully, I don't need to babysit've written enough in your book to know what you do and do not need to do. And you will have to be very careful with all of these people around. Do you understand?" Kess said, not an ounce of worry lacing her stern speech.
There was a pause as Tweak thought about what Kess said. Finally, though, she nodded. "I'll do my best, Kess," she said firmly. "How long with the mission last?"
"Aye, your third class too? Guess we bein' the fresh meat of the station eh?" chuckled Fitz at his own joke. A bit realizing that they are being left behind, he gestured with his left hand to suggest to keep walking along. While doing so he asked out of curiosity, "So, how did someone with such pretty eyes come aboard Cirrus Station?"
Lorcan had snuck out early from the miserable little room and had gone down to the store room in which he'd re-arranged the boxes to make a rather lumpy, hard and unforgiving but serviceable bed in a corner, hidden by a wall of crates from the camera in the corner. Of course not being there for wake up call he woke up a little late and slid off the boxes and out into the hall. He made his way back towards the room, pickpocketing every person he could get his hands on. Of course it all slid into his trench coat pockets, with the DA Cards being given back to the completely wrong people as he made it to the other side of the fancy scientist's lounge.

Hearing voices at one point he followed after them instead of going where he was supposed to and as he quietly began to catch up to the hologram and the two chatting marines, he found they were taking a shorter route to the Marines' Barracks. Overhearing Fitz's question about a lady, Lorcan 's interest was perked and he came up behind them both. "Morning Mimi!" Was the first words out of his mouth and then on a side note, looking at Himiko, he asked "Is he bothering you?" It was more of a playful jest than a serious question, giving a childish, goofy grin to Fitz.
Keziah emerged from the showers in fresh skivvies, her hair dripping down her back. Threads of her headache were already starting to return, but she couldn't go for longer on the treadmill. She'd already run the equivalent of ten kilometers with a thirteen degree slope, and her thighs still burned, threatening not to lift her legs when she commanded.

But they did, and she slowly made her way to her bunk, rubbing her hair with her towel before dumping it all into her duffel. Suit up, go planet side. She was looking forward to being dirtside again. Since advanced training, she had been stuck on space stations and transport shuttles the whole time. Part of her was getting stir crazy, and she enjoyed the firmness of the planet, the distinct fact that it can't be blown to dust.

She kept silent, though. Dream looked terrible, singing senselessly, and a part of her wanted to go over and comfort her. But Serra was there, so at least she wasn't left alone.

Keziah stood, and walked over to Cyril, sitting down on an empty bunk next to him. "What's wrong with Dream?"
Himiko blinked at the compliment, "Oh... heh heh... I'm just proving myself, I guess." She smiled politely, but before they could catch up with the rest of the group, another man joined them. The Yamataian thought that this new guy was kind of cute, with the long hair and all. "Mm... no, not at all! Thanks for wondering!" She laughed at the slightly hilarious situation.
Lorcan chuckled and then gave Fitz a rough pat on the back. He shifted until he was striding along beside Himiko and then proffered his arm to her. "I'm Lorcan, a mechanic being used as security for some queer reason or another. Nice to meet you both." He said as way of introduction and then specifically to her. "I can show you a faster route to the same destination.
Fitz kinda felt a awkward pang of jealously in his chest, but acting on it would only lead to being a pain, and he wasn't the sort to get into arguments of that sort. No harm done, he returned a smile and introduced himself while offering his hand to the newcomer, "Fitz Felroy, Private 3rd Class." Though probably ignored he kept to himself to see where this would lead them, he wasn't feeling confrontational, at least not without a drink.
"Oh, well, my name Himiko, and I'm an armorer, actually. Where exactly would we be going?" she asked, a little warily. She was concerned that she would get into trouble if they didn't follow the AI guide. This guy seemed trustworthy, but you could never tell really...
Lorcan shook Fitz's hand and grinned at the man and then turned his attention once again to Himiko. "To the scrap heap of a room they call the Marine Barracks." He said. It was truthful. The bunks were even lumpier and harder than the crates and they were WAY too small to fit him. And then all other numerous other things included he just thought it was junk, but didn't voice that opinion, not wanting for Mr. Sergent Moody-Pants to jump on him again.
Deacon looked over his shoulder at the others straggling behind, chuckling to himself. Pushing his bags onto his back, so he looked like some freakish hybrid of dog and camel, he would sort of drop his handpaws to the floor and begin walking like that for a little while, to ease the pressure walking upright was putting on his malformed spine.

To anyone who didn't know his species, he would actually look like some pack animal someone dressed up in a Nepleslian uniform, but to voice such thoughts around him might just spark off a fight with the muscular Kohanian.

By the Seven Gates I hope this pleasure walk gets over soon... He thought to himself, tossing his head back and forth and growling as his feral instincts felt so out of place walking through the barren hallways.
Liam said:
She kept silent, though. Dream looked terrible, singing senselessly, and a part of her wanted to go over and comfort her. But Serra was there, so at least she wasn't left alone.

Keziah stood, and walked over to Cyril, sitting down on an empty bunk next to him. "What's wrong with Dream?"

"Nothing!" Dream was apparently back to her usual, energetic self in no time.
Her mood swings were becoming more extreme by the day: was there something wrong with her?

"So, where are the new guys?" She asked eagerly, cracking her little knuckles. Or rather, going through the motions, because they just didn't crack apparently.