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Episode 5: (Pre-Glimmergold) Sunflowers in the Bellflower Field

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RP Date
YE 43
RP Location
YSS Tokyo, Bridge
YSS Tokyo
Luna Bianca Shipyards, Yamatai System

Tokyo Himawari sighed as she looked at the updates from the shipyard on their repairs, "I can't..." she muttered in frustration, she resisted the urge to once again bring to the attention of the KFY engineers that priority needed to be put into getting the Anti-Fortress Turrets back online. She double-checked the list of repairs and updated the inspection charts for other components and systems that were under review following the massive ship's first deployment. The ship, as expected, was staffed by a skeleton crew during repairs and the celebrations for the New Year on Yamatai.

Motoyoshi Tio chuckled as he heard the frustrated declaration of Himawari, "You know it doesn't hurt to take a break," he said, as he looked up from the communications console in which had just completed a training module on.

"Ha! Says the cadet who stayed behind from the biggest party of the year to complete training modules?"
Himawari asked, she, of course, was glad he had stayed behind but she could not help herself from taking a jab back at him.

Tio sighed, "Yamatai is a big step, it ....well Eidan and Taro are down there, I just don't think they all need to see me. I'm actually considering a transfer to another ship. I want to be attractive to people outside of this fleet, to have a use other than the fact I'm seen as some kind of ex-traitor." Tio was frustrated, he wanted to impress his mother but he also wanted out of her shadow. He needed to grow on his own.

Himawari shook her head and replied, "Now you're just offending me, I am...I mean, Tokyo is a fine ship. Well...when everything is working on it."

Tio rolled his eyes and started the next training module, he wondered who else had stayed behind from the party on the surface.
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One of the unfortunates that had been told to remain behind, and probably for good reason honestly, was Datenshi. She let out a small groan as she thumped her head against the door to the bridge with eyes shut as she tried to figure out just what had led her to stand before the doors. She had always avoided the bridge, she wasn't bridge material, unless it was to be a bridge bunny... it was just to uptight and serious for her tastes. To much decorum and parade to wait on... But with her bag of tools in hand, she knew she had a job.

They had put her to work as she stayed behind and made her go about the ship to take care of the smaller work that needed to be dealt with here and there, and it was for that reason that Tio and Himawari would see Datenshi enter the bridge and snap a sharp salute.

"Nito Heisho Akamaru Datenshi, here on assignment to handle some repairs..." She had served long enough, hell she had served under some high ranked individuals, and famous ones, so she knew how to handle the bridge. Dressed in her normal duty uniform, her long red ponytail swept the floor with each step she took, the bits of caramel colored skin that peeked out from her uniform glinted in the light of the bridge, and just the barest hint of a some sort of artwork peeked out from under the collar of her uniform, but only if one looked closely. She waited until she had been recognized and acknowledged before she moved and began her work.
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Tio watched as Datenshi arrived onto the bridge, "Looks like we woke a dragon. They got you working on repairs too? I guess that is a change of pace. " The former Prince looked at the infamous red haired cockpit bunny and smirked a bit. He had something she could fix, but he doubted it was something on Himawari's list. Tio finished up the last of his training modules and looked towards Himawari and said, "We should take a break, you've been at that list too long and they got dozens of engineers from the shipyard on it. Let's take advantage of the ship being this empty, and raid the kitchen."

Himawari huffed, "Well, welcome to the bridge Nito Heisho, as much as bothers me to give in to the cadet's words, there really is not much we can do. I can get us into the Taisho's private kitchen, I'm in if you are?" she looked at Datenshi with a crooked eyebrow.
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"... She got any decent dark booze?" Datenshi was always one to slack. She didn't have much work to do on the bridge and if it was an invitation from upper ranks... Who was she to say no? Besides she outranked the person that gave her the work order, what could they say to her....? Her small bag of tools went to the chair of the console she had been sent to look over to the two, though she couldn't help but smirk at the comment about the dragon. Granted she knew what Tio had meant, but she couldn't help herself.

"Oh Darling, my dragon is still asleep. May-...." She had to stop herself short from completing what she wanted to say as the thought of outright hitting on a commanding officer reared it's head in reminder of just how badly that usually wound up for her. She still wasn't sure about the Motoyoshi, she hadn't been here long, but they were tied to the Ketsurui, and Datenshi knew how uptight some of them could be. Most of the royal families were now-a-days... Instead she just laughed it off and shook her head which caused her long ponytail to sway back and forth. A little silent huff and she made her way closer with an small unconscious sway of her hips and she crossed her arms under her bust.

"So, food? Booze? Generally being in places we aren't supposed to be? My good influence has been busy lately so I get to stretch my naughtiness a bit more now." A pearly white grin and a glint of mischief in her black eyes, she watched the two.
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Tio shook his head and said to Datenshi, "I'm sure my mother has plenty of booze. From what I've seen, she and her entourage have been very much so enjoying the fruits of their labor. It won't hurt if we enjoy them a little too. After all, we all volunteered to stay on the ship missing out on the biggest party of the year." The former Prince, found the last sentence of the enlisted soldier to be irresistible, he couldn't refuse a rebuttal, "Careful, stretch your naughtiness too much and it might run into mine." He winked in her direction and stood up after he watched Himawari lock out her station. A group of technicians from Luna Bianca entered the bridge anyway with a bunch of their equipment, it was probably better they left before the avatar felt the need to micromanage them.

Himawari rolled her eyes as the two went back and forth, "Get a room you guys, or make it a show the rest of us can at least enjoy." She added to their conversation the best she could. She led them towards the private lift that went to the Taisho's Offices, which included the private kitchen and conference/wardroom she and her flag officers enjoyed. It was the New Years, they at least had to celebrate.
She let out a small growl as a malicious grin curled across her lips for a moment and she let darkened eyes flash to Himawari for the briefest of moments before she tested the waters a bit. "I mean, I can't really say it would be my first time I fooled around with a superior officer on the bridge of a ship in dock... Or that it wasn't cast to my Rikugun..." She gave a little lick of her lips as she peered back to Tio to see his reaction as she took a hop, a skip, and flicked off one foot to go airborne. Spun around upside down as she floated up beside them until they reached the doorway, her ponytail brushed the floor as she followed them and more importantly, she watched them both now like a hawk.

"I will admit though... Never had a threesome in the captain's quarters." She explained to the two as she wondered just how far she could push a Motoyoshi. She knew some Ketsurui were a little up tight, though she did also remember her days on the Sakura under Hanako, and just how... Open she had been. But now she had a new highly influential family to screw with, and with how little she had seen Reiko lately... Hell the girl might as well have transferred, and how much she had been working lately, she needed to screw around and mess with someone, however she could. Hell most of the Armorers had gotten tired of her shit already... She needed to give them a few days to cool down.
Himawari led them to the YSS Tokyo Command Offices, the avatar giggled at Datenshi's suggestion of a threesome in Katsuko's quarters, but corrected her, "Well this would be her offices if that happened." They entered the kitchen, the Takeda supported gourmet restaurant away from home that served the Taisho personally. The lighting in the compartment illuminated and the equipment fired up. "Well, here it is. Food first, then we find the liquor." There was no harm in a little bit of mischief, after all, they had all finished what they had been assigned, and the ship was like a ghost town while in for repairs.

"So through that door is the conference/dining room, and the Taisho's office is on the other side," she pointed out. "The good booze is probably in there."

Tio was surprised at Himawari, it seemed she actually was in consideration of the naughty times that Datenshi had either suggested or joked in the suggestion of. The Prince turned Star Army cadet went for the huge walk-in food storage for a look around. Tio despite having been gone for a long time, knew his mother's tastes and there had to be something good on the other side. His eyes widened as he came to face the live lobster tank, "Jackpot!" he declared as he watched the banded Jiyuuian Lobsters crawl all over each other in the tank.
Yaichiro was working in his assigned section of the YSS Tokyo's Command Offices when he heard someone enter the kitchen, start up some equipment, and then speak. Blinking, he stopped what he was doing and kept listening in. Smirking slightly, he stood up and quietly floated over to sneak in behind the group in the kitchen. He highly doubted that Himawari was unaware of his location, but it didn't mean he couldn't have fun with the group. The officer spoke up, acting as if he'd caught them with a hand in the cookie jar. The fact he was Datenshi's former XO might just make the image more complete.

"You know, some Command Staff would take serious offense at having their private pantry and kitchen raided. Just accessing the fridge at the wrong time led to my being banned from using the mini-fridge in the old YSS Sakura's lounge permanently. On a separate note, Katsuko loves her seafood."
"Yea, well... Pass cause we are...." Datenshi looked back and forth between Tio and Himawari before she shrugged as if looking for help. She hadn't turned to look at Yaichiro yet, thankfully the ship was huge and the time on assignment hadn't made her run out of places to hide from the man while out in the black, but it seemed she had to finally face him. She turned around to look him over and crossed her arms, sheepishness and defiance equal parts on her face as she tried to figure out just what it was she felt at that moment.

"Hey Yai... Wanna join us? If we drag along her fuck buddy maybe she won't be so mad?" She asked in hopes that it would alleviate anything that may pop up.
Motoyoshi, Kazumi held a data tablet curled within the grasp of a pale, cream skinned hand. Her eyes were razor-sharp, focused as the personnel manifest scrolled down the screen. It was inefficient in an age when one could simply download such information directly to their memory with but a thought. But Kazumi? She preferred the written word, or in this case the digitized. And while blessed with the enhanced processing, and perception capabilities of her Eihei body, the youngest of Taisho Motoyoshi, Katsuko's brood seemed just a hair distracted. Hers was the job of gathering, correlating, and acting on data of a sensitive nature, to offer advice and other more clandestine duties. The steady slight clack of mirror-bright polished boots on deck were echoed by the person walking beside her. Both were of a height. Her 'twin' was just a shade lighter in complexion, slimmer than her more feminine inclined form. The other spoke, voice just the right mixture of depth, and light. She was conferring information to the Intel Officer on some matters she'd asked the experienced engineer to look into.

Kazumi's counterpart tossed a lock of jet-black hair over an equally colorfully furred ear, her almond-shaped, golden eyes seemed to smolder in the light. The pair were somewhat of stark contrast to one another. One was light of hair, and eye, the other dark of hair and her own oddity for eye coloration. One wore the onyx panels of the intel branch, of which she was a member of SAINT. The other the red panels of an engineer. This other, Koyama her name was seemed to be doing all the talking. Her voice never wavering in pitch, almost monotone as she recited her information. It only seemed to peak in a rare instance. Others that walked the halls seemed to avoid the duo like a plague. The black panels were always a bit of a given when it came to an equal mix of mystery, respect, wariness, and just plain paranoia. And she had the Motoyoshi look about her. Motoyoshi were thick on the Tokyo after all. Koyama's was of less repute in some ways. She was not intimately attached to a famous surname. Yet her elder sister was a princess of the ruling family, the Ketsurui. And the Taisa of the famous YSS Miharu and had earned her own stripes at the "Battle of Scrapyard". But the pair both seemed to share the same desire of standing in their own light. Both loved their families fiercely but did not want to stand in their immediate blood's looming shadows longer than they had to.

Kazumi wore her polished white enameled triangular rank pin denoting her as a Kohosei. On the fast track to officerdom.

The other, Koyama wore the heart and triangle of a Shoi. Both technical officers, and worthy of being given the right of way past the lower ranks which parted as they passed. Kazumi led, Koyama followed a hair's breadth behind as the younger woman seemingly led her to a lift adjacent to a portion of the bridge. The young Motoyoshi knew her father was likely diligently at work. The man was a machine, or so she thought regarding his work ethic. As did her older colleague beside her. The Kohosei had to admit, the other woman and her father were cut from the same cloth. Birds of a feather. Heads in the clouds of research and technology. Driven by a passion for machinery. Of building, and maintaining it. It just seemed this samurai-blood-borne Nekovalkyrja beside her had a few wild ideas in the field of theoretical work and designs. The woman had designed a torpedo made to rip capital ships apart with unstable, hyperspatial fluxes in the form of mili-second lived fold bubbles. Worked in theory or so she had said. Even showed the Intel Officer footage of a prototype ripping a sizable chunk out of an old Yuumi-class Battleship slated for the test.

One second the thing had been whole and the next... a neat, spherical chunk had been smoothly ripped from it without so much as an aetheric, anti-matter or fusion explosion. Just the barest fraction of a moment's flash, barely perceptible if not for Yamatai's advanced FTL-based sensing tech.

Kazumi had placed the woman on her list of people to keep an eye on. Not out of immediate concern, but on principle. She may have earned a smattering of respect with her beloved father, which tipped the scales a little in her favor. But, still worthy of keeping an eye on just in case. Weapon designers always seemed to have that certain little gleam in their eye, and Koyama had when showing her the footage.

The doors to the lift opened with a pneumatic hiss, Kazumi stepping over the threshold, Koyama strolling in gracefully alongside. The engineer went quiet then, half expecting some shitty elevator music to fill the silence of her verbal report being fulfilled.

Kazumi's tablet hung limp at her side then as the doors parted, the lift bringing them to the Command Offices. Mother wasn't about, and her more uptight siblings weren't either. She'd only very rarely ever come up here. Usually when it was fully staffed. And always in her mother's presence along with the flags under her command. Her heliotrope-dye hued eyes glanced to the smoldering furnaces of gold that were Koyama's. She'd never been up here, or so Kazumi's records said. She was aiding Kazumi in duty at her request, the engineer taking some of her preciously in short supply free-time to accomplish the task requested. All the work could have been done through thought and texts or comms. But this was a bit of a charade. Kazumi enjoyed personal debriefs, in person, it let her gauge the person, see their ticks, hear modulation and tone of their voices.

But the damned engineer's informal samurai-training gave her a steady demeanor, hard to read and guess. It was also a little bit of an excuse and charade. Why not show the engineer the fruits of her labor? Working to get the Tokyo in working order, show her a bit of the sights, perhaps even sneak a cup or two of mother's private assortment of fine wines and alcohols. Plus, it just gave the daddy's girl an excuse to see her father in person with a plus one in attendance knowing the two were on friendly terms. So why the hell not? Both had skipped the big'ol party going on, and stayed aboard. Both may as well get some form of enjoyment out of their labors.

Kazumi placed a finger to her lips as the door to the offices opened. Her ears pricked, voices. A frown creased her lips, and looking to her counterpart, it seemed the other woman had also heard the nattering further in. Both women edged further into the interior, the voices growing in strength and recognizability. Picking them out, Kazumi rolled her eyes upon hearing her brother's deeper voice in its declaration of seeming to have uncovered something of particular interest. The giggling delight of the eager young Tokyo's avatar speaking, her father's kindly voice giving a seemingly gentle rebuke and warning.

The other though? Kazumi tilted her head, already running through the KAMI's manifests of that particular voice. Although it seemed Koyama hit the mark a hair sooner for the older woman muttered the name under her breath with an exaggerated roll of the eyes. The Shoi though seemed to be having increasingly larger second thoughts as soon as she had crossed the threshold, and made to quietly excuse herself. She'd backed just far enough away to startle Kazumi who was by no means a slouch in her keen perceptions and training. How the other woman had done it... no matter. Quick as lightning, Kazumi's hand flashed forward, snapping up Koyama's more slender wrist. The intel officer took a split second's moment to appraise her response. The engineer had almost on reflex been ready to dance out of her grasp. Caught though, Kazumi made a gentle, yet insistent tug on the wrist. They were in the thick of it now, thick as thieves. If any heat came down on their heads, the younger Motoyoshi'd bear it, it was, after all her idea and now insistence of dragging along the now wide-eyed Koyama along.

No going back now. Silent as a shadow, Kazumi led the still quiet engineer on. Stopping just short, the young Motoyoshi cleared her throat audibly. Her eyes going a little flinty at first, eyeing the array of people. Tio in particular.

"I wouldn't be too greedy with those if I were you, brother mine," Kazumi warned, ever so lightly although there seemed to be no bite to it. The hand with the datapad now resting against the appreciative, shapely curve of a hip. Yet her other arm seemed to be behind her back. And then, as if manifesting from the woman's shadow, the red-paneled engineer's eyes still smoldered, gleaming gold now as the light caught them in just the right way. They were wide with a decidedly 'Oh fuck' seemingly painstakingly etched into her retinas.

"Mother is fond of her seafood."
echoing her father's earlier and previously unheard warning just before the pair had entered. Though she wrinkled her nose a little. She wasn't overly fond of lobster. And had once made it subtly apparent to her mother when the two had shared a meal with others. Kazumi just made a 'snip snip' gesture with her index and middle finger at Tio as she said this. Oh, she'd disavow any notion of having taken so much as the barest morsel of cooked lobster meat from Katsuko's private stash she hadn't been the one eyeing them as if they were plated in gold. Besides, maybe it was a bit barbarous but she was more of a beef kind of girl. And not the run of the mill stuff. But that most coveted, rarest, and expensive brand to be had on Yamatai. Stuff costs a fortune but was it ever delectable to the point of decadence for her expensive palate. Granted she to enjoyed seafood, and shared it in common with her Taisho parent. Particularly tuna, chΕ«toro to be exact. Not too fatty, not too meaty. Just that right balance for the umami one-two punch for her.

Finally letting Koyama free, the wide-eyed woman just seemed to be taking everyone in with the wariness of an outnumbered, lone warrior. Torn between surging onward, or taking flight to fight another day. As if reading this subtle shift in posture, Kazumi placed a steadying,; comforting hand on the equal in height woman's more slender shoulder. "She's with me." a hint of a challenge behind her voice as she eyed her brother, though, to her father, her eyes softened to familial affection and resting on Himawari a moment seeming to ignore Datenshi and then bouncing back to the lobsters skittering about in their tank. And the likely spots of where she knew where her mother kept her most coveted of drinks. It paid to be on the payroll of one of, if not the most effective intel corps in the sector.

Slipping behind Koyama, Kazumi placed her tablet on a nearby countertop and her hands on the girl's shoulders. Gently nudging her forward, Kazumi steered Koyama toward her father's side. Perhaps being in his presence would ease her mind a little? The man had seemed to give her a glowing report on her rather rapid and high advancement from enlisted to an officer in her tour on the YSS Sakura II. With a reassuring murmur, careful prodding of her father in the side, glancing to the stricken woman, Kazumi, SAINT flunky, Intel Officer, and other onerous titles slithered away like the shadow she'd been trained to become.

Koyama for her part got through a mumbled "Kage-Taisa." in greeting, fidgeting just a bit. She was ambitious when it came in her advancement up the ranks. Audacious, whimsical and a little mad in her scientific theory and endeavors, the latter of which was well documented amongst her 'sisters' at Samurai House on Yamatai. But this seemed a bit of a tall order for the seemingly once unflappable, cool under-pressure engineer. She was well out of her element. She just wasn't much of a people person. And well, low and behold... people! And an array of high-rankers, high-blooded, and one over-sexed power armor jock turned occasional wrench-jockey.

Oh, her father likely knew where she was off to. Because of the faint tinkling of crystal being jarred was heard. Along with the now audible snick of a latch and cabinet being closed. Sauntering back, Kazumi cradled a bottle in her arms as if it were her own cherished child. It was a bottle of alcohol Katsuko seemed fond of. Kazumi even seemed to caress it once, as if in the emphasis of this fact.

This was of course before she coughed, looking innocently to her sole parental unit on station at the moment. As if saying, 'What could it hurt?'. It was clear. She aimed to misbehave... just a little. Seeming to try and entice the older man into joining in what Kazumi could only assume was the beginnings of a rather impromptu party. And she didn't give a whit that she'd just barged in. Let alone with a plus one. The female engineer was under her wing for the moment at least. And deserved a little something for all the hard work and man hours put into this floating Zesuaium tub.
Tio flinched, there was something childish in his desire to declare that this was all Himawari's idea and that he had just agreed to come along. Another sibling had arrived, but even the blush she managed to put on his features seemed to be left at the wayside. A sudden discomfort passed over the new cadet, the former Prince; his eyes locked onto Yaichiro's form. It was good he had not picked anything up yet because he certainly would have dropped it. Tio didn't know how to react to Yaichiro's presence, part of him wanted to bolt to attention to respect the Taisa while the other wanted to figure out the awkward father role the man now played in the clan. Tio rubbed at the back of his head, his fingers ruffled through his light blue strands as he shifted awkwardly in his stance, apparently nature had gone for the more meek and unsophisticated approach of just embarrassment. "Ah, Hi...sis," he mumbled at Kazumi. His attention shifted suddenly to the stunning engineer she had in tow, and that just made him more flustered. He said quietly, "Hi there..." At least he was going to celebrate the new year in the company of a bunch of cute girls, well a bunch of cute girls and a new father that he felt confused about. The situation felt awkward.

Tokyo Himawari's mind was more on the fact she wondered if Yaichiro had heard the discussion they had been engaged in, her cheeks turned almost as pink as Tio's had. She gave a nervous laugh, "I...It slipped my mind that you were in here Taisa, I will take any responsibility. The technicians from Luna Bianca took over the bridge, so I thought a little celebration for the new year would not hurt for those who stayed behind." Himawari couldn't help but think that the threesome either just became an orgy or the only thing that was about to happen is a bunch of comrades getting drunk and eating seafood. "Lobster it is, I guess," she said, her gaze shifted from person to person. "So what do you say Kage-Taisa? Will you let us have one night of mischief and good dining?" the Chusa-ranked avatar questioned, her cutest smile worn for the very purpose of his expressed permission in this matter.
"Oh please, just blame shit on me. Everyone usually does, then I crawl under a table, and about an hour later the higher ups forgot about everything and I go get a beer..." While she spoke and made mention of tables and higher ups, she never mentioned just who's tables or where... but instead she walked over to the tank and stuck an arm in to swat at the lobsters playfully, like a cat batting at a goldfish. If Koyama wanted to ignore her just cause she got a fancy new pin on the front of her shirt, that was fine with the redhead, she'd ignore her right back.

"Listen, we got fucked getting stuck here, working on the ship while everyone else gets to go get fancy on the planet and enjoy it. I agree we have our own party up here, I mean the Taisho seemed pretty cool, like she wouldn't care right? And like I said, if she does, just blame me. I convinced you all with tits and promises of alcohol."

That cheshire grin twisted up in being as she peered around at the others like a predator enjoying toying with her prey.
Yaichiro noted Kazumi's gesture and gave her a glance of confirmation. Koyama was certainly someone who wasn't used to social situations, and it showed. Yaichiro still had his share of difficulty understanding his own growing weight in such things, though he no longer felt the need to avoid people as he had when he was a young enlisted. A hand went to Koyama's back in a gesture of support. "I assume Kazumi and Koyama here initially came here to see me. Himawari, I'm a little surprised that you weren't aware that I was here. You are tied into every system on the ship. I can only assume that the repair has disconnected some sensors from your awareness, you chose to tone down your ship-borne omniscience a bit to relate to us a bit better, or that you brought them in knowing this would happen." He pondered the matter before giving a small smile. "I'm glad to see the ship's avatar bonding with the crew, even if Datenshi is a horrible influence on you." This last part was said jovially, a small dig at Datenshi's expense.

He raised an eyebrow at Kazumi's own pilfering, as well as at Himawari's pleading. After a moment, allowing them to panic briefly, Yaichiro mentally sent a command to lock down sensitive information as well as the consoles themselves. "Honestly...well, since Kazumi and Himawari each had proper access, you can't be blamed for breaking and entering. Also, I have permission to eat and drink from this stash. As long as I replenish it, it should be fine. But that's because it's important for morale. If and only if you are off your duty cycles and help clean up any mess, I can agree to this. Don't speak a word of this to the other rank and file, though."

Yaichiro then added a further comment to show just how 'cool' Katsuko was with such things. "Fair warning though, if Datenshi does reward you with breasts as promised, Katsuko will want to review the footage."
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Kazumi's attention stuck somewhat on her father as he spoke. The intel officer's then taking note of how Yaichiro's handling of support for the seemingly coltish demeanor of Koyama ebb a little as to where once tense shoulders and furtive stance. And it seemed with the Taisa's brief explanation of current events, and reasoning for their group being here. Even as he spoke, Kazumi's attention drifted momentarily to her brother's soft, awkward greetings both to herself, and Koyama who offered a faint bow in return with a somewhat put out "Hello..." thrown in by the engineer. It wasn't stammering at the very least. Though she did take a moment to look toward Datenshi and offer a weak wave of greeting as the woman seemed to be regaining her composure.

Kazumi's response to her brother's greeting consisted of a gentle sigh accompanied by a few quick steps forward. He wasn't too far in front of her after all and had reached him rather quickly. Placing herself between him, and her father, and Koyama she'd done so to grab his attention. Having seemingly become awkward within Yaichiro's presence, Kazumi had taken note of it. So in came the body shield. He was still the taller of course but by a few inches. A part of her head suddenly perhaps at the edge of his vision, Kazumi looked up at him. The ever so brief flash of a smile as she held aloft her prize. Seemed she'd gone for the more premium of the libations in the offices.

'Take the night off from being uncomfortable around him.' Tio's young sister sent the brief telepathic offer as she visibly waggled the bottle at him. Kazumi wasn't much for drinking socially, though only at the rare occasion that caught her fancy, or just out of politeness when dealing with the higher-ups or more elder of her siblings. Guess this met some of that criteria.

'Besides,' she involuntarily spread her arms a little, the bottle now in one hand. It sloshed gently at the gesture before quieting. ', you're surrounded by beautiful women. You'll enjoy a fine meal, party a little, and maybe relax a little. We all need to unwind every once in a while.'

Aloud, Kazumi called over her shoulder. "Koyama's shift ended a couple of hours ago. Mine as well." with another bottle sloshing gesture, the officer in training carried on. "My requiring her assistance with some of the still buggy security software being installed held her up." the young Motoyoshi threw the Shoi an apologetic look. "Bringing her up here was to be my apology. Guess I wasn't the only one with the same idea of going after this rare opportunity."
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Walking on her way from the bridge to the kitchen area, Kazue thought that some higher officers were placed at the bridge but somehow was redirected to the kitchen of her sister. There she slowed down her pace only to hear various voices that she seemed to recognize and narrowed her eyes as she shows up at the entree of the kitchen in front Kazumi "No you were not the only one thinking about that rare opportunity" Kazue admits that it cross her mind as she looked at everyone in the kitchen "A formal raid on my sisters' kitchen, how do I take this in?" She smiled and pushed herself off the door side and walked towards the fridge to see what there was left.

"Mmm, not the greatest choices here..." Looking over her shoulder "Did you guys already raided everything from this fridge?" She ignored the fact that some younger ranks were present and wondered if they were just there for stress relief or for something else.
"Man, paperwork sucks." said Reiko, as the Nekovalkyrja half-walked half-jogged through the hallways of the Tokyo. She'd been absolutely swamped with work, seeing as part of the 17th was going with the 48th to the Tange System to safeguard the relief efforts. And Reiko was chosen to go. The last few days was a mumbles mess of networking, organizing, retrofitting and agonizing paperwork. Somehow, the redhead managed to convince Miyu to take up on the last of her paperwork, so that Reiko could talk and say goodbye to Datenshi. 'I will not forget this debt Miyu,' she said as she clasped her hands in front of her in the facsmile of a prayer.

Reaching an elevator, Reiko selected the Offices. Apparently, that's where Datenshi was, according to Himawari. Feeling a bit of stifness, she interlocked her fingers and pushed them upwards, stretching them and feeling and hearing the soft click of bones. Sighing to herself, she almost missed the elevator stopping and the doors opening to reveal... Motoyoshi Kaoru?!

For a single moment, Reiko stood before the Taisa, in a vaguely compromising position. Then instinct took over, saluting and crying, "Apologies, Taisa!"

'This is the worst,' she thought with a heavy blush on her face.
Himawari smiled and commented on Yaichiro's assessment of her situation, "It was more of a situation by choice, shipyard technicians sometimes have a habit of being overly textbook. We make modifications in the field to improve efficiency, we come into a shipyard for major repairs or a refit and they return us to the factory settings. It becomes intrusive on my state-of-mind." The avatar shook her head a little, "Plus...if I watched you all the time Yaichiro, I'd have to excuse myself from the bridge. It is hard not to help some of this fine crew with their extracurricular maintenance cycles." She looked around after she spoke, the color of her cheeks darkened and she lowered her head and started to giggle.

The majority seemed to rule when it came to the agreement about Yaichiro's conditions, it was pretty straight forwards.

Tio narrowed his eyes as his sister spoke to him telepathically. She was a pain in the ass but at least, in this case, she was right. He reached back and scratched the back of his head slightly. "Kazumi, my little sister. How did you become so wise? -- I suppose I am surrounded by the best tits in the fleet." The former Prince reached into the tanks and pulled out a lobster in each hand. "Seafood it is, if we're going to take mom's food, we might as well do it right." He looked to Yaichrio and forced himself to smile and gave a nod in welcome finally. 'Cheers to you Dad.' he said to himself in his thoughts. 'Damn that is weird.'

Himawari went searching for what goodies she could find too, she yelled out and answered Kazue, "We didn't raid anything yet, most of the perishables were transferred since they were going to be off the ship. They didn't plan for this many of us to want to stay behind."


When the lift door opened, Kaoru stood there in her bathing suit, a babydoll-blue colored bikini, with a book in her hand. She had just spent some time down at the ship's pool since it was probably the last chance she would get to before she transferred to the YSS Mazu. "At ease, I'm in a bloody bikini - you don't have to address me by rank," she muttered at Reiko and took a step back.

"I take it you're coming to this kitchen raid?" she asked, then took a step back to make room in the lift for Reiko. "Himawari messaged me, said there might be some booze and a bit of fun," The Taisa said. The lift went into motion once Reiko was in.
Inky black eyes scanned the others back and forth with mirth and glee at the chaos she had seemingly egged on bit by bit. She felt a playful shiver traverse her spine as he grin grew a little wider and she followed with the others to wherever they might lead her too, though as she listened to Himawari she sidled up beside her and slid an arm over her shoulder. "Listen Himi-chan, you ever need some help with uh... Extra-curricular maintenance cycles or whatever you wanna call it, come find me. I'll take care of ya, and maybe we can get Yaichiro over there to join us one time. I gotta say... he's into some shit. Gotta let him show you the clip of the last time we shared a bath on the Sakura II" Her eyes sought out Yaichiro with a smirk as she recalled the night in the bath, and just how far it had gone. Part of her shivered again and she could feel a heat settle in her lower stomach for a few moments before she fell back to silence to simply watch the others as they began the raid.
The old Reiko would've been flustered and meek at Kaoru's words and attire. And the current Reiko still was a bit. Afterall, the bikini did show off the Taisa's body in a most flattering way. Similar yet different that Lady Katsuko... Regardless, Reiko decided to ignore her trepidations as she walked in and simply say with a small grin, "Oh damn, and here I was hoping this was a new official uniform! I know some people would stand at attention more often if that was the case." Glancing at Kaoru, Reiko could not help but glance at her book. Mild book loving curiosity, honestly.

"Oh, I'm looking for my sister, Datenshi Akamaru. Himawari told me she was in the Offices." As she heard Kaoru's remark about a kitchen raid, Reiko knew it. It had been without a doubt, orchestrated by Datenshi. With a deadpan look crossing her face, Reiko could only sigh and say, "Yup, that sounds like Tenshi, alright. Prepare for mayhem, ma'am."
Hearing Himawari speak about the food made Kazue blink a bit "Well raid it is" She said a bit too cheerful as she dived into the fridge trying to find something juicy. Meanwhile, she kept listening to the conversation that went on behind her. One of them was fishing quite badly to Himawari and most likely in a fun way "Better watch out, I smell a hunter trying to catch their prey" She winks at Himawari when Kazue turned around with a sausage in her mouth and closing the fridge. Everyone could see that Kazue had quite the appetite with her hands full of food.

The room was getting crowded as she puts her food down on a table and takes off her jacket "I hope nobody minds, but I am off duty and I can use some relaxation..." Looking at Datenshi "Alcohol and foodgasm are more my thing" She quickly added before Kazue would notice that she is getting hunted by this woman. She said down and looked at the food "Any drinks that are not standard? I mean the fridge only has the standard stuff" She shrugs at that idea.
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