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Episode 5: (Pre-Glimmergold) Sunflowers in the Bellflower Field

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Koyama felt his fingertips brush her palm with a twitch of a muscle in her back. Her eyes had, at first begun to lighten, and almost eager, cheery light there as he took the semi-solid morsel. Koyama had been prepared for questions. How it was done, what was it. Where was the lobster? Was it even in there? If so, what happened to it? What would the other stuff taste like? She was an engineer and had been all too eager to explain. She had thought the whole process, if not the final product would've brought forth at least one. The stirrings of sharing in the joys of her profession died just as they'd began. Light has gone dim once again.

He hadn't even asked one. Just simply picked it up, popped it in his mouth, chewed, swallowed, and complimented her. And he had used that term of endearment again even as she felt the somewhat gel-like mass of her creation tickle her lips. Yet instead of parting in welcoming the chance to try what she had just made, instead, they remained closed. Just long enough for one slender, pale finger to come between them, and the offered bite. With a brief, if seemingly tired exhale her eyes focused upon his.

"Careful," she began to warn, her voice neutral even as her body went still. She hadn't blinked yet, just stared before continuing. "I've tried to remain patient with you. You appeared the nice guy despite the seemingly privileged upbringing." with her finger, she pushed against the clear mass back toward Tio. It was then that her lips thinned to lines and she shook her head. It was only then that she leaned forward. Uncompressed, her lips parted, warm breath tickling an ear. It was an almost intimate gesture.

"Motoyoshi, Tio. You shall never ride, nor rule me," she whispered gently into his ear. With that, she retreated, but just enough to place her small hands on his cheeks. With a gentle hand, Koyama brought his head low enough for her to place a feather-light kiss on his forehead. Letting him go, the once chief engineer of the YSS Sakura II took a half step back with a hand to his chest. It would have been intended as a gesture to push him away, not forcefully, but in that subtle sort of 'Go' fashion. If it were not for Kazumi coming crashing into the kitchen, almost empty bottle in her hand. Of course, her superior Eihei body's anatomy could have stopped whatever proof of alcohol that now swam in her bloodstream cold. It seemed the young Intelligence Analyst held a distinct flush to her cheeks. One born of alcohol, and sheer surprised embarrassment.

Almost slamming herself into her once Tio-Shield with a cry of "Niisan!", the shorter, but hellishly stronger Nekovalkyrja lifted Tio off the ground to interpose him and the entrance/exit to the kitchen. Planting him there, she seemed to have trouble clearing her throat for but a moment. Koyama, stunned silent for the moment, having been all but rammed against the countertop.

"Sweet merciful Yui, it's a-a-a-a" there was a sloshing sound from behind Tio, and the sound of gulping. "Orgy thing going on out there! Himawari is going to 'devour' that power armor pilot with red hair. And O-O-Oneesan is on the sexual warpath with the other redhead and Auntie Kazue!" the proverbial minefield had evolved from simple high-explosives to anti-matter mines in the span of seconds. Though she had instead wanted to pray to Chiharu herself for some insight on how to survive, doing so openly wasn't exactly looked upon favorably all that much around here.

So she did so silently. While Yui was Shipmistress and Commander of the Star Army, a ferocious combatant with equal part's cunning, she just didn't hold too closely as some would have preferred in the preferential treatment of deification. Oh, she could, and had argued with Taro for hours on the subject as a youngster. Nothing said comical more than a barely two-foot-tall Nekovalkyrja youngling dressed in whatever fluff, finery, or even worse, outfits her mother picked out for her. What kid didn't not like the outfits their parents picked out for them?

The Youngling's cheeks would often become red and eyes blazing with passion on the subject of religion and its figures even as she gesticulated. Likely somewhere far off in the distance, her aunt Sui would've been cackling like a witch from one of those old Nepleslian cartoons they still show on the international comm networks. In the end, however, Kazumi had seemingly relented on the subject. If only to assure her mother of her devotion to the family traditions. No doubt old man Taro saw through her facade. Wouldn't surprise her much.

Then with all of the mental clarity of the inebriated, Kazumi looked from the back of her brother's head to that of Koyama shaking her head. "Something going on?" her question was punctuated with a little bleat as she realized she still had Kaoru's bikini top in hand. Flinging it away, she let out a shuddering sigh as her grip on him slipped free.

A somewhat sharply symmetrical eyebrow rose as Koyama had returned to staring at Tio. "It seems prospects are rising," her tone conciliatory as the thumping beats just outside seemed to agree to this. A hiccup from behind Tio let the engineer know Kazumi was still alive, even as she held out the bottle to the other woman to take from her.
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Datenshi was a little surprised to say the least with the attention was getting from the others. Between Kazue egging her on and Himawari now pushing her and giving her some toys to play with, well 'Tenshi couldn't help herself. Of course, the inky black eyes took in the form before her, and rather than step into the middle of things with Reiko, Kaoru and Kazue, Datenshi instead decided to focus on the delicious Neko that currently had her wrapped up in a kiss. Still floating upside down with her volumetric outfit half off, she instead opted to join Himawari and strip completely. Tattoos on full display, the caramel colored Neko practically purred as she lifted Himawari up a little with her into the air as she gripped the chrome egg in her fingers. One hand began to explore as the other, with her powerful grip, kept a solid hold under her armpit until the girl decided to join her fully in the air. After a few seconds she broke the kiss, a few feet off the ground now with two floating naked Neko's, Datenshi smirked and toyed with the egg in front of Himawari.

"You know, I got to play with one of these a lot back on the original Sakura. Hanako was very... Appreciative of the items. She loved these things, always had them on the ship. I swear I think she had them on her all the time unless she was in a Mindy... I mean probably not but a girl can day dream right?"

If Himawari had taken to the sky and floated with 'Tenshi, she would start to drag the chrome egg over the girl's nude form now with a grin, making sure to circle all the more particularly sensitive spots just for fun, to tease the girl and start to get her worked up for the fun ahead. She had plans, and they involved a bit of mid-air theatrics to show off for the others, to show why she enjoyed having fun.
"Aaaah." Reiko moaned as she felt the supple Neko bodies pressed against her. Deciding that Kazue was far too dressed for this party, the redhead kissed up from Kazue's cleavage into her neck while reaching around and unclasping her bra. Before she could remove Kazue's pants however, Kaoru pulled out the lower half of her bodysuit, exposing her toned, soft legs and her sopping wet, needy core.

Before she knew it the pilot was attacked on all fronts. Kaoru's hand played with her lips. Kazue tugging and pulling her nipple while groping her other breast. This her element. Gone was the highly trained pilot. Gone was the warrior. All there was was need and lust and pleasure. "Amaaazing~!! Yes! Yes!! Aaaah~! Please give me more~!! Kaoru-sama! Kazue-sama!!" Reiko moaned, face flushed.

She still did notice Datenshi's teasing with Himawari. This voyeuristic act only added fuel to the fire of her need. "Tenshi-sama~..." she half-whispered, half-moaned.
The night continued on, and YE 43 came in with some rather interesting events on the YSS Tokyo. The party that had pretty much turned into an orgy between Kaoru, Reiko, and Kazue went on well into the next day. The conference room next to Katsuko's Office was host to the wild interaction between the three. It was only a fitting send-off for Kaoru who would leave for her new command on the YSS Mazu the next day.

Passions and romances blossomed that undoubtedly would turn interesting as some would later join the YSS Mazu crew. Datenshi and Himawari found themselves in the zero-gravity clutches of one another with a night that they would likely both remember as the first times for certain victories. Koyama, Kazumi would retire to the Taisho's office for a night of discussion, and a continuous raid on the pantry of the kitchen; which often took them through the conference room to witness the lewd displays of the others.

(This thread is concluded.)
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