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RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 9] The Silver Lining

A little earlier...

The gunmetal black of Kokuten's arms and eyes reflected the light of the rooms. He had taken the time to add another polish to his cold cybernetics, their lustrous sheen, adding a certain pizazz that was rarely seen on the man except for that day. Of course, only his hands could show their bright shine from under the cuffs of his green turtleneck and the dark-tan suit set above it. He wore the suit open, giving himself a semi-formal, casual look. It was something he corrected by buttoning it up as he walked out of his own room. His dark-tan slacks were cleanly straight, and ironed, flushing over the dark brown wing-tips, which were once again polished to a reflective brightness. His hair was combed perfectly, a with a certain appealing smoothness to it that spoke of his own comfortable, affable nature.

He took a deep breath and almost made his way to the elevator, before a single concern came across his mind. Earlier in the day, Tweak seemed to hold reservation in the idea of attending to the dinner. While he wasn't sure if her opinion had changed yet, he needed to make sure. He turned to go approach her room, before being stopped by a thought.

Wait, what am I doing? Tweak is fully capable of making that decision herself. He nodded, before turning back to go to the elevator. Yet, even with the head start, he began to slow, held back by his own personal concern of the Freespacer Neko. He cleared his throat, and looked back towards her room, his eyes gracing past the doors of the others. Well, it wouldn't hurt to check on her.

He made his way to her door, and tapped his metal knuckles on the surface.

Tank Tank

"Tweak? Are you there?" asked the Captain.

Thirty-five minutes before the dinner...

In her room, Tweak was staring at the...'outfit' on her bed. The room service was not going to be happy. Nor was Cassefin. The hotel would probably not find out, because she cleaned as well as she could. Which was quite well, thank you very much. And anything else could be plausibly blamed on her being a Freespacer...


- - - - -

Twenty-seven minutes before the dinner...

The knock made the 'Spacer neko stumble a little. Heavy footfalls were heard beyond the door, then a faint "Just a minute!" as presumably she made her way to the door.

A click later and Tweak poked her head out. Her hair was covered with a heavy, gray velvet shawl that was pulled back over her shoulders instead of being draped over them. Wrapped around her neck a couple times was a very long, patterned scarf that hung down to her knees in front and presumably as far behind. The shawl covered her ears well, the cloth stiff enough to keep from showing their outline underneath.

"Oh, Kokuten! Um...can I help you?" she asked quickly.

"Oh! I like your... headwear." said Kokuten, tilting his head just slightly in a way to try and figure out just what it was. "It looks very nice. I like the creativity in it. Heh, I think you're going to impress some people." The Captain smiled, getting somewhat off-subject as he was caught up in the unique design of Tweak's upper-wear. Though, he gathered himself and brought a fist to his mouth, clearing his through shorty. "You are going, right? I came by to make sure you're comfortable with all of this. If you have any great concerns, then I'd be glad to be address them."

There followed a short pause to which he clapped his hands together with an audible clack.

"If I'm interrupting you, I can be on my way. I'd hate to just bother you with my concerns, especially with the kind of situation, but... I'm just..." he pursed his lips there, failing to come up with a better word, "Concerned."

"Oh...um, thank you." Tweak nibbled her bottom lip for a moment, looking down, then shook her head. "No questions...many concerns, but..." She pulled her head back inside the room, looking behind her apparently. Kokuten got a quick glimpse of a skirt or something, then she opened the door.

"I was putting on...well, trying to put on, some shoes when you knocked. I'll be a minute, but you can come in if you want."

The shoes in question were on the floor next to the chair she'd sat in earlier. High leather boots, with a heel to them and that would have gone up to about mid-calf, and most definitely not the engineer's usual 'style'. Tweak almost glared at them as she held the door for Kokuten.

The rest of her outfit was a mixture of conventional and outlandish. The shawl draped down her back almost to the bottom of her shoulder blades, and the scarf's other end did indeed trail as far down her back as it did the front. Her black dress mostly just hung on her, like a drape, with another scarf wrapped several times around her waist, and the skirt portion of the dress hung down to her mid-calf...presumably where the boots would take over. Over the dress, and under the neck scarf, Tweak wore a deep black long coat that looked like it was lifted from a men's suit.

Everything had been given the "Freespacer" treatment. From somewhere, Tweak had scavenged cloth samples and had decorated the rather simple outfit with strips -- cleanly-cut strips, with trimmed edges -- of cloth that dangled like the fringe on a buckskin from the hem of her dress, the hem of her coat and the cuffs of its sleeves, and a few wider swaths draped and tied over her shoulders. The colors of the cloth looked somewhat familiar to Kokuten, but it wasn't really important to remember where he'd seen them before. What was more interesting was the metal ornamentation that also featured prominently on the outfit. Some pieces were large, some small, some dangling while others seemed attached to and sewn or woven into the coat, shawl, and dress. All were ornate and well-crafted.

Tweak glanced over at Kokuten, then back at the boots...and then her eyes drifted over to the work boots she'd worn from Cirrus, the pair she was always wearing. She sighed, then sat down to try putting on the provided boots again.

"Ah, well... why not? I've got plenty of time." shrugged Kokuten as he followed the Freespacer inside, noting the odd customizations of her dress. The strange layout of different fabric and material reminded him of the small shrine back on the Cirrus, and even the ship where he had first met the Freespacers on. It was slightly reminiscent, but moreover amazing. This kind of preparation almost made him a little ashamed of the small touch-ups he had made from before his room. "This is... amazing! You've been really working at this."

The Captain took a few sparring steps left and right, ensuring he didn't trip over anything as he went around. He made another short survey before catching sight of the boots, and then Tweak's momentary glance at her usual footwear. He blinked, once or twice, the iconic clacking sound following his curious stare.

"Do you need help with those?" said Kokuten, walking on over, and eying the boots she was wearing. "It doesn't really seem like something you'd wear, but it's nice to see you're making the best effort to stay formal." He looked between the boots again, wondering if any Freespacer would wear something like heels.

Kokuten said:
"This is... amazing! You've been really working at this."
The compliment made Tweak smile a little, trying mightily to surpress her blush reflex, and she looked down just in time to nudge a trash can out of the way of Kokuten's path as she closed the door. Somewhere in the middle of her cleaning, she'd moved the trash receptacle there and forgotten to return it.

MissingNo said:
Tweak glanced over at Kokuten, then back at the boots...and then her eyes drifted over to the work boots she'd worn from Cirrus, the pair she was always wearing. She sighed, then sat down to try putting on the provided boots again.
Taking a deep breath, she shook her head, brushing a few loose strands of her green hair to one side. "No...I just don't like them," she muttered. "I can move in them fine, but it's like...I don't know what it's like." She looked back at the work boots again, then the dress boots, then Kokuten. "Is there any possibility that...well, that I could wear my own boots?" If there was not yet a sad kitten face to be used in place of sad puppy eyes, Tweak invented one. Then she used it. "Would the administrator be too upset if I did?"

"Of course she'd be upset, being upset is how she conveys herself. Besides, you heard the administrator, it's formal dress." said Kokuten, apparently not buckling under the pressure of the 'sad kitten face'. It was actually rather hard to resist succumbing to it. Tweak's face usually ranged between curious and plain. Whenever she made any other facial expression, it seemed to carry a lot of weight to it. Which was more evident as he made the mistake of meeting her stare with his own. His natural, composed face crumpled a little at it.

Despite how distasteful most Nepleslians found Nekos, the pointy-eared cat-women could make themselves damningly cute when need be. Something Kokuten was made blatantly aware of.

"Then again," caved the Chiaki, "I guess you could consider a pair of practical, comfort-fitting boots a sort of... luxury in Freespacer society. In a way, I would say that makes it culturally formal. If Cassefin does get upset, I'll support your decision, either way you choose." He smiled at that, sealing the deal.

Tweak looked at the dress boots yet again and then nodded, mostly to herself, as she scratched a little at the link cable that was still attached to the back of her neck under the scarf and shawl.

"And I've done so much to the dress, the boots might even look out of place...alright. Good shoes it is!" She hopped over to retrieve her work boots and then back up until she was seated on the comfy chair again, quickly lacing up her boots over the black-gray-white argyle socks that ended just under her knees (well above the dress's hemline and out of sight), wrapping the laces several times around her ankles before they were short enough to tie in a reasonable manner.

"In for a milligram, in for a kilo," she murmured, then stood up and took a couple steps, then one stomp per foot to settle her feet in them before nodding to herself and smiling over at Kokuten. "All set," she said, looking rather satisfied. It likely wasn't a state that would last for long, but, for the moment, Tweak was happy.

"My my, Tweak." said Kokuten, judging her appearance closely, passing a mental judgement on the final result. The boots were a mild after-thought with how the meshed in with the design. Though a pragmatic man, Kokuten was no stranger to formal fashion, the boots definitely stood out a little. Still, it was rather iconic of her origins and roots, the Freespacer ones.

"You do look lovely." He began to laugh, bringing a knuckle to his chin, "Heh heh, I bet you'll be the best looking Freespacer out there tonight." Especially considering the fact that she was likely to be the only Freespacer out there tonight. "So, when do you plan on going up to the restaurant?"

Resistance gave out and Tweak blushed at the approval, the problem with the no-fail conditional going over her head for the moment. She spun in place once and finishing with a curtsy, her smile almost breaking into a grin.

Why was she so happy? The cautious question tapped at the back of her mind. She was going to a dinner with known enemies in a place crowded with people in a building possibly watching her and the party she was with. So why...?

Because she wasn't there yet. Tweak was in a locked room with someone she trusted; she felt safe. She had just finished a project that tested her ingenuity and creativity; she felt accomplished. Now Tweak was wearing the result of that creativity and had been complemented on her appearance; she felt beautiful. And the complement had been given by--

There were likely more reasons, but those were the top ones, and together they created a near-perfect storm for her happiness. Rising from the quick curtsy, Tweak checked her mental clock. "We will arrive on time if we leave now," she said, the smile nudged aside by her focus on a new goal.

She picked up a couple of metal-and-cloth creations from a nearby table, sliding one on as a bracelet and carrying the other in one hand...it was difficult to discern what it was. There were many interlocking pieces, almost like a puzzle device, or a complicated bag...the 'Spacer neko walked back to the door (clearly more comfortable in the choice of shoes) and paused to wait for Kokuten, opening the door for him when he approached. It was her room, so she had to make sure the door was properly closed once they were outside. The formality of a male opening the door for a female applied to public entrances, she decided. Tweak looked to Kokuten with a smile (more subdued than a minute ago, but still happy) and gestured for him to lead the way.

Once again, into the unknown with no information on what lay ahead. Just another day...night...mission, for Squad 35.

As Tweak began to smile, so did Kokuten. The Captain felt a little glee from getting such a positive reaction. Once more, it was the change from the usual curious/bland expression that she put on whenever you could see her face past her hat. Yet, it seemed a little more than that. It was nice to see someone actually having a good time, especially someone who seemed to have few reasons to be happy in the first place. Kokuten was like that, his own neutral state getting raised up by the positive airs in others.

His hand came to his chin, eying the Freespacer as she twirled around, and giving a polite curtsy. She was even more energetic, it was almost strange seeing her excited in that mild way of hers. He brought his hand to his chin rubbing the tuft of hair that connected hair on his chin to the bottom of his lip. He looked to the side, at the trash can, and the scraps within it. It was a wonder on how she was able to construct so much in such a short time, and for it to come out so well.

"We will arrive on time if we leave now." she said, the smile nudged aside by her focus on a new goal.

"Oh! Right." said Kokuten, pulled out of his immediate thought. He quickly made his way to the door, his eyes locking on the half-metal items she picked up. You're kidding. She even made accessories!? By the hand, she's fast.

He stepped his way outside into the hall, looking back at Tweak and her final result. The Captain couldn't resist another smile at the utter incredulity of the outfit. The Freespacer Neko was looking classy, and she seemed to have the manners and grace well-practiced. In fact, he was willing to go as far as to say she was almost the Freespacer equivalent of the regular kind of customer that came to these sort of places.

"I can't believe my luck," said Kokuten, almost jokingly in tone. "Escorting a woman as refined and dressed as yourself." It was almost a faux pomp, somewhat embellished. He pulled at the collar on his turtleneck. "I believe that I should play my part, as a gentlemen." He looped his arm in her direction, as if offering to go arm and arm to the dangerous event. Inwardly, it was all mostly a polite joke, playing on the regality of it all. Though, the usually serious Captain made no attempt to make it look like a joke. He gave another warm smile to Tweak, his arm still offered.

"Shall we, milady?"

Tweak froze, the red on her face refusing to go away as she looked down at the denim short-gloves on her hands to try hiding it, the joking manner that Kokuten spoke nearly lost on her. Where had this come from? He hadn't been this formal before, not outside of a mission, and this was a different sort of formal than mission protocol. Then something occurred to her.

Is he playing with me? There were two ways to take that concept if it were true. Either he was toying with her, or he was trying to help her relax by making light of the situation. Which...the latter actually fit what she knew of him. She couldn't recall him being hurtful-- wait. Tweak flagged the memories of Kokuten and Cassefin at the elevator for future analysis. Now that the idea was brought up, she had missed something there that might help her recognize that sort of exchange later on. Meanwhile, that possible example aside, and in the shuttle rides especially, she noted that the squad captain tended toward the more light-hearted sort of comments.

Alright, then was he making light of how 'refined and dressed' she was? Yes, but that didn't mean he had lied about how she looked. His complements in the room were genuine; this was meant to make light of how different she was likely to be dressed compared with the other women at the dinner who were probably a bit more...dignified in their clothes, while she was clearly not. And that was her intent, so Tweak didn't feel bad about that. It made her feel special.

"A-al-alright," she said, her smile making a tentative return as she looked down after vanishing for a single second at the comment while she processed it. Tweak looked at his proffered arm a moment before getting up the courage to take it, gracefully clasping her hands in the crook of his elbow (he might notice that the dark blue gloves had a fourth finger added to her usual three-plus-thumb, and it moved like the rest) and glancing up at him. "Shall we, Captain?" she said, making her own attempt at using the exaggerated formal tone he had used.

The smile on Kokuten's face almost broke in surprise as she actually went along with it! He began to question if this really was the Tweak he knew or not. Perhaps she was actually an agent of Yu-Cranker sent to put him off his guard, or maybe the behavior was for some other hilariously convoluted reason. Either way, it was something that took the low priority in the back of his mind, as his free hand we to pat her hands lightly.

"We shall! Ha hah!" He laughed, delighted with how she played along, "Now, let's not keep everyone waiting." said the Captain with a grin, guiding Tweak along the hallway and towards the elevator. He didn't mind this little escort, not one bit, especially with how he could easily hold out his cybernetic arm for her. The arm stayed out there for her for the entire way, or unless she decided to let go, despite what stares they may have garnered.


Coming out of the elevator, Kokuten made short of his surroundings to look for Cassefin and any other Cirrus members. With is perceptive eyes, it didn't take long to single out not Cassefin, but the bright pink of Purina's hair. With that one detail found, he found both George and Cassefin standing with her from his distance. He looked down at Tweak, still hand-in-arm with her if she had kept up.

"There they are," said Kokuten, pointing a gunmetal-black finger in the direction of the group. He looked back over, shading his eyes with the same hand and squinting his mechanical lids. "Miss Montreal, Purina, and Mr. Resetti. Seems like no one else is here yet."

Kokuten stepped on forward, waving at the group.

"Hello!" said the Captain, waving with the free-hand, greeting them all with a warm smile.
Tweak had managed to keep her self-consciousness at bay until they arrived at the restaurant. Once Kokuten pointed out their group, Tweak let go of his arm, glancing at Purina, Cassefin, and George to see if they had noticed, and hoping they didn't.

She had a good amount of data suggesting that the Chiaki and Administrator Popjoy had been dancing around a possible attraction. And, with the new slant that her recent flagged memory had, Tweak was starting to get an idea of what had gone on between Cass and Kokuten in the elevator earlier...given how the Head Admin had opened up to Tweak afterward, she wasn't sure how showing up on Kokuten's arm would go over. Finally, George...the man was still a strange case to Tweak. He was awkward, but seemed to enjoy being around her, for some reason. Tweak wasn't sure what his reaction would be. Maybe nothing.

Folding her hands in front of her, the sleeves of her men-sized jacket nearly reaching her fingertips, Tweak merely smiled and nodded a greeting to the trio while Kokuten was giving his greeting.
Black suit? Check. White shirt? Check. Black tie? Check. Moody-looking black square sunglasses and a scowl fit for criminals? Mostly check. Blake was having a little trouble stifling a smile as he surveyed himself in the reflective surface of a store window. He had done everything in his power to look as close to the typical image of a bodyguard as he possibly could. The whole process filled him with child-like glee which he indulged with a cigarette as he entered the elevator to make his final approach to the restraint high above.

He was just finishing the last toke as the doors slid open to reveal the luxury in which he was about to partake. He approached Cassefin and the others confidently wearing his angry, moody, and also incredibly fake scowl.

"Administrator Montreal, I'm ready to begin security proceedures." The normally soft-spoken artist now put on a low pitched monotone, emulating the stereotype of a firm, yet helpful personal guard. His face remained perfectly still and his brow was set firmly at an intimidating point. One could almost see the other patrons reflected in the sheen of his head sitting so still there on his stiffened shoulders.

Max straightened the jacket on his newly acquired tuxedo one last time, trying to make sure his holster wasn't showing. Even if he wasn't the person Administrator Montreal had thought she was inviting to come along, he was probably more qualified than anyone else she was bringing, so he wanted to make sure he did his job right. He sighed aloud at how loosely the jacket fitted him, but he hadn't felt like spending any of his money on renting a tuxedo, and it was close enough that no one who wasn't him would even notice, most likely.

I still look damn good, too, if I may say so myself. Tuxedos definitely fit my image. He straightened his bowtie one last time as well, and ran his hand through his hair (recently combed out and mostly straight for once) before glancing at his watch. He choked a bit on his own smugness, and scrambled to pull on his shoes quickly, not having realized how little time he had left to get up there.

He paused, realizing that he might look completely out of place compared to the others (based on what he'd seen earlier), but shook it off. He didn't need to match up with them, just Cassefin, and she had seemed like the kind of person who (when sober, at least) would dress with a decent amount of class.

He made his way up to the top floor to meet up with the group, quickly picking out faces and matching them to the files he'd read as part of his briefing when he was assigned to the station. He sketched out a quick bow before moving over to meet up with the group. "Administrators, Sergeant."
While Purina and George were engaged in a little bit of meaningless small-talk, Tweak's hopes of her captain's escort going unnoticed were dashed almost immediately as she saw a pair of red eyes stare directly at her when the elevator doors drew open. At first glance, Cassefin's eyes narrowed slightly, but when the visual image of Tweak's strange manner of dress registered beyond her arm-in-arm arrival the Head Administrators tone took a sharp turn. Cassefin raised her hands and grasped at the sides of her neck, alarm across her expression for a few seconds as she eyed the Freespacer neko's evening wear, her mouth slightly open as through she were going to protest right across the room to her. Nothing was said, however, and eventually Cassefin's harrowed look began to melt back into simple discontent when she realized that where was no changing it at this point.

Kokuten said:
"Hello!" said the Captain, waving with the free-hand, greeting them all with a warm smile.

Purina and George turned towards the two as they made their appearance, both of them looking thoroughly impressed. "My my, Captain! And Cassefin here was just saying how you wouldn't clean up well at all," Purina marveled as she idly pawed at her chest in exclamation. Cassefin didn't make a move to deny such accusations, pulled at the hem of her arm-length black dress gloves and pressing her lips together disapprovingly to Purina's tattle. Now that Tweak and Kokuten were closer, they could see that Cassefin had actually taken the occasion as a good time to utilize a more prominent style of make-up... which, upon closer inspection, looked surprisingly similar to Purina's, down to the defining strokes of eyeshadow. The red-haired administrator drew in a deep breath and cracked the slightest hint of a smile. "Well, this once I am happy to be proved wrong."

"Uh, yeah, and Tweak, too!" George added his two bits in, his focus obviously not on the captain as he attempted to appeal to his female superiors. "You look really nice Tweak. That's, uh, a great look. Don't ya think, Popjoy?" Purina balled her fists and tapped them together lightly in front of her chest as she released a small squeak of approval, while Cassefin withdrew herself from the conversation, apparently not wanting to voice too much of her own opinion.

"Oh my goodness Tweak!" Purina was on the verge of making a scene, but luckily what few awaiting patrons were too absorbed in their own conversations to pay mind to the Cirrus Station natives. "Where did you get all of these accessories? And your dress? It's so unique, did you bring this from your home ship before you came aboard Cirrus Station?" Purina bombarded Tweak with a myriad of questions, while George stood off to the side and nodded along in apparent awe.

By this time, Blake had arrived and presented his grimacing self to the Head Administrator, who gave the man an estranged look. "Good lord Morris," she said in slightly humored exasperation. "You're not here as my bodyguards, you're here as a favor. Try and enjoy yourself... well, as best as you can. In a civil manner," Cassefin added that last part with a raised eyebrow, aware of Blake's apparent aptitude for inappropriateness.

And then Max arrived, joining the group of quickly-growing restaurant patrons. Cassefin titled her head to the side just a tad as he approached and addressed her, looking slightly confused. "... who are you?"
Tweak caught Cassefin's look and looked down. Yeah...that was about what she expected. Damage control would have to come later, though. Hopefully it was salvageable. Meanwhile, she shadowed Kokuten as he approached the group, and generally kept to herself.

There's no one else here...there's no one else here...it's just the five of us, there's no one else here...

Tweak tried to shut out the sound of the other patrons, turn it into white noise, anything to keep herself from having a panic attack from the almost-a-scene that Purina was making over her dress. She finally just focused on the questions, her gaze flicking up to look at Administrator Popjoy and George whenever she could manage from where it had become glued to the floor.

"Um...thank you. No...I made it here...everything but the jacket and boots. I didn't have anything formal, so..." Her courage giving out as far as speaking went, Tweak fell silent again. She almost moved closer to Kokuten, as if to hide behind him, but didn't. It wouldn't have done any good anyway, since there were people all around them, and she didn't really want to hide from the people in her own group. Hiding from Purina, and possibly Cassefin, was looking more like a good idea, though.

The arrivals of Blake Morris and the mistaken-identity victim Max provided Tweak a welcome, if momentary, distraction. Cassefin's reprimand of Morris' interpretation of his role in the evening was amusing, at least. Until Purina said something about Tweak's answer, the 'Spacer neko watched the floor while listening to the other two nearby conversations.

"Ah, as is the nature of our pleasant Head Administrator to expect least from a simple Marine such as myself." said Kokuten, idly casting his own pride aside. Inwardly, he wondered if she mentioned only him, or expected that little from everyone. The former felt warranted, the latter just made her sound petty, he went with the former. "Of course, I'm glad to prove things wrong every now and then." He crossed his arms, smiling.

"But I have to say, you're all looking very well-dress yourselves." said the Captain, bringing up both hands to adjust his turtle-neck. He looked amongst the three. "Administrator Montreal is wearing her hair in natural form, Mister Resetti is looking as sharp as ever, and you Administrator Popjoy, seem to be the best dressed here!"

Of course, Kokuten kept to himself as the others began to admire Tweak's handiwork. Despite how much she hated it, she deserved the attention for such a well-designed outfit. In that short moment he began to look about the room, eying everyone that came in. Morris had shown up, in brilliant style. The man was indeed an oddball, but he was indeed a well-dressed oddball. Between Blake and George, Kokuten felt a little under-dressed. Then came Max, a somewhat relaxing entry, as the man's tuxedo and bow-tie combo made him more comfortable about the turtleneck and jacket.

"Um...thank you. No...I made it here...everything but the jacket and boots. I didn't have anything formal, so..." Her courage giving out as far as speaking went, Tweak fell silent again.

Kokuten had kept one ear to the conversation near him as he idly surveyed, and suddenly felt the great need to help. He turned at Tweak's small response, holding up a finger, the circuit in his palm glowing idly against his gleaming fingers.

"Whether it's neck-braces or dresses, Tweak seems quite able of accomplishing anything given proper materials and time." Kokuten smiled at her, the whirring gyro in his eye sockets curling his eyelids together as he expressed the warmth of his compliment. For some reason, he was in much higher spirits than even a few moments ago. The atmosphere almost felt electric. Especially so when he hear Cassefin zap Blake amidst his conversation. "And one cannot just admire the design and style, but the craftsmanship. Everything is fitting and made to wear perfectly for a girl her size. Who knew the Cirrus Station had its own tai--..."

Cassefin titled her head to the side just a tad as he approached and addressed her, looking slightly confused. "... who are you?"

Right. Cassefin was sauced when she met Max for the first time. The Captain turned his head to look at the man before turning back to the others.

"Excuse me for a moment." said the Captain as he moved over to Max, crossing by Blake on his way. He patted the man on the shoulder as he went by. "Looking sharp, Morris." Before stopping by Max, "Oh! Head Administrator, I forgot to mention to you."

Kokuten placed a hand on Max's shoulder and looked at him. In a strange fit of body language, one of his eyes, particularly the one most out of sight from Cassefin, wiggled and then seemed to swivel towards the administrator once or twice, a sort of play along gesture. Luckily, he had given this one some thought before showing up.

"You see, our friend here is actually a member of Squad 88, one of Wilke's boys you see. Noboru's being transferred out of Squad 35, so I it took upon myself to find a replacement for him since you hadn't assigned one as of yet." said Kokuten putting a bit of a professional air as he gestured to the man. Honestly, the only things he knew about him was that his name was Max, he was from Squad 88, and he seemed to have a strong back. That last one was apparently the only requirement of being a CSS guard. "So, I pulled Max aside, asked him to come down with us so I could talk to him about a transfer, and then run the idea by you on the way back up. You just seemed extremely busy as of late, so I felt it necessary to use my authority to manage the squad's dynamic, as a favor to you, and to all of us."
When last seen, the team's resident Id-Sol, sergeant Badass, had been wearing an inexplicably dusty setup. Since then he had been a whirling dervish of activity, a beehive of busy bees, each more busy and bee-like than the last busy bee. After whatever he'd done with the Barista was finished, he managed to clean himself up.

The Stovaa Drakon who stepped through the doorway was noticeably more gentlemanly than the dishevelled drunk he'd been before. Dressed to impress, he wore a new white morning jacket, a red imitation flower upon the lapel. Black bow tie, white trousers and a pair of dress shoes rounded out the outfit. His hair was slicked back behind his ears, as respectful as it could look without being actually cut. He was halfway through a sentence when he entered, hands in his pockets and the Barista on his arm.

"-don't worry, they won't notice." he said before pausing, removing his right hand from it's resting place and saluted. Though it wasn't visible, his knife sat tucked in his waistband, disguised by a cummerbund. "Good evening, Sirs and Madams. Recovered from earlier and looking fantastic, I see."

(Man I'm glad I wiki'd tuxedo before I used the Britishisms. Apparently, all different meanings. I'd hate to be wearing a dinner jacket rather than a morning jacket. Also, whenever I say or type "cummerbund" I instantly think about the Penguin. Kwaah...)
Fidela seemed dress to impress, just as Stovaa was. She wore her brown hair tied back into a tight bun, with a red imitation flower on her hair on the left side of her head. Her dress was a lovely white that held up by a loops a round her neck linked to the front, leaving her tanned back exposed. Over her shoulders, she wore a glossy, see through scarf. The young woman was also holding herself high, rigidly trying to show a sense of belonging so she didn't stand out much.

"Oh man..." she said, looking at Cassefin and the other administrator. Fidela was a little intimidated by her prospective boss being sober and high-strung. Well, at least she looked that way, which was enough for her. "... This was a bad idea. This was a very bad idea. C'mon, I want to leave. Now. I'm not going to get a job like this. She looks pissed." In a bit of a panic, she turned, trying to pull Stovaa with her.
Stovaa turned and whispered as quietly as he could, hoping Cassefin wouldn't hear him. "Look, she's ALWAYS pissed, especially at us and the captain. Chill out and this will all coast by. I promise."

He was lying, he expected this to be like herding cats into a field full of lemons, but he wasn't going to let her run off and make him look dumb now.

"Let's try to make the first impression less like I've kidnapped you, shall wel?"
Fidela made a half turn to look back at Stovaa for a moment, a little frustrated at the man's intent to keep this going. Though, he had a point, at the very least, she could be polite and make things seem normal. She sighed and turned back towards the group, still arm and arm with the large ID-SOL.

"Alright. I'll see this through." she said bringing a hand to her chest. With that, she looked up at Stovaa with a little demand still on her face. "Introduce me when it comes up, I can't meet new people when I'm nervous. Not by myself."
Max hadn't come unprepared for that question himself, but Kokuten's response actually made more sense, under the circumstances. He bowed again, this time to Cassefin specifically, and smiled brightly at her. "We actually met earlier, ma'am. At the coffee shop, if you recall. I believe you mistook me for another member of the squad at the time." He turned to look at the new pair as they approached as well, nodding a greeting to the both of them, smile still in place.
Pull the scarf up and cover her face. That sounded like a very good idea. But that wouldn't work here, it'd just draw more attention. The only option, aside from running away, was to just take it. And...at least they were complementing her work. It could be worse.

Tweak managed a shy smile at the approval given and bowed her head briefly. The captain was a little overstating the fit a little, though. Compared with the more common form-fitting style, everything Tweak wore was a bit on the too-large side. It worked for her look, though.

The question of who this Max person was a welcome change of subject all the same, and Kokuten seemed to have done a rather good job of explaining the crewmember's presence.
Cassefin exchanged a blank stare between Kokuten and Max as they attempted to explain to her the situation at hand. "I what?" She said in a droll tone, apparently very much unconvinced as she turned her head and leaned forward a bit towards Maximillian, examining him closely through narrow-slitted eyes. After a moment, realization flashed behind her ruby irises and she placed her face in the palm of her hand for a moment as she leaned back, sighing in disappointment. "For pete's sake, he doesn't look a thing like Noboru... this is what I get for drinking that garbage," Cassefin admitted as she shook her head side to side, the error of her ways clearly weighing heavily on her decision-making at the time. "Fine, he can come along. But I do not appreciate you taking these squad transitions into your own hands when I am not on the clock to approve them, Chiaki. Try and keep it to a minimum in the future. Please."

Meanwhile, while it might have seemed impossible before then, Purina began to look even more impressed with Tweak as Kokuten explained her manner of dress and its creation. "Oh my, that is very impressive Tweak. To make all of this yourself in such a short time, you have a real talent," the pink-haired professor nodded along in approval. George, on the other hand, began to open his mouth to add something else, but a quick glance around the room somehow pushed him back to close his mouth and simply nod along with a short smile.
"Really, it isn't that much. The right materials were-were-were there...and the construction is very simple when you take it apart," Tweak insisted. "It's all in the design...but th-th-thank you anyway." It was relieving to know that, despite her additions to make it Freespacer-like, the outfit was still appropriate for the event.

The disguised neko's dislike for being a center of attention, however, overrode any sense of flattery over her appearance, unlike earlier. How long was this line, anyway? Hopefully their table was in a private room, or a far corner of the establishment.
"Of course, Administrator Montreal. My apologies." apologized Kokuten to his superior, before patting Max on the shoulder. He gave the man a short grin, "Welcome to Squad 35." With that, he turned to walk off, and greet the other members. Then he spotted Stovaa, with the Barrista from the BADASS BEANS who caused such a fiasco earlier in the day. The Captain arched a brow at the man as he approached the two of them.

"Stovaa!." said Kokuten, his map curling into a grin as he crossed his arms over, looking both at the ID-SOL and the geshrin next to him. "Looking stylish and matching. Is she a friend of yours or... did you make a good impression?" He shook his head, "Oh! Where are my manners? We never really introduced one another!" His head bowed lightly towards Fidela, "I'm Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th, at your service."

Fidela stiffened herself up as she tugged on Stovaa's arm. Her mouth was open to speak, but nothing was coming out. With the close exception to the tugging and the nervous shaking, she was barely moving. She tugged a little hard and whispered somewhat frantically at Stovaa.

"H-hey? Is he important? He sounds important!" she hissed in hushed tones to the bruiser of a man.
"Evening, Sir," he replied before glancing down at the girl next to him, struck by a sudden attack of super-nerves. Nerves like these may not last long on the station, at least in any of the more experimental areas, Stovaa mused. Chances of her getting a job get slimmer and slimmer, as did the chances of him managing to stay up late. "...this young woman is Fidela Jacinto. Fidela, Kokuten here is my squad's captain, one of the links in the chain of command keeping me safe from the wrath of the Head Administrator." He shook his head and smirked coyly at the idea of him making a good impression. He rarely made a good impression on anyone, at best he imagined he came across as not a total dickhead.

"I've certainly made an impression on her. She's thinking of applying for a job at the station and I didn't want to turn up alone tonight. Mutually beneficial agreement, I guess you could say." Stovaa's eyes searched around, wondering if any other guest would arrive. He didn't see their gracious hosts yet, and that worried him. Even more than tonight going well.

What he said to the Captain wasn't really a lie, to be honest (which felt a weird thing to write in regards to talking about lying), just a bit of misleading. As long as he could twist everything right, he reckoned the night wouldn't end up with anyone getting anything poured on them in anger.

Blake stood completely silent for a few moments in response to Cassefin's somewhat snappy cut-down. His attitude didn't waver on the outside, however. He nodded to Stovaa and Fidela, and even Max as they all arrived, but kept silent.

'Well', he thought, 'What am I supposed to do now? Keep looking tough, just in case something occurs? If this is no big deal, why couldn't I go by a gun for this?'

Blake shifted his weight to one leg and crossed his arms, relaxing only slightly. He spoke slowly again, showing surprising ability to speak slowly in light of his commentary before donning the Outift of Intimidation.

"I'm rather unsure of my next action, in this case." he said, "I'm here as a favor. But what exactly does that entail? My mere presence, or shall I entertain? Or shall I protect you in a more... subtle way?"

There was a slight twinge of regret twisting behind Blake's left ear. He felt as though he should've prepared other avenues of 'thespian approach' to the situation, like having a more colorful suit and a comedic attitude or a more plain suit with loose sleeves fit for musical preformance.

He was still to milk-headed to see that he was supposed to chill out and, you know, just be there.
Max nodded his thanks to the other man as Cassefin went along with the lie, not feeling the urge to draw any more of her attention onto himself then he already had. Regardless though, he smiled and tipped his head to Stovaa and his new lady friend, letting Blake keep the Head Administrator occupied with his questions. "Good evening to the both of you."
"Is that so?" said Kokuten, leaning back a little bit to look up at Stovaa, hands on his hips. It seemed a little bit of a long shot, to make one's impression at a dinner, but anything could happen with the kind of people present. Besides, Stovaa was a decent enough guy, for a Nepleslian citizen at least. The ID-SOL had been in the squad longer than he had, if he could remember correctly, and that was sure to have some influence on Cassefin. "Ah, well." continued Kokuten, looking down at Fidela, who was shorter that Kokuten. "As long as it's a mutual agreement. I wish you the best Miss Jacinto."

Fidela nodded her head at Kokuten gently.

"Yeah... Ah..." she seemed to be at a slight loss of words as she tried to collect herself. "I'm going to try my best to get a job here. I've heard that the Cirrus Station is one of the biggest research facilities in the universe."

Regardless though, he smiled and tipped his head to Stovaa and his new lady friend, letting Blake keep the Head Administrator occupied with his questions. "Good evening to the both of you."

"Hey!" said Fidela in surprised as she spotted Max. The former barrista pointed at him, "You're that guy."
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