Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Cirrus Station [Episode 9] The Silver Lining

"You only have to be here, Mr. Morris," Cassefin gave her reply after heaving a frustrated sigh. The Head Administrator glanced over the small group of individuals... it would appear that everyone who was coming had arrived. However, she did a quick double take as she caught sight of the smaller woman of unknown origin standing next to Stovaa, friendly enough to be arm in arm with the big fellow. Worried wrinkles began to become permanently etched into the scientists brow as she nervously tugged at a small handful of her hair while looking vehemently at Stovaa.

"... and who is this, Mr. Drakon? Another late addition to the squad that I wasn't informed of?" Cassefin cast an accusing glance over at Kokuten and Maximillian as she spoke.
"No, Ma'am, she's not a squad member. Her name is Fidela Jacinto, a physics graduate who's applied for a position on the Cirrus," he lied. She hadn't graduated yet and unless you counted the scrawled note he had on the table in his hotel room, hadn't submitted an application on the Cirrus, at least that he knew of.

"We got talking earlier and I invited her along. We're not paying, after all."

Stovaa flashed a smile and nudged the Barrista gently, urging her to throw in something before Cassefin could collapse him with her ire and wrath. "A little more civilised company doesn't hurt, does it?"

From the moment her eyes were focused in his direction, he regretted this course of action. If only Abeck were here... Of course! A genius plan entered his head. The secret to Cassefin's good side! Mention Abeck being related and she melts.
Kokuten gave a playful grin at Cassefin, holding up his arms in light defense as the poisonous glare was thrown his way. Of course he knew she may not have found it as funny he did, and that was the main reason he kept his hands up for the next moment, before taking a cautionary step back from the woman. He then gave a short nod towards Fidela as a form of good luck before turning off back to other things, and a thumbs up towards Stovaa in similar message. With that, the Captain returned back the group that consisted of Tweak, Purina, and George.

"It seems I've gotten in trouble already, and the dinner hasn't even started." chuckled Kokuten when he made his way back over. His eyes found Purina, and then to next area ahead of them of what was only what lead. "Do we know exactly why kind of food this place serves? It seems awfully elegant and high-key, but I don't see any form of menu on display."


Fidela stiffened up for sure now, what with not only the important looking Captain being easily snapped aside by Cassefin, but the Head Administrator had made her way over to meet them. No no no no! This was too soon! Too soon! Fidela wasn't ready to speak to her maybe-future boss yet! Oh, but if she didn't say something, she'd look like an idiot! Or... maybe if she opened her mouth, she'd look like an idiot! Why couldn't Cassefin have ordered a coffee? This would be so much easier if everyone didn't look so formal! Maybe she could hide behind Stovaa. He seemed better at this, and large enough to hide her.

The theoretical physicist student began look towards the floor, closing her eyes, not able to look directly at Cassefin, lest she lose her soul to the evil eye. In a way, it almost looked like a sign of submitting respect.

"Hello." managed the young, part-time barrista.
"Oh, I'm afraid you won't see a 'Soup of the Day' sign in this establishment, captain," Purina replied coyly to Kokuten, waggling her finger out in front of her in jest. "They'll probably hand us menus when we're actually at our table. I expect their food to be... well... probably a lot more refined that what you've all been accustomed," the pink-haired administrator admitted, most likely referring to either the horrors of Cassefin's standard health-centric menus on her vending machines, or the welcome but bland fruits and vegetables Purina herself was able to sneak the squad from time to time, on days she was sure she wouldn't get caught. Meat of any kind, besides what protein substitutes Cassefin offer them on a daily basis, was always just beyond their reach.

Food on the Cirrus was, after all, a very dangerous game, with palates balancing on the edge of a knife and menus always heavily regulated.


"Hello..." Cassefin replied as she tried her best to force out a passable smile of sincerity.

Cassefin gave both Kokuten and Stovaa an incredulous look of disbelief. She was quite sure she knew who was and was not an 'applicant'... after all, she reviews each admission personally and with great scrutiny, and the young ladies' name didn't ring any bells. Instead of lash out at them for their attempts at pulling the wool over their eyes, however, Cassefin simply emitted a short, low laugh through a clenched-shut mouth, tenderly caressing her forehead. "Oh ho ho, is that so? Well, no point in complaining about it now I guess. She's already dressed for it. Let's just see if the front desk will seat us now."

Cassefin led the group over to the gentleman behind the small podium before the entrance to the staircase. The man looked up from his desk at the administrator and her group, looking expectantly towards Cassefin, who cleared her throat and straightened herself up a bit before speaking. "Reservations for Montreal and guests?" The gentleman looked down at the small screen installed into the face of the podium, his eyes moving down the supposed list of reserved slots to find Cassefin's name. His eyes widened a bit and a small smile played across his face as he seemingly found what he was looking for.

"Ah yes, Ms. Montreal. We have you and your party booked for the... presidential table," the man sounded a bit surprised and impressed as he gave her his confirmation. Snapping his fingers towards a small handful of dressed waiters behind the velvety red ropes, one of them approached him and they exchanged a few words. "Just follow our man here, Mr. Vinross Yu has been expecting you all," the fellow began again as he motioned to the younger gentleman.


The stairwell, as elaborate as it was, was no comparison to what it actually led to. The spiral steps opened up to the rooftop of the sky-scraping building which had been converted from empty space to a restaurant of unique attributes.

The Whitecrest Cove, as the restaurant would have you believe, followed along with the aquatic motif of the Lady of the Ocean, simulating a coastal inlet. The rooftop restaurant had large sections of private space for each table, sectioned off by ocean-worn rock outcroppings with an occasional tide pool set inside the larger sections of rock which were filled with large varieties of colorful sea life. The floor panels were slightly different from the rest of the ones they had seen in lower parts of the establishment; miniature aquariums had been replaced in favor of simple, sterling white sand to give the appearance of a coastal bay without the coarse problems of the sand itself.

The entire restaurant itself had very sparse lighting; some of the tide pools around the restaurant had lights install beneath the crystal blue water, but much of the light provided in the Whitecrest Cove was through more natural means. Being on the roof of the building gave the patrons of the restaurant the chance to bask in the light from the three moons around Fortuna's orbit, which did more than enough to keep everything illuminated enough to see, yet maintain the absolute atmosphere. Another thing that seemed to stand out was the fact that, despite being a several thousand feet above a roaring city, the restaurants only sounds were the soft instrumental music wafting from a performing band on a raised central platform, as the conversations of other patrons of the establishment... a strange oddity, amongst other things.

The lobby-bound waiter led the group through the establishment, around the chest-high weather-hewn rocks separating many of the tables from each other, heading towards one of the corners of the restaurant. Eventually, they reached a slightly suspended dining area, a short flight of steps leading to a large, ovular dining table. The tables and chairs were, like the others the group had passed, made of elaborately carved dark red wood, polished and set with round accents; the designers of the restaurant spared no expense for extravagance. Upon their approach, four figures who had been seated together across from the table took notice to them and stood up to greet them.

The two on the left were some unexpected faces. Nell Sarahs, the slight-short, silver haired Unique that Squad 35 had met back during the Eco-Eco Summit. The young woman was wearing a cocktail dress made of dark silvery fabric, with her hair pulled up in a simple braided bun at the back of her head. The other figure was a tall, slender woman, with long, wavy, jet black hair falling past her shoulders and a definitive air of elegance around her. She was wearing a long, flowing black dress that ended just above and wrapped tightly around her chest, combined with mid-shoulder length black dress gloves. Although to many of them this woman would be a mystery to most of the group, Kokuten and Blake would quickly recognize the beauty as the one they had met earlier in the night; Odette. The two woman smiled at the group, with Nell holding up an open hand in greeting while Odette gave them all a short, welcoming bow.

The other two on the right were the much more recognizable figures at the table. Marrisa Cranker on the far right, clad in a long, sequined black ensemble, complete with a flowering hairpiece atop a head of branching golden curls. Her bright blue eyes set upon each member of Squad 35, analyzing each patron with her chin tilted slightly upward. The woman CEO of the mega corporation greeted them by crossing her arms beneath her chest on their approach, smiling widely through lazily narrowed eyes.

In between Marrisa and Odette stood the gentleman of the hour; Laj Vinross Yu. The Nepleslian businessman was dressed sharp and clean, an expensive name-branded black suit of slacks and jacket, crested with a deep forest-green tie, patterned subtly in black silk with the four suits of the playing card. Several other hints of green accented the suit; the inner hems of his jacket were the same color, as well as the kerchief in his breast pocket, a single silver chain reaching into his pocket. Laj's short black hair was slicked back, his sharp handsome features laid bare as he held his arms out to the wide in a general welcoming position. The business juggernaut smiled as he saw his guests arrive; what Marrisa had in smugness, Laj made up for with surprising sincerity.

"Ah... Professor Cassefin Montreal. And guests!" Laj spoke up first, clapping his hands together once and holding them together. "Right on time, and I wouldn't expect any less. I'm very happy that you all were able to make it here tonight. Please, sit," Laj motioned towards the table as his three other companions took their own seats at his behest. "Take a load off your feet; I imagine you all have been walking around the Lady for the better part of the day now."

((When your character sits, please note the number in your post so that I can keep this chart accurate))


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Kokuten's eyes swirled around gently left and right as he took in the surroundings of the area. It was rather pleasant, what with the dark, comfortable atmosphere. What else could be expected of a such a affluent people, especially for the people who actually paid to eat there. There was a gentle air, undisturbed by the busy metropolis below, for some reason, it unsettled him. Even during war-time, no expense can be spared. was his thought, causing him to smile gently, How could one not love this great nation of ours? This Green Nepleslia.

Then came the dining room, a place where the unknown hung above the room like the moons in the sky. There was no telling what was going to transpire here, lethal or not, peaceful or conflicting. Hopefully, it would just be a very delicious dinner. Judging by the lavish accommodations, they had great reason to have them here, and had great reason to be disappointed if the dinner was not delicious. The occupants, all familiar in varying degrees. Nell, Laj, Marisa, and even Odette. Kokuten made a note to take Blake's paranoia more seriously in the future.

"Ah... Professor Cassefin Montreal. And guests!" Laj spoke up first, clapping his hands together once and holding them together. "Right on time, and I wouldn't expect any less. I'm very happy that you all were able to make it here tonight. Please, sit," Laj motioned towards the table as his three other companions took their own seats at his behest. "Take a load off your feet; I imagine you all have been walking around the Lady for the better part of the day now."

"Senator Vinross Yu, it's a honor to meet you." said Kokuten, humbly not stating his own name unless asked. Even that outburst was a little taboo with their variance in status, especially when considering the formality of the engagement. With a little nod of his head to the occupants already within the room, Kokuten took the 5th seat, and nestling himself down in his chair. He straightened his back, cast his eyes downward, avoiding any direct eye contact in polite fashion. He was quite, if not seeming content with his place.
The first thing Blake upon entering the massive area was the band. It was real music, and it was a sight for sore eyes. Blake walked on the outer-edge of the procession so he could be closer to the band. They were playing too soft. Far too soft. Blake stretched his neck and craned it towards them as he walked past them, eyes wide in wonder behind his dark glasses at what they could be playing.

Then they came to the table, and it was quite the table as well. So large, so round, so filled with boring rich people like his adoptive parents. Yet, being the adopted child of similar people made Blake feel somewhat at home here. He idly waved a limp hand at Laj and his incredibly friendly greeting. Who greets hated enemies like that, anyway? Blake briefly glanced about for the hidden assassins under the table or the poison tablets being added to the drinks before returning his gaze to the band.

He wanted to be up there. He wanted to play, or sing, or maybe even paint some more. Without thinking, Blake took the seat closest to Nell and turned around to sit on his chair backwards and watch the band. Still without thinking, he spoke to her through arms crossed over the back of the chair. "It should be louder, don't you think? what's the point of having it if you can't hear it?"

((KokuEdit: Blakes is in Seat 1!))
Finally, thought Tweak as the group was ushered into the restaurant, even though it was much sooner than she had thought they would have been let in if she was to judge by the line. Apparently the group was just there to meet, because their table was already waiting. She remained near Kokuten, as if subconsciously trying to hide herself behind him, on the way to the rooftop area. The lavishness of the entire restaurant was incredible to the 'Spacer neko, something she had never dreamed of even after seeing the shopping concourse and the guest rooms that the hotel had to offer.

And then, the rooftop dining area itself, featuring sound dampening, a simulated coastal environment that lacked only the uncontrolled aspects of the real thing, the furnishings, the band...Tweak's eyes were wide and her head may as well have been on a well-maintained swivel joint with as much as she kept turning to see everything. Her tactical mind was equally enthralled as it picked out potential cover, tracked guests and employees, determined both the best ways to kill each person individually and tactics for taking on everyone in the room together...

The last couple items were quickly halted by Tweak when she realized what her Tactical Operating System was doing. Those measures would be completely unnecessary. Well, she hoped. Oh, for the sake of everything that could go right, she hoped they would be unnecessary!

As the group arrived at the table where Marrisa and Laj were waiting, Tweak's curiosity receded to be replaced by caution again. When she noticed Marrisa studying everyone who had arrived with the Cirrus Station's Head Administrator, Tweak attempted a friendly smile before looking down when the businesswoman got to her. Being studied like that was discomforting, but Tweak remained still. It was up to the strength of her outfit now, and the engineer was sure she had done as good of a job as she knew how.

The sense of scrutiny soon left and Tweak looked up as Kokuten was giving his greeting. As the Squad Captain took his seat, Tweak found herself with a quandary: Where should she sit? Were there assigned seats and no one told her? Maybe she should wait for everyone else to seat themselves?

Tweak finally shook her head mentally, realizing why Kokuten had seated himself next to the administrator when they were on poor terms. He was the captain of the squad, so he was to sit at her side. So she should probably sit next to him anyway, as a senior member in that squad. If anyone asks, that will be my reason, she thought, quietly sitting down in the seat to Kokuten's right.
Cassefin nodded her head once at Laj's salutation, drawing in a deep breath and attempting to bring about a courageous smile as she made her way to the table. The red-haired administrator took the seat directly across from Laj; it seemed to be the most appropriate one for her, after all. Purina began to make her way to Cassefin's left, but when she drew near to seat, Marrisa Cranker spoke up.

"Hey, Purina!" The blonde beauty called out towards Professor Popjoy, which caused her to freeze mid-step and look over towards Marrisa from across the table. "Come on, you've had all day to hang around Finny," the woman said with a sly smile, and motioned to the seat next to her own. "Have a seat over here so we can catch up, won't you?" Purina laughed shortly through a complying smile, glancing quickly at the rest of her Cirrus companions before relenting to Marrisa's request, moving over around the table and seating herself to the chair on Marrisa's left. Cassefin watched her go with careful eyes, but remained silent with no objections.


Blake's musing about the volume of the band drew Nell's attention away from the table for a short moment as she glanced over towards the raised stand. "Umm... I ain't sure, aren't they supposed to be like, iunno, atmospheric?" Nell raised her own question, apparently not all that knowledgeable with this particular type of music. Her contemplative placidity quickly turned to a friendly smirk as she turned to the man asking the strange question. "Name's Nell Sarahs, by the way," the silver-haired woman introduced herself, offering Blake an extended hand. "Don't think I've seen ya before, were ya with the rest of this squad when ya'll came to the Sinkstrip earlier?"


George Resetti did his best to not get noticed while the others began to shift around and take seats at the dining table for themselves. The short Nepleslian gentleman idly tugged at his crimson tie, occasionally tossing his gaze over to Laj in the center of the table. Laj, surprisingly enough, met George's eyes on more than one occasion, the same smile plastered across his face each time. When Tweak took a seat next to Kokuten, George waited for another moment or two before (quickly) sliding his way towards Seat 7 and slinking into the chair.
The scope of the restaurant itself was stunning. The detail and intricacy involved in almost every aspect of the faux-nature scene was somehow more impressive with less glass dividing it from him. Stovaa did his best not to seem overly impressed, though. He was trying to play it cool, but if the hotel could top this, he'd probably have to give up trying.

He tried to stay back of the rest of the team as they were led to the table, glancing around and taking in the room. If anything was gonna happen, here'd be the easiest to assault, seeing as it was open to the sky apart from that glass ceiling. He could imagine terrifying pirates rappelling in through the roof as he threw tables, chairs and senators at them while women swooned at his feats of manliness. No wait, that was a film he'd seen once.

When the motley crew reached the table, Stovaa pulled out seat 3 for Fidela to sit on, pausing for a second afterwards and looking at Blake. The man was a bit of a fritz, turning around and making a bit of a scene. What would he rather do, seat himself next to Cassefin and let someone else babysit the free spirit or sit next to Blake himself and try to keep the man from herding cats around the room while Cassefin screams his name and tears at her hair.

He nodded in greeting towards their gracious hosts. "Sir" he said curtly before taking his seat in chair 2.

"This is going to be... unusual" he said quietly.
Blake looked over at Nell confusedly upon her introduction. Widened blue eyes peered over sunglasses into Nell's. A small, wobbling frown cut its way across his feature. 'Oh, no. It's the girl who sneezes in helmets. And now, she's right in front of me.' He thought, fears building bridges, 'She's going to sneeze on me and there's nothing I can do to stop it. What do I do? I know, I'll act boring and uninteresting!'

The wavering lipped frown on Blake's face suddenly whipped upward into a charming smile of confidence and interest. The artistic bodyguard reached out for her hand and clasped it with both hands gentlemanly, leaning in and still peering over his lowered sunglasses into her eyes.

"An absotlutely adorable name for an even more adorable lady!" Blake's now smooth, baritone voice called out enthusiatically. "And I'm Blake Morris. It is such a pleasure to meet you, actually! Let's see... Why yes, as a matter of fact I was with the rest of this squad earlier. It's my home-squad after all, and I've been following them around for almost a year now, much to their dismay."

He added the last bit a little fast, emulating the styles of joke he found boring the most along with the style of people who grated on his nerves. That'll get her to leave me alone!, He decided.
Max had spent a fair bit of time in casinos in his life, and this was nowhere near the first time he'd come with a group, but he had to admit (privately at least) that this was hands down the nicest. Come on, even sound reduction? He'd never been anywhere this fancy before, this was completely out of his league. For now. Lighting would make it difficult to pull anything though, sadly.

He blinked, but stayed quiet as introductions were made, since he really only knew Squad 35 and the administrators of the people who were here. He'd been expecting to meet with someone much more... well, dangerous, than the people they'd met up with, who on the whole seemed fairly normal and friendly people.

Nonetheless, he picked out a spot near Purina and another of the group who he didn't know at all, really. It seemed like a fairly solid spot to pick, decently close to both sides in this thing (no matter how harmless they seemed), and his right hand companion wasn't anyone to sneeze at, either.

((Max is grabbing number 8.))
"Holy shit." said Fidela, muffling her second word under her lips, her eyes widening at who was present. She almost didn't even notice the chair pulled out for her until half a minute had passed, before realizing that she was gawking. Her eyes cast down before taking the seat. She looked up at Stovaa, a questioning stare upon him. "Hey Stovaa." she whispered quietly, and as under her breath as possible, "What's going on exactly? I thought you were kinda' bullshitting with the big meeting thing, but there they are! What's going on here!?" She repeated herself, suddenly realizing more was going on than she had intended to bite on.
After briefly noting whether there were any items on the table and how the places were set for the meal, Tweak made herself comfortable. When Rosetti sat down next to her, she gave him the polite smile she usually used, and a nod, then looked down at her lap where her gloved fingers were busy with the metal-and-cloth device Kokuten had seen earlier. It had been attached to her bracelet, hidden in her jacket sleeve until Tweak needed it.

The hand-sized object was made of cloth and metal, but neither of the materials were scraps. The components were as deliberately crafted as the rest of Tweak's clothes, possibly moreso; an engineer's pride. It was noiseless, save for the softest clicks, as she slid and twisted the pieces around while manipulating the cloth incorporated in its construction, somehow using the pieces in changing the item's configuration instead of keeping them out of the way of the finely-crafted metal pieces. The device didn't look like it had a purpose even though the deliberate design in a majority of its parts suggesting otherwise.
"Honestly? I don't quite know. Cassefin was invited to this dinner and my team as well. The more I work around her, the more I learn that if you want to keep the boss safe, you need to be ready for anything," the ID-Sol whispered directly into her ear, leant close to her as he helped her to sit down. To other people, it may have looked like they were having an intimate moment.

"You can't back out now, you're stuck here until we finish. Just try to enjoy yourself and impress either Cassefin or Purina. That'll put you in good stead for working on the station." He glanced around the table, taking in the faces again. He recognised Nell, but didn't show it. After all, she didn't meet Squad 35 or Stovaa Drakon.

She met the great Squad 101 and the man, the myth and the legend that was Sgt. Badass. Wait... was Blake aware of that whole debacle? Oh frack, thought Stovaa.

When he was sat down, he leant across to Fidela again and said quietly "You need balls of steel to look after the Head Administrator."
"Well! Ain't that just gentlemanly ah' ya," Nell smiled slyly at Blake as she reciprocated his handshake for a little longer than what would have been a comfortable pace for Mr. Morris. As the two of them continued on, Laj leaned forward a bit towards them, propping his elbows up onto the table and crossing his fingers as he looked towards Blake and motioned with a short nod towards the raised bandstand and its musical occupants.

"A man of musical appreciation, I see," Laj Vinross Yu spoke with a small smile. "I also happen to be a big fan of the classics myself. In fact, the gentleman on the saxophone, I hired myself. Such talent, and he was a homeless street performer, no less, when I discovered him," the businessman continued on. The musician in question, a bald elderly man seated at the front of the band with his instrument, continued playing the smooth tones from his saxophone in accompaniment with the rest of the band.

"If you would like to make a request, I could most definitely have them play it for you."


Meanwhile, the raven-haired woman, Odette, cast a glance across the table towards Kokuten and Cassefin, smiling softly as she did so. "Mr. Chiaki, it is a pleasure to see you again, and Mr. Morris as well," the woman began courteously, her head bowing a bit as she acknowledged him. "I hope you will forgive my little ruse from earlier, I did not want to spoil the surprise for the evening. I assumed you all would have accepted Master Laj's invitation... and it appears that I was right."

Cassefin turned towards Kokuten as Odette finished, her eyes staring at him inquisitively in anticipation for his response. She looked a little confused, as well as a little annoyed; obviously she was no aware that they had met earlier, and being unaware of this apparently was slightly upsetting to her.
Kokuten's eyes flicked up from their respectful repose to Odette. The calm face he wore belied the somewhat predatory nature of his gaze. Those LEDs seemed to size up the raven-haired woman before looking to Cassefin on his left. She seemed slightly perturbed at this, with probable cause, since he never told her of Blake's accurate suspicion. Kokuten winked at the Administrator, hinting his firm grasp on the situation. A smile formed on his lips, and his attention returned to Odette.

"No need for such an apology, Ms. Odette. As likewise, it is also pleasure to be in your graces again. However, I must admit," the Captain said, then turning his gaze on Blake. "Mr. Morris was actually aware of you from the very beginning, right from the first hello. The man is actually very hard to fool." He chuckled lightly, trying not to express his delight over that too much. Blake's paranoia was well-warranted, and his judgements were fairly realistic, if not excessively pessimistic. Those sage eyes returned to Odette. "Despite that, I don't think any of us could imagine denying an invitation to such a elegant event. I mean, heh..."

The Captain brought a knuckle to stifle another chuckle.

"We've had such earnest meetings in the past, Cirrus and Yu-Cranker. It's actually very refreshing to meet in such an insouciant way."
Blake was quick on the draw to Laj, completely talking over any possibility of hearing Kokuten's complement. His musical appetite had become active, and now he was given the choice to consume delicious notation. So, of course, he asked for his favorite musical styling in the entire universe.

"I know exactly what I'd like to hear!" Blake almost shouted almost triumphantly. He still retained an air of what he perceived to be enthusiastic self-satisfaction in now-withering hopes to prevent Nell from sneezing on him. So, in this almost way he continued, speaking quickly and concisely, "I would like to hear a improvised segment in the key of D Minor in a syncopated one-twenty beats-per-minute cut-time with a heavy vibrato on the extended notes. The bass musician should comp out-of-key, with a heavy amount of chromatic accidentals, while the saxophonist bites the reed whenever he starts to play in the higher dynamic range. And the pianist should be me."

Blake nodded as he covered all but the last point. It seemed that even he was surprised by such a suggestion.

"On second thought, it would be very rude to play piano at a dinner party I was invited to, so never mind that part. But the rest!" A smile crept onto the front of his very, very shiny head. "The rest should be doable."
The device had formed a coil in Tweak's hands while she listened to the conversations beginning at the table, the cloth being woven in a patterned fashion between the metal pieces. It stayed that way a moment, then she began the process of disassembling the bracelet and sliding the pieces into a new configuration.

She glanced around the table again at the others, then at what was on the table. There was nothing for her to say, and so there was nothing for her to do. Her attention returned to the device; her index finger tapped it while she wondered what to do next.
Max kept his eyes roving around the table, feeling slightly out of place here despite his training. He wasn't there for any of these interactions after all, and he really only knew 3 people at the table to any real extent. Even those he barely knew, but... wait, Tweak was playing with something in her lap. Max couldn't tell what it was, but it was obvious to him that she was just as bored as anyone, despite having been there. If only he could've sat next to her, to talk to her and keep them both occupied. However, so far as he could tell, his elbow buddy wasn't all that engaged in the talk between their hosts and Kokuten and Cassefin, so he elbowed George a little bit to get his attention. He spoke under his breath so as to make sure Tweak wasn't hearing him, "Hey, Tweak looks a bit bored to me. Why don't you distract her, talk to her a bit?"
Laj listened to Blake's request with an agreeable grin, nodding slowly along with every punctual word. When Mr. Morris had finished, the CEO chuckled a bit and waved over towards one of the attendants who was standing just outside their little cove of rocks. "The man knows what he likes. Please inform Mr. Karibo to play this gentleman's selection," Laj murmured under his breath to the young man, leaning back into his seat once more as the attendant rushed off towards the center stand. Laj exchanged slow glances between the bandmembers and Blake in the meantime, anticipating the song being played just as soon as their current tune reached its crescendo.


Odette returned a short laugh under her breath to Kokuten's assessment of their previous gatherings. "Yes indeed... things have been rather strained haven't they? Our meetings are often so fraught with surprises," the Unique captain spoke as her eyes began to wander the table. They apparently did not find what they had been searching for, however. "... I was hoping to see Mr. Akio here tonight; I wanted to apologize for shooting him."

"Well hey," Nell took her doting attention away from Blake for the moment to jump into the conversation. "It's not all yah fault Ody, I mean we know now that they was lookin' for their administray-tah, but still, they couldah told us or somethin'," Nell brought up her point with a very matter-of-fact tone, her serious look regressing back to a casual smirk. "'sides, ya only grazed his leg."

"Indeed. She always was an excellent shot when it counted," Laj added in. Odette smiled and seemed to shrink back a little and turn her gaze in embarrassment to the praise she was receiving. "Master Laj, you flatter me."


Max's slight nudge had caught George by surprise. In truth, the smaller Nepleslian's attention was turned elsewhere at the table as his eyes wandered, seemingly nervous or unsure; it was difficult to tell. When Max finished giving his suggestion, George turned to him in his seat and held up an open palm to hopefully silence any further talks on the subject. "Whoa whoa, keep it down a lil' man," George whispered through his teeth, making a short gesture towards Tweak in response. "I'm... I'm workin' on it here. It's ah... a work in progress."