If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
I think it's finally time for Ramiro to get some subpages. The good news is that I'm up to 17.3, the bad news is that I still need to update his inventory with his presents and salvage items.
I'm pretty sure Mitsuko outranks Victory, although Pineapple outranks both of them. I'm actually not sure on this, but I was under the impression that Mitsuko was in charge of the supplies and such, but we haven't really dealt with any of that enough for it to come up. It says Pineapple is a pilot, so I'm guessing she's more directly involved with the shuttles and transporting the supplies than ordering and stowing them. Maybe I've gotten the wrong idea, though.
@ All: I'm hoping there will be some conversation in the wardroom during dinner but Hanako's watching the bridge so she won't be part of that. If nobody is talking to each other I'm cutting to the ship's arrival.
He's devoted to his job, and afraid that if he doesn't keep an eye on things something could happen electronically to the ship and he'd be put up in front of a firing squad =P