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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Looks like I joined just in time for the party. Oooooh, does anyone know a good DJ. Yeah, and some big giant speakers, ooooh and the biggest sub woofer known to man.
I started post-mission-5 so we can start on our relaxing, reorganizing, and getting to know the new crew. I will be gone for tomorrow driving all day but should have net access while I'm visiting my family in Virginia. New guys feel free to move your stuff aboard and meet other crew members.

Due to the holidays, posting frequency requirements are temporarily ignored (normally we must post once every two days, but during this week it is waived).
Three things:

1. I'll be traveling for most of the day (and possibly tomorrow morning since I'm getting on the road so late into the day) coming back from seeing my family for the holidays. This may delay Hanako's posts. Misaki, the First Officer, is welcome to interview some of the new people, since we have so many.

2. We've reached the maximum amount of players (10) for this plot so no new folks will be accepted. I will be enforcing the post frequency requirements again after the new year - remember that at least one post is expected every two days and players that do not post for over a week will be dropped from the plot to make room for new players.

3. If you're a new guy, join the YSS Eucharis usergroup ASAP. It's in your forum user control panel.
Tips for the new people:

- Do not bold your posts. It hurts the eyes.
- All modern browsers have a spellchecker built in. Use it.
- Proofread for grammar.
Ouch, sorry for missing that post concerning the bolding. This is what happens when I forget to read the discussion thread. >_<
I'm waiting for Mission 5's original thread to officially end before leaving the Eucharis usergroup, just so you know. Yai's technically still in that parallel plot.
Thanks, its good to be aboard.

From what I've read, you've just finished a mission and the crew are on some RnR, to enjoy the New years eve party?
Right. We're making a brief shopping run on the giant airport-style space station before we get wild and crazy on the beach.
It'll be an exploratory mission, based on responses to the last player surveys.
Just to clarify, is the store Hanako and Kumiko are in a women's clothing store, or a store with clothing for both sexes?
It's a women's dress store.
No offense, but what does your post have to do with Gemini Star Fortress? It doesn't really give us a chance to RP with you.
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