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OOC Eucharis Discussion

WolfWard said:
As Sune mentioned room assignments, she wondered who would go where. Wondering where Sune was going with her question about adjustments to crew quarters, Hotaru paid closer attention.

Hey WolfWard, Sune is a male.
Howlam, the following parts of your post were removed:
Once everyone had done their paperwork and said their oaths, Hanako began to give them a tour of the ship.
They then proceeded down to the other sections of the ship, which finally ended at the cargo bay. There, Hanako asked of any questions from the group about the ship.
First, you do not need to narrate or post for Hanako. Second, this "time traveling" is really starting to irritate me. If Hanako is already done with the tour, don't post things like "Hanako began to give them a tour." Once the scene has moved on, let's avoid breaking it by moving the action back to the past.

Everyone: The Post-Mission 5 Thread has been split off into Mission 6, starting at the shuttle launch. Promotions have been given out in-character now -- I have already updated the ranks on the Eucharis crew roster so you don't need to adjust them there. You DO, however, need to update your character biographies.

Nashoba: Fixed that with an edit.
Well, its more of a summary of what you have posted for those who might not have time to read through the thread.

In respect to your decision, I'll just stick to my character and not to anything OOC.
Sorry, folks, for my lack of postage very recently.

It's started off as a busy week and I havn't been able to actually sit down to myself for any real length of time. Ship's on lockdown, because of some drunks acting like imbeciles, so electronic equipment gets secured for most of the day as well.

I'll hack me out some time to post either this afternoon, or evening.

I'm paying attention, Wes! Seriously, I am.
Actually, that's a good point that has been brought up. How big ARE the QNCs? There's no size listed in the Wiki article, at least not that I saw.
Let's wing it and say we have two, each the size of a household refrigerator. Ideally they'd be installed in a way that makes them easy to eject/remove if needed.

I've been going over the article and I'm not so sure installing them is such a great idea after all due to objectionable anti-tampering systems they contain. You may want to have the technicians ask Hanako reconsider installing them at all.
Just a quick FYI: For the forseeable future (certainly till April), I won't be able to post weekends due to not having 'net access where I am. Hopefully I won't fall behind much if there is a busy weekend.
Someone tell Hotaru she can't take the entire vegetable platter, lol.
Heads up, I have my mother and two of my brothers coming over this weekend, so I will not be on much tonight (cleaning) or Saturday and Sunday. I will try to get in another, longer post tonight, though, if possible.
Gallant, when did I use Hamada's given name in my posts? The only time I would use it was during actions but during dialogue i thought I would use Shizu. Or wait, on the roster is it surname the given name?
[url=https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=stararmy:characters:3banclzy]Star Army Characters[/url] said:
Please order names by LAST NAME, FIRST NAME. For Japanese names, family names remain first.
I feel the need to say, I'm sorry for my absence. My boss left for Mexico a few days ago, and I have been immensely busy since then. I'll read through and try and catch up tonight.
Please post some sort of notice in the OOC thread next time. I nearly dropped you from the roster.
Regarding the sensor probe for planetary scannings.

I was thinking the same thing as Gabriel about how probes are already loaded to be fired.

Somehow, it came out different in this sci-fi themed RPG...

Will take note. :|
I suspect that they didn't see the embbed link to drone in Hanako's post.

The VCMAD is not part of the standard equipment for the Plumeria class as it was developed only recently.
We do not have any of those drones, howlam.

Eucharis is using these.
Alright, here's some clarification because I feel this is happening a little too often for it to be entirely character-based error.

Taii Hamada Shizu.

'Taii' is rank. 'Hamada' is the surname. 'Shizu' is the given name.

This is the standard arrangement for 'Yamataian' names, in Star Army roster lists. There are notable exceptions, particularly with Nepleslian, or western-sounding names, and they are usually obvious.

Most people in the modern armed forces would not solicit a positive reaction from their chief/officer if they were to call him or her by their first name, constantly, as this is a level of familiarity that is not traditionally associated with a professional environment.

The more you know. =D!
Wes said:
We do not have any of those drones, howlam.

Eucharis is using these.

Ahh, the other VCMAD... :lol:

Did not wiki enough in the Star Army wiki, thus, my mistake.

For Gallant:

I realise my character's mistake for calling Shizu's name directly. Probably due to too much Hanako-ness around. :lol:

Will fix that.
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