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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Some Clarifications:
  • The Plumeria-class gunship does not have an aft zero-G passageway.
  • We landed during breakfast on the ship time, but at 1pm local time. Current local time is around 2pm. So it would be odd for someone (other than the chelti, who didn't come to the wardroom) to be hungry.
I have to say, Jimmy, I'm really enjoying your portrayal of Haka. It's a rare gift to be able to portray a fictitious foreign culture so aptly, and make it seem so believable, intricate, and alien.
Reactions: Wes
If you guys want to make up a name for the bar and for the restaurant, I can add them to the wiki for future use. Any ideas?
I was thinking De'Costa La Slee for the restaurant that Misato and Takeyu were headed to

How I have it written in my notes is that its a luxurious type of place that primarily deals with sea-food.
Hey folks, I know I said I was going to post the thread for Sune's dinner event last night, but a friend of mine found out yesterday that a missing friend of his was murdered. Spent a good portion of last night talking with my friend. I should have the thread up this evening.
I left the car lights on and ran out my car battery too much to start it. Tomorrow I'll set about getting someone to jump start it for me.
Nashoba, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope he is handling it okay, and I'm glad you were able to be there for support.

On the topic of Sune's dinner, I would imagine that people will start showing up once they have a chance to wrap up their ongoing RP. I know Natsumi and Sienna plan to be there.
I want to give a shoutout to Sienna for making those big beefy posts we should all be striving for. Let's all try to make our posts longer like that if possible.

If you have a fast-paced back and forth posting spree with another member going on, consider inviting them to the Eucharis JP room (linked on our wiki) and RPing in real then, post the results in the forum thread.
I actually have trouble digesting the long posts, never mind making them often; but that's my problem. ^_^
I want to actually make a market district now!

Edit: Made one!
Last edited:
I couldn't help but notice that the only clothing outlet detailed on that wiki page is very obviously a male fanservice... LOL

I couldn't help but notice that the only clothing outlet detailed on that wiki page is very obviously a male fanservice... LOL

Yeah, definitely it needs some expansion! Also a lot of businesses don't' have easy storefronts with obvious prices, which needs addressing. Shopping should be easier in Star Army.
I forgot all about Yuuko's. Chieko will have that place on her list, and Deziarra may want to go there too, if I may hazard a guess. I wonder how Kale will handle that one. ^_^
If you guys want to make up your own stores, I'm cool with that and I'll turn them into wiki articles.
It's been over a week since the dinner thread was opened. How come no one else has posted to it?
I think many of the other PCs had ongoing RP they wanted to wrap up first, mainly getting something appropriate to wear. Sienna and Natsumi are probably almost finished, it looks like, so I would imagine you will see people arriving in the next day or two.
I will be going to my parents house for Thanksgiving. I will have access to a computer so I do not think it will effect my posting rate but you never know.
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