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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Have a decent time visiting them at the very least ^^ hopefully have a great time. And the two threads/timelines will only really be an issue if something significant happens in the restaurant thread. Just using it as an example, but if Hanako hacked into Sheila and had her go streaking or on a panty stealing spree from the crew later on in the restaurant after everyone was already rping with sheila as if everything was normal. Or one of your characters and someone else's had an intimate moment and finally came together as lovers, or had a huge fight and in the mission they were still being rped just like they would have been before it. So long as your characters don't do anything to out of the norm there would be no issues.
if Hanako hacked into Sheila and had her go streaking or on a panty stealing spree
You're a pervert. And I'm okay with that.

How am I the pervert? :C Hanako is the one that hacked into everyone's beloved android and made it do that.
... Let me just... not overthink this whole 'crewmates have panty fetishes' thing. Nope. Not even gonna go there. Also, have fun and be safe, @Wes.

Er, this whole 'two threads at once thing' is confusing me, yes.
@Pleiades - Stay with the current thread "Kyoto blues" till it runs it course.. If you get stuck in that thread. Then you make a reply in the Mission 22 thread. Like getting familiar with your department . Then respond to the Condition 3 Alert.
Reactions: Wes
@Samanthia Can you explain what I'm reading in the post-21 thread and how it fits? I am thinking of just spitting it off because it doesn't fit.
Since there is a phone in the hangar and all, I'm guessing I should edit out those last comments about Tsuguka knowing what is going on?

I assumed that communication was done telepathically/wirelessly through the ship systems directly to each neko, sorry.
@Wes Mine and Yoshii JP's? It is an awesome idea and thanks for doing so. Didn't know whether to have our walls of texts interferring with Kyoto Blues Shopping spree or start our own thread. Just having a good time before lift off is all. Getting to know each other better (Aikiko and Tony).

@Primitive Polygon : I put the phone conversation on speaker so you could listen in and make comments if you like... But it's kinda late for that now... I can edit still hopefully...
Nice drawing Primitive. Also in regards to the mission thread, i'll basically be posting up replies of her doing engineering type things as the time in the thread passes by.
@Keiri: We might need a technician out there!
@Samanthia: I was confused because you were introducing NPCs. Also in the future please only use power armor accessories that are in the ship's inventory.
@Primitive Polygon : No need to edit. Hanako tends to use the phones, though, as she's not a telepathy fan unless it's data steams. Also the armored bulkheads of the ship can sometimes (not always) interfere with wireless--for example if there's a blast shutter in between the people trying to talk.
@Wes : Q: Wouldn't her accessories choices be shipped along with her Mindy.? I apologyze. I should've checked or asked... will do in the future.

As for the NPC's .... I get carried away and in middle of working on jp's with Yoshi. I tend get over creative and look at the big picture. Viola.... NPC's appear, even named ones (Key NPC's). To enhance the story.
@Wes : Readiness condition 4 states that engineering and the bridge must be manned, and that's in peacetime. Since we are in the wartime condition with higher alertness I thought that it would be even more important to have the on duty tech nearby in the event of a system failure during a fight.
@Samanthia: Accessories go with the ship; only the armor is assigned to the soldier. No biggie.
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