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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Yeah. I miss Kayla too. There was a good thing going on there. :/

As for my own current drought in posts... Eh, with Tsuguts being so beat up it isn't exactly opportune, sorry. I've been keeping an eye out for a chance to post a bit of a post-timeskip post-recovery side thread just for people to have a bit of a chill. Hope that's alright. I have no idea if Dirjon is actually dead, or if Rizzo just didn't want to play him anymore, through.
Lol. Not much to play ATM. He's unconscious and stuck in a crumpled up kitty can!

But to quote the ever faithful Concord:
"I'm not quite dead."

Ps. Serious kudos to whoever knows the Concord I'm quoting
Why, he's not even mortally wounded!

I think there's a few crew members who would benefit from a short jump - a few days is probably sufficient given SARP's tech level. There's still that crashed ship in the system's outer planets, you know.
Maybe he doesn't have a gaping hole in his chest but plenty of people have died after being crushed!
@Yoshi: Wrong starship, bro! I'm deleting the post from the Eucharis thread but I've copied it above.
I took notice just before you did...

copied it over to the Aeon then I deleted the post.

Sorry Me are Tired...
Freyja is a fun character. But she she is on the Aeon, and unless there is a transfer... And Nashoba and Wes decide to have Tony and Freyja trade spots... but for now they are where they are, and I don't think Hanako would like to deal with Mr. Waffles causing problems.
well Mr. Waffles is just a stuffed dino... my mate bought me a real version of him for x-mas... there will be pics of him once I remember to get them. but I have been thinking about him going on a trip some how that lands him into the hands of each of my characters, then finding it's way to nashita before the Aeon arrives, but not sure as of yet.
O.O interesting.. though I doubt any of my characters would stay in the same room at them... I personally hate snakes...
Just edited my post to make things a little less timelordy, mentioning Taharial and Dirjon moving through. Samarthia mentioned them already being there, but it's all sorta gotten a bit weird... Since his power armor is messed up and probably not airtight anymore, yet he can't be transported through the ship or have it removed just yet, it may be an idea to mention a shuttle being lined up directly with the PA doors and having him quickly transferred across to limit exposure...

Well, that's how I would do it. It's up to you, Scarlet. If you have something completely differant in mind, let me know, and I'll make edits. ;I
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