Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Eucharis Discussion

@Samanthia How would Your character have any clue that tony was talking about the shuttles at all? her orders were given on the bridge. And she has spoken to no one about them since...
Well then You have just convinced Tony that ALL neko's can be trusted for the read minds now.

Cause there was plenty of other things on board for her to be needing a Volunteer for, hell she could be asking for folks to clean the bathrooms, mess, and toilets for the next year.
Anyone object to me creating a new thread that takes place once everyone has recovered? Maybe two days later or something?
Nope, works for me.

Supposedly the max time for healing a neko critical injury is three days, and that's without a medical facility. Dirjon I'm guessing can't be too dissimilar.
Dirjon still has a few things to do:
•get cleared to leave medical(@BloodyScarlet)
•get bag and shovel
•get a room

Since he's already fairly well rested he'll probably be staying up late in a side mission to:
•prep new Daisy(attaching old shield to right arm and tuning it for his body)
•examining the damaged weapons from last sortie
•maybe get more familiar with anyone who joins him(if time permits)
Dirjon can cop a squat in cabin 6 Rizzo if you want, Noticed that the wardroom side aint been very active as of late. I was wating for people to start sitting down and interacting, buuuut seems thats a no go so I posted anyway. Anyone who wants to join me at the main table is appreciated.
Seeing as 3/4 of the team is wounded I'm not sure if there's much chance of them showing up for dinner.
Also, @Wes, Taharial had asked Hanako about the nightmare in medical. Never saw a response so I figured I'd help with a reminder. ;)

Zain, that would work for Dirjon unless invited he'll probably just stay in one of the general crew bunks
@Rizzo Figured the cabin would come up in conversation given your little side project. Kale did look at the crew list and once he meets you and puts 2 and 2 together (having not seen you on the cabin list) he's liable to bring up the subject. Also the nightmare is something Scarlets been in discussion about with Wes in PM. Ive heard a few snippits about what She's planning over skype. Her somewhat maniacal laughter during these conversations does nothing to ease my peace of mind.

Still I count plenty of people actually IN the wardroom who havent been talking/interacting/doing whatever much. I suppose its post mission lethargy but either way I got tired of waiting. Kale's not the sort of person to force others into a conversation though so given that given the fact that his introduction was mostly dismissed off hand, and the lack of interaction after, he's taken it as no-one particularly wants to talk. I can always think of little things to do in the mean time but I was kinds hoping that at least those in the wardroom would socialise a little. Still though its just beginning september so with people prepping for schools/end of holidays etc I can understand the delay. Not everyone is like me after all, waiting yet another month for Uni to finally kick off.
@BloodyScarlet ; Just putting it out there, but... Erm, yeah, Tsuguka would actually be up for experimenting with the nightmare type. She did just get her ass completely handed to her, so there is motivation for it. As for the natural aggressive urges, I'd say her perchant for self-control would be able to counter it just enough to make the situation, shall we say... Interesting.

*Ahem* Yeah, I just like bizarre characters, so there is that too, heh.
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Bahahahaha, well apart from the whole female and tentacles thing... well that could be interesting actually. I like that idea =P actually those prehensile tentacle appendages could hold extra heavy weapons for Dirjon so that might even work out better then your current plans =P
Hmm might be good, but I think I will still have to do it this way, because then it would be easy to recreate her.

But if you really want her to I see no problem in it, and plus the tentacles help out a lot with jobs.
I just want to run something by you, it is about the nightmare type, do you think I could use it to create a more Yamataian verson, I have been looking over wiki pages for the Nightmare Type and I think that there is a way to because most of the aggression and hostile behavior is from the Mishhuvurthyar culture and how the Mishhuvurthyar created them, there is a way to make it a sort of customised Neko by the look of it, so it will have the Yamataian values with a few of the Nightmare Type looks, of course there would have to be changed to the abilities but I think it would be an interesting development.

The abilities that the nightmare type has are more powerful than a Neko that is why it is better to change or we would have a person that is too strong.
Dirjon's insecure as it is, we'll just let him be. :D

As far as the busted Daisy goes we may have to switch up the idea a little.

@Samanthia, did Aikiko actually start up the recycler yet?
They are listed as hermaphrodites so really it would be weird for anybody using it. Putting Dirjon in there just for a laugh would still be pretty funny through. "Oops, gave you the neko hemosynth by accident!"

And yeah, it's pretty much the insane durability and regeneration powers that Tsuguka would find attractive. Technically speaking the wiki only says they would revert back to NMX loyalties if they had a nigh-fatal head injury. The inability to use power armor is something we would have to talk about, through.

I guess it's up to you, Scarlet, because I have no idea what you had planned in the long run.
Erm... Well, it's up to you, then. I just thought it would have had more RP opportunities with two people involved, and Tsu seemed natural test subject, but eh.

Don't want to rain on anybodies' parade if you've already planned it out that far.