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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Thanks, I do my best. It might happen though that I mix up some words once in a while as English isn't my mother tongue. If so, please tell me here so that I learn the right ones. Most words I'm unsure about I look up on www.dict.cc, but often there are several possibilities some of them I'm sure to be used in a different contexts.
PS: "Ratte" if you want to shorten it, please. Or you may just use the english term "rat" which means the same.
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Heheh. Indeed the logical brakepoint of the name in English really does screw up the german meaning. How'd you end up with that Handle anyways?
By naming my electronic devices after something of the mythology of the P&P RPG "Das Schwarze Auge" (engl. "The Black Eye"). So I named my main PC "Rattenkind" (engl. "rat's child", "rats' child" or "rats child") which is a nickname of the thirteenth god, the fallen evil one. In some PC games I played in MP it took over my computer's name as my player name and at some point I decided to stick with it for somehow I liked that name.
Added another meaning to it later when I had two rats as pets, making me sort of a "rats child" (except I was a grown up child).

You just again stole what Natsumi was doing. Again she'll be just sitting there twiddling her thumbs. Why is tony who is junior to Natsumi and new to Yami tech being given all of the jobs, while Natsumi is stuck just sitting there with nothing to do?
Natsumi's job is to run the ship. Sigurd, as the science guy, gets the sensors. Tony is kind of extra so Hanako put her on mission ops.
@Reynolds Right, they translated it that way. I knew that, it just slipped my mind. If you like the setting I can recommend the Drakensang game series. These games really catch the atmosphere, in my view. Although they changed some of the rules that'd apply in the P&P game.

@Primitive Polygon No problems with giving german lessons. In my point of view everyone should speak german for its a beautiful language. And it would make things easier for me.


"We will see if we can make that happen once you have proven yourself, then," Hanako informed Ratten.
You mixed up my characters name with my player name there.

One question: Yamatai has two national languages, Yamataigo and Trade. Which one is spoken within the Star Army and on the Eucharis?
About the whole Natsumi/Mitsuko thing... Technically speaking, Hanako herself would have been the logical person to oversee the system, but it's not like Tsuguka and Kale could have approached her with the idea without a formal proposal and actual test data. Mitsuko thus became the obvious go-to person because organizational tasks are literally her main noted forte...

I mean, having Stark take over is fair enough I guess, since you could sort of call it fire control, but Natsumi doing it would be like telling the helmsman of an aircraft carrier that they have to perform air traffic control at the same time, wouldn't it?...

Not particularly taking anybodies' side here, but I just thought I should mention that four-eyes did get the job for a logical reason. It wasn't just down to random chance.
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Yeah, I had Mitsuko volunteer because she's good at organization and spatial reasoning. It's also been a running theme that she's made unnecessarily detailed mental maps of the areas she's gone into on missions. I'm not sure if anyone ever noticed, because it didn't get commented on as far as I remember, even when she'd send the info back to Hanako or her team. She's also steadily become dedicated to avoiding away missions as much as possible, especially ones involving armor, after everything that's gone wrong so far. She did still show up to the meeting dressed to work and assumed she'd be sent along with the others, but taking the job that let her stay behind was a good way to avoid the field duty while still seeming ready for it, and still being helpful.

I'm not bothered if Natsumi is ICly upset, because she didn't get any of this information when she missed the meeting, and has also taken issue with Mitsuko's actions in the past. Mitsuko was also unsure about working on the bridge, although she assumed the two there would be handling actually flying the ship and handling the weapons, and would be more concerned with the big picture rather than one specific task. She did also note that they were 'understaffed' since the Bridge has lost both previous first officers, Ramiro, any of the recent PCs that might have been stationed there before just now being removed, and then Kale and Dirjon are in the field.
Oh, and everyone is speaking Nepleslian/Trade. That's plain English, unless someone points out they're speaking another language. Yamataian is when people start sprinkling in random Japanese words.
Maybe you should make an Abwheran character at some point? One of them kept calling my character names...at least that's what I think was going on.

“Griesgrämig Katze!” Fieke called out to Anzu over the radio. “When you're done with your nickerchen would you please nachgeben to finally destroying the Ripper? I can finish off this junk.“

“Irrsinnigkeit.” Fieke barked her retort at Anzu and Sif's comments, bitter disapproval clear in the OriSec mercenary's voice. “This is a battlefield Riesenfeuer and if you need to indulge in whatever depravities that made you think this up -” The Nightwalker's voice stressed on her pronunciation of 'this' equal parts disgust and anger tinging their way through the sounds. “- then do it on your own time, with your own life.”

Hmm, I also see The Gruppenführerran in there somewhere. And Gruppenführer.
I thought about playing an Abwehran character but I realized that there doesn't seem to be going on much in the Abwehran faction right now.
Griesgrämig Katze = grumpy cat (but "griesgrämig" isn't declined correctly which makes it grammatically wrong)
nickerchen = nap
nachgeben = give in
Irrsinnigkeit = insanity (correct would be "Irrsinn" though)
Riesenfeuer = giant's fire
Gruppenführer = squad leader

"Gruppenführerran" is just wrong. I guess "Gruppenführerin" could be meant which would be a female squad leader. You could do a somewhat weird translation to "squad leaderess". The thing is that in German almost every noun for a job or something like that got a male and a female version.
I'm sure one would still be allowed in other factions. That one I brought up was temporarily assigned with our SA infantry group, but was still part of her own faction.

I remember looking up grumpy cat, ha. I knew katze, because my friend's German book in school had a ridiculous picture labelled 'die katze giessen' as one of the 'wrong' answers to a question. Never forget that. And she was definitely talking to a female leader in that other situation, probably just a typo then.
Heh. There was definately an Abwheran in Fifth fleet. Pulled my character's ass out of the fire at least twice.

You'll find that a lot of the factions get characters from other ones in their plotlines. Hell The Aeon has a person from the Kingdom of Neshaten which hasn't made formal first contact with other factions yet.
One question: Hanako introduced herself to Sigurd as Shôshô Hanako. Is it common in the Star Army to call each other by given name instead of the family name? I would have guessed she would be called Shôshô Ketsurui.
One question: Hanako introduced herself to Sigurd as Shôshô Hanako. Is it common in the Star Army to call each other by given name instead of the family name? I would have guessed she would be called Shôshô Ketsurui.
Hanako is an unusual person and this is a distinctive quirk of hers.
I just realised since it is Sigurd first ever position, Taharial will need to evaluate him medically, to make sure he is fit for duty, guessing need to do it for Kale still as well, and by the way when was the last time the crew had physicals? Sorry been reading the wiki for medical personnel.
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