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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Do you think you could update the first post of the OOC thread to have a link to both the ship page and the plot page? That's usually how I get to the wiki, and it would make it a bit easier, and highlight the different pages.
Thanks, that's a lot of help, it will keep me from having to dig through the wiki to get to those pages each time.

I also wanted to let everyone know I tidied up the Personnel page and assigned all of the new people cabins, as Mitsuko likes things orderly and would do that immediately now that she can. Howard already posted claiming Cabin 3 with Aikiko, otherwise I would have put him with Suites instead of having Miyako in there, as that would make more sense to Mitsuko. She didn't put Akane in with her in 4 because...she didn't want to, really. She likes it neat and tidy~
Aww maaan! I was thinking up all kinds of ways Suites could Harrass Jax! Ah well, I suppose he'll just have to find other ways to entertain himself.

Like a BOSS!
Aww maaan! I was thinking up all kinds of ways Suites could Harrass Jax! Ah well, I suppose he'll just have to find other ways to entertain himself.
Sorry! Yoshi moved Stark to the sleeper module and offered me her bunk!
Not a problem, Mitsuko would just stick the two girls together and the two boys together. This way will probably lead to more comedy, of course...
I didn't change anything that had already been chosen, just added in the people who hadn't made a choice yet. I was on the page looking up info, spotted something elsewhere on the page that was wrong and fixed that, then figured I would go ahead and update that while I was there.
Well I gave my room up for blizzar, agreed with it, and now you took that away from both of us.
Stark was previously in cabin 3 with Akiko. The roster now says that Howard has been assigned to cabin 3. Was there an error in the previous roster?
I am agreeing with you Yoshi...I was planning to put Howard and Suites in 6, and Miyako in 3 with Akiashiro. Then I remembered that Stark had left 3 specifically to give Howard her spot there. I saw his IC posts confirming that. So I put Howard in 3 with Akiashiro and Suites and Miyako in 6.
if you are then cool, I apologize, I was having that conversation with you while sitting at the ER with my wife, who they thought had a hart attack. personally now i think she payed the docs off, cause there was screw ups with her labs and they first said yes she had a massive one, then the next blood test said that she was perfictly fine... X|

So I was a bit otherly preoccupation and I was using sarp as a detraction from that.

so... sorry
Hope your wife is okay now, Yoshi... Sending her positive vibes.

I also apologize for slowness on bridge posting, my home internet appears to have not liked the bitterly cold weather we had the past couple of days and it is hard writing text on my phone. Should be moving along tonight.
's all good!
Yup thank you, i think the two of us will be spending the next few days in the snoozarium. Thank you for the kind thoughts everyone
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