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OOC Eucharis Discussion

I am at my wife's parents' house tonight. My wife's dad, who has been battling stage 4 lung and liver cancer, is rapidly declining and we've got the family gathered here because it looks like this is probably the end for him. I only got my cellphone and tablet here so I will only make small posts if any. I am concentrated on being there for my wife as she deals with losing her dad. Thanks guys.
Update: mom-in-law had to call 911 today due to him getting out of bed and then collapsing in the bathroom. He cannot breathe well due to swelling and had to get fluid drained from his chest cavity. He is sedated now at home on Oxygen with a medical person monitoring him 24/7. We are going to stay overnight in my wife's old room. Her dad is actually very ready to die and asking if it would take much longer during one of his brief times of consciousness. It is pretty awful to watch this process. We're trying to stay positive, even joking about bringing in a sound engineer to capture the great zombie noises his gasping and groaning sounds like. But really everyone involved is hoping his suffering ends soon.

Thank you guys for your kind replies.
Update: Still here at wife's parents' house. Father-in-law is sleeping peacefully on morphine. It's sad not being able to communicate with him but he seems comfortable. Thanks everyone that has been posting. I have enjoyed reading them. Vesper should be able to provide all the supplies you need.
That is good to hear, Wes. At least he is peaceful right now. ..

We are keeping the action moving well, Blizzard's posts are always entertaining too.
Update: I'm still up here at her folks place. My wife's dad passed away this morning. It was very peaceful and he had his family at his side telling him he had done a good job and it was okay to let go. Right now they are at the funeral home making all the arrangements.
Well, at least he went out painlessly (I hope). We had to watch my grandma suffocate for about 30 mins before she went.

But, this isn't about me. Hope your family's doing okay, Wes.
Your wife has my condolences, Wes... I hope everything goes well with the funeral. It sounds like he had a full life and strong family. That's the best legacy anyone can leave behind... And as you mourn, remember it's not about being sad for the departed but celebrating those that are still here with us.
I'm glad he was able to pass peacefully with his family. I'm sorry for your family's loss. The death of a loved one is painful and if your family needs help I'm sure we'd all hate to distract you. I've been super busy on my end as well.
Thanks everyone for being patient. It's been incredibly busy and hectic getting the funeral set up and everything taken care of but everything came together and I'm proud of everyone involved and glad I could help. I also got to learn a lot about my father in law. It's a shame I only got to know him for 7 years and that that's all we'll ever get.

I just got home after staying up there since Friday and I got to sleep because I got work early tomorrow but after work tomorrow, I'm hoping to start posting again.

Stuff we need to happen:
  • Diplo team attempts to set up Operation Cookout (where the heck are we going to find a portable grill?)
  • Search team needs to look for the downed fighter/pilot
I'm glad to hear everything went well with the event, Wes. Times like this remind us that every moment we have with loved ones should be cherished and appreciated...

As for "Operation Cookout", we seem to have a good plan going and just need to bring it all together. But I'm shocked in the future they don't have something like a BBQ grill! I suppose we could always improvise one... people IRL have those large 55 gal drums they cut in half, install the metal grate on it and put on wheels? I don't see why we couldn't do that too...
Hey that's an idea, maybe we could cut a medium sized SSCC in half and weld a catwalk lattice on top of the bottom half where some flamethrowers on a slow, or adjustable burn would poke out to roast things. Then we'd have a nice wide BBQ for our two cooks to feed a small army of Rixxikor.
There's plenty of damaged items in the PA bay. Check in or around the weapons locker and your character should find the flamethrower. The armor racks were also destroyed and assuming the armor is stored hanging from the ceiling there'd definitely be catwalks for service. Plenty of sharp objects, wear shoes and look both ways before crossing the street.

As for the pilot Candon had his armor AIES relay the fighter's trajectory and probable crash location to Eucharis. If the pilot survived he's probably in need of medical attention to some degree so he's probably not far.

"The Griller"

Way back in 2012 the Eucharis went through a cargo drop on UX-11 and "The Griller" was one of the items we found. Mitsuko actually requested it for her personal usage, hoping to take it out when they went on vacation on Hanako's World and such, but Hanako rejected the request. It's not on the Eucharis cargo list, but you can see it in her post and on the UX-11 wiki page with the rest of the drop.



I think we could easily say Mitsuko hid it away in the Cargo Bay to ask Hanako for permission again later, and it just hasn't come up again until now.
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