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OOC Eucharis Discussion

Oh, no. I so hope I didn't misread that last post. She did say her clothes were going to suddenly fall off, didn't she?
Sweet! Sailor Mercury? She's so hot! Sam gonna be so luc... Wait. *looks at avatar* T-that's not Sailor Mercury. That's some dude! Aaaaaaaaaaaa!
Samael, if you can not have respect for one of the Gods of the Rock and Roll Pantheon, Then please do not speak. Mercury is one of the greatest, and if he choices to appear to you then you should be grateful. Let alone if he tries to love on you.
Hey, I'm half-way back to my home (hotel wifi here). Grandpa's funeral went well and it was nice seeing all the family including my baby nieces and nephews and the uncles that I haven't seen since I was a kid. But I sure will miss the guy. He was a creative and virtuous man with a love for painting, tinkering, tools, and gadgets and the best grandpa anyone could have asked for.

In news of the weird, I continued the tradition of wearing one of the deceased's suit jackets to the funeral (I've done this at least 3 times so far, on account of not owning a suit).
I'm back home.

Let's land the shuttle.
Hey Wes, glad the funeral went well, I know how hard it is to lose someone special. Glad you have returned to the folds of Star Army.
Sounds like a very interesting tradition you had with the suit. I know I always wore a lot of my own grandpa's clothes long after he had passed on. By the sounds of it you follow in your grandpa's footsteps quite well, too. I am sure he is smiling down upon you and the rest of the family...

Now let's get back to boldly go where no BBQ has gone before!
Yay! Hana-chan is back! *glomps and kisses all over* You looked real nice in that swimsuit magazine, by the way.
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